Yours After Dark: Gansett Island Series, Book 20

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Yours After Dark: Gansett Island Series, Book 20 Page 20

by Marie Force

  Ignoring the stares of everyone in the diner, they left and walked to his truck, every step causing Chloe new aches after the skirmish and fall. He helped her in and put the bag of food on the floor in front of her. “I’m really sorry about that.”

  “Who is she?”

  “My ex-girlfriend, who was apparently making plans for me in my absence that I knew nothing about.”

  “What kind of plans?”

  “She booked a wedding venue when we have never once talked about getting married.”

  “Holy crap. How long has she been your ex?”

  “Since before I moved out here. We kept in touch, but I never gave her hope that we’d get back together. I swear.”

  “I believe you.”

  “And when I told her the wedding she had planned was never going to happen and that we were over for good, she lost her shit and started blowing up my phone. Mac made me report the harassment to Blaine, who called her and told her to knock it off. I thought I’d seen the last of her. I never imagined she’d attack me—or you. Tell me you’re okay. If she hurt you…”

  “I’m okay.” Chloe pulled a tissue from her purse and reached up to dab at the blood on his lip. “You’ll have a shiner.”

  “She cold-cocked me before I realized what was happening.”

  “You’re going to press charges, I hope.”

  “Hell yes. If it was just me, I wouldn’t care, but she could’ve hurt you, and that is not okay.”

  “It’s not okay with me that she hurt you.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. So ridiculously sexy. “No?”

  Chloe shook her head.

  Finn leaned in and kissed her, wincing when his cut lip protested. “I wonder if Blaine can charge her for messing up kissing for me right when things were getting very interesting.”

  She placed her hand on his face, rubbing the stubble on his jaw. “We can work around it.” Chloe used his words from earlier and loved the way his brilliant blue eyes went dark with desire.


  “Not now. First, we go to the police station, then we eat our breakfast, and then I go to work. After work, we’ll talk more.”

  “You promise?”

  “Yes, Finn, I promise.”

  Chapter 21

  Chloe floated through her workday, laughing more than she had in ages and feeling unburdened after having shared the truth with Finn.

  And the things he had said…

  She would never forget those minutes in his truck or the way he’d looked at her. With every minute she spent with him, she fell further into what was happening between them. How could she not? Despite her best intentions to resist him, he was proving rather irresistible.

  “You’re awfully perky today,” Janey Cantrell said as Chloe trimmed Janey’s long blonde hair. “After the day you put in yesterday, I’d be a zombie.”

  “It was a good day.” A great day, not that she could tell Finn’s cousin that. “We made more than twenty-five thousand dollars for the food bank. That’ll get us through next winter.”

  “That’s fantastic. Such a great cause.”

  “We appreciate the donation from the ferry company.”

  “That’s all Joe and Carolina,” Janey said of her husband and mother-in-law, who owned the ferry company.

  “They’re very generous.”

  “This island has been very good to their family—and mine. We’re happy to give back.” Janey cleared her throat dramatically. “But enough of all that. What’s up with you and our Finny?”

  Chloe had known Janey since shortly after she arrived on the island, had cut her hair for years and knew her well. Still, Chloe’s face heated with embarrassment at the question about her and Finn.

  “And don’t say nothing,” Janey added. “Because I definitely saw something last night and the other night at my house.”

  “We’ve been spending time together.”

  “Tell me everything. Don’t leave out a single detail except for those that might scar me for life.”

  Chloe laughed. “We met when he came in for a haircut, and, funny enough, we ended up smacking our heads together when we both reached for something he’d dropped on the floor.”

  “That’s so cute! Like when Mac knocked Maddie off her bike by accident and fell madly in love.”

  “Not like that at all, actually.”

  Janey caught Chloe’s gaze in the mirror. “But it could be?”

  “I’m not sure yet.” Liar, liar, pants on fire. Sometimes her inner voice could be a royal pain in the ass.

  “Can I tell you something and will you listen to me?”

  Chloe combed out a length of Janey’s hair and cut two inches off the end. “Of course.”

  “Finn is a great guy, and I’m not just saying that because he’s my beloved baby cousin. I’m saying it because it’s true.”

  “I already know that.”

  “But do you know that he was the one who lived with my grandmother for an entire summer after she broke her hip? He kept her from having to go to a nursing home by moving in with her. He was seventeen.”

  “No, he hadn’t told me that.”

  “We were so amazed when he offered to do it. I mean, what seventeen-year-old boy gives up an entire summer with his friends and girlfriend to take care of his seventy-five-year-old grandmother?”

  “Not many.”

  “That’s for sure. He may be the baby of our family, but he’s grown up to be one hell of a man.”

  “I agree.”

  “And he’s not hard on the eyes either, is he?”

  “Um, no.” Chloe laughed. “Not at all.”

  “The men in my family are far too good-looking. It drives me insane how every girlfriend I ever had went stupid at the sight of my brothers and cousins.”

  “It couldn’t have been easy being you.”

  “It wasn’t! Imagine having four ridiculously handsome older brothers and three cousins who were equally handsome. It was a lot of work for me and Laura back in the day.”

