Second Chance Romance

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Second Chance Romance Page 7

by Sophie Monroe

  “Okay, I guess I’ll call Jackson and see if he wants to come play Xbox with me until you get home.”

  “I’m sorry, I really wish I could stay, but I’ve got bills to pay. You don’t have to wait up for me if you get tired, I know you need to get up early. I should be back a little after midnight.”

  “It’s fine, I’m usually up until around then anyway. I put you on the proscribed list with security this morning, George should still be on shift still but if you have any problems just call and I’ll come right down.” He kissed me. I slipped on my flats and buttoned my plaid shirt to cover what was underneath.

  I threw my bag on my shoulder and grabbed my car keys off the table.

  “Love you.” He said.

  “You too.” I said automatically. I was seriously going to have to slow things down the love thing because I didn’t want to lead him on, just incase. I knew I loved him, I just wasn’t sure what the context was. I thought it was best if we just stuck to no strings attached, casual sex, it seemed easier and much less messy. If we ended up together it would be a bonus.

  I arrived at Double D’s at 7:57. Thankfully it took almost no time at all to get here from Noah’s. I said a quick hello to Dan, applied some lip-gloss, changed my shoes and got ready for our introduction.

  “Where have you been?” Ellie said, walking in through the club door.

  “Like you have to ask.” I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

  “How are things going with Noah?” She cooed.

  “They’re going good. We have a ways to go, only time will tell.” I smiled, she came over and wrapped her arms around me.

  “I’m really happy for you. If anyone deserves it it’s you. Noah seems great.”

  “He is and the sex is out of this world!”

  “I’m jealous, the only sex I’m getting is Brad in the supply closet. He has the tools but doesn’t know what to do with them, if you know what I mean.” She winked.

  “Too much information.” I said covering my ears teasingly.

  “Let’s get this night over with.” We hooked arms and headed out to the stage entry.

  We started out as usual, things were going great until I noticed Reid sitting at the bar. He never came here, he didn’t approve of my ‘occupation.’ I was a little peeved that he showed up here, two nights in a row, especially because of what went down last night with Noah. I didn’t pay attention to him at all the rest of my time on stage. I hoped by the time we were scheduled to go back on in an hour that he’d be gone. I picked up the book I needed to read for one of my classes and started taking notes. I checked my phone and had two texts from Noah.

  Miss you already. Hurry home to me. Jackson’s on his way over, but you can call me if you get bored, I’ll be waiting. Yours in anticipation :P

  Is it midnight yet? Jackson’s annoying me, you’re much better company.

  I texted him back quickly so I could get back to my schoolwork.

  Miss you too. Trying to catch up on some school stuff, only three more hours

  The hour flew by in the blink of an eye, before I knew it Ellie was back telling me it was time for us to get lined up again. I wasn’t overly surprised to see both Noah and Jackson sitting front and center when I walked out. Noah looked slightly embarrassed, I’m assuming Jackson put him up to coming. I smiled and continued working the stage. A couple of my regulars had come in too. It was turning into be a good night after all. When I walked off the stage I saw Noah and Jackson peek through the stage door.

  “How much for a private dance?” Jackson asked, earning a smack in the back of the head from Noah.

  “Dude! That’s my girlfriend, have some manners.” Jackson laughed.

  “Girlfriend?” I teased. “I thought you were playing Xbox?”

  “Fuck playing Xbox like a couple of teenagers, when we can see your sexy ass strutting around in almost nothing.” Jackson said.

  “Dude!” Noah scolded.

  “Sorry Jules, but damn your ass is fine!”

  “Thanks Jackson, my ass is not on the market. I do have a friend I can introduce you to though.”

  “Hook a brother up.” I stood up and took Noah’s hand heading towards the bar where Ellie would most likely be flirting with Brad. As soon as we rounded the corner I stopped dead in my tracks. I’d been sidetracked and forgot Reid was there. By the time I tried to backpedal it was too late, Noah noticed.

  “What’s he doing here?” He yelled, not at me.

  “I have no idea.” He let go of my hand and walked up to him. Jackson was following closely behind.

  “Why the fuck are you here?” He said to Reid.

  “Hi to you too, asshole.”

  “Didn’t we just have a conversation last night fuckwad?! Jules is off the market, but even if she wasn’t she is not interested! So, why the fuck are you here?”

  “She won’t return any of my calls. This is the only way I can get her to talk to me.”

  “She doesn’t return your calls because she doesn’t want to talk to you! Ever think of that?”

  “I need to talk to her about something I overheard today.”

  “Yeah and what’s that?” I asked.

  “Jules, did you cheat on me with Professor Mitchell?”

  “What are you talking about?” It the first I heard who the accused was. It could be a big problem if things went to trial.

  “I overheard that you were fucking him the entire time we were together.” He sneered.

  “Reid, it’s not like that like that, you know that.”

  “It would explain why we never had sex. Not once in three months…”

  “I told you I’m not that girl! I’ve only slept with three people, ever. You already knew that, so why would you even question me?”

  “Look at you Jules, you work in a strip club for crying out loud!”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean.” Noah spat getting in his face.

