With No Reservations

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With No Reservations Page 11

by Joan Bramsch

  Unannounced, that little nagging doubt in the back of her mind came trundling to the forefront, making itself heard. What was she going to do if Jeffrey Madison turned out to be an executive raider? Maybe she ought to think about it now.

  Could she love him and remain a loyal assistant to Vanessa? If she couldn't do both, then she'd have to leave this fine hotel and find another position ... in Utah. But only if Jeffrey knew that she loved him, and returned that love. Otherwise, what would it matter if she loved him? Corporate raider or not, she'd stay right here. If he did not ask her to share his life, what would anything matter?

  Meanwhile Jeffrey had finished his shower and was taking care of business at Mountainview. After he hung up the phone he thumped his pillow in disgust. What in the world was happening? he wondered. No counter-bid from a rival hotel for his fake convention had arrived at his office. Had the U.S. Post Office gone on vacation? Or had he misjudged all three of the River Regency executives?

  "Dammit,” he muttered. One of them had to be the tipster. He had that old gut feeling about it. But he knew it wouldn't do any good to worry. It would all come together on time, he told himself, paraphrasing one of his dad's old sayings. Absently he ran his hand across his bedspread, and suddenly the picture of Ann's body wrapped around his, lying on pale blue satin, filled his mind.

  She was so very special. So beautiful. So sincere. So loving.

  Loving? his heart repeated. As in love? He pondered the word for a long time. Of course he was in love, he realized finally. Ann Waverly was the most wonderful woman he'd ever known, bright and gorgeous and fun. How could he not love her? And why else had he called her “love” almost from the first day they'd met? He'd never used any endearment even approaching that four-letter dilly before. The word had always been anathema to him.

  He drew in a long shuddering breath, then grinned drunkenly. “I love Annie,” he whispered. “I love her."

  Suddenly he wanted to shout it from the rooftop. He wanted to spell it across the sky, carve it in stone in perpetuity. He wanted everyone in the world to know what had happened to him. He was in love with the most lovable, loving woman in the world.

  What would happen if he asked her to share his life? he wondered. Would she leave the hotel business to come live at, Mountainview? Could he expect her to sacrifice her career just for him?

  It was all so confusing, he thought, raking his fingers through his hair. How could he ask her to make such an unfair compromise? Actually it wouldn't be a compromise at all. It would be a trade-off.

  "My love for her career,” he said aloud. “Oh, hell!"

  Whistling off-key, he dialed her room number. He continued whistling while the phone rang, then finally admitted she was not going to answer.

  Where was she? he wondered. Someone else had brought his coffee and morning paper. Someone else had knocked on the door a few minutes ago to clean his room. His compulsion to find her was overwhelming, so he dressed quickly and took the elevator to the lobby. He searched for her at the registration office, the concierge desk, even the luggage room, all in vain.

  Where the devil could. she be? he fumed, standing by the lobby fountain, his legs spread wide, his arms akimbo. Then he grinned and snapped his fingers. “Call Mom,” he said softly. He'd insist she find out where her unknown trainee was stationed today. It would give her something to mull over, he thought, chuckling as he hurried back to his room.

  "I don't know what you expect of me, Jeffrey,” his mother said after he'd called her and made his request. “Have you forgotten? Not only am, I your mother, I am the owner of this establishment. I don't know where it's written that I shall also be your social secretary. Why do you want to know where this Ann Waverly is anyway? She can't go out with you. It's house-"

  "Rules,” he finished. “I know, Mom. Would you just indulge your only son? Please?"

  She did, but under strict protest. “She's the standby stenographer today. But I don't want you to bother that girl, Jeffrey. Do you hear me? The day manager tells me she's an excellent employee. Perhaps I'd better meet her for myself one of these days."

  "Maybe you will ... one of these days. Thanks, Legs. I love you."

  "Hey, Waverly,” her boss for the day called to Ann. “Can you take dictation straight to the ‘writer? There's a guy on the phone who needs a confidential secretary."

  "Sure, Marty, I can do it. What's the room number?"

