Shadow Warrior: Destiny of a Mutant

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Shadow Warrior: Destiny of a Mutant Page 22

by Larry Townley

  Jamison looked baffled, “But, sir, there’s no way he can hit us and do any damage from that far with a rifle.”

  “I don’t think that’s a regulation German army rifle, son. Now carry out…”

  Just then, Jamison saw one of the Nazis on the U-boat fire the weapon. A blue light leapt out of the end of its barrel and struck one of the destroyers in the convoy - vaporizing it instantly.

  “Holy Jesus!” said Jamison, as he crossed himself. “What the hell was that, Skipper?”

  “Some new Nazi weapon! Sparky, send out an SOS that we’re under attack by a German sub that’s armed with that new weapon with the blue light, and give them our damn coordinates!” Slidell yelled to the radioman. “Signal the convoy to open fire on that fucking sub, now!”

  As Slidell spoke, the man on the sub fired the weapon three more times, hitting two more of the destroyers and one of the freighters, again vaporizing them instantly.

  The remaining destroyers opened fire just as the man on the sub opened fire again, this time taking three more destroyers out in the process. A couple of the destroyer’s shots had come close to the sub, but not close enough. The man on the sub took out the remaining destroyer, and he then went to work on the freighters. The freighters crews had begun to abandon ship at this point. A few of them managed to get lifeboats and a few people in the water before the man on the sub destroyed all six of the freighters. The cutter to the port side of the Armitage was the next ship to go.

  Slidell knew they would be next, but just as he was about to order his crew to abandon ship, the Nazi sniper re-entered the sub. It quickly submerged back under the black depths of the North Sea, leaving them and the remaining cutter unscathed.

  “Skipper, the sub just submerged!” barked Jamison.

  “Watch for torpedoes in the water!” ordered Slidell.

  After an agonizing few minutes awaiting another strike by the German U-boat, it appeared that there would be no further attacks on them. With this, they and the other cutter began their rescue mission of the few crew members who had gotten off of the freighters.

  “Skipper, why do you think he didn’t destroy us too?”

  Slidell pondered that for a moment before answering. “I think they wanted some witnesses alive so we could report the use of that fucking weapon so we’d know how helpless we are against the damn thing.”

  Chapter 56

  Return to Earth

  1497 A.D.

  Will and Portak were walking near the house that Will had built in a beautiful, but secluded, area of Altrusia. Will was quieter than usual, which did not go unnoticed by Portak. The Altrusian landscape lay behind them, with its alien flora and fauna swaying in the gentle breeze. The giant red conifers provided some shade from Altrusia’s twin suns as they walked along the valley trail. Twin black mountains rose on either side of them.

  “What is bothering you my friend?” inquired Portak.

  “Nothing, really,” Will replied.

  Portak was unconvinced and raised an eyebrow at Will’s answer.

  “I know you too well to believe that,” Portak countered.

  Will sighed, “At times I find myself missing my family on Earth. I would like to return there and see whatever became of them.”

  “I see,” said Portak. “Well, I don’t believe it would be problematic to briefly return to your home planet in order to make this determination.” Portak paused and then continued. “However, considering that you don’t appear to have aged at all since you left, it would be unwise to travel there looking as you do.”

  Will nodded in agreement. “I’ve already considered that. I have the ability to change my appearance so that I can appear to be the age I would have been had I not left Earth.”

  “Fine, then it is settled. You may start making preparations at once. How long do you plan on being away?” Portak asked.

  “I’m not sure. I would like to remain with them for at least a month if possible, assuming they‘re still alive. In my absence, Qon Jorg, and some of the other Guardians have agreed to patrol my star sector.” Qon Jorg, was a Guardian originally from the planet Pakh’lan.

  Portak nodded. “I see you’ve already planned this out. One thing I must caution you on is that no one on Earth, not even your family, can know what really happened to you.”

  “I understand. Do not worry, they will not find out,” Will said.

  “Take care, young one. We will speak again upon your return.”

  Will then teleported Portak back to the command and training facility and returned home.


  After returning to his house, Will packed his clothes in a cloth-like bag that resembled the type of luggage that was in use on Earth when he left. He was careful to remember to make sure the Altrusian clothing he packed resembled fifteenth century Terran clothing so he did not appear out of place. He figured that the clothing he had might be outdated, so the Altrusian clothes he packed would take whatever shape he wanted them to in order to match the current styles. He would wear his Guardian uniform, without the face mask, for the trip there.

  He also put a couple of other items in his bag that he planned on giving to his family when he arrived. He prayed that they were all still alive and living in the same place. He knew that his brother, Edward, would be 31 years old. He knew that his mother would be 58 and his father 59, which would be considered fairly old in fifteenth century England.

  Will then contacted Qon Jorg to advise him of his impending departure, and Qon Jorg advised him that he and the others would take care of his area of responsibility in his absence.