  Chloe giggled at the faces Janey made to go along with her tirade.

  “Finn and I have always been close, and I promise you—cousin or not—if he wasn’t the best of the best, I’d tell you so.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  “So… Are you guys officially dating?”

  “I’m not sure I’d say that.” She didn’t know what to call the events of this morning.

  “I really hope something comes of it, because that would keep him here where we all want him to stay.”

  Sweetheart, as long as you’re here, I’m not going anywhere.

  Just thinking about him saying that was enough to make her heart flutter. “What do you know about his ex-girlfriend?”

  “Missy?” Janey snorted. “She’s nothing to worry about. We’ve never liked her or thought she was right for him.”

  “Did you hear what happened this morning at the diner?”

  “No! What?”

  Chloe filled her in.

  “Are you freaking kidding me? She came here and attacked him?”


  “Is he okay?”

  “Other than a split lip and a black eye, he’s fine. She also knocked me down when I tried to help him and took a few swings at me, too. Luckily, only my hip is bruised.”

  “Oh my God! Did you call the cops?”

  “Didn’t have to. Blaine was there and took her into custody. Apparently, she’d reserved a wedding venue for her and Finn when they’d never once talked about getting married—or at least that’s what he says.”

  “If he says that, it’s true. Like I told you, we’re tight, and he hasn’t said one word to me about marrying her. If he was thinking about that, he would’ve told me. She’s clearly off her rocker if she’s making wedding plans without even being engaged.”

  “I didn’t know what to make of it.”

  “Please don’t think poorly of him because of her. They’ve been broken up the entire time he
was here. Other than a few quick visits to see his mom, he hasn’t left here, and to my knowledge, she hasn’t come out here, either. She’s no threat to you, Chloe.”

  “Ugh, I hate to even have conversations like this about a guy. I don’t do drama.”

  “Just remind yourself that he didn’t cause the drama. Someone else did.”


  As she blow-dried Janey’s hair, Chloe thought about the things Janey had said about Finn. None of it surprised her. She could easily picture him giving up a summer to take care of his grandmother. A strange fluttering sensation overtook her, as if a thousand butterflies had been set loose inside her. It took a few minutes to understand what the butterflies signified—that she was falling hard for him.

  He had given her hope, and that had been in short supply recently.

  Chloe thought she was imagining him when his face appeared at the door to the salon.

  The bells on the door jingled when he opened it and stepped inside, carrying a brown shopping bag.

  Ridiculously happy to see him, Chloe shut off the blow-dryer just as Janey caught sight of her cousin.

  “Finny! Ouch, your eye! Chloe told me what happened.”

  “Oh, hey, Janey. Didn’t realize you’d be here.”

  “I’m enjoying every second of the break from my two precious darlings.” Janey checked her watch. “In fact, Cinderella is about to turn into a pumpkin if she doesn’t get home to feed her daughter before nap time. My mom can handle a lot of things, but that’s not one of them.” She pressed some bills into Chloe’s hand, kissed Finn’s cheek and was out the door two seconds after Chloe removed the smock.

  “Was it something I said?” Finn asked when they were alone.

  “I believe that was Janey encouraging my friendship with you by leaving us alone.”

  Finn took three big steps that brought him to where she stood. Looking down at her with his glorious eyes dancing with delight, he said, “Is that what we are? Friends?” The bruise around his left eye only added to his gorgeousness.

  “Good friends?”

  He put down the bag and looped his arms around her, bending to nuzzle her neck. “Very, very good friends. Possibly best friends.”

  “I take it your lip is feeling better.”

  “Much better.”

  Chloe sighed, closed her eyes and tipped her head to give him better access to her neck.

  His lips traveled up to her ear. “I brought you lunch.”

  She shivered as goose bumps erupted on her arms. “I just ate breakfast.”

  “That was hours ago. You need to eat to stay strong, so I will feed you.”

  Chloe flattened her hand on his chest, trying to regain some control. “I don’t need you to feed me, Finn.”

  “I know you don’t need it. I want to feed you. Big difference.”

  “You’re making it very difficult for me to resist you.”

  “Excellent.” He kissed her softly, wincing.

  “Still hurts?”

  “Only a little. I can’t believe Missy came here and made such a scene. I’m really sorry you had to see that and that you were hurt.”

  “It’s okay. I’m fine.”

  “It’s not okay. Blaine said it’s up to me as to whether I wish to press charges. If it’d only been me, I might’ve let it go, but she hurt you and called you an awful name. I don’t want her to get away with either of those things.”

  “Don’t have her charged on my account. If you want to drop it, then drop it. It’s up to you.”

  “Maybe I will. I want it to be over with her for good, and if there’re charges pending, then that drags it out indefinitely. I’ll have Blaine give her a good warning and send her home.”

  “You might want to consider a restraining order, too.”

  Finn shrugged. “I’ll see what Blaine says. But I don’t want to talk about her anymore.”



  “Why are you really here?”

  “I told you. I brought you lunch.”

  “You’re aware that I’m twenty-nine and fully able to get my own lunch, right?”

  “I didn’t know you were twenty-nine, but now I do. I’m just a baby compared to you.”

