The Man Who Has No Sight (Soulless Book 4)

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The Man Who Has No Sight (Soulless Book 4) Page 16

by Victoria Quinn

  We said goodbye and headed to our rooms.

  I got a big suite just because I preferred to have lots of space. I lifted my suitcase onto the rack in the walk-in closet and opened it, eager to put on something clean after taking a shower.

  But Cleo had left me a gift.

  It was a picture of the three of us in front of the Christmas tree that Patricia had taken of us. My arm was around Cleo, and Derek stood in front of us, both of us having a hand on his shoulder.

  She also wrote a note.


  Can’t wait to see you when you get back.

  -Your family, Cleo and Derek.

  I stared at the picture for a while, a smile on my lips. It was the pick-me-up I needed, a bandage to cover the wound. I carried it to the nightstand and placed it there so it could sit beside my bed for the week.

  It was the middle of the night there and the morning here, but I texted her anyway, so she would see it when she woke up. I made it to the hotel.

  The three dots lit up instantly, like she’d been staring at the phone and waiting for my text. Thanks.

  Thank you for the picture. It’s on my nightstand right now.

  She sent three heart emojis.

  I wanted to keep texting, but I was exhausted from the flight and eager for a shower, and she needed to get to sleep. So, I left the phone on the nightstand and walked away.

  The conference started first thing the following morning, and once I was there and surrounded by colleagues or scientists whose work I was familiar with, I was immediately in my element. I went to lunch with a research physician from Budapest whom I’d corresponded with, and there were always other opportunities to talk to the presenters, to ask questions. Dr. Hawthorne and the others mingled with people they knew in the industry, so we weren’t always together.

  There would be dinners in the evenings, hosted in different parts of the city, so every single day was jam-packed with stuff to do. There really was hardly any time for me to call Cleo. I managed to squeeze it in before I went to sleep, when it was the middle of the day for her.

  “Hey,” she said excitedly. “How’s it going?”

  I lay on the bed in my boxers, staring at the ceiling. “I just got back from dinner. Drank way too much.”

  “Scientists know how to party, huh?”

  I chuckled. “They just keep refilling your glass, and you’re so absorbed in the conversation, you don’t even notice you’re drunk.”

  She chuckled. “I’m glad you’re having a good time.”

  “What are you doing right now?”

  “I’m at my desk in the lobby.”

  “Am I keeping you from anything?”

  “No,” she said quickly. “And even if you were, I wouldn’t care.”

  I smiled at her response. “How’s Derek?”

  “Good. He’s had a lot of homework this week now that winter break is over. Sometimes he has questions, and I have to rely on Google to help him. But we get it done. And then yesterday, I had your mother over for dinner, so the three of us had a good time.”

  “You invited my mom?” I asked in surprise.

  “Yeah. Is that okay?”

  “Of course. It’s just…kinda cute.” I was glad that Cleo liked my mother enough to invite her over without my even being there, that she got along with my family…even liked them. Valerie would practically hiss like a venomous snake anytime I wanted to spend time with my family.

  “I like your mom. She’s got spunk. I enjoy that.”

  I chuckled. “You two are a lot alike, now that I think about it.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  I turned quiet, starting to miss her the more I talked to her.

  “I thought it would be nice for Derek to see familiar faces while you’re gone. He seems fine, but you never know.”

  “I think he’s pretty comfortable with you, baby.” When we’d stopped seeing each other, he didn’t just forget about her and move on. He kept asking about her, even called her himself. He never hoped his mother and I would get back together. He had mature instincts and good taste.

  “We are coloring buddies, so that makes sense.” The smile was audible in her voice.

  “Well, it’s pretty late here… I should go.”

  “Alright,” she said with a sigh. “I’m glad you’re having a good time, mingling with your people.”

  It was like that charity dinner I hosted, where it was easy for me to talk to people because I was familiar with everyone, and we all spoke the same weird language. We didn’t make much small talk, just talked about our research, and since that was far more interesting to us than the weather or gossip, it was just easy. “My people?”

  “Yeah. You know, other brilliant people.”

  “You’re my people too, Cleo.” In fact, she was my person, my only person.

  She was quiet for a while, like she was letting those words sink in. “I love you…”

  “I love you too.”

  She hung up.



  I arranged a meeting with Mr. Kline for the next time he was in Manhattan. He lived in the Hamptons and it seemed inappropriate to visit him at his private residence to ask for more money, so I waited until it was the right time for him.

  He was there for dinner with friends, so he stopped by before, meeting me in the office when Matt and Anna had already left for the day. His wife waited in the car outside.

  I rose to my feet and greeted him when he approached the office. “Nice to see you again, Mr. Kline.” I extended my hand and shook his. It was the first time we’d seen each other in person since he’d fired me in the back seat of his car. I tried not to have any hard feelings about it, to just leave it in the past.

  “You too, Cleo. How are things around here?”

  “Once the holidays were over, they picked up right away.” I sat behind my desk.

