Instilling Obedience & Maid to Serve

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Instilling Obedience & Maid to Serve Page 17

by Ray Gordon

  'You've never seen a penis before, have you?' he asked.

  'No!' she gasped indignantly. 'No I haven't.'

  'Are you sure, Emily?'

  'Yes, of course I'm sure,' she insisted.

  'Then I think a lesson in male anatomy is required.'


  'Just answer yes or no from now on, Emily.'

  As he moved closer, the obviously distended crotch of his trousers now mere inches from her horrified face, Emily felt her stomach churn. Was his penis erect? Judging by the way his trousers were obscenely distorted he definitely was. Did he intend to masturbate in front of her? Surely not.

  'Tell me your thoughts,' Arthur coaxed, his hands hovering dangerously close to the fastenings of his trousers.

  'I... I don't know what they are,' she replied shakily but truthfully.

  'You do want to go ahead with your tuition, don't you?'

  'No, I...' she faltered confusedly. 'There's no need for this.'

  'No need?' he echoed. 'Let me be the judge of that, young lady. You've placed yourself in my hands, you trust me to do what's right for you, so how can you say there's no need for this?'

  'Arthur, you're the same age as my father,' she pointed out desperately.

  'What has my age got to do with anything?' he asked.

  'I don't know, but...'

  'That's the point, Emily,' he said, 'you don't know. You don't know anything. You're eighteen years old and you're still a virgin. You see how you're reacting? What will Jack think if you hesitate and shy away from him like this? Given the chance Christine won't, be sure about that. If you don't grow up she'll steal him away from you as easily as that,' and he clicked his fingers to emphasise his point. 'You have no choice but to trust me and press on, Emily.'

  'But Arthur, I'm—'

  'Don't you trust me?'

  'It's not that,' she said. 'It's just that I...'

  As he slid his zip down and a hand delved inside his trousers, Emily couldn't drag her wide eyes away from it. Despite her horror she watched spellbound, and then her heart leapt into her throat and she instinctively licked her lips as the man pulled his erect penis out into the open. Warily eyeing the purple glans pulsing only inches from her burning face, she gasped as he rummaged inside his clothing again and then dragged his balls out too. This couldn't be right, she thought, as he lewdly stroked a fist up and down the length of his cock a few times. He was supposed to be keeping an eye on her; to show her his penis like this was the last thing she'd ever expected.

  'It's not so bad, is it?' he said. 'It's not frightening, is it?'

  'Um, no, I don't suppose so,' she breathed softly.

  'Your first ever look at a penis,' he stated, 'but there has to be a first time for everything. So what do you think?'

  'I don't know,' she whispered, unable to take her eyes off the semi-erect column of veined flesh bobbing out from his open trousers.

  'Take a good look at it,' he encouraged. 'Take your time and examine it properly.'

  Gazing at his purple crown, Emily realised he wouldn't have tied her hands behind her back if he was going to make her masturbate him, which was a relief. But even so, she couldn't believe her next-door neighbour was standing before her exposing himself like this. What else did he intend?

  'I can't do it,' she sighed, lowering her head.

  'You can't do what?' he asked her. 'I've not asked you to do anything.'

  'I can't do any of this,' she whispered. 'I'm sorry, but I can't do any of it.'

  'You disappoint me, young lady,' he said brusquely, tutting and shaking his head as he prised his penis back into his trousers and hauled his zip up. 'I'm doing this for you, for your benefit.'

  'I know, and I'm grateful for that,' she said. 'But it's all too much too soon.'

  'We don't have a great deal of time, that's why I'm pushing you,' he reminded her. 'For goodness sake, girl, whatever is the matter with you? One minute you beg for my help, and then you go all silly on me again. It really is too much. You're messing me around and I don't like it.'

  'I'm sorry, but it's all too much,' she sobbed, hanging her head in shame.

  'You asked me not to beat you again,' he said ominously, 'but then you behave like this and leave me with little other choice.

  'What?' she shrieked. 'No, you can't, please.'

  'Come on,' he said, ignoring her pleas as he grabbed her by the elbow and hauled her unceremoniously to her feet, her breasts quivering as he pushed her forward out of the lounge and up the stairs. 'Get up there. We're going to sort this out once and for all.'

