More Than One: A Novel

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More Than One: A Novel Page 1

by Fowler, Monica

  More Than One

  Monica R. Fowler

  Copyright 2013 by Monica Fowler

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author or publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persona, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Summary: Jamie Whitlock is a twenty year old college student from Atlanta, Georgia who wants to believe she s normal, but the nightmares she has every night suggest something different. Whenever she closes her eyes to sleep, she is taken to a place she has never been before and takes on the persona of a nefarious serial killer. In the midst of getting her life back on track, she runs across a news report from Rome, Italy showing the victims she has murdered in her dreams.

  ISBN: 978-1502753465 (paperback)

  Covered created by: 99designs

  Monica's website:

  For Tykia,

  the best thing in my life...

  Chapter One


  I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the daydream that was obviously coming, which was often in Mr. Bennett’s American Literature class. He is a very ardent teacher and shows it through his hand gestures and facial expressions while he talks about history.

  If I were watching him now, I would probably laugh because of the fact that he goes through the same rituals every class period; I could set my watch by him. He stands there in silence, waiting to get the classes attention and as always he clears his throat to begin his lecture. Some days I wish I’d never signed up for this class. Since the dreams were coming more often now, I took up more classes and worked overtime so I wouldn’t have to think about it.

  I should open my eyes now, because I don’t want a repeat of last week when I fell asleep. It’s hard to resist because the scene behind my eyelids is so intriguing. The ocean, so blue, it looks like a color only my mind could make up. A school of fish float around me, in such vivid colors, dancing to a perfect harmony. Mr. Bennett's voice is but a distant sound and the world a complete blur. I can almost smell the salt water. It is a nice escape from what my mind normally conjures up.

  Before I can go any deeper in my private fantasia, my cell phone vibrates. I know this is either Rachel Phillips or Ashton Kyle Dean, two of the best people in the world, my best friends.

  They decided to play hooky from class today and this could only be an escape plan text. I silently flip my phone open and sure enough I was right.

  Ashton sent me a text that only Rachel or I could decipher. “EM, BNT is BRG, G.O.N.!! say ur sic, M@Junc”, loosely translated, “EMERGENCY, Bennett is boring, get out now, say you’re sick and meet us at the Junction”. I giggled to myself. It would be nice to get some sun and clear my head. I hit the reply button and entered “BTn20” meaning “Be there in twenty minutes”. I put my phone away and began my fake coughing act. I’m such a bad actress.

  “Is everything okay Miss Whitlock?” Mr. Bennett said, staring at me questioningly.

  “I don’t feel so well. I think I’m coming down with something, may I be excused?” I said trying to sound pathetic.

  Mr. Bennett didn’t seem convinced, but this is college and that is the benefit of being grown and in charge. Okay, not really in charge and slightly grown, but what could he say to stop me.

  “Sure, just make sure you get the notes from today’s lecture for the test next week,” he said.

  Yes! I screamed in my head, I needed this day off more than I realized.

  “Miss Whitlock,” Mr. Bennett said while I was gathering my things. I turned to meet his gaze, wondering what he wanted. I’m rolling my eyes in my mind right now.

  “I hope you feel better,” he finished.

  “Thanks, me too,” I muttered trying to sound more believable in my pathetic attempt to escape.

  Half way down the hall, I’m already feeling better. I hurried out the building to my car. I needed to make a quick stop by my dorm room to change into something more comfortable. It’s only five minutes to the Junction, and my dorm is on the way.

  Once inside my room, I realized my room has been neglected. Everything was thrown around and an acrid smell was coming from somewhere in the room. I definitely needed to get around to cleaning this mess up.

  After I was done changing, I glanced in the mirror. Even after twenty years, I still can’t get over the fact of how much I look like my mother, identical even. She gave me the same cocoa complexion, with the curly, jet black hair, the wide almond shaped hazel eyes and dimples. I’m too old for dimples; I wish I would out grow them.

  The door outside my room slams shut, disrupting my thoughts.

  “I’m late,” I whisper as my phone starts to vibrate again. “Hey Ash, I’m on my way out the door, I just had to stop at the dorm and change.”

  “Okay, well hurry. Rach and I thought you were still in class. I didn’t know if I was gonna have to bust you outta there.” He laughed.

  “Yeah, okay, be there soon.”

  I hung up the phone and noticed an envelope on the floor with my name on it. I wondered how long it had been there and who it was from? I didn’t have time to mull over it, so I grabbed the letter, stuffed it into my purse, and headed out the door.

  Once in the car, I close my eyes and breathe in slowly. It really was a lovely day, I thought to myself. I cranked the car up and started the drive.

  Atlanta seemed quieter than usual today or it might just be my imagination. Georgia was known for crazy traffic and there’s no traffic jams, which was nice. I guess my euphoric mood was making things slow down for me. Who knows?

