Bear Space_A Shifters in Love Fun & Flirty Romance

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Bear Space_A Shifters in Love Fun & Flirty Romance Page 6

by V. Vaughn

  I stare at him for a moment. Part of me wants to lie so he’ll have an easy out. And part of me is afraid he’s saying this because he doesn’t feel the same way. But I want Cade in my life, and I intend to fight for him. “I can’t tell you that.”

  He smiles. “So it takes me almost dying for you to finally admit it. I wish I’d known what to do sooner. It would have saved us a lot of time.”

  “What does that mean?”

  He shakes his head. “Why do you think I bought you dinner that night in the bar? And tried to be your friend.”

  “Because you wanted to get me in your bed.”

  “I’ve wanted you since the first time we kissed. For years, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head, but that’s not why I approached you that night. I finally learned why you make me so crazy.”

  He hooks a finger at me to come closer, and I lean in. “Why?”

  “Because I think we have a soul-mate bond, Bella.” He reaches up and puts his palm on my face. “And I plan to make you my mate, the mother of my children, and the woman I spend my life with.”

  “Cade.” Tears fill my eyes as all the love I feel for him comes rushing to the surface.

  “Now would be a good time to kiss me and lavish me with your love.” His grin makes me laugh. “I’m injured, after all.”

  I lean in and kiss Cade. The warmth I felt earlier when we first bonded flows freely through me. While this is definitely sexual, it’s not the usual frenzied, lust-filled kind of kiss we’ve had in the past. It’s long, slow, and sensual, as if I’m getting a glimpse into what life with Cade would be like.

  “That’s enough!” barks out Marion, and I jump back from Cade. “I’m allowing the fact you bonded with him to be pardoned because it was necessary to save his life, but I’m not about to let you two carry on with a false sense of love from it.”

  I bow my head in respect to my alpha. No matter what’s going on here, this is not the time for anything more than sorry. “I understand. My apologies.”

  While I’m tempted to try to explain to Marion that Cade and I believe we have a soul-mate bond, I know my alpha well enough that I’m sure I won’t like her reaction to my insubordination. The fact that Dawn and I bonded me with Cade in front of her without asking pushed a boundary I shouldn’t have crossed. This is a discussion I’ll have to have with her later.

  She says, “Temporary bonds last about two months. Therefore, I’m ordering the two of you to have no contact with each other in any way, shape, or form. I realize that’s going to be difficult based on the feelings you both have right now, but the punishment if you do communicate will be severe.”

  I nod as Cade says, “Yes, alpha. We understand.”

  “Good,” says Marion. “Bella, thank you very much for rushing here to save my warrior.”

  “You’re very welcome.” I glance over at Cade, and sadness fills me as I think about being away from him for two months. But the punishment if I say anything could be me being thrown out of the clan. Once something like that happens, even in the heat of the moment, there’s probably nothing I could do to get back in. Not only would I lose the people I consider family, but Cade and I would never see each other again.

  I gaze at the warrior who won my heart, and my chest tightens as I imagine walking away from him right now, let alone having no contact for two months. He offers me a tired smile. I want to test our telepathic powers, but it would be a mistake. The alpha of a clan can tune into her warriors’ communications at any time, and if I spoke to Cade right now, I don’t want to know what her reaction would be.

  “I believe your work here is done,” Marion says to me.

  “Right.” I shake my thoughts. “Just let me gather my things, and I’ll grab Dawn and be on my way.”

  “Bella,” calls out Cade. I turn to him, and he says, “Thanks. When this is over, I’ll come find you.”

  Marion lets out a low growl, and anything I was going to say in reply is quickly stifled as I move to shove my things into a bag and get out quickly. Dawn is flirting with two of the injured warriors when I get to the living room, and I grab her arm to pull her away. “We need to go.”

  She takes one look at my face and nods. She’s as motivated to leave as I am since Marion hasn’t approached her yet. When we get in the car, Dawn asks, “What happened back there?”

  “The good news is that Cade confessed he’s loved me for years.”

  “Aw, that’s so sweet.”

