The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: The Curse of the Gifted

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The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: The Curse of the Gifted Page 18

by J. A. Schreckenbach

  The scream finally swelled from Aimee's throat a couple octaves above normal and boomed out, “OMIGOD, THERE IT IS! THE LEXUS!”

  Dylan’s eyes narrowed while he eyed the tail of the car. He glanced in his rearview mirror, then threw the FJ into reverse, backing just enough to pull around the truck idling in front of them at the red light.

  He screeched, “HOLD ON!”, and then gunned the FJ around the beat up, old pickup. Someone was coming from the opposite direction so Dylan mashed the gas pedal and turned the wheel at the same time. Aimee heard piercing screams escape from her mouth. She braced her arm against the door to keep her right side from hitting it. Dylan narrowly missed the car coming through the intersection before he turned sharply left and fishtailed on the slick street, then slid into the second lane and straightened out.

  His arm automatically stretched across Aimee's torso as he spit out between his clenched teeth, “You okay?”

  “Holy crap, Dylan, you’re gonna get us killed!”

  “We’re fine. We’re fine. Keep your eyes on the Lexus!”

  The driver of the Lexus, now a couple blocks ahead of them, had spotted their crazed maneuver. He wasn’t taking any chances getting caught. The chase was on. Within a couple seconds Dylan was moving as fast down the city street as he drove on the interstate. His jaw was set rigid and eyes locked onto the rear of the black speedster. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a car pulled out in front of them from a parking lot. Like an experienced stunt driver, Dylan veered into the left lane and flew by, their cars narrowly missing each other. The screams no longer were audible. They stuck deep in Aimee's parched throat. Her nails embedded sharply into the vinyl. She clenched her fingers so tightly around the handle of the armrest that the blood had drained from them. And as quickly as the FJ jumped into action, it screeched to a halt, pitching Aimee's body forward. She threw up her arms to brace herself from the anticipated impact against the dash. By the time their SUV came to a complete stop they were inches away from the car in front of them. Both lanes were blocked by cars as the light changed from yellow to red. Dylan’s cursing escalated while they watched the black Lexus victoriously tear away.

  “Omigod, Dylan, we could have been killed! What the hell were you thinking?!”

  “Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. You okay?” His face loosened a bit when he glanced from the street to check Aimee.

  “No, I’m not okay! Geez, you scared me half to death. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Dylan, I really do appreciate you wanting to help me find this creep, but don’t get us killed trying. It’s not worth it. I would die if you got hurt.”

  It was frustrating to be inches away from figuring out who was driving the mysterious Lexus, then watch it tear away from them unscathed, but Aimee sighed in relief as the FJ started moving again in traffic at a normal speed. It drove her crazy wondering why someone was after her. She was a chameleon. Unnoticeable.

  Dylan finally broke the silence. “Awful quiet. What are you thinking?”

  “Just wondering who would want to stalk me,” Aimee answered with a strained voice.

  Dylan reached over and squeezed her shoulder as they slowed down to turn into his driveway. “Well, whoever this asshole is, we’ll find out. Don’t worry. He won’t hurt you. I’ll make sure of that.”

  She smiled feebly, trying to appear reassured, even if she didn’t feel that way. “I hope soon. And until we do, let’s try to keep this between just us. I hate to worry Dad. He is so happy these days. I haven’t seen him this happy ever. I don’t want to spoil his high.”

  “Okay, just us, and Mom and Paul. I want to find out if they know anyone with this car.”

  “All right, but only them.”

  Mrs. Lane greeted them when they came into the kitchen. Her eyes widened after she took one look at the two of them. Dylan answered her before she could quiz. “Got stuck in the rain at the ballgame, Mom.” He looked over and winked at Aimee.

  His mom handed Aimee a towel, then said, “Take Aimee to Kara’s room and get her some dry clothes. I’ll get you two something to eat. We had Fettuccine Alfredo and Caesar salad. Will that be okay?”

  “Perfect. Thanks, Mom.”

