Chasing Day Series: Chasing Day & Catching Day

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Chasing Day Series: Chasing Day & Catching Day Page 15

by Twyla Turner

  “We look so ridiculous!” Day gasped.

  “Right?! I swear I need my football pads and helmet to participate in this sport.” Chase said incredulously. “I used to think figure skating was a stupid sport. I’ve changed my mind.”

  “Can we go now? Before we really do get hurt.” Daylen practically begged.

  “God, yes! Let’s go.” Chase agreed wholeheartedly.

  They pulled themselves back up on the railing and inched their way to the exit. Relieved, they sat on a bench to remove the evil death traps. As they worked at the laces, Day brought up a subject that brought down their jovial mood.

  “So…have you talked to your mom recently? Are you gonna stay away for the holidays again?” Day asked gently.

  “I’ve talked to her a few times. When I have free time and when my father isn’t around. So not often.” Chase shrugged nonchalantly though he felt anything but. “I doubt I’ll come home for Christmas. I can’t stay with them, obviously. And it would be too hard to stay with you…to see you with him.” Chase admitted sadly.

  Day fidgeted uncomfortably. She then cleared her throat and skipped over his last statement. “Do they know you were nominated for the Heisman?”

  “Who knows? If they do, it’s not because I told them about it.” Chase told her. He pulled his beanie off his sandy blond locks and ran his fingers through it. He took a deep calming breath. “You ready to head back?”

  “Yeah.” Day answered and Chase started to rise from the bench, but her hand stopped him. “Chase, I…” She started, her eyes filled with empathy. “I’m so sorry that your family isn’t there for you, but you know that I always will be. No matter what. Aside from my mother, you’re still the most important person in my life. I…I just wanted you to know that.” Daylen stated honestly.

  “Thanks, Day. Same here.” Chase said huskily. Her words seemed to have created a giant knot in his throat and a burning in the back of his eyes. “Let’s get outta here.”

  They turned in their skates, put on their shoes, and started back towards their hotel. They both remained silent on the way back. Chase wondered how he was going to get through a night with Day in the same room, but not be able to touch her. When all he could think about since he saw her at the airport was touching her, kissing her, and burying himself inside her.

  Chase shut out the thoughts that ran through his head, as they made their way up to the fourth floor. He unlocked the door and held it open for Day to walk through. Her eyes refused to meet his and he knew he didn’t have a shot in hell of getting her back. The attraction may have still been there, but he’d fucked up so badly two years ago that she didn’t want anything to do with him.

  He let Day use the bathroom to get ready for bed first. When she came out, Chase swallowed hard. Like the night they’d lost their virginity, she was in girlie fleece pajama pants and a tight-fitting tank top. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipples pebbled underneath the cotton fabric. The curved underside of her large breasts begged to fill the curve of his cupped palms.

  Day crossed her arms over her chest and Chase glanced up, realizing too late that he’d been caught staring like a horny teenager. Not a fairly experienced twenty-two-year-old. He quickly strode to the bathroom, to put needed distance between them. He was already finding it hard to control his body’s reactions to Day. Something he thought he’d left behind at age fifteen. He guessed that when it came to Daylen Daniels, it didn’t matter what age he was.

  Daylen expelled a harsh breath and her head dropped down to her chest when Chase disappeared into the bathroom. She’d seen the way his eyes focused on her breasts and hard nipples, the moment she stepped into the room. He had licked his lips and absentmindedly bit his full bottom lip and her sex had clenched in response. When she squeezed her legs together even know, Day could feel the slick liquid that had pooled between her legs. It felt like a lifetime since she’d been this turned on.

  She needed to figure out something to take her mind off of the piece of hot blond temptation in the other room. Day reached for the remote control to the TV. She switched it on and started looking through the movie guide. Just then the door to the bathroom opened and her mouth nearly dropped open in awe.

  In the two years since she’d seen Chase, he’d beefed up several muscular pounds. He wore a pair of plaid flannel pajamas with Illini written down one leg. The pants rode low on his hips, putting on display the sexy muscles leading from his sides to his package. He was shirtless and every muscle that he had honed and developed rippled and flexed with every movement. Day squeezed the remote in her hand, pressing random buttons as her breath hitched.