  “Yeah. He said he’s never been able to get me out of his mind and after hearing about Tally and Marcel, he figured out why.” I glance to my left before pulling out of the long road that serves as a driveway.

  “I knew it.” She squeals. “You’re going to have cute little cubs!”

  I laugh at her, and for a few seconds, I picture what my children might be like, but then reality sets in. “You haven’t heard the bad news yet. Marion ordered Cade and me to stay apart for two months until the temporary bond wears off.”

  “Oh wow. That’ll be hard,” Dawn says. Then she gets all perky on me. “But you know what? We can take that time to dive into work. The two of us can create a whole bunch of spells for every little ailment that could possibly come our way. It’ll be fun.”

  Her optimism makes me give her a sideways glance before I pull onto the highway. “It’s not so much the two-month separation I’m worried about. It’s afterward. Marion was not pleased with what we did, and I’m not so sure she’s going to let me and Cade be together even after she finds out we have a soul-mate bond.”

  “Oh.” Dawn lets out a sigh as her balloon of happiness deflates. “I probably shouldn’t have been so disrespectful, huh?”

  I chuckle at how she had no fear, but it’s part of what makes her a good witch. Now that I know this, she’ll be one of the first I’ll call in an emergency. “Probably not. It’s a good thing we saved Cade.”

  “And that I belong to a different clan. But I should tell Tori right away just the same. Hopefully, she can smooth over the waters.”

  I reach over and touch Dawn’s arm. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. I’m the witch who’s bonded to my clan’s best warrior.”

  Dawn grabs my hand and squeezes my fingers. “I can’t believe you’re not allowed to see him for two months. But don’t worry. That just gives us time to convince Marion you two are meant to be.”

  I let out a sigh. “I hope we can.”

  “We will,” says Dawn. I hold on to her confidence the best I can.

  Chapter 11

  “This is going to work,” says Dawn as I turn off the engine of my car. We’re at Tally’s house to meet with her alpha and his wife. Tally swears they are on my side, and I’m here to find out what they think I should do.

  “I sure hope so,” I say, and we get out of the car.

  It’s been six weeks since Cade and I were ordered not to see each other, and my life has been surreal. Word travels fast in a clan, and what I did was met with mixed reviews. Older clients cancelled appointments, and there are definitely werebear who look the other way when I pass them in the grocery store. It’s been strange to go from one of the most valuable members of my clan to someone people shun. I hate to admit how much it stings.

  But there have been a lot of heartfelt thanks sent my way as well. The warriors are a tight-knit circle, and they all express their gratitude when they see me. Ryan, one of Cade’s close friends, even developed a sleeping problem so he could come see me for a potion and give me an update on Cade’s progress. He managed to heal within a week, and according to Ryan, Cade has thrown himself into his work with a clear mission to get whoever attacked the warriors.

  Dawn and I step into Tally’s kitchen. The scent of cinnamon and apple is in the air, and I notice she has pieces of pie set out on two plates along with tea for Dawn and me. She gives us both a big hug and holds me longer than usual. When she looks at me, she says, “Jean Luc and Izzy are totally on board, and we’re going to figure this out. I promise.”
  I nod and take the dessert Tally hands me before I walk into the living room to meet with her leaders. Marcel gets up from a chair and comes over to kiss my cheek. “Bella, so nice to see you.”

  “You too.” I set my food down and walk over to Izzy, who kisses my cheek as well. Because she’s close with Tally, we’ve seen enough of each other to be friends. Jean Luc, though, still scares me a little with his alpha status.

  He takes my hand between his and says in his French accent, “Bella, love is a crazy thing, and sometimes it comes from unexpected places.” He smiles at his wife. “I found ma cherié when I was out clamming one morning.”

  Izzy laughs and shakes her head at him, and I say, “I think I need to hear this story.”

  “Over wine some night, I’ll tell you the whole tale,” says Izzy. “But we have something more pressing to discuss right now.”

  I sit down across from Izzy and Jean Luc on the sofa. Dawn, Marcel, and Tally take the other chairs in the room. The piece of apple pie I was looking forward to is suddenly unappetizing, and I don’t pick up my plate.