  On the landing, both of them panting from the exertion of him bundling her up the stairs, Arthur threw open the door of the spare bedroom.

  Chapter 13

  'Bend over the chair again,' he growled, pushing her in, roughly pulling her skirt up as she obediently leant over, and tugging her panties down to her knees. 'I was trying to help you, but yet again you throw it back in my face.'

  'I didn't mean too,' she protested, finding it a strain to maintain her position with her hands still bound behind her back, the top of the chair digging uncomfortably into her lower tummy. 'It was just that—'

  'I'm going to thrash some respect and good manners into you, young lady,' he threatened. 'I've just about had enough of your petulant, ungrateful behaviour.'

  'Arthur, please...' she beseeched the man.

  'At least that's a good start,' he said, removing his leather belt from the loops of his trousers. 'It's about time you showed some contrition. And now you'll really plead with me.'

  The belt swept down through the air and Emily shrieked as it struck the tensed flesh of her naked bottom with a sickening crack. There was a brief pause while he raised his arm again, and then the leather bit into the stinging globes a second time, wrapping round to cause havoc in her flank too, the strap following the curvature of her quivering body. Emily again cried out, but her plaintive cries only fuelled Arthur's anger and he whipped her again with a vengeance. Her body jerking with every gruelling lash, she knew he wasn't going to show any leniency this time. She'd gone too far. She'd misled him yet again.

  Incensed, he repeatedly brought the leather belt down across the glowing orbs of her naked bottom. With the leather biting into the backs of her shapely thighs too, she knew he'd be able to see the lips of her pussy peeping between them. Was his penis still erect? Did he want to have sex with her? With the leather belt snapping through the air, repeatedly flailing her poor defenceless bottom, she again begged him to stop.

  Eventually feeling his fingertips running over her fiery buttocks as he lowered the belt to his side, she prayed the thrashing was over. He'd administered a dozen or so lashes, she pondered as tears filled her eyes. Was he finished with her? She wasn't sure as he stroked the crimsoned flesh of her ravaged bottom. He was teasing her, taunting her. Lifting her skirt higher, he ran his fingertips over the blotchy welts he'd created on her otherwise unblemished flesh, and around the small tattoo adorning her beaten buttock.

  Squeezing her eyes shut as his fingers delved into the valley of her bottom, she dare not utter one word of protest. He had already shown her his bamboo cane and she didn't want to provoke him into using that on her too. To rile him further now would be asking for real trouble. As his fingertips actually teased the sensitive little star of her anus she let out a rush of breath, wondering what he was doing. How far would he go? Why was he touching her there? His fingertip pressed and she held her breath, utterly bemused by the action. Would he move his finger down to the moist entrance of her vagina? If he did try to penetrate her, dare she attempt to stop him?

  The fingers withdrew and the leather belt again cut through the air and lashed her tensed buttocks with a horrendous crack. Emily screamed piteously. Arthur wasn't going to relent, she knew, as the belt repeatedly flailed her glowing flesh. With crack after crack resounding around the room Emily tried to stand up to halt the onslaught, but Arthur pinned her down with his free hand. She pictured h
er red-raw flesh as the belt whipped her again and again. She'd not be able to sit down for days, the pain permeating her young bottom.

  'Please,' she cried, the glowing orbs of her bottom tensing uncontrollably.

  'That'll be enough for the time being,' Arthur finally relented, allowing her to wearily lift her trembling form upright. 'But you'll have another taste of the belt before you leave this house, believe me.'

  'Please, no,' she whimpered. 'I can't take any more.'

  'Whether you can take it or not, you're going to get it. When are you going to learn, Emily? How many times do I have to tell you to behave yourself properly?'

  'I'm sorry,' she sobbed. 'Really, I'm sorry.'

  'So you'll show me due respect and do things my way?' he demanded.

  'I... I suppose so,' she conceded, gingerly comforting her smarting buttocks.

  'You suppose so?' he echoed. 'Not good enough, Emily. Will you or won't you?'

  'Yes,' she said, pouting as her hot bottom throbbed, warily eyeing the leather belt swinging menacingly from his hand, its threatening presence making her forget her naked breasts, 'I will do things your way, if I must.'