  Dylan escorted Aimee to Kara’s room and flipped on the light. Her room was colorful and pristine like every other room in the house. Reminders of her life with Paul and her mom, and now her new family, Mrs. Lane and Dylan, were evident everywhere. Dylan turned on the closet light, tugged opened the massive doors, and then gestured for Aimee to enter. It was a walk-in closet, larger than her bedroom, and packed full of clothes all sorted by color, and arranged by clothes type, unlike her closet where jeans were stuffed in wherever there was a spare spot handy. And just like Dylan professed, most of the clothes still had store tags with pricey numbers.

  “Dylan, I can’t wear these!” Aimee finally blurted while she stood there eyeing the tempting racks of apparel.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Kara won’t miss a thing. She doesn’t come home very often, and when she does, she’s only here for a day or two. She has so much crap she wouldn’t miss anything if you took half of the clothes. Here, let me help if you’re worried about taking something she might want.”

  He reached into the shirt section and quickly fingered through a dozen designer tops. “Here. This color looks great on you.” He tossed Aimee a royal blue top with a daring neckline and wooden beading hanging from the border, then continued poking through the bottom rack until he grabbed a new pair of jeans off the hanger and pitched them gently to Aimee. “These should fit. You look the same size as Kara,” he muttered while he headed to the back of the closet to a large Chester drawer. He opened the top drawer and pulled out two items in a flash, then turned and put them on top of the pile Aimee had in her arms.

  Dylan smiled devilishly and winked. “Wish I could see how these fit. Want to model them for me?”

  Aimee looked down at the two items lying on top of the new jeans; a brand new bra and matching thong. Very lacy and very sexy. Her cheeks instantly felt hot. “I bet you would love that. Maybe another time when your mom isn’t here. Give me a couple minutes. Okay?”

  He kissed her. “I’ll take a rain check. Maybe when we go to Otter Rock, hmm?” Dylan pointed to Kara’s bathroom door and started towards the hall. “You can dry off and change in there, then meet me downstairs. Bring your wet clothes. Mom will throw them in the washer.”

  After eating and watching some television, Dylan took Aimee home. Dad’s truck was gone so Aimee figured he and Dr. Morris were out on a date. As Dylan walked her to the front door, she finally felt brave enough to ask what had been on her mind all evening. “Dylan,” she started hesitantly.

  He moved his body closer into hers as they stood on the dark porch. “Yes?”

  “Did…uh...” She dragged the words out trying to keep up her nerve. “…I guess what I’m trying to ask is, if I hadn’t told you I was a…virgin…would you have made love to me tonight?” Aimee stopped and stared straight into his eyes waiting for his reply.

  Dylan lingered for a few seconds, and then softly answered, “Yes.”

  “So, it really makes that much of a difference that I’m not…experienced? Or does my virginity scare you?”

  He touched the small of her back and gently eased her into his body. “Aimee, I haven’t been a virgin since I was fifteen, and as for the girls I’ve been with...,” he paused, cleared his throat, then continued, “...well, I guess it’s a bit unnerving, but also really awesome. But what really made me stop when all I wanted was you, is I realized what we have is so much more to me than just physical, and believe me, it’s friggin’ hard for a guy to pass up the opportunity for sex. But I know we’ll get there. I would hate to take your virginity, and then you regret it. I want it to be special for you. Not just sex in the front seat of a car. When you’re fifteen all you care about is the sex, but when you’re older, and you know you're with the right person, it’s got to be more than just the act. You know, not all men are mindless pricks. You don�
�t realize, I guess, how much I love you. You’re like a drug to me. I can’t explain it.”

  He stared into Aimee's eyes for a few seconds, and then kissed her. Before she could mutter anything else his tongue cruised along hers. She inched her fingers through his hair, their bodies melted together, and Aimee felt the proof how much he loved her.

  Finally they both broke away, and she took a deep breath. “I’m ready. The next time we won’t turn back. I won’t let you stop. I love you with all my heart.”

  “I love you more,” Dylan answered.

  Shortly, Dylan was gone and Aimee got settled in bed. Her mind emptied all thoughts about their earlier encounter with her stalker. She was totally focused on Dylan. Aimee drifted to sleep fantasizing about their first time together. ...


  …The woods were dark and dewy with little wisps of dawn light filtering through the gangly armed branches. Aimee sucked in the rusty smell of Douglas fir mixed lightly with rustic cedar while she followed the trail from the cabin to the beach with a long board tucked under her arm.

