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Prisoner Page 17

by Bryant, S. J.

  Nova stared hard at him. "You know I will hunt you down and tear you limb from limb if you've lied to me."

  "You wouldn't get the chance because you'd be dead at the border," Carter said with a sigh. "But I haven't lied. Besides; you broke me out of Ankar. That at least deserves the truth. Although if you ever try to hold it over me… or compete with my operations…"

  Nova nodded. For whatever reason, she believed him.

  "Nope," she replied. "I'm getting out of here. I'm going to live in the outers."

  "Wow," Carter said. "You must be desperate."

  Nova shrugged. "Just sick of the Confederacy."

  "It's different out there. You wouldn't understand because you haven't seen it. But it's different."

  "I'm ready for different."

  "If you say so."

  They sat in silence. Goosebumps covered Nova's skin and she shivered. She pulled the blue overalls tighter around her body but they didn't do much to warm her. Her breaths came in little gasps and she felt light-headed.

  "What's your grand plan?" Carter said, teeth chattering.

  "Soon," Nova said.

  "What do you mean soon? Soon I'll be dead!"

  "No you won't. Based on ambient temperature decrease and oxygen usage, we have another five minutes."

  "Five minutes!" Carter bellowed. He leapt to his feet and towered over Nova.

  "Four minutes if you do that," she said.

  "Four minutes! What was the point of getting off of Ankar, just to die here with you! And what use are these bloody masks if we're still going to suffocate?"

  "Sit down or you will kill us," she said. "The masks filter the sedative gas, they don't produce oxygen. Sit. Down."

  Carter's face glowed bright red but he did what she said.

  They both sat in silence. Carter spent his time glowering. Nova stayed sitting perfectly still except for her shivering. After three minutes they were both gasping for air and stars danced across Nova's vision.

  Nova's chest moved up and down in ragged bursts. She could just make out the coordinates on the control panel. Nearly there.

  Carter's eyes drifted closed and his chest barely moved. Blue blotches bloomed on his nose and cheeks.

  Nova huddled closer to the unconscious guards. She'd left leeway in her calculations, but was it enough?

  Nova's head spun. She'd lost all feeling in her hands and toes and her cheeks had become a mass of spiking pain. She glanced at Carter. He stared at her with a mixture of hatred and accusation.


  It was the tiniest sound, but it was enough to send Nova's heart soaring.


  A larger grinding sounded from the side door. More clunks and then suddenly the door burst open. Warm air rushed through and flooded the transporter.

  Nova gulped greedily at the fresh air. It went through her body with a refreshing zing. The feeling in her hands and toes gradually returned. At first it felt like a thousand needles were being stabbed into her extremities but that passed after just a few seconds.

  She pushed herself up and looked through the open doorway. Beyond loomed Crusader's engine room. Cal hovered into view and rushed to her side.

  "We have to move," he said. "The transporter is sending out a tracking signal. The Confederacy will be here in less than ten minutes."

  "I know," Nova whispered. When she spoke her voice came out like dried gravel.

  Carter breathed heavily at her side. The guards were starting to wake up too. Their eyes roved back and forth beneath their lids and their limbs twitched.

  "We have to go," Nova said.

  She struggled to her feet and had to grab the wall to stop herself falling over.

  "Just another minute," Carter whispered in a matching dry voice.

  "We don't have a minute. Either you come with me now or you stay with these guys and get sent back to Ankar."

  That made Carter move. He rolled over and got to his hands and knees. He had to stay like that to regain his breath before standing all the way up.

  Nova followed the wall through the transporter, to the door, and through to Crusader. With each breath more strength flooded her muscles and clear thought returned.

  Carter followed her into Crusader and then collapsed to the floor. "What kind of dump is this?"

  "This is the ship that's saving your arse," Nova said. "Cal, cut 'em off."


  Cal closed Crusader's door and with a few quick button presses a great hissing noise signalled the two ships separating.

  Nova ripped off her mask and looked down at Carter. "Where do you want to be dropped?"

  "Pleasure District, Vix," Carter said, tugging off his mask with his eyes closed.

  Nova nodded to Cal. She sunk down and joined Carter on the floor.

  "I guess I won't be seeing you again," Carter said.

  "I hope not," she said.

  "Thank you, I guess. Even if you nearly killed me."

  Nova shrugged. "It was under control the whole time."

  "Seemed like it."

  "Will you be staying in the Pleasure District?"

  "Less you know, the better," he replied. "I'm still not even sure you're going to make it past the border."

  "I will."

  "I've got some business to attend to on Vix."

  "You won't be turning over a new leaf?"

  "No, thank you. I like my leaf just fine. Besides, you're one to talk; still disobeying the Confederacy."