  'If think you can change your mind again...' Arthur warned, wagging a finger at her.

  'No, I won't,' she promised. 'I'll do exactly as you say. I promise.'

  'No more rebelling?' he said. 'No more questioning my methods and motives?'

  'No, none of that,' she promised meekly.

  'All right, but be warned that I will not tolerate any more bad behaviour whatsoever. I will not tolerate it, do you hear me?'

  'Yes, I hear you,' she confirmed.

  'Good,' he said, satisfied. 'Then kneel on the floor.'


  'Yes, kneel before me.'

  Wondering what he had in mind for her now, Emily obeyed and looked up at the looming man as he stared down at her. What was he thinking? What was he planning to do? She felt humbled as he stroked her tearstained cheek with his free hand, the belt dangling ominously close by.

  'Do you pledge to accept the help I offer you without question?' he asked her, 'and to show me the respect I deserve?'

  'Yes, I do,' she said, wondering what this was all about.

  'Do you promise to obey without further argument or protest?'

  'I...' she wavered, then took a deep breath to calm her anxieties, 'yes, I do.'

  'Stand up, Emily,' he instructed, and when she did, a little awkwardly with her wrists still bound together behind her back, she held her breath and watched his free hand as it slowly lifted and cupped her breast, his thumb rolling across her erect nipple, causing her to gasp and her stomach to lurch pleasantly. Wondering deep down whether succumbing to her next-door neighbour in this way was the right thing to do, she remained obediently quiet and motionless as he moved his hand to squeeze and knead her other breast as well.

  'I'm going to untie your wrists now,' he told her, 'and then you will pull up your panties but remove your skirt and come downstairs.' He turned Emily around and she felt his fingers loosening the knot binding her arms together. When they were free she rubbed her wrists to bring relief to them and turned to watch him leave the room. 'Downstairs, quickly,' he said over his shoulder.

  Emily looked down at her skirt and hesitated. What, she wondered, was he planning to do now? Did he want to seduce her? Was that what he'd wanted all along? No, surely not: this was Arthur, long-term friend of the family. Resignedly she bent to pull up her panties, gasping a little as even the delicate silk irritated her scorched buttocks, then unfastened the skirt at her waist, allowed it to whisper down her legs, and elegantly stepped out of the crumpled garment.

  Then muttering words of courage to herself, she left the bedroom and hesitantly made her way down the stairs to the lounge.

  'Good girl,' Arthur praised her as she stood in the doorway, looking absolutely beautiful and humble in just her white panties, the smooth silk swelling slightly over her sex mound tight between her thighs, her hands uselessly at her sides. 'Come and stand in front of me,' he beckoned as he sat in his armchair. 'That's better,' he smiled up at her when she had positioned herself just in front of his knees, 'now I can see you properly.

  'So, Emily,' he proceeded, 'are you feeling comfortable enough, standing before me with just your panties on?'

  'Well, I suppose so, I think,' she said quietly. 'Although to be honest I still feel embarrassed.'

  'You will for a while, that's only natural,' he conceded. 'But this is all towards teaching you vital discipline, my girl. Doing as I say when I say is helping you learn obedience. One who is humble is also obedient. And in return, before your parents get back from their holiday you may bring all your new clothes round here. I have a spare wardrobe you can use.'

  'Thank you,' Emily said.

  'If ever you want to go out with your friends you can change here and I'll drop you off in town, and then I'll pick you up when you're ready to come home.'

  Pondering the plan, Emily believed it would work. She'd go to Arthur's house dressed in her jeans, and then change into her party clothes. He'd drop her off at the wine bar, bring her home later, and her parents would be none the wiser. And her holiday in Tenerife would even be salvaged; not that she wanted to go on holiday with traitorous Christine any more.

  'That's good,' he smiled, clearly taking her lack of a further response as confirmation of her willingness to collaborate with his scheme, 'all settled then,' and he reached out and stroked the backs of her smooth thighs while she stood dutifully before him, the shimmering front of her silk panties level with his face.

  'Arthur...' she said carefully.

  'Hm, what is it?' he responded, as though his mind was elsewhere, his eyes focussed on the tiny white triangle of silk just before them.

