The Anagram

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The Anagram Page 24

by Russell French



  The extracts from the Funeral Service quoted in Chapter One are taken from The Book of Common Prayer 1662. This particular edition, published by Eyre and Spottiswoode Ltd, dates from 1941, as far as I can tell.

  All the biblical quotations are reproduced from the King James Bible of 1611, of course. My copy was published by Cambridge University Press and appears to date from 1889.

  Both of these tomes belonged to my late father-in-law, himself a man of the cloth and, like so many others of his calling, a collector of aged volumes.

  The passage quoted from E.M Forster’s A Passage to India comes from a Penguin Modern Classics edition of 1969, Chapter 4, page 38.

  My thanks are due to my old and very learned friend Rev. Bill Foss, who allowed me to skim the surface of his encyclopaedic knowledge of all things Jewish.

  Thanks also to my Dad John for the loan of his Welsh dictionary and his help with pronunciation of place-names, particularly Macchynlleth.

  Finally, my grateful thanks to Jerzy, Elaine, Evan and everyone at Authorhouse for their friendly and efficient help in getting my work published. Here’s to a long and fruitful association!

  I have tried to keep matters of topography and historical accuracy as correct as possible. Any errors of fact or omission are entirely mine.

  R.F. November 2011.

  About the Author

  Russell French has an Honours Degree in French from the University of Durham and taught in a comprehensive (11-16) school for nearly 30 years. He has strong views on good and evil in the world and looks to uphold these views through his fictional characters. He has travelled extensively throughout Europe and North and South Africa. He has a deep love of classical music and enjoys following sport, especially football and cricket. He has sought to expound these views through his characters in an attempt to make his ideas more approachable for his readers.




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