  Chase’s broad shoulders created a V down to his narrow torso. His long arms were corded with muscles and thick veins. His defined pecs were home to pretty pink nipples. And his eight pack was like human topography. A road map. Four bisecting paths heading east and west between the foothills, with one main road going north or south. Day imagined her tongue following the road south.

  Chase cleared his throat and Day’s eyes shot up to meet his. His hair hung over one eye like sin. They held each other’s gaze for several beats before the sounds of moaning and skin smacking brought Daylen out of the spell that Chase had put her under. Her head whipped to the TV and she realized that she’d accidentally selected a porn as the movie of the night. The man had the woman bent over a couch. His her hair was wound around his fist tightly, as he fucked her hard.

  Daylen’s eyes widened as big as golf balls. Her pulse pounded in her clit and a heated flush spread across her skin like wildfire. She quickly grabbed for the remote and started pressing random buttons to change the channel to anything else. Once she had safely changed to a cooking show, completely mortified, she reluctantly turned to look at Chase. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw the look of raw hunger on his face. Of their own accord, Day’s eyes dropped down to the front of his pajama pants and they were tented out temptingly. His erection pointed directly at her, teasing her.

  Day looked back up to his eyes and she was sure that the hunger she saw in his eyes were reflected in hers. Her breaths came in soft pants. A vision of Drew’s bright blue eyes and hurt face hit her in the chest and she squeezed her eyes shut and clamped her lips together. She blocked out the vision of the Adonis standing before her. And stopped the word that trembled on her lips. Please.

  “W-We better get some sleep.” Day said before lying back and pulling the covers over her.

  The muscles in Chase’s jaw flexed several times before he turned to the closet to grab bedding for the couch. He did nothing to try and hide his ‘condition’. It was like he wanted Day to know what she did to him. She was not immune.

  Once the couch was ready, Chase laid down and faced her. His eyes and posture were open, inviting. Day bit her bottom lip and then turned over on her side, giving him her back. Successfully shutting him out. Yeah, right!

  Chase’s image was burned into her retinas. The memory of his touch was etched into her skin. His skill cauterized on her throbbing sex. His name tattooed on her soul. There was no getting him out of her system. She was in for a long sleepless night.

  Chapter 19

  The following evening, Chase stood in front of the hotel room mirror as he worked on tying his tie and waiting for Day to come out the bathroom. His mind was more focused on the horribly awkward day they’d had, than making a decent knot. He’d had the most restless sleep of his life, and it had nothing to do with whether he’d lose the coveted trophy. It had everything to do with the girl that had tossed and turned all night, in the bed only a few feet away from him. Chase knew that Day wanted him, just as badly as he wanted her. But she was trying her best to remain faithful to that dick that had no remorse when he took her from him, in the first place. It was Chase’s respect for her that made him keep his distance. And his pride that kept him from begging.

  Earlier in the day, they’d spent the morning and afternoon touring around the large city. All while Chase had to comb
at a perpetual hard on. The natural ease of their friendship slightly stilted because of the sexual tension that oozed off of them. That sexually charged moment the night before, where they both knew what they wanted but continued to deny, making the light of day that much harder. Their need was put on display in the cold sunny December day.

  Daylen would flinch or gasp at every accidental or intentional touch Chase gave her. He caught her eyes, as she gazed at his mouth longingly. Or looked hungrily at his obvious erections throughout the day, which were usually brought on by the looks she gave his mouth. It was sheer torture.

  At one point, when Day stared up at him on the top of the Empire State Building, her eyes begging him to kiss her. Chase leaned close to her ear, close enough to hear her shaky breaths.

  “I won’t touch you, till you ask me to,” Chase said softly and heard her breath hitch.

  “I won’t,” Day replied defiantly as if she was trying to convince herself as much as him.

  Chase currently regretted making that challenge as Day walked out of the bathroom, dressed for the ceremony. She was stunning, and all he wanted to do was strip her out of her dress, toss her on the bed, and fuck her senseless like the caveman he wanted to be.

