Another Way To Bleed (Midnight Assassin)

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Another Way To Bleed (Midnight Assassin) Page 10

by Harris, Susan

  Without a second thought, she flung the flame at the closest ghoul, who screeched as the flames engulfed him; the smell of burning decayed flesh seared her nostrils. She yanked the knife from her ankle and rose up just in time to sink the blade deep into another ghoul’s eye socket. She tried not to cringe as she pulled the blade out along with an eyeball. She flung the blade at his forehead with such force, that she had him pinned to the wall.

  The knife was no use to her now. She had her bare hands and her powers.

  As the ghouls closed in on her, she held out her hand and prayed to the Goddess that this would work. Concentrating as best she could, she willed her gun into her hand and let out a gasp of relief as the nine mil appeared in her grasp. Lifting the gun as she felt a withering hand reach for her, she pulled the trigger and the ghoul slumped to the floor, emptying the contents of its head as he went. She ducked and dived as she dispersed shot after shot, quickly blowing the brains of the ghouls all over the bleak basement. In no time at all, she had reached the door, feeling slightly smug at her achievement. Her hands were caked in ghoul blood as she pushed open the basement door. She knew her cockiness was celebrated too soon as she came face to face with a hellhound.

  “Nice doggie,” she muttered as she took a step back into the basement, the hound’s warm, rancid breath right in her face. It snarled at her and gnashed its teeth. Cassie knew the gun would do nothing but piss it off. Man she wished she had brought her sword now 'cause then she could have sliced the mongrel's head clean off. The massive beast lifted a paw and swept her in closer. She held her breath, not daring to move as it growled.

  A piercing whistle sounded from behind the beast, and it promptly sat down on its hind legs, its freakishly yellow tongue lolling to the side. Cassie looked around the shoulders and met the gaze of a strikingly alluring man. She guessed from the slight resemblance to his mother, that this was Cole. He had shoulder length, copper hair, just like mommy dearest and his eyes were as black as coal, not unlike her own. His facial features were sharp and unique, and Cassie wondered if he looked anything like Lucifer as well, or if his soul was as black as his eyes. The hound swatted her with a paw pushing her in Cole's direction. He was dressed in a tailor-made suit, all charcoal and silver; he looked dapper, with not a crease to be seen on his thousand euro suit. He smelled of fire and brimstone, and she wanted nothing more than to wipe that smug look off his too perfect face.

  “Well, well, Cassandra, we finally get to meet face-to-face. And I must say, you are more attractive in person, even with all the blood.”

  She crossed her arms against her chest. “I’d love to say the pleasure was all mine, Cole, but I’d be lying my ass off.”

  Laughing or should that be cackling, he snapped his fingers and two demons appeared next to Cassie, holding her still. Cole sauntered over to her, his over exuberance abundant in his walk. Placing two of his fingers on her forehead, she began to feel lightheaded and her knees began to give out. She fought with all her strength to overcome his power, but she failed miserably. As her eyes became heavy, she forced herself to listen as Cole murmured in her ear “We’re going to have so much fun together, Cassie, you and I. So much fun.”

  And as she drifted into nothingness, the only sound to be heard was his cruel, crippling laugh.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cassie felt groggy, like she was hung-over but with none of the benefits of the night before. She didn't know how long she was out, or if she was dreaming. Familiar voices floated around her, yet her brain struggled to match names with who was speaking. Her mouth was as dry as sandpaper she soon realised as she tried to open her mouth to speak. She heard a low vicious animalistic growl from nearby, but was too exhausted to move. She felt herself being lifted from where she lay and her knees buckled. Strong arms held her up, and she felt the cold clash of metal against her wrists and ankles. Her head fell forward and her muscles screamed as her hands were held over her head.

  The smell of blood circulated throughout the air, yet Cassie was unsure if the blood was hers or some other pitiful victim’s. She listened to the clash of chain against metal as the animal stuck in the room with her tried to pull itself free. It yowled in pain as Cassie heard the crack of a whip against skin. If she had any energy at all, she would have winced along with the poor thing. Over and over, the bastards struck with the whip. And what grated on her patience the most was that sinister laugh every time it yelped or cried out.

