More Than One: A Novel

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More Than One: A Novel Page 22

by Fowler, Monica

  “So dad, do you still think me having a clone is impossible?” I asked.

  “No, I don't,” he said, then turned toward Ash again. “Ashton, what is this other clone like?”

  “I don't know. Up until now, I was led to believe I was the only one. But I'm sure there is another. It just makes sense. Jamie has never been to house and yet she can describe in detail about how it looks,” Ash said.

  “So, have you talked to your father?” my mom chimed in.

  “I tried, but he is out of town until Friday.”

  “I still can't believe it. This is amazing. I have so many questions...” my dad said.

  He and Ash rambled on to themselves about how he grew up and what tests they ran on him. My mom and I were sitting next to each other and she was holding me. I was looking through my journal and my mom tensed up when she read some of the passages with me.

  “How come you didn't tell us about this sooner?” she asked.

  “I don't know. I thought that I was losing my mind. But when I saw the news report, I knew something was really wrong. That is the reason why my grades started slipping and I was slacking at work. Some nights I was too scared to sleep. And then when it was just darkness in my mind, I felt like all my senses were cut off, it felt horrible,” I said.

  “Honey, you know you can come to us about anything. We are rational people remember... and to think you had to endure this alone. We never thought something like this would happen. That's why I told your father that this wasn't something I wanted to share with you. What I don't understand is why this girl is murdering people and you're dreaming about it,” she said.

  “I don't either.”

  “Well, don't worry about it, we will get to the bottom of things. We are going to have a little talk with Dr. Dean and Dr. Lewis. We will be here the whole step of the way. I promise,” she said and hugged me.

  “Thanks mom. I’m so glad you're here.”

  I looked over at Ash and my dad who were engrossed in the same conversation. My dad was like a kid in a candy store, with the way he acted after he asked a question. And Ash just ate it up; he loved getting attention.

  I snuggled in closer to my mom and closed my eyes. I could smell her perfume and it took back to a better time. My parents did love me; they proved it by coming to my rescue. I knew they would stick by me the whole way through and help me put the pieces of my life back into place.

  Chapter Nineteen

  My dad booked us a flight to Italy as soon as he was done drilling Ash. Ash called his mom and told her he needed to come home, as well.

  We made it to Rome sometime around midnight and I was exhausted. I couldn't get any sleep on the plane because of the small space I had. On top of that, my mind had a slide show going on, replaying every event it could conjure up.

  We got a hotel room and Ash said he would stay with us until morning. My dad paid for the extra room and we all went to bed.

  Ash woke me up the next morning knocking on my door. My whole body ached as I got out of bed to answer it. Ash was dragging as well. He said his mom had called him and wanted to know when he was going to make it to the house.

  We both laid back down on the bed, but I couldn't go back to sleep. I knew my parents would probably be sleep for another hour or so, and I would be here thinking about what was going to happen today.

  “Ash, are you still up?” I said.

  “Yeah,” he mumbled.

  “What do you think your father is going to say when he sees us?”

  He lifted his head up and rubbed his eyes.

  “I don't know. If he cloned you like we think he did, then he will definitely be surprised to see you.”

  “But what if we're wrong? What if he didn't and I really do have issues?” I said panicking.

  “If we are wrong, which I don't think we are, then we'll just figure out another explanation. You worry too much, you know that?”

  “You're so calm. Why isn't this bothering you more?” I asked.

  “Because I choose not to be bothered by it. I was upset at first, but what can I do to change it? Nothing. It is what it is and that's how I have to look at it. I have enough on my plate to worry about than my father lying to me. He's human and human's lie.”

  When he put it like that, I could see how he was okay with the situation. I wished I could look at things from his point of view, but my mind has always been overactive.

  “So, what's on your plate?” I asked.

  He looked uneasy for a second, then his face was blank.

  “We'll talk about it later. It's nothing you need to worry about.”

  “Is it what my dad said about the health of the first clone,” I said trying to see if he knew about him needing a cure.

  “Why would you say that?”

  “I don't know. I just figured that maybe you would associate that with you in some way.”

  “No, that didn't worry me. They messed up the first time, but as you can see, I'm fine,” he said and put his head down. “Don't worry about me. Just try to focus on calming your nerves, okay.”

  “Okay,” I said deciding to let it go for now.

  He closed his eyes and I watched him breath in and out. He looked so peaceful. I couldn't imagine my life without him.



  “I love you. Thank you for coming with us,” I said.

  He opened his eyes and leaned over and kissed my cheek.

  “I love you, too,” he said.

  “Have you talked to your mom yet? Do you know when your dad is getting in?” I asked.

  “I'm going to call her in a minute and let her know we’re on the way there. I don't know when my father will be in.”

  “Okay. I'm going to talk to my parents. When you decide to get dressed, come to the room.”

  He nodded and I left and headed to my parents room. I called Rach on the way. I didn't know what time is was there, but I wanted to let her know we made it safely. She didn't answer so I left her a message. Before I closed my phone, I got a text message from Michael that said, “I love you”. I looked at the message for a long time. I didn't even tell him we were leaving. He would find out soon enough since Ash was here with us and it was his job to look after him. I closed the phone and knocked on my parent’s room door.

