Loving His Forever

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Loving His Forever Page 14

by LeAnn Ashers


  “Hey, baby. I’m off work and heading home. Wanna go out to eat?” Ethan asks.

  “Sure, but something has happened,” I tell him and cringe slightly, knowing he’s going to go all alpha until I get to explain.

  “What?” he growls deeply.

  I explain everything.

  “I’m starting to really like that fucking kid,” he says loudly into the phone. Liam hears him. He grins but then quickly hides it.

  I laugh. “I’ll be home in a little bit. See you soon. Love you.”

  “Love you too, Ethan.”

  I hang up and start the car. Butterflies swarm in my belly at the thought of seeing Ethan. I still get nervous before I see him.

  Ethan’s police cruiser is already in the driveway, and he is standing on the porch. He walks down and opens my door. I greet him with a kiss before I head inside. I want to change my shirt before we go out to dinner. Ethan takes that moment to smack me on the butt. I can feel it jiggle

  “Ethan Blane!” I squeal and look back at him, shocked. He grins that cocky grin that would melt the panties off a nun, and he knows it too. That smile can get him out of everything. Not that I would tell him that though.

  I am looking at Ethan so I don’t watch where I’m going. The front of my foot hits the steps and I fall forward. Ethan catches me by the back of my shorts.

  “You’ll be the death of me someday,” he growls loudly and lifts me off the ground, carrying me into the house.

  “Love you too, Ethan.” I grin at him.

  He shakes his head and smiles. “Love you too, mean ass.” He reaches forward to smack my butt again. I jump back. He narrowly misses me.

  “Ya’ll are like fucking rabbits,” Liam huffs and walks toward the kitchen.

  Laughing, I run up the stairs to get ready for dinner. Ethan is right behind me. He needs to change out of his police uniform. Liam is raiding the refrigerator.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Two months later

  Life couldn’t get any better. It’s perfect. Ethan is perfect. Every single day I fall more in love with him. Sydney and Kane have adopted a little girl, who is the sweetest little thing. Liam is prospecting for the MC club. Most people would cringe away from them, but while they may be hard around the edges, they have good intentions.

  Ethan has branded himself into my soul. When we’re apart, it feels like my heart is missing a part of itself. He owns the other half of it. The way he smiles, laughs, holds me at night protectively. He makes love to me like it’s his last day on earth.

  If you had asked me a few months ago what my life would be like in the future, I would have said I wouldn’t be here. I never expected to live past the next night, sometimes even the next hour. The life I was living was dangerous. I was lucky to have survived as long as I did.

  I never expected to fall in love, have a job, or be happy without the fear of what has been done to me weighing me down.

  Hands touch my hips. I jump and look over my shoulder at Ethan, who is resting his chin on my shoulder, his arms wrapped around my waist.

  “What are you thinking about so hard over here?”

  Shrugging, I turn around and wrap my arms around his belly with my head on his chest, breathing in his scent.

  “Just thinking,” I mutter nonchalantly.

  “You sure?” He tightens his grip around me.

  “Yes, baby.” I lean back and smile at him. “Sydney wants to have a night out. Kane, Chase, and Isaac are coming as well.”

  “Okay. When do they want to leave?”

  I check the clock. “In an hour. I better go get ready.” I lean up and kiss him.

  Isaac is Ethan’s Marine buddy. He just moved here after his house burned down. He actually just lived around twenty minutes outside the city. He owns the construction business with Kane, who I came to find out owns multiple businesses himself.

  Liam is at the club. Little does he know, tonight the club will give him his first motorcycle as reward for all the work he’s done around the club. I believe it’s also because of Torch, for helping with his daughter.

  Sydney is pregnant. She texted both me and Jessica, freaking out. We went to the obgyn with her and came to find out she is expecting twins.

  I pick out a pair of white jeans and a burgundy top that reaches the waistband of my pants, then take my hair out of the small bun so it fans around my face.

  I quickly do my makeup, making my eye shadow smoky with mascara and dark red, matte lipstick. Then I curl my hair.