  He took a seat in the comfy chair facing me. “That’s good. So, what requires my attention that can’t be expressed in an email or phone call?” He was a no-nonsense guy. He just wanted his paycheck and to live his life. He was set in his ways, a little rough around the edges.

  But I had clients just like that, so it wasn’t a big deal. “I thought it would be best to talk in person. Unfortunately, we don’t cross paths often, so I appreciate your stopping by to see me. And I’ll make this quick because I’m sure you’re hungry.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “Alright.”

  “Well…” I forced myself to be confident, to act like I deserved this raise instead of having to beg for it. I may not leave the condo for a long time, and not paying rent had saved me a lot of money. But I needed this raise, regardless…because I didn’t know what the future held. I might need that money like a life raft very soon. “I’ve been working here for eight years, and I absolutely love my job. I love all my clients, I love Matt and Anna, and I think that love is why my performance is so superb. I want to work here forever, until I’m too old to take care of the residences, so I’m very committed. But I haven’t been given a raise in over five years, and I’d like to discuss a higher salary.”

  His eyes widened. “So, you sleep with two residents then ask for more money?”

  I knew he would say that, so I was prepared. “And every resident in this building signed a petition stating they would leave if I weren’t reinstated. That’s pretty incredible, for these wealthy people to take time out of their lives to put their signatures on paper, to even have the time to care about the person serving them. But I’m their confidante, their friend, the person who keeps their life together. I’m essential to them, this building, and you.”

  He sighed and looked away, like the evidence was undeniable. “Cleo, you are essential, and I want to keep you. I want to make you happy. But if this turns into a situation where you’re constantly asking me for raises and strong-arming me, then I will hire someone else they’ll eventually fall in love with, and then I’ll get
rid of you when no one cares anymore.”

  Fuck, I hadn’t expected him to say that. I had to think of a response quickly. “You know that’s not my character. And you know it’s reasonable to give me a raise considering the fact that I’m always on the clock, every minute of the day. When a pipe is busted at three in the morning, I’m the person they call.”

  He watched me for a long time, chewing his inner lip. “I’ll give you one raise. But ask me for another, and I will find someone else. Your purpose is to save me time, for me never to think about you at all, so if you continue to annoy me, then your value decreases.”

  “Fair enough.” I pushed the paper toward him. “This is what I’m asking for. You’ll have my loyalty and gratitude indefinitely.”

  He looked at the number then cocked an eyebrow. “This is ridiculous.”

  “For the amount of work I do, it’s not. And being able to afford an apartment nearby would save me essential time. I can’t do that on my current salary. I know how much money comes into this business every single month. You won’t even know it’s missing.”

  He sighed loudly. “You’ve got balls, I’ll give you that…”

  “Give it to me, and I’ll never ask for anything else. I’ll continue to keep this place as the most desirable building in the city. You’ll never hear from me.”

  He looked at the number again, biting his inner cheek, and then he let out a sigh that flared his nostrils. “Alright.”

  Wow, I couldn’t believe I actually did it.

  “But I don’t want to hear a peep from you.” He rose from his chair.

  I had to sit for a second, unable to believe I’d negotiated a salary nearly double my pay, that Deacon was right. With that kind of income, I could have a nice life, take care of another person…entirely on my own.

  I snapped out of it and got to my feet. “Thank you so much, Mr. Kline. That’s very generous of you.” I shook his hand.

  “Don’t make me regret it.” He turned away and walked toward the entryway.

  “Enjoy your dinner.”

  He ignored me and kept going.

  I took a seat at my desk again because I couldn’t stand, couldn’t believe that just happened.

  I was still not rich, but I had financial security now…something to fall back on if I ever needed it.

  I’d just entered the condo with groceries when Deacon called me.

  The week was almost over, so this separation didn’t have to last much longer. He would be home, and this week from hell would be a memory. It was hard to sleep in that bed without him, hard to look at his son’s face and not miss his father, hard to come home every night and not see him at the dining table.

  It’d only been a week, but it’d been rough.

  I set the bags on the counter and answered. “Hey.”

  “Hey, baby,” he said with a happy tone. “How are you?”

  “Good. Just walked into the condo, actually. Delivering groceries.”

  “Hope there’s no pizza in there.”

  “No. I’ve been feeding Derek well.” Derek tried to get me to take him to ice cream and get fast food, but I wouldn’t betray Deacon’s trust like that, so I said no.

  “Good. Because I know he’ll try to manipulate you.”

  “Oh, he already has.”

  He chuckled. “Butthead…”

  “Having a good time?”

  “Yes, actually. I’m presenting tomorrow, but it’s been interesting to hear what other people are working on. I wished these people lived closer so I could see them more often, maybe go out for a beer or something, but they’re from all over.”

  “And what about your team? Are they having a good time?”

  “We’ve kind of dispersed since there’s so much to do.”

  Good. I was glad he wasn’t spending a ton of time with Dr. Hawthorne.

  “But I am eager to come home. I miss you guys.”