  My dad answered and let me in. I sat down on the bed and waited for my mom to come out before I started talking. My dad was watching the news trying to check up on the latest about the murder case. I hadn't had any murdering dreams since the one of me being killed. And there weren't any new reports on any recent murders; maybe it was over. When my mom came out of the bathroom, she came and gave me a hug.

  “Morning sweetie,” she said.


  “Where is Ashton, is he still asleep?” my dad asked.

  “No, he's resting, but he'll be by soon,” I said.

  “Good, because I want to get a move on,” he said.

  “You and me both,” I agreed.

  My dad and I continued to watch the news. According to the report, there were still no leads as for the whereabouts of the murderer. They were urging everyone to stay indoors at night, and if they had to go out, to do so in pairs. This town was in fear and I was about to come face to face with the creator and his clone.

  When the show went to commercial, my dad and I looked at each other and he sighed. There was a knock at the door and I knew it was Ash. I ran to the door and flung it open. Ash walked in and had a seat in the far corner.

  “So, did you talk to your mom?” I asked again.

  “Yeah, I told her you guys were coming with me and she said it was fine. She is actually dying to see you,” he said looking at me. “Oh, and my father will be home in a couple of hours.”

  “Okay, so are we ready to go?” my dad said getting up from the bed.

  “I am,” Ash said.

  “Yeah, we’re ready,” I said.

  My mom went back to the bathroom to freshen up. W
hile she was in there, we got our things together to leave. Ash and I left out of the room and stood in the hall.

  “I can't wait for you to meet my mom, she is going to love you,” he said.

  “You think so?”

  “I know so. I talk about you all the time to her,” he said and I looked away. “Well, I talk about you and Rach.”

  “Look Ash...” I started, but my parents came out of the room.

  Saved by the bell, I thought. Ash gave me a strange look and I dismissed it and started walking toward the elevators. We got outside of the hotel and he was still staring at me. I kept looking away so I could avoid his glare. We got in the car and headed to Ash's parents place. He was giving my dad directions and I continued to look out the window.

  We came around the corner from the main street and instantly my dreams came to life. The restaurant, the park, the surrounding houses, everything. My heart was beating fast. I knew without being told that we were close to his parent’s house. Ash grabbed my hand again and I couldn't tear my eyes away from the scenery outside my window. So many nights, I had dreamed about all of this. It was a part of me in so many ways.

  I finally looked at Ash. He had leaned forward and was telling my dad where to pull into his house. He was still holding my hand and I squeezed it when the house came into full view. The lawn was so green and well-manicured. It looked like it was a picture from out of one of those garden magazines.

  I felt Ash's eyes on me and I finally turned to meet his gaze. His eyes were wide with concern.

  “I'm okay, I promise,” I whispered to him.

  “I love your house, Ashton, this is magnificent,” my mom said.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Whitlock,” he replied.

  My dad pulled around and stopped the car. We sat there for a minute and then someone came out of the front door. Apparently, it was Ash's butler. Ash sighed and opened the door.

  Him and my dad got out and came around to get our doors for us. The butler was still standing at the front waiting for us to come in. We walked up the steps and he held out his arm gesturing toward the door.

  “Mr. Dean, I hope you had a nice flight,” the butler said.

  “Mr. Butler, can you please call me Ash? I've asked you over and over not to call me Mr. Dean,” Ash said.

  “Sorry sir,” he replied.

  We followed Ash and walked into this massive foyer and his mom was coming down the stairs.

  “Ashton, I've missed you,” she said hugging him.

  “Mom, I was just here not too long ago,” he said.

  “Still, it's always good to see you,” she said turning to me. “And Jamie, look at you; you are gorgeous. Ash goes on and on about you all the time.”

  She came and gave me a hug.

  “Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you, too,” I said.

  “And you remember Mr. and Mrs. Whitlock, don't you mom?” Ash said.

  “Of course,” she said extending her hand toward my dad. “Martin, Patricia, how long has it been?”

  “A little too long. How have you been?” my dad said.

  “I've been great. Patricia, I must say you look more beautiful than before,” she said hugging my mom.

  “You're too kind, but thank you,” my mom replied.

  “Why don't we have a seat in the living room and catch up. Can I get you anything to drink?” she asked.

  “No, thank you. We’re fine for right now,” my mom said.

  “Okay, well the living room is right around this corner,” she pointed out.

  My mom and dad followed her into the other room. Ash pulled me toward the stairs.

  “Hey mom, I wanted to show Jamie my room. We'll be back down in a minute,” he yelled.

  “Okay dear.”

  We ran up the stairs and I can honestly say I wasn't prepared for what I saw. He had described his room to me, but to actually see it was another story. It was so spacious and filled with all sorts of stuff. He had everything. I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to leave this place.

  “So, what do you think?” he said sitting down on his bed.