  Ethan opens the bathroom door and heads straight to the toilet, unzips his pants, and pees. I roll my eyes and go back to finishing my hair.

  He washes his hands and props his hip on the corner of the sink. He crosses his arms across his chest and smiles at me. Blushing, I look away from him. When I notice he keeps staring at me, I ask, “What is it?”

  “You’re fucking gorgeous,” he says bluntly. I blush again and smash my lips together to stop my smile.

  He walks over to me. I stiffen, waiting to see what he is going to do. I turn off the straightener and start to put all my cosmetics back in the bag.

  His hand pushes my hair over my shoulder and he presses a light kiss to my neck. Closing my eyes, I lean into him. Hands run up my legs and then to my waist. I feel his hands go to my waistband and unbutton my pants, and hear the sound of my zipper as he unzips them.

  Then he grabs the top of my jeans and pushes them down to my knees, then slowly pushes my panties down to meet my pants.

  My breath stills as I feel his hands caressing my backside. His hand presses against my back, pushing me down so my belly is across the counter, my feet dangling off the ground. Then his mouth is there. I cry out and try to move my legs, but the jeans at my knees trap them.

  Ethan grabs both of my hands and holds them at my hips so I’m completely at his mercy as he licks, nips, and sucks. My breathing becomes rapid, and my toes stiffen as my release approaches fast.

  When Ethan’s tongue enters me, I come hard. My legs are trembling, and I suffer with aftershocks as I come down from my high. “Holy shit,” I groan out.

  “Anyone home?” Sydney yells from downstairs. I push off the counter and sway, heady from the orgasm. Ethan steadies me and pulls my panties and jeans back up. Spotting his huge erection, I bite my lip.

  “We can stay home...” I trail off. I want to return the favor.

  “Even though I want nothing more than those sexy as fuck lips around my cock, we have to go,” he says heatedly and adjusts himself.

  Turning back to the mirror, I fix my smudged lipstick and my clothes. I stick the lipstick in my pocket so I don’t have to carry a clutch.

  Ethan’s hand goes to the small of my back as he leads me down to the living room. Sydney spots us and grins. “Oh, what were ya’ll doing up there?”

  Blushing, I grab my sandals by the door. I hear Kane and Ethan talking.

  “Come on, let’s go!” Sydney hurries and grabs my hand, leading me out of the door, leaving Kane and Ethan inside.

  “Sydney, wait up!” Kane charges after her. She rolls her eyes and pulls me over to a big black truck that’s more jacked up than Ethan’s. I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to get in it.

  Ethan comes up beside me a second later. “I, umm, don’t think I can get in.” I wave my arms toward the truck.

  I walk over to it anyway and take ahold of the seat to pull myself up. I only make it halfway. I hear Kane and Ethan laughing at me. “Being short sucks donkey balls sometimes.” Sydney mutters as she tries to climb in too.

  “Here, baby, let me help you.” Ethan grabs my hips and lifts me inside, and I see Kane do the same for Sydney.

  I scoot over so Ethan can get in beside me. He shuts his door and immediately takes my hand. Those darn butterflies take flight in my belly. He turns my head so I look at him and slams his lips onto mine to give me a searing kiss.

  He lets go a second later. I’m left
in a daze. He leans over to whisper into my ear. “A promise for later.” His lips wrap around my earlobe and give it a tug.

  “Oh shit,” I chant to myself, trying to control myself so I don’t jump him.

  I pull our entwined hands into my lap and look out of the window as the night falls around more by the second. I feel nervous the closer we get to the bar. The last time I went it didn’t go so well, but I know Ethan will keep me safe.

  Kane pulls up in front of the bar when I realize it’s one the MC club owns. He steps out and walks over to the passenger side, lifting Sydney out. Ethan does the same to me.

  God, I love this man. He kisses the top of my head, and I smile up at him, feeling pure happiness.

  When we enter the bar, I spot Kyle and Chrystal standing next to the bar with Kyle’s MC brothers.

  Chrystal spots us and waves. Kyle looks over at us and gives a head nod. Kane leads us to a booth toward the back of the bar, where Ethan has me slide in against the wall.