  I pulled up to the Junction and saw Ash and Rach standing out front. I looked at Ash and it dawned on me that I’ve never noticed how handsome he was. Girls always seemed to flock to him, but I’ve never thought about him like that. He’s my best friend and is a little younger than me, well, by a year, but nonetheless, younger. I guess girls could go for the five ten athletic build, with the dark brown puppy dog eyes. His skin always looked like he just got a tan. Golden is the only way I can describe it. He always made it work with his winning smile. The only problem with being friends with a hottie was the attitudes Rach and I had to deal with from the girls who liked him. Of course, we didn't care.

  Before I could even get out of the car, a creepy feeling came over me. I looked around and then toward the sun and my mind began to drift. I closed my eyes. So many thoughts were swirling in my head, it gave me a headache. My mind wandered to a place I’ve never seen before.

  I was in a dark room crying, sitting with my knees to my chest, rocking. “Help me,” I screamed. “Somebody please.” I couldn’t see anything but the light coming from the cracks under the door. I was holding myself, and it seemed the only movement I could make was the rocking. My legs felt like cement and my mind was telling me to try to get out, but I couldn’t move from that spot.

  Why was I imagining this? I thought I only had nightmares, now they’re coming in my daydreams. What is happening to me?

  I was so wrapped up in my daytime drama that I didn’t realize Rach calling my name.

  “Jamie, it’s about time you got here,” she said opening my door, “Ash was really starting to work my nerves.” She winked at him.

  “Huh? Oh yeah, I'm sorry it took so long,” I said getting out of the car.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, everything's good,”
I said, trying to look amused. “So what are we doing today?”

  “The usual, hanging out. I was thinking we could hit the pool later, it’s so nice out,” Rach said while stretching her arms.

  I drifted back into my mind, pondering what that daydream was all about. I just wish for once I could have a normal day; a day without all the dramatics of the prison cell that was my mind.

  “Jamie...Jamie. What’s going on with you? Did you hear me?” Ash yelled.

  “I’m sorry. I was just thinking about something. What did you say?”

  “I asked if you were hungry.”

  “No, I’m fine, thanks,” I said nodding.

  “What was that all about? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost?” Rach asked.

  I laughed to hide my fear. I didn’t want anyone to think I was crazy, especially my best friends.

  “Oh, no, it’s nothing, you know how I get when I'm in deep thought, I stare. I was just thinking about all the things I need to do tomorrow,” I lied. “By the way, our room is a mess. We definitely need to clean it up soon. Actually, I was staring at the car and noticed how dirty it was and it just made me think about it.” I was rambling and I couldn’t stop it.

  “But you weren’t looking at your car, you had your eyes closed,” Rach said.

  I didn’t even realize I had closed my eyes, and Rach was definitely not buying my attempt to act sane.

  “I know, I just haven’t had time to get things done and I feel like I’m spread too thin,” I said, which was actually the truth.

  “I hear ya. Since you picked up those extra classes and started working overtime, I feel like we're drifting apart. We don’t hang out as much.”

  I managed to divert her attention and she went on telling me about the things I’ve been missing out on. I rubbed my temples and turned to look at Ash, who was staring at me intently.

  Did he know I was lying to Rach? I really needed to get a grip. I think I’m losing my mind. Of course, Ash didn’t know, it’s not like he can read minds.

  I grabbed my purse and caught up with my friends. So much for my day of relaxation. My mind was swimming and my stomach was in knots. I really didn’t want to ruin this day though. I pushed my anxiety to the side and took a deep breath as I went inside.

  “Relax,” I whispered to myself and sat down at the table.

  Ash and Rach were engrossed in a conversation about some club she went to last week and I wondered how much I’d really missed out on. I looked around and noticed that the Junction was unusually crowded. Seems like everyone decided to play hooky today. All the V.I.P. sections were full and normally that area was closed off during the day.

  I scanned the room and saw this guy looking at me. This was definitely a new face and he was gorgeous. He smiled and I looked away. From the corner of my eye, I saw him laughing.

  Wow, where did he come from? I thought to myself. I’ve never seen him on campus, so I don’t think he’s a student.

  He was still looking at me and I wanted to melt. I carefully glanced back up at him and managed a shy simper. He waved once and nodded his head. I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.

  Although he was sitting, he appeared to be tall, from the way his legs stretched out in front of him. I studied his face, and it seemed he was doing the same. He looked at me as if he knew me already.

  I was mesmerized by his caramel skin and his smoldering dark eyes, and his body, oh man his body. I could tell that he worked out and on a regular basis. Where did he come from? I thought again. I looked away, suddenly feeling skittish.

  “Nice,” Rach said breaking into my thoughts.

  “Oh, huh, what were you saying?”

  “I think he’s hot and he looks like he’s into you,” she said, turning to face me again.

  “Who is?” Ash asked turning around.

  “Don’t turn around, please. You’re going to embarrass me making it obvious like that,” I whispered through my teeth.

  Ash turned around anyway, but when I looked up, my mystery guy was gone.

  “Where is this hot guy,” Ash asked using the quote on quote signs with his fingers when he said hot guy.