  She could hear the sound of the waves crashing off the boulders along the north rim of the shoreline. They sounded harsh. Angry. Approaching the path leading onto the beach, Aimee counted the lull between the sound of the waves hitting the shore trying to determine the distance between the sets. Her heart started to race while she mentally prepared for the task ahead - the ride. Only this time she wouldn’t be alone on the water. She had a partner - her protégé. Aimee had taught him well, and now for the first time they would ride some decent waves together, side by side. The adrenaline started to rush through her when she stepped out of the forest and hit the edge of the rocky sand. He stood by the water with his back to her, watching the sets roll methodically and perfectly formed onto the beach. They were alone, just the two of them, and taking this ride together made it so perfect. She felt it would all come together today.

  Her steps were soft, soundless in the sand. He felt Aimee's presence, then leaned over and grabbed his stick. They hit the water at the same moment, with their arms paddling furiously in sync gliding their boards on the surface of the ocean towards the outer rim. Over a hundred yards out both stopped, turned the boards’ noses towards the shore, then straddled them while they bobbed up and down. Their legs dangled in the water. In silence they surveyed the sets coming behind them.

  A brown gull glided overhead, then plunged down from the pearl streaked sky into the water, effortlessly pulling back up with a fish's tail flopping from its mouth. Way off on the north rim a family of otters scoured the shoreline for a breakfast of shellfish. God’s magic was evident all around them. Aimee checked her protégé, and then nodded. They turned around and spotted the approaching wave at the same instant.

  Immediately they spread out prone on the boards and swiftly started pumping. The water swelled up under them, lifting the noses. They pushed up into vertical to catch the wave as it grabbed both boards and jetted them forward. With perfect finesse they dropped into the curl with Aimee's partner leading. It was orchestrated flawlessly. They weaved in and out, their hands dragging through the icy water. It was totally awesome to watch him hug the wave tight and fly on his stick. Aimee felt proud of what she taught him. Within seconds the shoreline shifted closer, and together they dropped when the magnificent force of the wave exhausted. They paddled into shore, rescued their boards, then escaped the tug of the water.

  The morning sun peeked through the clouds throwing pink rays that danced across the water. The crisp air licked across their wet suits, and everything together fired nerve endings. At the same time they dropped their boards, then fell onto a large blanket, breathless from the amazing ride they shared. They rolled over to face each other. Melodious giggles spilled out until their breathing finally settled. Dylan reached over and gently wiped the sand from her cheek with his thumb, then slid his hand down and across her throat to rest at the nape of her neck. His eyes, more intense than Aimee had ever witnessed, stared into hers. “Are you ready?” he asked.

  Aimee whispered, “Yes. I’m yours now, and forever.”

  Then without another word, their mouths found each other, and their breaths raced again while their bodies melded. He could feel her heart through the two neoprene layers between them. With the finesse of a matador, he reached behind him and grabbed the old quilt, then whipped it up and over their bodies in one precise move. Beneath them was a sandy bed covered only by the blanket, and shielding them from the rest of the world was the weathered quilt.

  Dylan rolled over so she could unzip his suit. Trembling, she pulled down the zipper, exposing his bare back. With one poised move he peeled the top away from his body, then yanked it down and off his legs. Under the makeshift tent, Aimee gazed at his beautiful face. His eyes never left hers. Then no longer fearful, she took in the rest of his body. He was gorgeous, perfectly rippled, yet sensually soft against her touch. Her lips met his for a brief moment, then traveled down over the surface of his skin tenderly caressing first his throat, his shoulder, and then his chest. His skin tasted a wonderful earthy flavor, like the briny water of the ocean. She stopped and rested her cheek against his chest. His heart pounded. After a few seconds she continued lightly kissing him, her lips sure of their destination.

  But before Aimee could finish the course, his hand stopped her descent. He touched her back, and in one swift pull, he tugged the zipper down and prepared to remove the suit from her frame. He stopped and secured the tent around them to keep the crisp wind away from their warmed bodies.

  Aimee tenderly touched his cheek and said, “I love you.”