  Nova smiled. "I guess neither of us will be changing much."

  "Doesn't look like it."

  Nova leaned back and relished the familiar feel of Crusader. The warm light, the humming engine, even the smell, were as familiar to her as her own hand. It felt good to be home.

  It didn't take long for Crusader to reach the Pleasure District. From there it was a short flight to the space station above Vix.

  "You'll be alright catching a shuttle from here?" Nova said. "I don't want to go down, I'm sure you understand."

  "Of course," Carter said with a grin. "Thanks for the lift."

  Crusader locked onto one of the station's many airlocks. The door slid open and Carter stepped out. He waved back at Nova and then strolled away out of sight.

  Crusader's door slid closed and the ship detached from the station.

  "Okay, head back to The—" Nova began, but was interrupted by Cal flying into the engine room.

  "They've tagged us!" he said.


  "The Confederacy have got our location. There's a flotilla heading our way, an hour away at most."

  "You have got to be kidding," Nova said.

  She jumped to her feet, ignoring the dizziness in her head and limped to the pilot's pod as fast as she could.

  "They're a little way away but it won't take them long to catch up."

  "Will we make it to the Maw in time?" she said.

  "Only just."

  "Okay. Crusader, take us as fast as you can to the Maw, anyway you can find. I also need you both analysing the warp crystal. The structure is the code to the border. Get me Aart now!"

  Crusader and Cal whirred into action. Cal removed the glowing crystal from his inner compartment and placed it into the Food Generator: Many Other Functions. Meanwhile Crusader's front screen showed their rapid progress through space before being replaced with Aart's face.

  "Nova!" he cried. "You made it! I was beginning to get worried. Wow, nice hair. Orion and I had a bet going that you'd—"

  "Aart, they're onto me. This time they won't want to talk. You need to be ready to leave as soon as I get there. No time for practice rounds or anything. Make sure the others are ready to go. We'll have to have the ships locked in a matter of seconds, you hear me?"

  "Nova, I—"

  "Do you hear me?"

  "Yes, of course I hear you. Are you alright?"

  "For now, but we can't waste any time. Get a move on, Aart, this is it. And get the rest of the Maw away, or th
ey'll be blown to pieces."

  She disconnected. Aart needed all the focus he could get. He'd have less than an hour to get the others organized and the ships into locking position. She just hoped everyone was at the Maw, or they'd probably be left behind.

  "How are you going with that crystal?" she said.

  "One fifth analysed," Crusader replied.

  "Faster," Nova said.

  She gripped the control panel even though she wasn't driving. No matter how quickly they moved it would never be fast enough to outrun the Confederacy. Their ships were many times better than hers and they had access to the special hidden warp trails. They could appear right in front of her for all she knew.

  "Where are they, Cal?"

  "Still one hour behind," he said. "But gaining fast."

  "Okay," Nova said. "We can do this."

  The delicious food she'd been looking forward to since the prison flew from her mind. Now every ounce of her being was focused on running. Why did it feel like she'd spent most of her life running?

  This was supposed to be the easy part. She was supposed to get out of prison and then get past the border on her own time. Now it was going to be a race to the death. There would be no time for test runs. She had to go in, all or nothing. The worst thing was that she was dragging her friends along too.

  The minutes raced by. It felt like one instant she had an hour and the next instant she had only half an hour.

  "Scan indicates damaged leg," Cal said, his lens eye focusing on Nova.

  She grimaced. "Dislocated I think."

  "Immediate repair recommended."

  "Cal, there's no time—"

  "It might be the only time we have."

  Nova's lips thinned, in a way Cal was right. If she had to run, or fight, she'd be doomed. She swivelled away from the screen and stretched her injured leg out as best she could. Cal hovered down to her and extended two mechanical arms. With a few deft movements he wrenched Nova's leg sideways and up.

  She gripped the armrests, knuckles white. "Bloody hell!"

  "It will still hurt," said Cal. "But at least you'll have function."

  "Thanks," Nova whispered, pain rocking up from her knee. She turned back to the screen, shoulders hunched. "Update."

  "Crystal structure ninety-eight percent complete," Crusader said.

  "Confederacy twenty minutes behind. Jagged Maw ten minutes ahead."

  "Get me Aart."

  His worried face appeared on the screen.

  "Nova! What's happening?"

  "I'm ten minutes out," she said. "The Confederacy is right on my arse. There won't be any time for stuffing around. We've got ten minutes from when I get there to when we have to be past the border."

  "That's a tight squeeze," Aart said. "It will take us eight minutes to get to the border!"

  "You think I don't know that?" Nova roared. Pressure pushed down behind her eyes, making her head a mass of pain that leaked out to join all her other aches, cuts, and bruises. "Just be ready!"