  Day was in a formfitting red lace sheath dress. The lace hugged her soft curves beautifully. It stopped above the knee, showcasing her thick shapely legs. It was sleeveless and the neckline plunged into a crisscrossing V that showed off the most cleavage Chase had ever seen her bare. Her heels were also red and made her calve muscles flex invitingly. Day’s hair had the slightest wave to it. The long extensions combed to the side, seductively hanging over one shoulder. Her makeup was light, with just a slight emphasis on her large, almond-shaped dark brown eyes. Her round cheeks were naturally rosy, as usual. And her lips were painted the same deep red as her dress and shoes. Simply put, she was breathtaking and Chase wanted to keep her all to himself.

  “A-Amy made me get it.” Day said self-consciously as she smoothed her hands down the dress.

  “I’ll have to remember to give Amy a great big hug the next time I see her. You look breathtaking, Day.” Chase complimented her earnestly.

  Daylen’s cheeks brightened further as she looked down bashfully. “You look really great too, Chase.”

  “Eh…I do alright.” He looked down at his gray suit and white shirt. “Though I’m having a hard time with this tie,” Chase said as he pressed his chin to his chest, trying to look down at his shiny patterned silver tie.

  “Here, I’ll help you.” Day offered, taking the few steps that brought her within kissing distance.

  “What do you know about tying ties?” Chase teased.

  “Uh…I learned helping Drew get ready for concerts.” Day admitted softly.

  “Oh…” Chase sighed dejectedly.

  In such close proximity, Chase watched Day intensely as she fixed his tie. Her creamy skin flushed even deeper under the weight of his stare. Her long lashes fluttered as she tried to avoid looking up at him.

  “Alright. All done.” Day confirmed as she quickly stepped back to put more space between them.

  She wobbled on her heels in her rush to distance herself. Chase’s reflexes were quick from being developed playing football and he caught Day in his arms before she fell. He held her longer than necessary though she didn’t pull away. His thumbs stroked her upper arms gently. Her red lips were parted slightly and her eyes asked what her mouth wouldn’t.

  “Chase…” She breathed.

  “Hmm?” He hummed, leaning in closer.

  Day remained silent, still trying to withhold her capitulation. Chase knew that she would rather have him take without asking. That way she could try to remain blameless. She could say that it was his fault. He wasn’t going to let her off that easily, so he leaned in the last few inches and softly kissed the corner of her mouth. Just a hint of his tongue touched her skin and a powerful shiver quaked her whole body. Day reached out to grasp his biceps to steady her knees. Chase leaned his forehead against hers and they breathed in each other’s scent.

  “All you have to do is ask. And it would be all over. You’d be mine and I’d bury myself so deep inside you, I’d eradicate the memory of anyone else.” Chase spoke confidently.

  Day squeezed her eyes shut and her hands gripped the arms of his jacket even tighter. She inhaled deeply and he heard her breath tremble.

  “I-I can’t.” Day spoke softly, painfully.

  She pulled out of his embrace. Chase’s hands trailed down her bare arms, leaving gooseflesh in his wake. His hands clenched tightly as they felt the loss.

  Dammit. Dammit. DAMMIT! Daylen screamed inside. She wondered if it was appropriate for twenty-one-year-olds to throw themselves on the floor and have a temper tantrum. Since that was exactly what she wanted to do. Her clit thrummed painfully, her panties were ruined, and her sex practically blazed with the need to feel him slamming into her.

  She wanted to ask him to make love to her so badly that her throat ached with the effort to hold the words back. All day she’d held back her feelings. So many times she’d been tempted to say, ‘Fuck it! Let’s try again’. But Drew’s nervous voice earlier that morning over the phone had stopped her. He’d sounded so forlorn like he was waiting for her to deliver the bad news. She’d tried to make her voice sound bright and cheery though she felt anything but. In reality, she felt desperate, horny, and guilty.

  “We should get going. They want the nominees there a little early to get pictures of us.” Chase informed her, finally releasing her from his intense stare.