  “I think you're crazy for moving to Georgia when you could have stayed here,” I said sitting next to him. “Look at this place.”

  “Yeah, it’s nice, but you have to remember I was held hostage here for a long time,” he said laughing. “When I come back home, I can't go anywhere unless I'm with my parents. I have no friends here at all.”

  “Well, I don't think I would've been cool with that, but this room would have definitely made up for it.”

  “Why do you think it’s like this? We had to compromise in some way,” he said.

  “You're so lucky,” I said.

  “Yeah, I guess to a certain extent, I am.”

  He laid back on his bed. I laid back with him and stared at the ceiling. Even the bed felt like something from a high class hotel. It was so plush and soft. I could have gone to sleep right then if I weren't so anxious.

  “So, your mom seems nice,” I said.

  “Yeah, she is the best. I wonder what they are talking about down there?” he said.

  “Who knows? Maybe we should go down and check on them.”


  We made it downstairs and our parents were laughing and talking like they were next door neighbors. There was no tension in the room and that was a relief. I wondered if Ash's mom knew anything about what was going on? How would she react when she found out? I didn't want to start any trouble, but I had to find out if what we thought was right.

  “How long are you going to be in town for?” she asked my parents.

  “Just a couple of days, then we have to head back,” my dad answered.

  “Well, I insist you stay for dinner. I'll call Heidi and have her whip us something up,” she said.

  “That's a lovely offer Christina, you sure it won't be any trouble?” my mom asked.

  “No trouble at all. And Ash's father should be home soon, he would love to get caught up with you, as well.”

  “Okay, then we'll stay for dinner,” my mom said.

  We stood in the doorway until the conversation was done and then walked in and had a seat. Ash's mom was looking at me intently; it made me nervous. I looked away and tried to think of something to say, but nothing came to mind.

  “So Jamie, Ash tells me that you're going to school for Radiology,” she said.

  “Yes ma'am,” I replied.

  “How are things coming along?”

  “Things are good. It's a lot of work, but I manage.”

  “That's good. I'm glad Ash has a friend like you to be a good influence on him,” she said.

  Ash rolled his eyes and looked at me. I smiled and turned back to her.

  “Ash is actually the best. I don't know where I would be without him.”

  “I'm glad to hear it,” she said turning to look at my parents. “Are you sure I can't offer you anything to eat or drink?”

  “Well, I could go for some water,” my mom said.

  “Me, too,” my dad added.

  “And for you Jamie?” she asked.

  “None for me. Thank you.”

  “Ash, can you help me with the refreshments?” she said standing up.


  They disappeared around the corner and I finally loosened up. I was so tense here, but my parents were at ease. I sat and studied the area we were sitting in. I didn't remember this particular room from my dreams.

  There really wasn't much of the inside of the house that I remembered from my dreams, just some of the areas on the outside.

  “So does any of this look familiar to you?” my mom asked.

  “No, I'm trying to remember if I've seen any of this in my dreams and I'm coming up blank,” I said.

  “Well, maybe we were wrong,” my dad said.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but Ash and his mom returned with the drinks before I could. Actually, the butler was the one who had the drinks on a tray and Ash was guiding him. His
mom wasn't too far behind him, smiling. I could tell she was enjoying the company.

  Our parents settled back in their original conversation, while Ash and I huddled in the corner talking about other things. Everyone relaxed and enjoyed the atmosphere, and I wasn't on edge like I was when we first got here.

  An hour later, the butler walked to the door and opened it. I didn't even hear the doorbell or a knock. That's when Ash's father came through the door.

  “Jeffery can you retrieve my bags from the car?” he said.

  “Right away sir,” the butler said and was gone.

  Ash's father was standing there in the foyer looking at some papers and didn't notice us watching him. Ash's mom got up and went to her husband to whisper something in his ear. He turned to us and smiled.

  “Ashton, what a nice surprise and I see you've brought guest with you,” he said.

  “Hey,” Ash said.

  I guess Michael was right about their relationship. Ash seemed so cold with his father. Ash's father came over and hugged him, then turned toward us.

  “Martin, it’s been too long,” he said as he shook my dad's hand.

  “Yes, it has William,” my dad said.

  “And Patricia, you're lovely as always,” he said kissing her on the cheek.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  When he turned to me, it was like he started walking in slow motion. The way he was looking at me made me uncomfortable. I felt like a little kid, I wanted to run and stand behind my dad.

  “Jamie, you've grown into a beautiful woman,” he said standing in front of me. “I remember you when you were just a baby. How have you been?”

  “I've been good. Thanks for asking,” I said.

  There was silence for a second and then Ash's father turned back to my dad.

  “To what do I owe this pleasant visit Martin?” he asked.

  I tensed up again. I didn't want to put anymore strain on Ash and his fathers relationship, and when he finds out that we all know the big secret, he might not be too happy with him. Then there was the fact that I was scared to find out the truth.

  Ash walked over to his father before my dad could explain why we were there. I blew out a deep breath.

  “They came with me because we have a couple of questions,” Ash said.


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