  'I've been thinking about Christine,' she disclosed.

  'You have?' he murmured. 'What about her?'

  'You said she'd been trying to cause trouble to keep me away from Jack.'

  'It seems that way, yes,' he confirmed. 'You want to be very careful where that girl's concerned.'

  'Do you really think so?' she pressed, and he nodded inscrutably.

  'Yes, I think so, and I'm not often wrong about people. Why?'

  'I can't stop thinking about her,' she confessed. 'She was supposed to be my best friend.'

  'I know, I know,' he said, 'but don't you worry yourself about treacherous people just now.'

  Emily frowned, trying to dismiss her friend from her thoughts, his slowly rising hands distracting her.

  'You really are a beautiful girl,' he said admiringly, eyeing the way the soft silk of her panties stretched over the gentle mound of her sex changed to various shades of white as he cupped and squeezed her buttocks, causing her to wince and inhale sharply as he traced her welts. Despite the sharp discomfort Emily felt her insides quake pleasurably as his fingers pressed into the warm curve of her panties. As he grasped her thighs again, just below the lower crease of her buttocks, and eased them apart, gently and slowly, she sensed he now wanted to masturbate her. Virtually naked in front of him, in his house, she again wasn't sure this could be right, but her nipples were stiffening and her clitoris was stirring within her moistening sex again. This was wrong, she sensed, but she'd vowed to obey him, she reflected. She'd promised to do exactly what he told her to do, and to keep him on her side she couldn't possibly go back on that again.

  'Lie back on the sofa and relax,' he said, standing up and helping her recline as he directed. Then bending over her shapely form his hand glided across the smooth plain of her stomach, and without any further stalling slipped down beneath the elastic of her panties, and she murmured a faint denial as his fingers moved over and cupped the soft curls covering her sex. Emily gazed up at him, her eyes misty with tears of confusion, a myriad thoughts and doubts careering around the wreckage of her tormented mind as her insides quivered with shameful excitement. His hand was actually touching her sex, this time without even the flimsy barrier of her
underwear to protect her shame. Where would this end? This couldn't be right - could it? Arthur was old enough to be her father. He was a longstanding friend of the family. Her parents trusted him, and she had trusted him. Surely this was wrong... wasn't it?

  His fingers moved, daring to press between the lips of her pussy, and he caressed the sensitive tip of her erect clitoris. Emily trembled and tried to sit upright as he teased her. 'Just relax,' he whispered, a hand on her shoulder easing her down onto the sofa again as he cleverly massaged the sensitised core of her pleasure. 'Just relax and let yourself go.'

  Closing her eyes, Emily knew this was what Arthur wanted. But did it matter? She knew him well, and she was safe with him. She needed this release, and Arthur was only helping her achieve it. Parting her thighs a little more as her love lips were peeled further apart, her body trembled uncontrollably and she was aware of her juices anointing his working fingers. She knew she was already nearing her climax.

  'You're doing well,' Arthur encouraged as he quickened his massaging rhythm. With her back arching and her breasts rising and falling, her breathing erratic, Emily dug her fingernails into the cushions as she teetered on the brink of her orgasm. With her head lolling from side to side she began whimpering in the grip of her pleasure. She was going to do it, she knew as her juices of arousal soaked his hand and the tight crotch of her panties. She was going to come.

  'Yesss...' she breathed as her orgasm exploded within the bud of her clitoris. 'Oh, yesss...'

  'That's it, keep coming,' Arthur coaxed, massaging her pulsating clitoris faster and faster. 'Keep coming, dear girl.'

  'Oh yes,' she wailed. 'Please, don't stop.'

  'I won't stop,' he assured her, gazing down victoriously at the shuddering beauty sprawled beneath him. 'Just keep coming for me.'

  Lost in her sexual bliss, drifting through clouds of pure ecstasy, Emily shook violently as her orgasm peaked. Again and again shockwaves rocked her young body to the core as Arthur gradually slowed the friction of his fingers between her sex lips. Her tight panties held his hand snugly between her wet thighs, her clitoris alive beneath his thumb. Emily had never known such pleasure. The feel of a man's fingers masturbating her like that; never had she imagined the immense delight derivable from such attention.


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