  He answered, “I love you more”, then slowly pulled the rubber layer off her arms. Aimee closed her eyes to experience the exhilaration of her body being freed from the synthetic skin. She felt his eyes dancing across every inch of her body. He drew her close and glided his hands across the top of her breasts. She craved the joy of his touch. He crushed his lips furiously into hers. Every cell, every nerve, every bit of life in her exploded.

  Then time stopped.

  Nothing but the beating of their hearts and their throbbing bodies could be heard. Nothing else mattered but this. The two of them were one with each other. Yet, all too soon the world started turning again. She heard the waves crashing against the shore, the call of the pipers sailing overheard, and the cool wind pushing against their tent. His voice filled her ears as their bodies melted together into a lump on the sandy blanket.

  Dylan whispered, “God has answered my prayers. He sent me you.”

  Aimee wanted him to hold her forever, to not let go. She wanted to freeze this moment in time. But he pulled away. Their eyes met, and she gasped! The realization of what she had just done paralyzed her.

  The stranger with brilliant blue eyes stared at her. He grabbed her arms and in his British accent he asked, “Aimee, my love, what’s wrong?”

  Chapter 12 Revenge

  Frantic knocking jarred her back into reality. “Aimee, wake up, honey! Are you okay? Aimee, the door is locked!” The knob jiggled while Dad continued rapping swiftly on the other side of the door.

  Zonker hovered over Aimee panting. His pink tongue hung from the end of his mouth and dripped slobber on her face. Abruptly, she shot up and wiped the goo from her cheek with the edge of the quilt, and then hollered at the impetuous dog, “Dammit, Z Boy! Get off the bed!” He leaped from the bed and dashed to the door to escape her tirade. “Hold on to your britches!” Aimee shouted.

  She jerked open the door and Dad fell into the room almost landing on the floor. He immediately caught his footing and veered around to face her. “Geez, Amos, what’s wrong?! I’ve been knocking for a couple minutes. And why did you lock your door?”

  “I’m sorry. I was sound asleep. I didn’t hear you. I’m not sure how the door got locked. Guess I accidentally shut it that way. And what’s wrong with you?” she snapped back.

  “You were screaming the word 'No' over and over at the top of your
lungs. It woke me up it was so loud. You scared me half to death.”

  Heavily, Aimee sighed and wiped the wet from under her eyes so Dad wouldn’t notice. “I guess I was dreaming. I’m sorry I woke you up.”

  Dad patted her shoulder and handed her a tissue from the nightstand. “Aimee, if something’s bothering you, I’m all ears. I know it’s hard to talk to your father about some things, but I’m here if you need to talk. Everything okay with you and Dylan?”

  “Everything is perfect with us. It’s nothing, really. Just one of my crazy dreams. I appreciate you caring, Dad.”

  “I love you, sweetheart.” He let out a big yawn, then continued, “I guess I’ll go back to bed. It’s a little early to get up.”

  She examined the clock. Two eleven a.m. “Yep, it’s a bit early. Sorry I woke you up. Go back to bed, and I’ll see you in a few.” Zonker squeezed through the opening before Aimee shut the door, and lobbed back onto the bed. She checked her cell phone before getting back under the covers. Two texts from James from the day before were unanswered. She hit View, then read the latest one.

  Hey where r u??? when u get this…your fave bro

  Aimee scrolled to the first text and opened it.

  Havent heard from u lately…call when u get time for your fave bro…want to congrats u on your acceptance at UC…pops called with the news…Sach says hi and congrats

  She deleted both messages and set the phone back on the nightstand. Two fourteen was way too early to call James. She would wait until after her run in the morning. Aimee flipped off the light, laid back, and pulled the soft quilt up over her face to block out the cool air. Zonker nestled against her legs, then sighed softly. Dylan’s scent hung sweetly on the sheets and filtered into her nostrils. It immediately brought back the dream. She wished she could fall back to sleep and finish it. This blue-eyed Brit was starting to get on her nerves. He had a habit of screwing up her perfect dreams with Dylan. It aggravated her, and yet, for some inexplicable reason, Aimee felt like she knew him from somewhere, like he was supposed to be there. After taking in another deep whiff of Dylan, she turned over and forced the dream from her thoughts, then eased back into sleep.


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