  As the fog started to lift, Cassie tried to concentrate, to remember where she was and what in hell she was supposed to be doing. Her senses were slowly coming back to her, so she could tell, even if she felt too tired to attempt to open her eyes that in the small space were two demons, three vampires and a hellhound.

  Cole... That’s why she was here... that bastard was going to be road kill if she got her hands on him.

  She listened to his footfalls on the solid floor as he came to stand in front of her, running a finger down her face, forcing a growl from across the room. She remained still, hoping to give the illusion that she was still out cold. Cole pressed his lips against her cheek and it took Cassie all the strength not to recoil in disgust.

  “She really is something special, is she not? She would make a fine queen for my new Kingdom, don't you agree? With her powers, I will help set all my subjects free, and we will reclaim this sorry island in my father’s name so he can rise and name me as his one true heir to hell.” Cole went to leave before pausing and speaking to her directly. “I know you are awake, Cassandra. I can feel your inner demon calling to me. Maybe if you spend some time in my little prison, you might appreciate the life you could lead with me by your side. That is of course, if your cellmate hasn't drained you dry in the next few hours. I will send for you, if you’re still alive, Cassandra. But you may wish that you were dead.”

  Cassie heard the snap of fingers and the clang of the door being closed. She sensed them all leave, but refrained from opening her eyes until a door banged shut. She took in a breath and pulled at her restraints, but they wouldn't budge. She could make out the faintest hint of magic buzzing from the cuffs, and now that she was as weak as a newborn, she had no chance of breaking through it. Raising her head, she spied a huddled figure crouched low into itself in the corner of the small cell. If she had been unbound, Cassie could have reached out and touched the fresh whip marks that adorned its back. All that held the vampire in place was a cruel dog collar, and she prayed to the Goddess that it was not hungry. It could easily reach her, and she was helpless to defend herself in any way. She scoped out the basement she was being kept in. It was tiny, all that fit in was the cell. It had only one window, but it was frosted over so no light seeped through. Her only way out of here was through the door in which Cole had left, and Cassie had no idea what awaited her on the opposite side.

  Despite her distrust of vampires, Cassie decided she had to know if she had a friend or foe in here with her. “Hey, are you okay?” Her question was answered with a grunt, but the vampire did not move an inch. “Well okay, Mr Conversation, how about a name? Or at least turn around so I can put a name to the grunts.”

  Her powers were depleted so that meant that she couldn't even scent the vampire. She tried to stretch in her cuffs, but her body screamed in agony and she whimpered slightly. The vampire growled again. Cassie wondered where her boys were and if they were even alive. She was unaware of how long she had been out for; her heart ached to think that they may think that she was dead.

  The vampire in the corner shifted slightly, allowing Cassie to see the blood-soaked face of the vampire. His face was contorted and its fangs were poking out of its top lip. The vamp looked out from behind dishevelled hair and Cassie let out an agonising cry. She would know those eyes anywhere, no matter if they had turned a little black in hunger. Those unique specks of green eyes belonged to the one vampire she wanted in her corner, but not like this.

  “Luka? Hey it’s me, Cassie... do you know who I am?” When he nodded,
she sighed in relief. “Good, that’s good. How long have we been here?” He gingerly held up his hand and painfully lowered his thumb. “Four hours? No four days... fuck!!”

  He turned completely now, but kept his back firmly planted against the bars of the cell. He tucked his knees into his bare chest and just stared at her. She guessed they probably hadn't fed him in four days either, and she knew how deranged vampires got when they were starved. She could tell by the shaking that racked his body that Luka was using as much control as possible to stop himself from doing anything he would without a doubt of regret.

  Cassie... Luka's voice sounded strange in her head. Can’t...hold...on... much... longer... so hungry. You... need... to... kill... me... please.

  The last word was said with so much desperation and agony that her heart contorted in pain. She frantically shook her head, and let out a scream as Luka sank his fangs into his own arm.

  “Luka, hey, HEY! Look at me... I will not kill you... we can hang on for another bit longer. Just let me think.