  “I’ll go get us something to drink.” He starts to turn away but stops and points at me. “Don’t move.”

  I salute him, “Yes, sir.”

  “Smartass,” I hear him say under his breath as he and Kane walk toward the bar.

  Sydney slams her hand down onto the top of the table to get my attention and grins at me. “Well, I thought I’d never see the day.” She shakes her head in disbelief.

  “What?” I arch my eyebrow at her.

  “My brother is so fucking whipped.”

  I shrug my shoulders and smile because I’m whipped too.

  “I’m happy for you guys, Braelyn. You deserve to be happy. And I’m glad it’s with my brother.” She takes my hand and gives it a squeeze.

  I lean over the table so I can wrap my arms around her shoulders. “Thank you, Syd.”

  “What are you doing to my woman?” A deep voice asks. I look down. Sydney’s face is buried in my breasts. I blush down to my feet as I pull back.

  “I’m just fucking with you.” Kane laughs and sits down beside Sydney. I look over the top of the booth, searching for Ethan. He’s paying for our drinks.

  “How is Liam doing?” Sydney asks. I turn my attention back to her.

  “He is doing really good.” I grin proudly at the thought of all my brother has accomplished.

  “Man, that kid has a killer right hook,” Kane praises. Liam is taking MMA classes at the gym Kane owns.

  “Don’t I know it,” I say thinking back to the men I witnessed him knock out cold.

  Ethan sits down next to me and hands me a beer. I take a sip before I set it on the table. Sydney can’t drink because she is pregnant.

  Kane and Sydney bicker like an old married couple. I laugh at their antics and decide to take the moment to tease Ethan. Peeking up at him, I see him looking at Kane and Sydney.

  Slowly, I lift my hand and set it straight onto his dick. Ethan stiffens into stone. I cup him and rub slowly. His breath comes out in a hiss and his hand tightens on his beer bottle to the point his knuckles are white.

  Grinning evilly, I take my hand away from his pants and lay it on his thigh. He eases into his seat. “You’re going to pay for that later,” he growls and presses a hard kiss on my mouth as a promise of what’s going to come.

  I can’t wait, I think to myself.

  After a few minutes, I get the urge to pee. I nudge Ethan’s side. “I’ve got to go to the bathroom.”

  He scoots out of the booth to let me out. I walk a few feet toward the bathroom when I notice he’s following me. I stop to look back at him.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “Watching your ass shake,” he says with a smirk. I roll my eyes and shake my head as I enter the bathroom.

  After doing my business, I wash my hands. I look in the mirror and notice my lipstick is only on the outer parts of my lips and is worn off in the middle. I reapply it then stuff it back into my pants.

  When I step back into the bar, I see Ethan standing beside Kyle, talking, with his beer in his hand. He doesn’t notice me leaving the bathroom.

  A hand wraps around my middle and pulls me back against a huge beer belly. The person holding me smells like shit and piss. Panic shoots through me, and I start so squirm, trying to get away.

  “I like ‘em when they fight.” Beer breath washes over my face, and I gag to the point I almost vomit all over the floor.

  “Ethan!” I scream while I try to lodge the hands away from my belly. My whole body is cold with fear.

  “The fuck?” I hear him yell. Then the sound of thundering footsteps tells me he’s coming. A second later, the man’s arms are gone from around me. I almost sink to the floor as the huge wave of panic at the feel of another man’s hands on me overwhelms me.

  “Oh man, you’ve fucked up!” a man yells and then laughs. A huge thump and the sound of a breaking table break through my fog. I look up to see Ethan standing above the man, who is knocked out on the ground.

  I hold on to the table in front of me and push my shaky body up to a standing position. My whole entire body is shaking. I feel afraid for the first time in months.

  Ethan turns around and looks for me, his expression full of barely controlled rage. He takes a step forward to close the distance between us and swoops me up in his arms. My feet leave the ground and my legs wrap around his waist.

  Ethan puts one arm under my butt and the other on my back, pulling me against him. Safe. As soon as he touched me, the fear melted away and all that was left was him. That man owns every single bit of me.