  “She probably sleeps with a different guy every night.” Reid spat back.

  Jackson appeared from behind me and punched Reid in the face.

  “Don’t talk about her like that you pansy-ass piece of shit.” Jackson yelled.

  Preacher, the club bouncer appeared and asked what was going on. Noah filled him in and he tossed Reid outside. I was wondering when I was going to be able to catch a break. The fact that Reid was said it was Professor Mitchell caused me to panic.

  Noah came back from talking to Adam. He agreed to give me off the rest of the week, and this weekend. I agreed to go to the Richardson’s estate this weekend with Noah but I still had to go to school since the semester was wrapping up. At least it would give me time to focus on finishing my thesis.

  Jackson said his family had connections at Columbia, apparently they were very big benefactors at the university. He told us he would have his dad make some calls to see if they could find out any more information on the allegations. Ellie handed me my bag and Noah headed me to his Jeep. Jackson promised to get my car to Noah’s safely. Once we were at the condo I decided shower and Noah ordered us some take out even though I wasn’t hungry.

  I worked my ass off to get to where I was at school and only a month shy from graduation this had to happen and threaten to ruin everything. I walked into the kitchen and asked if Jackson had brought my car back yet. Noah said he was hanging out with Ellie for a little while. I shrugged my shoulders and went to eat my chicken quesadilla. Noah sensed my emotional state and pulled me into a hug. I was dreading what I was going to have to tell him and decided to prolong it a little while longer.

  I rested my head on his shoulder and breathed in his scent. It reminded me of my safe place.

  A little while later I headed to bed. Noah said Jackson would leave the keys with the front desk so I should stop worrying. I curled into him and fell into a troubled sleep.


  Say You’ll Taunt Me


  We just got back to my place when my phone rang, it was

  “Hey man, did you get her car okay?”

  “That’s what I’m calling about. Someone slashed all her tires.” Thankfully, Jules was in the shower.

  “What, how? There’s always a guard at the back door.”

  “Apparently he was occupied.”

  “Can you have Adam check the security footage?”

  “I already did. Dan, the bodyguard, is seen walking away with Carrie… some guy I don’t recognize was the one that got the car, he had a hood on and I couldn’t make out his face.”

  “Are you sure?” I was so pissed!

  “Positive. Now what do you want me to do now? Should I call the police?”

  “No. I’ll handle it on my end. Can you call Segundo and have him get in touch with his cousin in Brooklyn and see about getting new tires on the car by the morning?”

  “I’m on it. I’ll keep you posted.”

  Fan-fucking-tastic… How was I going to explain this to Jules? I honestly didn’t think that Carrie would stoop this low. I knew she was spiteful, but I thought she was classier than this. When Jules came out after her shower I lied, and I told her that Jackson was hanging out with Ellie. Hopefully it would buy me some time to get her car fixed. I could tell she was exhausted, and more than a little stressed out about the school situation. I made a mental note to call Jackson’s dad, Randall Richardson, tomorrow myself and have him pull some favors to see if we could get to the bottom of it. I pulled her closely and led her back to the bedroom.

  “Jules. Are you okay?”


  “We’re going to get this all straightened out, okay?”

  “Sure.” She said sadly.

  “I mean it.”

  “I’m not a slut Noah, that’s not my thing.”

  “I know, though you hopped right back in the sack with me.” I teased and she slapped my chest playfully.

  “That’s because you’re my Noah. You’re my best friend, the love of my life.” I don’t think she realized what she’d said, but my ego high-fived itself.

  “The love of your life, huh?”

  “Did I say that? Well it helps that you’re hung like Johnny Sins and you look like an Abercrombie model. Who wouldn’t want to spend of their life looking at that?”

  “Who’s Johnny Sins, or do I not want to know?” We both laughed. “You’re smart, beautiful, funny and caring. You’re one of the strongest people I know and I would love to spend the rest of my life looking at you.”

  “He’s a porn star.” She winked. “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”

  “I love you Jules.” I knew she wouldn’t say it back. I didn’t think she was ready, but I wanted her to know where I stood.

  “Night Noah.” She said rolling on her side, snuggling as close to me as she could just like when we were kids.


  The next morning the alarm went off at six. I got up with Noah and we went for a run together. It was odd seeing the city while most of its occupants were still sleeping, it was almost serene. We hit Starbucks on the way back. Once we were in the condo we headed to the shower. I could tell Noah was apprehensive about touching me in my current state but I needed him, so I made the first move.

  I stood on my tippy toes and pressed my lips to his, grazing my tongue over his lower lip and biting gently. It was game on, hands and tongues were roaming and pleasure was searing through our bodies until we formed our connection. He pinned me up against the shower wall and started thrusting. By the time we were done we were been in positions that most people probably only say they know. We could give the karma sutra a run for its money.

  “That was so hot I’m surprised we didn’t light the room on fire.” I joked.

  “I did my cardio for the day.” He joked. “I love you Jules.” He leaned in and kissed me.

  “It’s still just a casual thing Noah. Part of me will always love you and I love having sex with you but I can’t give you what you want. If you were to resent me down the road I wouldn’t be able to get past that.” I was trying my hardest to keep my heart safe.

