by Joy-Ann Reid
Presidential Medal of Freedom, 217
presidential primary of 2008, 129–93
Bill Clinton’s playing of race card, 159–62
Georgia primary, 163
Hillary Clinton and Dr. King’s legacy, 146–48, 152, 154–55, 156–57
Iraq War votes, 107–8, 148–49, 153–54
New Hampshire primary, 146, 149–52, 154
Obama and Wright controversy, 167–76
Ohio primary, 166
South Carolina primary, 152–54, 155, 156, 158–61, 179–80
swing voters, 179–80
“President Like My Father, A” (Kennedy), 163
Price of a Black President, The (Harris), 240–41
Princeton University, 130–31
Pritzker, Penny, 201
Public Enemy, 61, 66, 130
racial polarization, xii, 235–36, 261–63, 297–98, 306–7
racial profiling, 61, 77–78, 91–92, 216, 243, 272, 301–2
racism, 28, 31, 116, 121, 133, 217, 227–28, 234
Radio One, 126
Rainbow Coalition, 45, 63–70
Rainbow/PUSH, 45, 118
Randolph, A. Philip, 3
Rangel, Charles, 30, 103, 110, 236
Bill Clinton and, 64, 77, 78
Hillary Clinton and, 105, 143, 157, 158
Raspberry, William, 65
Reagan, Ronald
as governor of California, 38
Obama on, 158
presidency of, 43, 48, 74, 88
presidential election of 1980, x, 42–43
“welfare queen” remark, 42, 56
presidential election of 1984, x, 45, 47, 48, 51, 95
Reagan Democrats, 56, 62, 80, 248
“Reclaim the Dream” March, 234
Reconstruction, 9
Rector, Ricky Ray, 63–64
Reeb, James, 298–99
Reed, Joe, 137
Reich, Robert, 85
Reid, Harry, 125, 138, 221
Reid, Tim, 130
Republican National Convention (1972), 34–35
Republican Party
black party identification and, ix–x, 8–13, 11, 31, 83
LBJ and Great Society, 27–28
midterm election of 2010, 235
midterm elections of 1994, 79–84, 82–83
midterm elections of 2006, 125–26
midterm elections of 2010, 232, 234–37
midterm elections of 2014, 292–96
southern conservatives and, xi, xii–xiii, 27–28, 35–36, 82–83, 235–36, 292–94
Republican Revolution of 1994, 80–81, 83–84
Responsibility Gospel, 140, 180–81, 256, 258–59
Rice, Condoleezza, 27, 243
Rice, Susan, 93, 199, 209, 249
Rice, Tamir, 291
Richardson, Bill, 141
Riverside Church (New York City), 14–15
Roberts, John G., Jr., 264, 296
Robinson, Amelia Boynton, 298
Robinson, Jackie, 11, 17–19
Robinson, Marian, 208
Robinson, Spottswood, III, 2, 3
Rock, Chris, 144
Rockefeller, Jay, 292
Rockefeller, Nelson, 11, 107
Rodham, Dorothy, 312–13
Rodham, Hugh, 12
Rodney King riots of 1992, 61, 66, 100
Roe v. Wade, 169
Rogers, Desiree, 201
Rogers, Jewel Lafontant, 201
Rogers, John, Sr., 201
Rogers, John W., Jr., 201
Rolling Stone (magazine), 133, 167
Romney, Mitt, 243, 247–48, 250
Roorda, Jeff, 282
Roosevelt, Franklin, 8–9, 205
Rose, Charlie, 158
Rosenwald, Julius, 200
Rosenwald Building (Chicago), 200
Ross, Brian, 168
Rostenkowski, Dan, 79
“rough rides,” 318
Roundtree, Richard, 30
Rowan and Martin’s Laugh In (TV show), 34
Run-D.M.C., 60
Rush, Bobby, 78, 108–9, 110–11, 117, 134, 243
Rush, Harold Lee, 113
Rusher, William, 11
Russell, Bill, 17
Russell, Richard, 2, 5–6
Russert, Tim, 155
Rustin, Bayard, 60, 276
Rutgers University, 66
Rwanda, Clinton’s visit to, 93
Ryan, Jack, 112
Ryan, Paul, 248
Sabato, Larry, 237
Safir, Howard, 335n
St. Louis Police Association, 282–83
St. Louis Tea Party, 228
Saltzman, Bettylu, 201
Sanders, Bernie, 314
Sanders, Hank, 304
Sanders, Rose, 304
Sanford Police Department, 242, 244, 245
San Francisco State University, 81
Santelli, Rick, 213
Santorum, Rick, 79, 243
Saturday Night Live (TV show), 55
Schroeder, Patricia, 52
Schultz, Debbie Wasserman, 219
Schwerner, Michael “Mickey,” 6, 7
Scott, Bobby, 71
Scott, David, 232
Scott, Rick, 244
Scott, Tim, 295, 298
Scott, Walter, 317
Seale, Bobby, 24, 30
Sears, Roebuck & Company, 200
segregation, 2, 5, 9–10, 21, 29, 37–38, 42, 210
Selma to Montgomery marches, 15, 44, 117, 139–40, 264
Selma 50th Anniversary (2015), 298–305, 345n
Senate elections
Illinois and Obama in 2004, 107–8, 112–18
New York and Hillary Clinton in 2000, 101–7