  "Eleven-oh-eight. A Mr. Madison."

  "Hi, Annie,” Jeffrey said when he opened his door. “Come on in.” Was any woman more beautiful, more kissable, more dear? he asked silently.

  "You requested a secretary? That's me,” she said, smiling, fully expecting to be swept off her feet and into his arms. Was any man more handsome, more little-boyishly lovable? she mused. But why was he acting so shy? Was he embarrassed about last night? Had she been too forward? Well, she certainly wasn't going to take the first step today.

  "I really need a secretary, Ann,” he said, not meeting her eyes. “Honest!"

  "That's why I'm here, Jeffrey. It's my job.” Hurriedly she set up her typewriter and plugged it into the wall socket. “Ready whenever you are."

  To her surprise he dictated nine letters before he took a breather.

  "Here are both the originals and the carbons, Jeffrey,” she said, slipping the sheets into a manila folder and handing it to him.

  He thanked her and carried the folder over to one of the cabinets in a large wooden unit on the far wall. He unlocked the cabinet and set the folder inside. Before he closed and relocked the door, Ann saw something that shocked and dismayed her. She was unable to keep the look of horror from her face, and Jeffrey saw it when he turned back to her.

  "I have to deal with some unusual people at times,” he said. “I have a permit to carry it."

  "But a gun! Oh, Jeffrey."

  What was he going to do with a gun? she thought frantically. Handguns hurt and killed people. They were designed to do that. What business was Jeffrey really in? Perhaps she'd been wrong all along. Perhaps he did something a lot worse than steal executives. She had to get away from him and make her report to Vanessa.

  "If you're finished with your dictation,” she said. “I'll leave now.” She had a difficult time keeping her voice from quavering, and was not successful in controlling her trembling hands as she gathered her things.

  He stopped her. “I'm going to need you a while longer,” he said, not meeting her questioning gaze. He walked over to the phone and called the accounting office.

  "Hello,” he said. “This is Mr. Madison in 1108.” He paused. “Yes, everything's fine. I wanted to tell you that I need Ms. Waverly for at least two more hours. Is that a problem? No? Good. Will you have two carafes of coffee sent up at once then? Thank you."

  He began dictating letters again, pacing more and more agitatedly across the wide sitting room. What in the world was wrong with him? she wondered. No personal conversation, no kiss. Hardly a smile. And now she'd found out that he owned a handgun.

  If he cared at all for her, why was he acting this way? And you believed him when he told you he was falling in love with you, said her heart, refusing to beat for an instant. His pacing increased until Ann wanted to scream and run from the room. Fortunately, just at the moment when she thought she couldn't stand it anymore, room service arrived with their coffee.

  "Let's take a break, okay?” Jeffrey asked.

  "If you wish,” she replied. “Would you like me to pour?"

  Cups in hand, they both gravitated to the large picture window overlooking the concrete pond and artificial garden.

  "I sure hate that plastic landscaping,” Jeffrey said.

  "I'm not crazy about it either,” she agreed. “I like natural surroundings."

  He turned to her. “Like your meadow?"

  She met his eyes and nodded. As he gazed at her Jeffrey tried to figure out what she was feeling. What she really wanted. Damn, this was ridiculous, he thought in disgust. They were a
cting like teenagers. He should just get on with it.

  "Do you like it here?” he asked.

  "Very much,” she said. “I told you that before."

  What was he after? she wondered distractedly. He was acting like a hunter, stalking her.

  "Ever consider taking another job?” he went on. “Something with more money?"

  Was he trying to recruit her? Surely, he wouldn't want to hire her away from the River Regency. He thought she was only an entry-level trainee.

  He took a deep breath. “I could promise you work with much better conditions than you have here."

  There was no mistaking his motives now, she thought. Her heart constricted with pain. He wanted, her to work for him. Or ... She looked away in humiliation. Good Lord, did he want her to be his mistress? It was more than she could stand.

  "I can't work for you, Jeff,” she said, her heart sinking.

  "Great!” he shouted.