  “Haha.” She crooked an eyebrow, hoping he would tell her what else had brought him there during her workday.

  “I also wanted to make sure that the progress we’d made earlier wasn’t undone by Missy’s unfortunate arrival.”

  “It wasn’t.”

  “You’re sure?”


  “That’s good, because I’d be super bummed if you retreated from me because of what she did. I keep thinking about what you told me and how worried you’ve been about so many things, and I want to help. I want to be there for you.” He reached for her hand and brought it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on her swollen knuckles. “There has to be some way for you to continue to run the business without having to do the work yourself.”

  “If there is, I haven’t figured it out yet. And while I appreciate the concern—and I really, really appreciate it—I don’t want it to be your problem.”

  He turned her hand and kissed the sensitive skin on the inside of her wrist. “Why not?”

  “Because! We just met, and you’re not responsible for me or my problems.”

  “What if I wanted to be?”

  She shook her head. “It’s too much too soon, Finn.”

  “Is it? I’m in way over my head here. I have no idea what I’m doing. Everything about this is new to me.”


  “Every single thing.”

  “You’re incredibly sweet.”

  “That’s not all I am.” He rubbed against her suggestively. “What time are you done today?”


  Finn groaned dramatically. “That’s a lot of hours from now.”

  “Yes, it is,” she said, amused by him.

  “Come to my place. I’ll make you dinner.”

  “You brought me lunch. I should make you dinner.”

  “You’re working. I’m off for the rest of the day. I’ll cook for you.” He kissed her neck, her cheek and then her lips. “Oh, and I told Mac he could count on me at the job they’re starting out at the Curtis place, and I accepted Nikki’s offer to squat in her garage apartment for the summer. In case you’re wondering, everyone is thrilled that I’m sticking around.”

  “You already did all that?”


  “Because of me?”

  “Because of us.”

  “Finn, you can’t change your plans for someone you’ve known for a few days.”

  “Why not? My uncle did when he met my aunt Linda. Mac did when he met Maddie. Adam did after he started seeing Abby. Grant did when he met Steph. Evan—”

  Chloe squished his lips together, careful to avoid the side with the cut.

  He kept talking anyway, his words muffled. “Riley did it for Nikki.”

  “Are you for real?”

  Finn nibbled his way free of her fingers. “I’m absolutely for real, and your next customer is here.” He kissed her, bent to pick up the bag from the floor and handed it to her. “Eat your lunch.” Then, as if he couldn’t resist, he kissed her again. “See you after work. Bring Ranger.” As he went out the door, he greeted Jenny Martinez, who came in with brows raised.

  “Hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

  Mortified, Chloe waved off her comment. “Don’t be silly.”

  “Finn McCarthy, huh? You go, girl.”

  Chloe planned to tell Finn he wasn’t allowed to stop by during her workday and scramble her brains while giving her clients too much to talk about.

  “He’s a good one,” Jenny said. “All those McCarthy guys are the real deal.”

  “So I hear. How’s your little guy doing?”

  “My little George is so sweet. Looks just like his daddy.” Jenny pulled out her phone and showed off pictur
es of her husband and son.

  “He really does. He’s adorable.”

  “I think so, too. Alex says I have to stop telling everyone he’s perfect.”

  “Nah, you’re his mom. You get to say that to anyone who will listen.”

  “My feeling exactly!” Jenny gazed at the photos. “I waited such a long time for what I have now. I don’t care who thinks I’m a loon.”

  “That’s the attitude.” Jenny had met Alex Martinez when she came to Gansett to be the lighthouse keeper. “How is Hope doing?” Hope was married to Alex’s brother, Paul.

  “She’s about to pop. Any day now. I’m glad they’re on the mainland for the delivery. She had a C-section with her son, so they wanted her to deliver in a hospital.”

  “Do they know what they’re having?”

  “They don’t, but I think it’s a girl. Just a feeling I have. Oh! Did you hear that Alex and Paul are moving their mom back to the island after the baby arrives?”

  “I hadn’t heard, but that’s awesome. I’ve missed Marion.”

  “We all have. It’s going to be so great to have her back on the island. We’re just hoping it’s a smooth transition. She’s done well in the memory-care facility she’s in now, but the guys hate not being able to see her whenever they want to.”

  “Quinn and Mallory will take good care of her.” Finn’s nurse cousin Mallory and her doctor fiancé, Quinn James, ran the new elder care facility that had opened the previous fall on the island.

  “I know how much they appreciated your house calls to do Marion’s hair when she lived here.”

  “It was a pleasure to be able to do something for them. I so admired the way her sons took such good care of her.”

  “They really did. That was a big reason why I fell for Alex.”

  “Among other reasons,” Chloe said, chuckling.

  “Well, of course he’s smoking hot, makes me laugh till I cry and treats me like a queen.”

  “I’m happy for you, Jenny. You deserve all the good things.”

  “Aww, thanks. Speaking of good things… Nice deflection away from your good things onto mine. What’s up with Finn?”

  “We’re hanging out.”

  “Um, I only saw you together for thirty seconds, but that looked like more than hanging out to me.”


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