September 11 attacks, 121, 237
Service Employees International Union, 104
Sessions, Jeff, 298
sexism, 33
Shaheen, Bill, 154
Shakur, Tupac, 117
Sharpton, Al, 60–61
background of, 60–61
Bill Clinton and, 77–78, 82
Ferguson and Michael Brown shooting, 284–85, 288
Gary Declaration and, 33
Hillary Clinton’s New York Senate election of 2000, 104–6
Million Man March (1995), 86
Obama and, 117–18, 141, 144–45, 153–54, 182–84, 202, 225–26, 260, 268
presidential election of 2008, 130, 141, 143, 144–45, 153–54, 162, 182–84
Selma 50th Anniversary, 298, 305
Trayvon Martin case, 242, 244, 246, 267–68, 273–74
Shelby, Richard, 27, 79
Shelby County v. Holder, 263–67
Sherrod, Shirley, 228–32, 320
Shorter, Jim, 17
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy, 216–17
Shriver, Sargent, 331n
Sierra Club, 232
Simmons, Jamal, 89, 90–91
Simon, Paul, 51
Simpson, Nicole Brown, 79
Simpson, O. J., 79, 285
Sister Souljah (Lisa Williamson), 65–70, 77, 90, 105, 162
16th Street Baptist Church bombing (Birmingham), 4, 256
60 Minutes (TV show), 46–47, 134–35
Slate (magazine), 286, 289
Slater, Rodney, 73
Slaughter, Louise M., 220
slavery, 66, 91–92, 93, 94, 116, 151, 211, 224
Smiley, Tavis, 176–78
background of, 131
as critic of Obama, 131–32, 139, 173–74, 177–78, 206, 237–38, 273
Howard University debate, 141
Obama and State of the Black Union, 129–32, 134, 177
Smith, Ben, 154
Smith, Howard W., 5
Smith, Mychal Denzel, 259
Smith, Robert, 81
Smith, Tommie, 19
Social Security Act of 1935, 14
Sotomayor, Sonia, 252
Soul Train (TV show), 109
Souter, David, 96
South Africa, 43, 48, 92
South Carolina,
presidential primary of 2008, 152–54, 155, 156, 158–61, 179–80
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 30, 44, 45, 60, 139
southern Democrats, 11, 26–27, 31, 83
civil rights legislation and, 2, 4, 5–8, 21, 24
midterm elections of 2014 and, 292–95
white flight from party, x–xii, 6–8, 22, 235–36, 292–94
Southern Manifesto, 2, 10, 70
“southern strategy,” 23, 126
Spock, Benjamin, 18
Spooner, Eloise, 230
Spooner, Roger, 230
Stand Your Ground gun law, 244–45, 270, 272
START Treaty, 237
State of the Black Union, 129–32, 133–34, 177–78
Steele, Michael, 126, 184
Steinem, Gloria, 34
Stephanopoulos, George, 68
Sterling, Donald, 297–98
Stevens, J. Christopher, 263
Stevenson, Adlai, 9–10
Stokes, Carl, 17, 30, 32, 45
Stokes, Louis, 29, 190
Strickland, Ted, 187
Stroger, John, 89
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 6, 15, 40, 110
Stupak, Bart, 220
Summer Olympics (1968), 19
Summers, Larry, 203, 214
Swann, Lynn, 126
Sweet, Lynn, 123, 124
Syria, 280
tax policy, 43, 73, 84, 88, 98, 106, 221, 224
Taylor, James, 253
Taylor, Robert Robinson, 200
Taylor, Robert Rochon, 200
Tea Party, 213–14, 217, 220–21, 224, 227–29, 251
teenage pregnancy, 86
Teitelbaum, Bruce, 105
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), 86
10-2-10 Rally, 233
Tet Offensive, 14
Thomas, Clarence, 72, 96, 169, 264, 296, 333n
Thomas, Mable, 67
Thompson, Bennie, 236
Thurmond, Strom, 2, 6, 7–8, 9, 27, 43
Till, Emmett, 3, 10, 275
Time (magazine), 121, 181, 196
Today (TV show), 107, 120, 231
Tolliver, Candice, 154
Tom Joyner Morning Show, 153–54, 164, 177
“tough on crime” messaging, 56, 64–65, 77–78, 81, 89–90
Trinity United Church of Christ (Chicago), 123, 132–33, 167–76
Trotter, Donne, 111
Trotter, William Monroe, 205
True the Vote, 251
Truman, Harry, 9
Truth, Sojourner, 256
Tsongas, Paul, 64, 116
Tubbs Jones, Stephanie
death and funeral of, 186–87, 190–91
Hillary Clinton and presidential primary of 2008, 154–55, 159, 160, 166–67
Tuckson, Reed V., 182
Turzai, Mike, 251
Tuskegee syphilis experiment, 91
12 Years a Slave (movie), 297
Twenty-Sixth Amendment, 34, 331n
Tyler, John, 208
Tyson, Mike, 126
Udall, Morris “Mo,” 37, 38
Uganda, Clinton’s visit to, 92–93
United Auto Workers, 232