  Ann almost jumped out of her skin, she was so surprised by his exuberant exclamation. She looked at him, and was thrown completely off balance when she saw his seductive smile. Then the adrenaline began to flow, and outrage overcame her reticence to speak.

  "What the hell do you mean, great?” she yelled, facing him, her clenched hands on her hips. “You're not playing with a full deck if you think I'm going to work for you. Didn't you hear me? I said no. And if you think I'm going to change my mind, you're taking a sucker bet.” When he did not reply, but began to move in her direction, she started all over again. “Jeffrey Madison, I am not going-"

  "That's why I'm glad,” he interrupted, slipping his arms around her waist and drawing her close to his body. “I'm glad you refused, because I was really hoping I could interest you in something more personal. Come here, sweetheart,” he whispered into her ear. “I need to love you."

  "Now, wait just one darn minute,” she said, breaking free and backing away from him. “If you think I'll quit my job and come to your damn mountaintop as your mistress, you're crazier than I thought you were."

  He chuckled softly as he stalked her, finally backing her into the wall. “How about coming to my mountain as my wife?"

  Ann was glad she had something to lean against. “Your wife?” she said, swallowing hard. “You're asking me ... Is this why you've been acting so strange today? I thought you were angry about something when you kept pacing the room."

  He smiled sheepishly. “I was trying to work up my courage, honey."

  She searched his eyes as if she could find the answer to this puzzling conversation there.

  "I love you, Annie,” he murmured, gathering her in his arms. “I want you to be my wife."

  "Oh, Jeffrey,” she whispered. “I love you too."

  Could any words sound so sweet? she wondered as he carried her to the huge four-poster. He loved her. He wanted her to be his wife.

  He set her down in the middle of the bed, then began removing her clothes. He slipped off her jacket and kissed her throat while he unbuttoned her blouse. After sweeping the blouse from her shoulders, he trailed kisses down her back. He unfastened her skirt, and she lifted her hips so he could slide it off her. Then he whipped her slip up over her head, laughing when she almost fell over because of his haste.

  "Oh, Annie, you are so precious to me,” he said, catching her in his arms. “I haven't any patience left, love, so, please bear with me while I bare you."

  She groaned at his pun, but allowed him to hurriedly strip away her lacy bra and sheer panty hose and panties. When he sat back on his heels and gazed admiringly at her body, not moving, she began to squirm.

  "Now that that's finished,” she said, “what do you propose we do next?"

  "My haste in undressing you is only an example of my impatience, love.” His smoldering gaze swept over her ivory skin. “Now I want to make love to you.” Smiling, he reached for her.

  She was too quick for him. She pushed him back onto the bed and knelt above him. Smiling wickedly, she leaned down and kissed him. When she was through, his breathing was harsh and labored.

  "Now, love?” he asked.

  "Uh-uh.” She freed her hair from its topknot and spread the silky dark strands like a tent around his head. “I demand equal rights."

  He laughed. “I believed in equal treatment under the law, long before it became popular."

  "A good thing too.” She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. “You must have had a liberated mother.” She leaned forward and nipped his neck, then trailed her hot tongue to his nipples.

  "My mother,” he said between gasps, “tried to teach me to be an understanding man.” He shuddered when she rubbed her breasts against him.

  "It's a shame she let you get so spoiled,” Ann murmured as she unbuckled his belt and slid down his zipper.

  "I am not spoiled, Annie."

  She scampered off the mattress and pulled him to his feet. Standing on tiptoe, she kissed his chin. “Well, I suppose you did inherit that prominent chin,” she said as she slipped her hands inside his jeans and briefs. Before he could say anything, she skimmed them down his legs.

  "Annie, stop this,” he ordered. “I feel like I'm going to be strip-searched."

  "You are also very, very bossy, Jeffrey Madison.” She knelt at his feet. “Take off your shoes so you can step out of your pants."

  "Talk about bossy!” he shot back, but he did her bidding. “I don't know how any man could enjoy making love with a bossy bro-"

  He froze in mid-sentence as her hands slid back up his legs and closed around his aching manhood.