  "We're ready," Aart said. "Everyone is in position for docking."

  "Good. Make sure everyone knows that this is not a drill. Also make sure no other ships are in the area."

  "The Maw's gone. They're clear and safe."

  Nova let out a long breath. "Thank the Cloud for that."

  "I know. Just get your arse here as quick as you can. We're waiting."

  "Copy," Nova said.

  She leaned forward, urging Crusader on.

  Ten minutes later five ships came into view, equally spaced, leaving a gap in the middle the size of Crusader.

  "Lock on," Nova commanded.

  Crusader slowed and came to a stop amidst the other ships. Locking noises came from all directions as the other ships hooked onto Crusader.

  "Confederacy five minutes out," Cal said.

  "Dammit, dammit, dammit!" Nova said. "Move!"

  As soon as the other ships locked on, Crusader sprang forward. The other ships added their engines and they shot away as a single complex craft.

  "We're not going to make it," Tanguin said.

  Her scared face appeared on Nova's screen, Aart stood behind her, his eyes locked on Sylar's front screen.

  "Sure we are," Orion replied. His face joined Tanguin's in another window. "What's life without a little adrenalin? Hey Nova, was the person you impersonated part skunk? With hair like that…"

  Nova didn't reply. She didn't have the energy to allay Tanguin's fears or put up with Orion's poor taste.

  "Confederacy three minutes away, border two minutes," Cal said.

  "Crystal structure one-hundred percent," said Crusader.

  "Send out that frequency now," Nova yelled.

  A minute later three Confederacy ships appeared on screen, zooming towards them.

  "Are any of them sending out the border signal?" Nova asked.

  "Negative," replied Cal.

  "We just have to get past the border."

  "Shots incoming," Cal said.

  "Evasive manoeuvres everyone," Nova called.

  The collection of ships veered to the left but too slow. The combination of ships made the whole vessel unwieldy and it moved through space with all the grace of a sack of potatoes.

  Luckily, the Confederacy shots were wide and sailed past.

  "Coming up on the border," Cal said.

  "We're nearly there!" cried Orion.

  "Incoming," Cal said.

  "Evade!" Nova yelled.

  The ships swerved to the right. This time it wasn't enough. A blast of energy careened into Crusader's main thruster and an explosion rocked through the ships.

  "Border reached," Cal said over the din.

  Nova was thrown forward by the force of the blast. Red lights flashed above her head and rushing wind told her the air seal was broken.

  "We're through!" yelled Orion.

  Nova opened her eyes and stared at the screen. Nothing had changed. It looked just the same as space inside the border.

  The Confederacy ships fell behind, stopping at the border.

  "Systems critical," Crusader said. "Damage to four vessels. Insufficient power to keep momentum. Oxygen levels dropping."

  "We're in trouble guys," Nova said.

  "I'm losing air too," said Aart.

  "We have to make an emergency landing," Tanguin said. "That shot took us out, we won't live much longer unless we land."

  "There's a planet with breathable atmosphere just ahead," said Tyra. "I don't know if it's survivable or not. I've got no information on ambient temperature or toxicity."

  "It'll have to do," said Nova. "We don't have any other choice."

  The ships changed course, diving towards a green planet looming in front of them. Nova gripped the controls and gritted her teeth.


  She was finally free of the Confederacy and their borders.


  Nova's Journey Continues…

  Out of the prison and into the… unknown planet.

  Nova and her companions crash land on an alien planet, stranded.

  Before they can pick themselves up they’re arrested by the locals.

  The threat of death looms over them and the cultural divide seems insurmountable.

  Just as Nova finds her feet, a bigger threat emerges, and it could destroy them all.

  Book 9: Stranger

  Find out more at:


  Choosing what to write can be tough, but the one thing that really helps is reviews.

  So if you like this series, make sure you leave a review so that I know to keep writing them!

  Find all of Saffron's Books At:

  The Nova Chronicles






r />   Adventurer




  Other Science Fiction

  Skin Deep


  Saffron Bryant was born on the 17th December 1990 in a small town in North Queensland. In 2010 she was diagnosed with a brain tumour. After extensive, life-saving surgery she returned to her home in Queensland to recover and finish The Fallen Star. She received a Bachelor of Biomedical Science in 2011.

  Saffron has been interested in fantasy and science fiction writing from a very young age, writing her first story at the age of seven. She has always been fascinated by fantasy stories and has a passion for The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Saffron currently lives in Sydney with her partner Michael Lee where she is completing her PhD in chemistry.

  Connect with Saffron:


  EMAIL: [email protected]

  TWITTER: @SaffronBryant





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