United Church of Christ, 172
University of Alabama, 182, 210
University of Texas Longhorns, 207
Urban Enterprise Zones, 74, 88
Urban League, 239
Vietnam War, 8, 14–20, 22, 34–35, 173
black enlistees, 19–20
King and, 14–15, 18–19, 173
Muhammad Ali and, 16–19
View, The (TV show), 162
Vilsack, Tom, 229, 230, 231
Violence Against Women Act of 1994, 78
Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, 77–78, 83
Virginian-Pilot, 131
Vivian, C. T., 298
Voinovich, George, 126
voter fraud, 212, 251, 336n
voter ID laws, 251–52, 253–55, 265–66
voter laws, 250–52, 263–67
voter registration, 45, 46, 77, 97, 142, 185–86, 266
voter suppression, 126–27, 251–52, 253–55, 265–66
voter turnout
1936, 8–9
1948, 42
1972, 35, 39
1980, 42, 43
1984, 39–40, 95
1988, 53, 56–57
1992, 71
1994, 80–81
2000, 95
2006, 125, 127
2008, 193–94, 195, 252
2010, 235, 236–37
2012, 248, 250, 252
2014, 292–93
2016 potential, 314–15
voting age, 34
voting rights, 3–4, 76, 77, 96–97, 305–6
Voting Rights Act of 1965, 14, 24, 29, 82, 83, 212, 296, 305–6
Shelby County v. Holder and, 263–67
Waco siege, 75
Wag the Dog (movie), 138
Wallace, George, 16, 24–25, 33, 37, 38, 83, 182, 210, 212, 255, 298
Wallace, Mike, 5, 46–47
Wall Street, 212, 321
Wall Street Journal, 76, 168, 297, 316, 320
Walters, Ron, 64, 180–81
Ware, Izola, 3
Warren, Elizabeth, 261, 312, 314
Washington, Booker T., 54, 181
Washington, Harold, 45–46, 47, 51, 72, 85, 109
Washington Post, 15, 25, 34, 48–49, 66, 67, 116, 260, 268–69, 286
Watergate scandal, 34
Waters, Maxine, 67, 100–101
Watkins, Frank, 44, 45
Watson, Diane, 187
Watt, Mel, 71, 260
Weather Underground, 34
Weaver, Warren, Jr., 23
Webb, Jim, 314
“welfare queen,” 42, 56
welfare reform, 84–88, 102
Wellesley College, 12–13, 20
Wendy’s, ix–x
West, Allen, 243
West, Cornel, 62
as campaign surrogate for Obama, 143–44
as critic of Obama, 130, 133–34, 139, 174, 206, 237–38, 273
at Obama’s inauguration, 238
West, Kanye, 119–23
Weston, Kim, 30
Westside High School (Gary, Indiana), 30
WGBH, 22
White, Michael, 58
White, Theodore H., 3–4, 9
White, Walter Francis, 205
White Citizens’ Council, 36
“white flight” of 1980s, 74, 277, 298
Whitewater controversy, 94
white working-class voters, 22, 57, 58, 84, 195, 261–62, 293, 321
WikiLeaks, 232
Wilder, Douglas, 58, 62–63, 116, 130, 258
Wilhelm, David, 68, 73, 209
Wilkins, Roger, 80
Wilkins, Roy, 3, 4
Will, George, 75
Williams, John Bell, 42–43
Williams, Robin, 279
Williams, Sid, 17
Williamson, Lisa (Sister Souljah), 65–70, 77, 90, 105, 162
Wilson, Addison Graves “Joe,” 218–19
Wilson, Darren, 283–84, 290, 301
Wilson, William Julius, 62
Wilson, Woodrow, 205
Winfrey, Oprah, 113, 139, 274
Wolfson, Howard, 106
women voters, 315
Wonder, Stevie, 47
Woodlawn Organization, 51, 111
Woolworth’s sit-ins, 1–2, 18
Wooten, John, 17
working-class white voters, 22, 57, 58, 84, 195, 261–62, 293, 321
World Boxing Association, 16
Worrill, Conrad, 134, 139
Wright, David, 159
Wright, Jeremiah, 123, 132–33, 167–76
Wright, Richard, 109
Wright Edelman, Marian, 86–87, 130, 150
Wynn, Albert, 71
Yale Law School, 75, 296
Yellin, Jessica, 158
Young, Andrew, 37, 59, 274
on and, 73
Jackson and presidential primary of 1984, 44, 46, 54
presidential primary of 2008, 138–39, 158
Selma 50th Anniversary, 298, 305
Young, Coleman, 48, 52
Young, Whitney, 1, 3, 37
Young Republican National Federation, 12
youth vote, 35, 195, 315
Zimmerman, George, 242–45, 267, 272, 273, 274
is an MSNBC national correspondent appearing regularly on prime-time programs including Hardball with Chris Matthews and The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell. She is the former managing editor of and has written columns for the New York Times, the Miami Herald, the Sun-Sentinel,, and the South Florida Times. She lives in New York City.
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