  Her mind was racing, her thoughts so jumbled she was beginning to panic. If Luka managed to get free, and she suspected he would, then she would be a sitting duck. Her eyes searched greedily for something, anything that could break her chains. Luka's body jerked and he bit his arm again.

  Cassie knew then that her time was up, and if she was going to die, then she would make sure Luka did not have to live with the guilt of being the monster that stole her life.

  “Luka, hey focus on me, Luka... good vampire. No matter what happens, you need to believe it is not your fault, do you hear me? I will not blame you or haunt your ass, okay? Don’t try and bring me back... I do not want to be a vampire. I’m freak enough already. I will hate you for all eternity and stake your ass if you do. Promise me you won't try and turn me.”

  When he nodded his head ever so slowly, she continued. “Okay now that’s settled, I need you to listen to me. I accept I am going to die today, but what I need you to remember is that I love you... I love you, Luka and I don't regret that for one moment. You saved my life and...”

  Her voice cracked as a blood red tear fell from Luka’s eye. She had never seen him cry before. Hell it was hard to have to say goodbye. When she held Luka's gaze, she realised he knew, had known all along that he would be the one to kill her. She smiled a weak smile at him, the vampire that had saved her life, trained her to fight, given her a home and loved her. He had changed so much since she had met him, especially in the last couple of months when he had seemed to mellow slightly.

  Cassie... love you, too. And that was all that needed to be said between them. She had danced with death too many times, and the reaper was coming to take her. She closed her eyes and just before she put up her mental walls, she quickly and softly spoke to her vampire one last time. Luka, do it now... make it quick... come on... When he made no attempt to budge, she yelled at him, GET YOUR ASS UP, NOW AND BITE ME!! COME ON!

  With a snarl, he yanked at the neck chain and it snapped a little. His eyes turned fully black, and he banged his head against the bars in frustration. Cassie braced herself as that sadistic voice sang in her head.

  Cassandra my dear... did you really think I would let him kill you with all that power you have bubbling inside you? You are more valuable to me alive than dead. Her restraints disappeared and she fell into a pouncing stance. Luka was lost to her now, his hunger driving him to the brink of madness as he made every attempt to free himself.

  Consider this, Cassandra, if you agree to join me, I will let you out of the basement and feed your vampire, but you will remain here with me and rule by my side.

  Screw you demon-boy I'd rather go down swinging, but I guess you’re not demon enough to try and put me down face-to-face, so fuck off and get out of my head like a good little mummy’s boy!

  Cassie felt the magic dissipate from the room as the cage door sprung open and Luka's dog collar melted away. He froze in mid pull and spun to face her. Readying herself, Cassie backed slowly towards the open door.

  Now you will have to kill him to survive, Cassandra, and I know the hunter in you will not surrender when there is a chance of escape. I will give you a little gift, though you do not deserve it.

  A silver tipped stake promptly appeared in her hand; she grasped her fingers tightly around it. She twirled it around in her hand and continued to back out of the cage.

  Hey, Cole, as you say, I am a hunter, but I can also incapacitate a vampire with a stake and not kill 'em ... So if I can just slow him down, then I win, dumbass.

  A frustrated scream vibrated in her head and Cassie fought back a grin. Luka was stalking her now, with every step she took, he followed. She had seen that look a zillion times before, like a snake recoiling before it strikes. As she finally crossed the threshold, she groaned inwardly as Cole's voice continued to give her a headache.

  Oh, one more thing, Cassandra. I do like a good ‘ole fight, but since I am more of a planner than a fighter, how about we make this a good show for all the family. Do you know what happens when a shark smells blood? They become single minded in their goal. Quite like vampires I imagine, my dear, so let’s give Luka a sniff of that delicious half-breed blood of yours, shall we?

  Cassie eyes opened wide in fear. She was in trouble now. She felt the sting as an invisible force sliced her on the neck. Putting her fingers quickly on her neck, she felt the warm ooze of blood from her throat. The smell rose up into the air and Luka's nostrils flared.

  Run... Cassie... Please.