  “I, I don’t know,” I mumbled, disappointed.

  Is my mind playing tricks on me again? Did I just imagine this guy? But then again, Rach saw him, too. My mind wouldn’t dare dream up something so beautiful and then let him vanish like that. Or would it? I really needed some time off.

  “Earth to Jamie,” Ash said snapping his fingers in my face, “What’s going on with you? You know you can talk to us.”

  “Yeah Jay, you seem so distant today,” Rach added.

  “I don’t know. I think I’m suffering from sleep deprivation,” I chuckled. “Okay, so I’m back and I’m all ears. What are our plans for today again?”

  Ash and Rach looked at each other and shrugged. Rach still looked worried, but she didn’t want to push. I figured I would hear all about it later tonight back at the dorm.

  “Well, I guess after we leave here, we can head over to Centennial Park, there’s some kind of fest going on today. Then we can hit up the pool because I’m dying to wear my new bathing suit,” Rach said.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I said still looking around for my mystery guy, “So Ash, have you ordered yet?”

  “Um, yeah, like twenty minutes ago, what planet were you on?”

  “Oh, sorry, I wasn’t paying attention. What did you get?”

  “Why should I tell you, I’m not sharing,” he grinned.

  “Okay you jerk,” I said while playfully punching his arm.

  “You know I’m kidding, right. You can have anything I have, no questions asked,” he said, looking at me as if he were talking about something other than food.

  “Um, thanks,” I said.

  I took a chance on looking around again and still the mystery guy was nowhere to be found. I was really beginning to think that I had imagined this guy.

  We sat at the table and chatted about everything, from school to a much needed vacation, for hours. When I finally looked up, I noticed that most of the crowd had left.

  “Okay, let’s get the check and get out of here,” Ash said.

  I waved for the waitress who was across the way eying Ash. That is so rude, I thought. She doesn’t know if Rach or I was his girlfriend. Her coquettish display was making me nauseous.

  I stopped short when she finally reached the table. Why did I care if this girl was flirting with Ash? He’s my best friend, girls hovered around him all the time, why was this different? I looked up at the girl and saw that she was pretty, and she was nice. I had no reason to scrutinize her, even if it was only in my mind.

  “Can we get the check please?” Rach said.

  I shook my head to get rid of my thoughts and reached for my purse to pay for my half.

  “Don’t worry about this ladies, I’m taking care of the check,” Ash declared.

  Rach and I looked at each other, both with smirks on our faces.

  “Nuff said,” we both yelled in unison. The waitress rolled her eyes, then took Ash’s bank card and walked away.

  “I really don’t like this waitress,” Rach was fuming.

  The waitress came back with the slip for Ash to sign. After the meal was paid for, we got up to leave.

  “Thanks and please come again soon,” the waitress said without looking at me or Rach. We both cracked up.

  “Thanks and come again,” Rach mimicked her in a snobby type of voice. “Whatever.”

  I walked to my car and suddenly I had the feeling that someone was watching me. I looked around, but I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

  We agreed we should drop two of the cars off at the dorm and head to the park. We followed each other up the street and then hopped into Ash’s truck.

  I was wishing for minimal conversation because I needed a moment to sort through my thoughts. I was glad when Ash turned up his stereo and started singing along with the song. Ra
ch was in the front seat talking on the phone. I figured this was the best I was going to get to think things over.

  I tried to sift through the things that happened and make sense of the feeling I had gnawing in the pit of my stomach. I came up with nothing.

  I must be making too much out of something that was simple. My mind was just being over active today. I grabbed my purse to look for my phone and noticed the letter I found earlier in my room.

  I tore the envelope open and unfolded the page. After skimming over the words, I gasped. I looked up to see if Ash or Rach heard me, but I realized my horror was only loud enough for me to hear. I read the words slower, trying to take it all in.

  Jamie, please be careful, you're in danger. Trust no one. She is watching.


  Nothing in this letter made sense. Who is she? And why is she watching me? I looked out the window. Everything turned into a big blur as the tears welded up in my eyes. I was already losing my mind and now someone is trying to push me over the edge.

  I hadn’t realized that my silent sobs had turned into a full fledged cry, until the music was turned down and Rach was staring at me.

  “What happened?” she asked.

  I couldn’t talk. She looked down and saw the letter, then snatched it from me. I watched as she read it, wondering what she was thinking. Finally, she turned back to me.

  “What is it?” Ash demanded.

  “Someone sent Jay a letter,” Rach said.

  She began to read it out loud to him. Someone was telling me to be careful and I didn’t even know where the danger was coming from.

  “Jay,” Rach shouted. “Where did this come from? Who gave this to you?”

  “I don’t know. It was on the floor when I got to the room,” I said weakly.

  I picked up the envelope and saw there wasn’t any addresses on it, just my name. Whoever wrote this had been in my dorm. The tears started again.

  Before I knew it, we were parking. Ash had turned around in his seat, with the letter in his hand and Rach was looking at me puzzled.


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