  “Let me get my purse and I’ll be ready.” Day said, relieved the tension was lessened marginally.

  She grabbed her silver clutch purse that matched her necklace and dangly earrings. Her bracelets from Chase still held their place of importance on her left wrist. As did his matching bracelet and the necklaces she’d gotten him, she’d noted the day before. As Chase helped her put on her coat, Day realized that they weren’t fooling anyone but themselves.

  They made their way to the lobby and the doorman hailed them a cab. The ceremony was only a few blocks from their hotel at the Yale Club of NYC, but there was no way that Day could walk there and back in her heels.

  Once they arrived, it was a whirlwind of activity. Chase entwined his fingers with hers and rarely let her go the rest of the evening. He proudly introduced her to his coach and university dignitaries as his lifelong, childhood best friend. Though the way he looked at her, it was obvious to anyone who had eyes, that Day was way more than a friend to him.

  Endless pictures were taken of them together, Chase alone, or with his coach and the other nominees, as she stood to the side and watched. Daylen was so proud of him, she felt she could bust. He was confident, yet humble, and gracious during all the hoopla.

  He continued to hold her hand tightly as they sat and listened to a speech about the history of the trophy. Some of the past Heisman winners spoke, as well as other important people in the college football community. Then they played highlight reels of each nominee. Daylen squeezed Chase’s hand tighter when it was his turn. Finally, the chairman of the Heisman Trust stepped up to the podium to announce the winner.

  “The winner of the 2002 Heisman Trophy has displayed amazing dedication to the sport of football. Not only has he worked harder than most, but he’s also shown great sportsmanship and integrity. He is a phenomenal leader and will go on to do great things in his professional career, I’m sure. So without further ado, I’d like to present this year’s Heisman to…” He paused for effect and Daylen gripped Chase’s damp palm tightly. “…Chase McCoy!”

  Day yelped with excitement as Chase expelled a huge breath. His coach clapped him on the back proudly. The audience applauded happily and nodded their heads in agreement. The other nominees stood up in a supportive standing ovation, no hard feelings being shown. Chase smiled brightly, his eyes holding a telltale sheen to them.

  “Congratulations, Chase. You so deserve this and I’m so p
roud of you.” Day’s voice quivered and her eyes shined with happy tears.

  Chase leaned over, grabbed her face, and kissed her hard on the lips in thank you. Day’s surprised face as he stood to head up to the podium, made the audience laugh loudly. Daylen blushed and then sunk down into her seat in embarrassment.

  She watched as Chase strode confidently up to the podium to receive the trophy. He shook hands with the chairman, and then took a deep breath as he faced towards the audience.

  “I just want to say thank you to everyone that voted for me. I’m truly mind blown. Thank you to the Heisman Trust for making all of this possible. I’d like to thank Coach Kramer for believing in me and making me believe in myself. I didn’t realize my potential until you pushed me to see it. I’d like to thank my teammates. You guys are like family to me, protecting me on and off the field. I’m gonna miss you guys after the season’s over. I’d like to thank my mom for doing her best by me, even in difficult situations. And finally, I’d like to thank Daylen.” Chase looked at her from the podium and smiled. “The one person who has always been there for me no matter what. Who’s put up with my nonsense and stupidity. You’ve been my biggest cheerleader, my best friend, and…the love of my life. Thank you for believing in me.” He finished with a nod and everyone stood to applaud as he came back down to his seat.

  A few tears fell unbidden onto Day’s cheeks, at his beautiful, heartfelt words. She quickly wiped them away as Chase walked up to her after shaking hands with nearly everyone he passed by. When he finally reached her, he wrapped Day in a warm embrace and rocked her from side to side.

  “That was a low blow.” Daylen scolded him.

  “Yeah, I never said I would play fair, but I meant every word,” Chase whispered in her ear.

  As he released her and turned to talk to his coach, Day remembered that this was all televised and Chase’s speech would be all over the news. At least sports news. She hoped that Drew didn’t decide to watch it for a glimpse of her or to check up on her. Though for some reason, she was finding it harder and harder to care. God…this can’t end well.


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