Stubborn Love - A Contemporary Romance: Falling for Him (Falling for Him Contemporary Romance Series Book 6)

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Stubborn Love - A Contemporary Romance: Falling for Him (Falling for Him Contemporary Romance Series Book 6) Page 2

by Gray, Jessica

  “Well, I really…”

  “…should. We could…”

  “Excuse me, sir. I just wanted to let you know that they’ve updated your departure time.”

  “Oh, great! And that will be…?”

  The receptionist looked very apologetic when she said, “The confirmed departure time is three hours from now.”

  “Three hours?” Clara queried.

  Nigel ignored her quest and answered to the receptionist. “Thank you miss. Would you be so kind to send the waitress over so we can order lunch.”

  The receptionist offered us both a smile and then turned to retrieve a tray from the barman standing behind her, “We will inform you when you’re ready to board. Meanwhile please accept this as our apology for the delay.” This turned out to be two glasses of champagne.

  Clara looked at the glasses, amazed at the provided service. For free! She definitely needed to find a way to move up in the world and travel first class all the time.

  When Nigel handed her one of the glasses, their fingertips touched and it she almost dropped the glass. It was like a bolt of electricity running between them! I’ve never felt that before! When she looked up, she could tell that she wasn’t the only one sensing the chemistry between them. Nigel had a look in his eyes that made her warm up inside, and a little shaky.

  She averted her eyes, sipping from her glass and trying to still her racing mind. Okay! So, he’s not gay, but a guy with his looks must have a girlfriend or a wife waiting for him.

  But the butterflies in her stomach just wouldn’t calm down. Focus! You need to focus!, She was here to land a job in New York, not to pick up some random guy in the airport. And after they got off the plane, she’d probably never see him again. He’s great eye-candy, but that’s where it ends!

  Her resolve to make that last thought stick faded away as she consumed the delicious champagne. Clara wasn’t a big drinker, and the alcohol relaxed her to the point that she was no longer feeling awkward or like she needed to cut and run.

  The alcohol had given her brain a break from the worrying and thinking, and she unwound enough to enjoy Nigel’s company. They ordered lunch, and as they ate, she observed him, wondering what kind of man he was.

  His clothing was definitely designer label. Very classy with just the right amount of understatement. The suit featured a tiny hint of avant-garde in the design, to make his owner appear less businesslike. It was subtle, and to the untrained eye, probably not even noticeable. Fantastic design! And he has the standing to wear it! Not the type of suit you’d see on a businessman, especially not a conservative banker or lawyer.

  As lunch progressed, they both relaxed and talked. They didn’t exchange their last names, because there was not reason to do so, nor did they talk about their jobs. Instead, Nigel asked her where she was living, “What part of California do you call home?”

  “Santa Clara. I’m heading to New York to meet a friend there.”

  “Have you ever been to the Big Apple before?”

  “No,” she answered, hearing the excitement in her voice and hoping it didn’t come across the wrong way.

  “You’ll love it. There is so much to do. Whether it’s arts or music, or enjoying the night life…New York has something for everyone.”

  “I’m sure I’ll love it.”

  “Well, there are some things you absolutely must see during your visit. Central Park is a virtual playground of fun, with the zoo and the botanical gardens. It might be a little chilly this time of year, but on a sunny day, there’s nothing better than a walk through the park.”

  “That sounds fun, but I’ve heard bad things about it when the sun goes down.”

  “Well, that’s probably true about most big cities. But New York is a great place, even at night. You might want to view a Broadway show, visit Times’ Square, the Empire State Building…the list goes on and on.”

  Nigel continued to tell her different attractions in the city she might want to see. She felt the enthusiasm and love he had for the city he lived in. When he spoke about the Twin Towers Memorial, she put a big check mark next to that particular place. She’d been in middle school when the terrorist attacks had occurred, but she still remembered the feeling that the world had changed.