  "Oh, Annie! Oh, love, you do have a way of moving right to the heart of the matter.” He moaned as she continued to caress him, then allowed her to push him back onto the bed.

  "Shall we see what I can remember from last night?” she asked. She began to explore his hard body with feather-light touches and incendiary kisses. “I'll bet you'd like this,” she murmured. “And this. And how about this?” She grinned mischievously when he trembled and clutched her shoulders. “Have I got you covered?"

  "I'm fading,” he said hoarsely. “I don't think I have a chance in this game. I'm folding."

  "Not quite yet, darling,” she said. She straddled his hips and began the serious business of making love to the man she loved.

  Yes, she loved him. There wasn't a doubt in her mind now. And he had asked her to be his wife. Shocked by the realization, she sat up straight and cried out.

  "Darling, what is it?” Jeffrey was instantly alert, stroking her face, taking her hands in his strong grip. “Did you hurt yourself, sweetheart?"

  "You did suggest that we should get married, didn't you?” she asked, leaning down until her nose almost touched his.

  He smiled lovingly. “Yes, sweetheart, I did.” He lifted his head to kiss her.

  "You do mean to each other, don't you?"

  He chuckled at the expression on her face. “That's exactly what I had in mind."

  "But we don't have that much in common,” she cried, sitting up again.

  He moved against her suggestively. “Oh, I don't know, about that,” he said as he released her hands to massage her hips.

  Ann's body had received his unspoken message, even if her brain had not. She dropped her chin to her chest and moaned softly. “But my job. Your job. Different ways of living."

  "But we share the same way of loving,” he said, inhaling deeply. “Uh ... Annie love? I know you think this is a very important conversation, but do you suppose we could postpone it till later?” He smoothed his hands along her sides to caress her firm breasts. “I don't think my mind's on talking right now.” When she smiled seductively, he knew she agreed.

  "We're going to make love now, darling,” she whispered. She began to move over him, threading her fingers through the thick golden hair on his magnificent chest.

  His hips rose beneath hers, matching her movements, driving home the throbbing shaft of his manhood.

  "Just lie back and enjoy it,” she murmure
d. “I'll do all the work."

  If Jeffrey hadn't been so caught up in their intimate ride to paradise, he would have laughed out loud. He couldn't have lain still if his life depended on it!

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  Chapter Eight

  When Ann returned to her room, it was very late in the afternoon. After experiencing two hours of the most satisfying and fulfilling lovemaking, she should have been walking a foot above the ground, floating in the clouds, euphoric. Instead, she felt dismal, her emotions in a turmoil.

  With tears in her eyes, she twisted her long hair back into a topknot, fastening it with a wooden skewer, and stepped into the shower. She always thought best in the shower, and she had a great deal to think about.

  The hot, hard spray of water pounded against her neck and spine and the backs of her legs. As she inhaled the steam, her thinking cleared. She loved Jeffrey Madison. For better or worse, she loved him.

  But who was Jeffrey Madison? Was he an executive recruiter as he said? Or were his intentions even more ignoble than those of a headhunter?

  She thought about the gun locked in the heavy wooden cabinet in his room. Just the mere idea of his owning and carrying a gun-permit or no-made her shiver. Why did a man carry a gun? To protect himself and others in his care. Or to force others to do his bidding.

  But what did he want others to do? she wondered, frantically searching her mind for some clue. Not three hours ago Jeffrey had offered her a new position as his wife. But at first she hadn't known that was what he'd meant. She smiled at the ludicrous picture that popped into her brain: Jeffrey, dressed like an outlaw from the Old West, whipping his gun from his low-slung holster and drawing on her. Well, she thought, he had ... in a manner of speaking!

  Ann gave her head a firm shake. Fantasizing about Jeffrey's advanced course in lovemaking was not going to solve her problem. She could feel her heart crack under the strain of decision. She loved Jeffrey. She was loyal to Vanessa and the River Regency. Tears of despair filled her eyes, and she felt them slip down her cheeks.

  When she had shed all her tears, she stepped out of the shower, wrapped herself in a thick terry robe, and walked stoically to the phone. She knew what she had to do. So she did it.


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