  Jean Luc says, “I met with the alphas of the Northeast Kingdom to discuss the ramification of werebear and magicals being together. They all see the benefits, but not all are ready to let it happen in their clan.”

  I take a deep breath to prepare for what Jean Luc is going to say next, and Dawn mumbles, “Bet it’s my clan.”

  “Not so, Dawn,” says Jean Luc. “Tori is half human, and she thinks adding magic into the Veilleux bloodstream is a good idea.”

  I close my eyes because it’s what I feared. I already figured Carly, who shares the alpha position with her husband, Brady LeRoux, would be on board, considering her progressive ways. So that leaves Marion. I say, “Marion doesn’t like it.”

  “Your alpha is a very wise woman, Bella,” says Jean Luc. “She is aware that you and Cade together would produce powerful warriors for the next generation. But she’s also concerned about the members of your clan. She doesn’t believe they’ll be in favor of allowing what has always been taboo to happen.”

  I nod. My clan is full of old money and plenty of werebear who believe it makes them better than others. As elitists, they care what other clans think. “Much of the older generation in my clan are averse to change,” I say. “Many of them won’t come see me any longer because of what I did.”

  “Whoa,” says Dawn. “I’m the one who did it.”

  “We did it together,” I say to her. “Besides, I’m the one who is bonded to one of the best Robichaux warriors. Cade is considered a big deal any female would be lucky to have. It’s easy for them to think I did this on purpose.”

  “They don’t know you very well,” says Tally.

  “I get it,” I say quickly in their defense. I love my clan. They’re my family, and it’s hard for me to hear others judge them. “From the outside, the idea that Cade and I have a soul-mate bond sounds like something crazy that could never happen. I understand the caution.” I look at Marcel. “You know what I’m talking about.”

  He says, “I do. Tally and I have faced nonbelievers too, but I don’t think Jean Luc is done yet. Hear him out.”

  Jean Luc smiles at me. “You know, some find my accent sexy.”

  Izzy slaps his arm and chuckles.

  “It gives me an edge.” He winks at me. “I think Marion Robichaux likes me.”

  I can’t help but smile at Jean Luc showing his playful side, although the Marion I know has never shown me a flirty side.

  Izzy lets out a small jealous growl, and Jean Luc grabs her hand as he says, “I convinced her to give you and Cade a chance to prove the bond exists.”

  “You did?” I put my hand on my chest and let out a breath of air as tears of happiness fill my eyes. “Oh my gosh, thank you. Thank you so much.”

  “You’re very welcome. Your two months are almost up, no?”

  “Next week.”

  “Marion insists she be present when you and Cade see each other again. She will determine if you do indeed have a soul-mate bond that wasn’t manufactured.”

  “That’s wonderful!” Dawn cries out as she jumps up and comes to hug me. “I knew this would work out.”

  I smile at her, and Tally says, “This is fantastic. Oh, Bella, I can’t wait to throw your baby shower.”

  I laugh and then wipe a stray tear off my cheek as I say, “I think we’ve got a few steps before I get pregnant, don’t you?”

  “Exactly,” says Dawn. “Like wedding-dress shopping. And goodness, Tally. What are we going to wear as bridesmaids?”

  “Matron of honor, thank you very much,” says Tally.

  I sniff as more tears of joy roll down my cheeks, and I gaze at Jean Luc. “Thank you so much. If you ever need anything from me, I’m yours.”

  “You’re welcome, Bella. But I think you would have done anything for me even if I hadn’t helped you. I know what kind of person you are.”

  “This calls for a celebration,” says Tally. When Marcel frowns at her, she says, “C’mon. I spend my days making macaroni and cheese and eating it because I’m too lazy to make something better. I’m always looking for a reason to drink champagne.” She waves her hand at him in a shooing motion. “Go get two bottles from the garage fridge for us.”

  Marcel looks at Jean Luc as he stands up. “Did you see that? She just spelled me, because so help me, I’m compelled to go get those bottles. You sure you want to let Cade make this mistake?”

  “I did not spell you, Marcel, father of my children. Jeez. What’s it take for a woman to get a drink around here?”