  Clara was absorbed in her thoughts about the places she wanted to see when the receptionist approached to tell them the flight was now ready to board. She looked down at her watch and couldn’t believe how fast time had gone by! Three hours had flown by as we talked!

  Nigel helped her into her jacket and asked, “May I have your phone number? I’d love to see you again.”

  Clara blushed at the look on his face and realized they’d never even discussed their relationship status. Guess, he’s not married or dating someone!

  “Sure,” she said, placing her phone into his hand. Nigel deftly sent himself a text message from her phone and then handed it back. He answered his own text, sending a reply to her phone, ensuring that they both had each other’s numbers. He uses an iPhone as well. She wasn’t sure why that thought was so encouraging, but it was nice to see that they had even more in common.

  “Sir, they’re ready to board first class now,” the receptionist, reminded him.

  Nigel nodded, “That’s me.” They exited the VIP lounge, heading back towards the gate that would take them one step closer to New York City.

  Clara stopped at the edge of the waiting area and smiled when Nigel nodded at her and then headed down the ramp towards the plane. He has my number, but I won’t be disappointed if he doesn’t call.

  Chapter 4

  Nigel took his seat in first class, accepting the glass of champagne from the stewardess with a smile. He settled into the soft-as-butter leather seat, his mind fixed on the young woman he’d left standing by the check-in counter. Clara.

  She shone with such brightness. Part of her allure was the intense beauty she possessed, a true beauty that emanated from the inside out. And even though she didn’t have a model size figure, she was a million times more beautiful than some of the women touted as being so.

  Her smile was genuine and warm. Over the course of their conversation, he had picked up on her enthusiasm for fashion. An enthusiasm that wasn’t overdone, or misused, but was heartfelt.

  Her dark brown eyes showed warmth, her vibrant wavy black hair was silky, and he’d caught the faint whiff of lavender as he’d walked next to her. Normally not a smell he’d consider sexy, but the subtle fragrance made him want to bury his head next to her ear and just breathe! And that little dimple in her cheeks when she smiled was something he wouldn’t mind looking at time and again!

  He shook his head as he realized he’d fallen for her; hard and fast. It was amazing! He’d bumped right into her and even though she’d shot angry glances at him, because he’d ruined her suit with her coffee, he’d wanted to take her into his arms and kiss her right away. I must be overworked!

  He sat there; amazed about himself, because he’d never felt that much attraction for a woman. Yes, he’d had more than his share of beautiful women. In his profession as designer and recent founder of a new and trendy fashion label didn’t pass a day where they weren’t throwing themselves into his arms.

  The models who wanted to be discovered. The young designer aspirants who wanted to work for him. Shoot, even the young and old society ladies who adored him for making them look their best. Their attentions had been unwavering and were growing old.

  He’d never had a shortage of women wanting to sleep with him. And he’d taken what was offered. What red-blooded male wouldn’t? But after over ten years in the business, he’d grown tired of empty and meaningless sex.

  After a few disappointments with girls who just used him to gain fame, he’d made it a rule to never again have a fling with someone who worked for him. Business and sex just didn’t mix well. Especially in an industry where sex was used like a piece of clothing. It was readily donned, each and every day, in an effort to sell something to a pu
blic that otherwise might not be interested in buying!

  After crying off those meaningless relationships, he’d spent a considerable amount of time trying to find someone to share life with. But in the fashion industry, it was next to impossible to find real and genuine people. I guess that’s what I love about Clara! She’s authentic and true in everything she does and says.

  “Sir, if you please fasten your seatbelt, the pilot has announced we’re ready for take off.”

  He’d been so absorbed in his thoughts; he hadn’t even heard the announcement. Now he nodded his compliance to the stewardess, latched the seatbelt low across his lap and looked out the window.

  Sometimes he envied his good friend and former mentor Sara Newsom. She’d married Gordon Shaw years earlier, but still used her maiden name for business reasons. As he watched the tarmac move by, he realized he was jealous of her. She’d found true love with her current husband and whenever they got together, he witnessed them exchange looks like freshly in love teenagers. Even though they’d been married for more than a decade now. That’s what I want! A relationship that will last longer than this season’s current trends. A lifetime.