  He roared with the fierceness of a lion and lunged for her with steely determination. She tried to close the door in his face, but he was much stronger than she was. She rolled backwards to give herself as much distance from him as possible. When she feigned moving to the left, she distracted him long enough to balance herself and strike with a roundhouse kick to the side of his head. He staggered just a bit, so she seized the opportunity to try and sucker punch him, but he side stepped her, grabbing her wrist and twisting so not only did she drop the stake but the bone snapped. Pain flooded her body, but she had to keep going. They traded punches as if they were right back in Luka's gym training. Luka caught hold of her mangled wrist again, yanking her sideways so that she flipped over and landed on her back. He was on her in an instant, his knees holding her in place, his arms pinning her to the cold, bloodied floor. His eyes flickered green for a split second as his voice brushed into her mind Cassie, forgive me, please.

  He sank his teeth deep into her neck and it burned like hell. Cassie felt none of the euphoric high she had been told people felt when a vampire fed from them, just the absolute agony you would expect from having two needles stuck in your neck. She could feel her blood drain from her body as Luka pulled her closer, ripping her neck open even further. Cassie tried to push him off now that he had freed her hands, but with the blood loss, he was far too strong. Black spots floated before her eyes, her eyes heavy now. She felt her breathing slow as the rise and fall of her chest became less and less. As she felt her body become limp, she could almost swear that she could hear the lyrics from that old Metallica song flowing through invisible speakers in the basement.

  “Life it seems will fade away drifting further every day. Getting lost within myself, nothing matters, no one else.”

  And it was only then, as she lay dying in the grip of the man she loved, did Cassie finally understand what those words meant.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Cassie... Cassie... Cassandra Marie Murphy! If you do not get yourself out of that pit and ready for school, I swear by the Goddess I will come up there and drag you down myself!”

  The familiar voice jerked Cassie awake. She guessed she must be dead if her mother's voice was enough to snap her back to consciousness. Had she dreamed it all? Had the last five years of her life been nothing but a terrible nightmare? A product of an overactive imagination? As she looked around the once familiar bedroom that had been her sanctuary when she lived with her coven, she grimaced
at the abundance of pink that adorned the room. Her mother had decorated it with the hopes that the calming influence would have some effect on her hyper, troublesome daughter. Cassie always preferred black, but her mother had informed her that her taste in clothes and music was an acquired taste. Swinging her legs out of bed, she caught sight of herself in the mirror. She must be dreaming because the face staring back at her was that of her former self, a scrawny, pale fifteen year old who couldn't fight her way out of a paper bag. Her black hair hung in loose knots over her face and hollow, lonely black eyes blinked at her. Maybe, just maybe... She didn't dare hope that none of the horrible things she had been through were nothing more than a bad night’s sleep.

  Flinging open her bedroom door, she walked down the buzzing corridors as the members of her coven hurried round organising themselves for their day. Cassie smiled to herself as the rich aromas of thyme, sage, cinnamon, poppy and other scents that label each witch, danced through her. As she descended the stairs that led to their shared kitchen, she paused. I'm supposed to be remembering something. I'm sure of it... I'm not supposed to be here.

  The thought evaporated almost immediately as her mother poked her head round the door. “There you are, come on, you’re late as it is.” She smiled then, the biggest smile Cassie had ever seen; her mother glowed as she did. She was alive and not a vampire. Cassie hadn't killed her. This was real. This was what she wanted.

  Taking a step inside, Cassie sat on the nearest vacant chair. All around the table eating breakfast were her family, though not by blood, this was her family. Helena the prophetess, Bridget the warrior, Aine the master of potions and like her, the witches of the future, Siobhan, Aoife, Breanna and baby Aishling, who at just four years old had shown an affinity for music and was sort of like a pied piper of witches. Like a siren, just not with the sea and the ships. Her mother placed a plate full of eggs in front of her and she forked them into her mouth hungrily. As she sat, she stole a glance at her mother. Apart from having the same shaped face and petite build, they looked nothing alike. In contrast to Cassie’s dark shade, her mother was light, long golden waves of hair that cascaded down her back. Where Cassie was pale, she was tanned and had eyes of royal blue that shone so bright Cassie wished her own eyes had even the faintest of colour.


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