  “Kyle, get that man out of here,” he says above my head, and then I hear men shuffling around us, but I don’t look up.

  Another hand touches my back, and I jerk. “Braelyn, are you okay?” Sydney asks. I realize it was her who touched me, but I acted out of habit. I know when someone who isn’t Ethan touches me .

  “I’m okay,” I reply, but I don’t let go of Ethan as my body returns back to normal. A slow song comes on and Ethan slowly sets me back down onto the floor. My head goes to his chest and his arms tighten around me as we sway to the music. Smiling, I look up at him.

  Our eyes connect. “Marry me,” he tells me bluntly. We stop swaying. My mouth falls open as I look at him, shocked. Wait. What? Did he really mean it?

  He gets down onto one knee in front of me and pulls a ring out of his pocket. My hands fly to my mouth and tears form in my eyes.

  “Baby, will you marry me? I love you more than my next breath; I love you more every single day. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, grow old with you, have babies running around our feet. You are my forever. I promise to spend every single day loving you.”

  I nod my head frantically. “Yes, I will marry you! A hundred times, yes,” I sob.

  Ethan takes the ring and slides it on my ring finger, sealing the deal. “Oh my God!” Sydney screams. Laughing, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. The man from earlier is long forgotten.

  Ethan stands with me in his arms, his lips never leaving mine. The world around us melts away; the crowd that’s gathered around us is gone. All that matters is me kissing him and his arms around me.

  He pulls away and looks me dead in the eye. “I love you, Angel.”

  “I love you too.” I lift my hand and rest it on his face. Our foreheads are touching. “I can’t believe this.” I laugh in disbelief. I can’t believe all of this came out of my life. I’m getting married.

  “You’re stuck with me now,” I tell Ethan.

  He grins and kisses my temple. “No other person I want to be stuck with.”

  “I’m assuming you guys want to go home?” Kane asks, breaking up our moment. I tighten my grip on Ethan, unwilling to leave his arms.

  “Yeah, man,” Ethan’s chest rumbles.

  “Congrats, Braelyn!” I hear Chrystal yell. I look over and mouth ‘Thank you’, the smile not leaving my face. I don’t think I can get any happier than in this moment.

  Chapter Nineteen
r />   Braelyn

  Ethan carries me through the house bridal style and runs up the stairs. Laughing at his antics, I tighten my grip around his neck. He goes into our bedroom and slams the door and clicks the lock.

  He carries me over to the bed and lays me gently down in the middle before he braces himself on his hands with his hips between my legs. His eyes search my face before he shakes his head and smiles.

  “I love you, Angel,” he whispers to me again.

  My bottom lip is trembling, “I love you too, sweetheart.”

  He lifts his hand to my cheek and strokes the bone before putting his lips on mine for a soft, tender kiss. He pulls away and trails his kisses down to my chest. His lips meet the skin over my heart.

  “I love your heart.”

  He moves down between my breasts. “I love your smell.”

  Those lips trail down to my belly button. “I can’t wait to see you carrying my babies. I love everything about you from that goofy laugh, to your pranks, to your quirkiness. I love you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.” His lips trail down to my pussy. “Don’t even get me started on this pussy of yours.” Laughing, I lean forward and kiss the top of his head.

  He moves up so he is on his knees again and grabs the bottom of my shirt. I lift my arms so he can pull it over my head. I unsnap my jeans and lift my hips to push them down. Ethan takes over and pulls them all the way off.

  He looks down and notices that I still have panties on. He looks up and then looks down again at my panties with his eyebrow arched. My eyes widen.

  Both of his hands go to the thin strip on either side of my hips, then he rips the panties in half. Ethan smiles cockily at me. I start to say something, but that wicked tongue of his strokes my clit.

  Moaning, I collapse on the bed, my body hitting the mattress with a bounce. My hand goes to Ethan’s hair, holding him to me as he devours me, as his fingers and tongue are all moving at the same time. It’s sensation overload.

  “Come,” he growls.

  That’s all it takes. I push his head tighter against me and grind my pussy, trying to get everything I can out of the orgasm.


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