  His last conversation with Sara came to mind and he remembered that they had scheduled a meeting in two days. He’d told her he was looking for an assistant designer for his new women’s line. He was stepping out and breaking the mold. His new line would be designed for the real and curvy woman, not for the skinny model types. A woman built like Clara! She’d make a perfect model for what I have in mind, if she was a bit taller.

  Sara had been her ever-helpful self, mentioning a friend of her new acquired daughter-in-law. She had an amazing eye for talented people and Nigel looked forward to meeting that young woman. If anyone else had suggested he meet with a completely unknown and inexperienced designer, he’d have laughed in their face. But since Sara had mentioned her, he was willing to take the risk. He trusted her opinion, and if the young woman had impressed Sara, he prepared to be blown away!

  Chapter 5

  Clara waited anxiously in the line of other passengers to board the plane. It’s happening! I’m heading to New York City! Her disappointment at having her time with Nigel cut short couldn’t dampen her excitement. Going to New York was every designer’s dream, and she had a leg up on the rest of the competition.

  Sara Shaw, the mother-in-law of her roommate’s best friend Rachel had invited her to New York City!

  She stowed her bag beneath the seat in front of her, squirming in the less-than-roomy seat to afford the other passenger seated in her row a few extra inches of space. She thought back to the day when Rachel had told her who her mother-in-law was and giggled. Her fellow passenger gave her a sidelong glance, but then turned his attention back to the book in his hands.

  The stewardess stepped into the aisle for the safety spiel they gave each and every time a flight was preparing for takeoff. But Clara’s thoughts were back at that meeting between Rachel and her. She must have looked very dumb with her mouth open in awe.

  And then she’d met Mrs. Shaw, also known as Mrs. Newsom. She was probably the most important person in the national fashion scene. Owner of one of the premier fashion magazines in the United States!

  She, little non-important Clara, had met the very important Sara Newsom at Rachel’s wedding. She cringed as she remembered how worried and shy she’d been those first few minutes. And then, her nervousness was eased away by none other than the fashion icon herself. Sara had pulled her in for a hug, something even her best friends were hesitant to do at times, and she’d launched into a rave about Rachel’s wedding gown. My masterpiece! Clara had designed the perfect gown for Rachel together with the bridesmaid’s attire. It was her wedding present for the bride.

  At Rachel’s insistence, Clara had brought her portfolio tucked away in her bag. When Sara complimented her on her designs and then asked if she could see some of her other work, she was in the lucky position to pull it out. She handed the portfolio to the woman who had it within her power to make or break a fashion career with trembling hands.

  Sara confessed later that she’d been literally blown away and before the reception was over, had invited Clara to New York City, saying, “Such a talent cannot be allowed to waste away in Santa Clara. You must come to the City and shine!”

  From that moment on, a few months ago, she had been walking on clouds. Smiling and grinning all day, to the extent that her regular clients at the department store, where she worked as a personal shopper, had asked if she was in love.

  She had played her cards close to her chest, not wanting to give voice to her good fortune, lest it disappeared before she could make it a reality. With a silent smile, she’d skipped over the questions and raised eyebrows. No, the reason for her smile was even better than falling in love. She was on the way to fulfilling her biggest dream – becoming a fashion designer in New York City!

  Before she knew it, the cabin lights dimmed and a voice over the speakers announced the imminent arrival. Wow! I’m about to land in the city of my dreams! She was so excited she literally vibrated in her seat with suppressed energy.

  Her fellow passenger gave her another annoyed glance. Clara smiled sheepishly and murmured, “Sorry. I’m so excited to be here.”

  The plane landed without incident, and several minutes later she emerged from the ramp and out into the spacious concourse of JFK Airport. I’m here! She followed along with the rest of the passengers, glancing around hoping to catch a glimpse on Nigel again. But she didn’t. He’d traveled in the first class section, which meant he’d exited the plane first and was probably already collecting his luggage from the luggage carousels.