  “What are you talking about Jules? You’re everything I want, no matter what. I could never resent you.”

  “You want kids.” I stated. “I can’t have kids and I refuse to take that away from you.”

  “I would like to examine every option before we just give up. One of the attorney’s at my firm Steven, his wife Melissa is a renowned OB/GYN. Maybe we could make an appointment to see her. She could take a look and see what the possibilities, if any, exist of us having a baby one day. If you can’t it’s not the end of the world, I swear I won’t mind.”

  “We’re not there yet but I guess it couldn’t hurt. I still don’t want to get either of our hopes up…”

  “Jules, my only hope is that you will be mine again one day. I’m hoping that day comes much sooner than later, because as much as I love what we have going on it would be even better if we were really together. Regardless, I love you.”

  “I know. You know I love you too, I’m just not sure if this could work.” I gestured between us. “I don’t know what to think yet. Part of me wants to, the other part is scared of the what if.” Plus, I couldn’t go into a relationship without telling him the truth about

  Professor Chase Mitchell.

  “You can’t do anything without risking something. You know that better than anyone.” I nodded my head in agreement.

  He dressed in a pale grey suit, a navy blue button down with a silver tie and black loafers. He looked devilishly handsome. I had a couple hours to kill before class so I was going to hang out here until it was time to go. He said Jackson had left my keys at the front desk and Claire at reception knew to give them to me. I went into the kitchen and made some oatmeal adding some fresh fruit. I was watching the news when I heard the door open.

  “You’re back already.” I yelled over my shoulder.

  “What are you doing here? Where’s Noah?” It was Carrie. She was wearing a trench coat, her hair and make-up looked like something I would wear to work. She’s probably just wearing lingerie too. I could only assume she came here with the hope of seducing Noah.

  “I could ask you the same question. If I’m not mistaken you’re no longer engaged and don’t need to keep tabs on him. But if you must know, he had a breakfast meeting.”

  “If he’s not here how are you going to get to school?” She cackled.

  “My car, how else?”

  “You’re car?” She asked, bemused.

  “Yes, you know the thing with four wheels and a steering wheel that goes vroom-vroom.”

  “I know what a car is, you bitch. I just didn’t think your car would be going anywhere.”

  “Why not?” I was confused.

  “I had your tires slashed last night.” She said, it as if she were talking about the weather.

  “You did what!” I jumped up and got in her face.

  “You heard me you whore!” She spat.

  “What the fuck is your problem?!”

  “You took what I had, now I’m going to get revenge. You’re nothing but a no good whore!”

  “You have no idea who I am, skank! You know what, you’re just pissed because you tried to take a stab at my dignity, but you missed. I’ve known a million of you, I know all the tricks of the trade. I didn’t get this far in life riding coat tails like you. You think you can blur me out, but I’ll refuse to fade. You can’t take me on a ride that you can’t afford to pay for, bitch.”

  “Ugh!” She lashed out reaching for me with her nails and a catfight ensued. She grabbed a fistful of hair and I used my momentum to toss her to the ground. All those free self-defense classes paid off big time. When I got her hand free I pinned her hands above her head and sat on her chest. I was careful not to take part in the attack, I didn’t even want to deal with the self-defense mess.

  I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and called the police. She spent the ten mi
nutes it took them to get there thrashing and yelling profanities. Her trench coat rode up and I was right, she was wearing slutty panties with no pants. And She had the nerve to call me a whore…

  When the police arrived I explained everything that had happened, because neither of us owned the place they called Noah and he was already on his way. One of the cops seemed to be having a hard time not laughing the more I explained. Noah came through the door fifteen minutes later. He came straight to me, looking over the scratch marks on my arm that Carrie had given me during the scuffle. He asked me if I was okay and I told him I was fine. I explained that I didn’t hit her at all, which she tried to dispute, but she didn’t have a mark on her so there was no evidence to back up her story. Besides, I was here minding my own business when she barged in. He didn’t even try to stop me from pressing charges. I hoped it wouldn’t cause more issues for him at work.

  I asked him if he knew about the tires, I assumed he had. Especially since Jackson brought the car back here, there was no way he could have driven it with flat tires. Unless Carrie was lying…

  He said Jackson told him last night, but he got new tires put on and was hoping it was a one-time thing and didn’t want me to worry. I wanted to be mad at him, I really did, but I couldn’t.

  They arrested Carrie for assault and took her down to the precinct.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Noah asked.

  “I’m positive. She just caught me off guard.”

  “I’ll call and have the locks changed immediately.” He kissed my cheek before walking into the kitchen to call a locksmith. I knew I wasn’t going to make it to school on time, so I opted to miss my first class.

  I called Ellie and told her what had happened. She had gone from southern belle to ghetto queen in all of five seconds. She was ready to “go beat her mother-fuckin’ ass.” Noah came back a couple minutes later and said the locksmith would be here within the hour. I made us some turkey sandwiches while we waited. I finished getting ready for school, thankful that I had the rest of the week off. Noah was trying to see if he could also get the rest of the week off so we could head upstate earlier than originally planned.


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