  We all laugh, and when Marcel brings back the champagne, we spend time celebrating the news. But even though everyone believes Cade and me together is a done deal, I’m not so sure.

  When Dawn and I are upstairs in the guest-room beds, I stare at the ceiling and wonder how I’m supposed to prove to Marion my love for Cade is more than human. I let out a sigh.

  “Talk to me, Bella. What has you so worried?”

  “Marion doesn’t like change any more than most of my clan does. She’s not going to be looking at Cade and me, hoping to see soul-mate love. She’s going to be looking for a reason it’s not there.

  “Then I’m coming with you,” says Dawn. “But I already know in my gut it’s not going to be a problem. Marion won’t be able to deny your connection. I’m sure of it.”

  “I wish I had your optimism.”

  “I wish you’d trust me. I was right about the cards, and I’m right about this. I promise. Besides, you believe in intentions the way I do. Intend that this is going to go smoothly, and it will.”

  “Okay. Okay,” I say, and I close my eyes to dream about being with Cade forever.

  Chapter 12

  Dawn and I walk toward the front door of the Robichaux mansion, and I stop to inhale the pine-scented air and gaze up at the clear blue sky. I haven’t seen Cade in two months, and my heart aches as much as it did the first day I spent without him since we bonded. But now that the time has come, I’m afraid.

  Dawn says, “Stop stalling. You should be excited about seeing Cade again.”

  I am, but I’m frozen with the fear it will be the last time. “What if we can’t prove Cade and I have a bond? What if--”

  “Stop. Do you think I’m a good witch? Be truthful.”

  I frown, wondering where she’s going with this, but tell her what I think. “You’re good. Better than I am, and I kind of hate you for it because you’ve only just begun to realize your powers.”

  Dawn laughs. “Not true. We have many different gifts, but you and I share one. Knowing things. I know this is going to work out. Okay?”

  I squint at her in disbelief, but I can’t stay out here forever. “Fine,” I say as I begin to move. “Let’s go find out if you’re right.”

  Once we get through the heavy oak door, we’re greeted by Richard. “Right this way, ladies.”

  He takes us to the parlor, where I’ve met with Marion many times
. It’s decorated with old Victorian couches and overstuffed chairs that are some of the most comfortable I’ve ever sat in. But I don’t notice any of it the moment my gaze lands on Cade.

  “Bella.” He holds out his hands, and I step forward to take them.

  The moment we touch, my nerve endings jump, and it’s as if the tendrils of my love for Cade can’t wait to intertwine with his.

  “Cade.” I breathe out a long, low sigh of pleasure as a golden light fills me and warms every inch of my body. I gaze into Cade’s eyes and see his love for me. I let it wash over, in, and around me because nothing else matters. I know I’ve finally found a piece of myself I’ve been searching for my whole life, and now that it’s been given to me, I’ve never felt more complete.

  Cade says, “I love you, Bella.”

  I smile at him as Dawn gushes, “Oh my god.”

  “Well, isn’t that something,” says Richard.

  I look away from Cade to see Marion and Richard have tears in their eyes, while Dawn is letting them roll down her cheeks.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  Dawn sniffs. “You just pushed your emotions on us. That’s new, isn’t it?” I nod, and she says, “We’re all feeling what you do.”

  Marion smiles at me. “Bella, I’m not sure how you did this, but this is enough proof for me. What you and Cade have is as strong as a true-mate bond. I’ll allow you to be together.”

  Cade lets out a whoop and lifts me up off my feet to swing me around. When he sets me back down, he kisses me and says, “I felt it too, Bella. And it’s what I’ve felt for you since the first time I laid eyes on you.” He presses his forehead against mine. “I hope you don’t have any plans for the next few years, because I intend to spend every waking minute I can with you.”

  I thread my fingers through his hair and kiss him as a reply. The moment our lips touch, it’s clear to me that I don’t want to be around anyone else, and I pull back to say, “Take me home, Cade.”

  Dawn had the foresight to drive me to the Robichaux home, so Cade and I will leave together in his truck. When we get to it, I notice the damage I did to the passenger door. It’s dented in so much that Cade says, “You have to get in on my side. The door won’t open.”


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