  She tried not to be disappointed; after all, he didn’t owe her anything. With the lateness of the flight, he probably hadn’t had time to wait for her. And why should he? He was a stranger, a gorgeous one, but still someone she didn’t know. She had no reason to be disappointed. No reason at all!

  Clara had almost convinced herself of that truth by the time she collected her luggage, hailed a taxi and arrived at the small apartment a friend had subrented to her for a few weeks. She closed the door to the apartment, her eyes scanning the interior, when her phone vibrated. She dug it out, and her heart raced when she saw Nigel’s name pop up on the caller ID. He’d texted! He hadn’t forgotten her!

  “Dinner tomorrow?” That simple message had her spinning around in circles like a teenage girl. The mere thought of him made her body shiver. If thinking about him gives me goosebumps, what would happen if he touches me? She wasn’t sure she even wanted to imagine the answer to that question. Sure, she’d had two or three boyfriends before, but this man, whom she didn’t even know had a bevy of butterflies taking up residence in her stomach, had her knees trembling, and her breath catching in her chest.

  Clara remembered the way he’d been looking at her when she’d come out of the shower room in the airport. How their fingertips had touched as he’d handed her the complimentary glass of champagne. It had been pure electricity! Her whole body had trembled under his gaze.

  They’d spent the entire waiting time talking and having a good time. Never once had they run out of things to talk about, which in itself was unusual. She’d been disappointed when the receptionist had informed them the plane was ready to board. She could have easily spent the rest of the day and part of the night with Nigel in the lounge. Submerging in those eyes!

  Without taking any more time to second guess her actions, she texted him back, “Okay. Meet you at 7. Where?”

  Her heart jumped when the reply came immediately back. He must have been watching his phone, waiting for her reply! That thought and images of his handsome face filled her with body with an exciting tingle as she readied herself for bed. She fell asleep, not dreaming about New York City for once, but dreaming about dark brown hair, emerald green eyes, and a mouth that put decadent ideas into her head. Nigel.

  Chapter 6

  The next morning she woke and rushe
d to the window, looking out over the city in awe. This place is huge! She was still standing there when her cell phone rang. “Hello?” she answered it, without looking at the caller ID.

  “Clara? This is Sara Shaw.”

  “Oh, hi! How are you?”

  “Great. How was your flight?”

  Wonderful, I met this gorgeous man… she stopped. Sara didn’t want to hear about the chance meeting she’d had with Nigel. She was here for business reasons. “It was ok. We had a delay, but apart from that I arrived fine.”

  Sara chuckled and then invited her to brunch with her husband, Gordon, “I’ll send a car for you in an hour?”

  “That’s fine. I’ll be ready.” Clara shook her head, when she put down the cell phone. Brunch? Sara was such a wonderful person. I hope I don’t disappoint her!

  A black town car was waiting for her at the curb an hour later, and she couldn’t contain her smile as the driver held the door for her. God, this is the life!

  Sara and her husband were waiting on her when the car pulled up in front of an upscale restaurant several minutes later. Once again, she found herself enveloped in a warm hug by Sara, and a warm handshake from her husband. Were all New Yorkers this friendly? She’d always heard the exact opposite, but either Sara was the oddity, or the rumors were wrong!

  “Clara, I’m really looking forward to introducing you to some people in the fashion industry.”

  She grinned, “I’m so excited! I can’t thank you enough for inviting me out here.”

  “Nonsense. You are very talented, and that’s the reason why I have arranged a meeting with the owner of a new label. The clothing line will be designed with the modern young woman in mind. Not the pencil-thin women on the magazines, but real women who have curves, enjoy to eat, and need serviceable clothing that looks like it came from a designer store. One of the key goals of the label is to give the women a stunning outfit, while at the same ensuring the clothing has the function that allows them to live their lives to the fullest.”


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