  “We miss you too.” More than he could ever know.

  “And I miss fucking you too.” He said it bluntly, his deep voice making it sound so sexy.

  It caught me off guard, made me stare at the bags of groceries on the counter with tinted cheeks. “Yeah…me too.”

  He sighed, like he was thinking about it. “It’s only been a few days, but I miss it.”

  I missed it too. I’d gotten great sex on a daily basis, and then it just stopped.

  “Well, if you ever want to…it wouldn’t bother me.”

  He picked up on my meaning. “I’d rather wait until I get home.”

  Fuck…I hadn’t waited.

  “I want you.”

  Now I felt a little guilty.

  He picked up on my silence. “Baby?”

  “I…I didn’t wait. I’ve been doing it every night.” I could have kept it to myself, but I blurted it out, because keeping any extra secrets was just too hard for me right now. I needed to unload everything because I was already carrying so much.

  He was quiet for a while, but when he spoke, there was a smile in his voice. “Yeah?”

  “Sorry…I didn’t think you’d care.”

  “I don’t care. That’s…pretty sexy.”

  I should put the groceries away, but I continued to stand there, my heart beating rapidly.

  “Maybe you can record yourself tonight…and send it to me.”

  I’d never done anything kinky like that in my entire life, but Deacon made me want to try new things, to be adventurous, to connect with him in whatever way I could. “Alright…”

  “I look forward to it.”

  I couldn’t believe I was actually going to do this.

  “I’ll talk to you later,” he said. “Love you.”

  “Love you too.” I listened to him hang up before I set my phone on the counter. I had all these groceries to put away, but all I could think about was what we agreed on. I didn’t even tell him that I got the raise. It didn’t seem important, even though he would have wanted to know.



  I sat in the middle row, between Kathleen and Marcus. We were supposed to present soon. I hated social interaction in all forms, but public speaking didn’t bother me, not when I was excited about what I had to say. It didn’t feel like a speech I had to give when accepting an award, the kind that embarrassed me. I actually wanted to do this.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket.

  I glanced at the screen, seeing the message from Cleo. Have a good night. The thumbnail of the view showed her naked on the bed, her fingers between her legs. It was just over five minutes long.

  I got hard in my slacks so goddamn fast.

  I scrolled up to hide the video from my screen and quickly texted back. I won’t watch it until tonight. I’ll let you know how much I like it then. I turned my phone on silent and slid it into my pocket. I had to put that image of her out of my mind fast because I didn’t want to go up there with the outline of my big dick noticeable…and it would definitely be noticeable.

  I was a regular guy who liked sex, but she turned me into a bedroom fiend. I loved sex more now than I had in my twenties. It was on my mind almost every time I looked at her. I liked her in lingerie or buck naked. There were times when I wanted to fuck her violently, and other times when I just wanted something slow and gentle. In the morning, I got off quickly then left the bed like it was no big deal. But my sex drive had definitely increased now that I had a long-term partner, and from a scientific standpoint, I couldn’t really explain it. When I had casual sex, I enjoyed it and it was easy. But with one person, it was much better, even though Cleo wasn’t necessarily doing anything different from the other girls. There was an unidentifiable component there.

  But I didn’t dwell on it because I needed to focus right now—and not on my dick.

  The eight of us sat together at a table, finishing off the last bottle of wine as we talked and laughed into the night.

  A part of me wanted to run to my bedroom so I could watch the video Cleo sent me, but I was havi
ng a good time, so I stuck around, swapping stories with my colleagues, sharing laughs, really socializing.

  It was one of the only nights I was actually with my team. Dr. Hawthorne was beside me, drinking more than she usually did. Her personality became more outspoken as the alcohol spiked in her blood. Then she settled between a good buzz and drunkenness.

  The night ended when the restaurant closed, so we left and entered the lobby.

  I was excited to get back into my room. The wine hadn’t dulled my enthusiasm. I expected to beat off to that video at least twice. I got into the elevator with everyone, and one by one, people got out.

  My dick was hard in my slacks because now I couldn’t keep it at bay. In just a few minutes, I’d have the privacy of my suite with a fully charged phone, seeing my woman in my bed, touching herself while thinking of me.

  I grew uncomfortable with the size of my dick but didn’t adjust myself because it might be obvious. It was just Kathleen and me, and once she stepped out and the doors were closed, I could do what I wanted.

  The doors opened, and she looked through her clutch, as if trying to find her room key. “Do you mind walking me, Deacon? I’m just really…unorganized right now.”

  The last thing I wanted to do was be a gentleman and help her to her room right now, but I wasn’t an asshole to a colleague, so I just did it. I stepped out and walked with her down the hallway. “I drank too much too.”

  She managed to get to her room without swaying or falling in her heels, but her posture wasn’t quite as perfect as it usually was. She stopped in front of her room and continued to dig through her clutch.

  “Can I help?” I took it from her and fished out the card. It’d been put in the back, where she kept an old library card.


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