  One last thing that Will had to do before embarking on his journey was to change his appearance so that he looked his true age.

  Will sat down and began to relax and focus his mind. Over the years, he had learned to do this in a matter of seconds. Once his mind was focused, it was a simple matter of willing his appearance to change to that of his true age.

  Within seconds, Will’s face began to change into an older and more mature version of himself: his arms, legs and chest became hairier, and his voice became richer and deeper.

  After his transformation was complete, he boarded his starship and set the coordinates for his journey. Soon after he was airborne he escaped the atmosphere of Altrusia, and within a few minutes, he was a couple of million miles away. He then activated the wormhole interface device.

  As he activated the device, a wormhole appeared directly in front of his starship. Within seconds he was traveling many times the speed of light en route to his destination 10,000 light years from Altrusia. The wormhole collapsed behind him as he continued forward. His memories of the first time he had experienced the wormhole returned, and he remembered how completely helpless he had felt at the time. Now, however, he was completely in control.

  Within minutes he came to the end of this part of his journey. He could not chance opening a wormhole too close to Earth, so when he came out of the wormhole, he was within a million miles of the planet Saturn.

  Although Will had studied the planets of this star sector via the learning chamber, he had never actually seen them. He marveled at the rings of Saturn, and they reminded him of Caortrinia, a three-ringed planet in his star sector inhabited by large, orange-skinned humanoids.

  After circling Saturn a couple of times, he then headed towards Earth at sub-light speed. At his current speed, he knew it would take a little over an hour to travel the 746 million miles to Earth.

  Chapter 57

  Ravenglass Village, England

  June, 1497 A.D.

  Will entered Earth’s atmosphere with the cloaking device still engaged and headed directly to the airspace above his old village in England. It was mid-morning by the time he arrived. As he entered the cloudy skies above Ravenglass, he left the starship cloaked in a shield of invisibility hovering fifty miles directly overhead, where it would remain in a geosynchronous orbit until he was ready to leave. Will gathered his clothing, teleported out of the cru
iser, and flew to Earth just outside of Ravenglass.

  He found an abandoned area of woods and changed into his fifteenth century clothing. He used his vision powers to determine the current styles of successful businessmen, which was how he would portray himself to his family, and transformed the clothing accordingly. He put the clothing on over his Guardian uniform, which he then made invisible and intangible, and started walking the three or so miles to Ravenglass at a normal human pace.

  Will took in the sights and sounds of his native planet, which he had not seen in seventeen years. The woods were alive with deer, squirrel, fox, all manner of birds, and other woodland creatures. The ground was still damp from a recent rain. It was late spring, and the flowers and foliage were in full bloom. His enhanced sense of smell was taking in what was unseen. He could smell the drying fish in the markets of Ravenglass, and with his super hearing he could hear the vendors hawking their goods and wares. He found himself missing his old world, but knew that he could no longer call this place home.

  Will entered his village, which had not changed much in the years he had been gone except for a few new buildings, a new church, a few new homes, and a larger marketplace bustling with activity. He thought he recognized a few faces, although they showed the wear of seventeen years. A few glanced at him in vague recognition as well, but none stopped to talk with him.

  Will found his childhood home and saw that some improvements had been made to it since he had left: a new fence had been built; the roof had been repaired, and there were several new crops in the field.

  Will walked to the door, which was new as well, and knocked. After a few moments, he heard footsteps inside coming towards the door. A young boy of about nine or ten opened the door, much to Will’s surprise.

  “Good morning, young man,” Will said to the boy, remembering to use the British accent of his youth, which he had pretty much lost all traces of in the years he had spent on Altrusia.

  “Good morning, sir,” replied the child.

  “I was looking for the people who lived here many years ago. Is your mother or father at home?”

  “Just a minute, please,” the child said as he shut the door, going back inside to find his mother or father. Will used his super hearing and was able to hear the child talking to an adult female and telling her that a large, strange man was at the door. The woman asked him who it was, but the boy said he didn’t know.

  A woman came to the door. She was a thin, pretty blond with shoulder-length straight hair in her late twenties.

  “Good morning, sir,” she began. “How may I help you? My son said you were looking for the people who used to live here?”

  “Yes. I’m looking for the Essex family that lived here many years ago. I’m Will Essex and…”

  At the mention of his name, the woman’s hand flew to her and covered her mouth with a look of surprise on her face and stated, “Oh my God! You’re Will Essex? I’m Elizabeth. I’m married to your brother, Edward. Please, please come in,” she said stepping out of the way.

  Will was as surprised as the woman was at this revelation.

  “Then, that boy was Edward’s son?”

  “Yes. That is Miles; he is ten. He was named after your father. We also have a daughter, Emily, who is eight.”

  Will smiled he thought to himself. Edward a husband and father?

  The boy reluctantly came back in the room, peering cautiously at the large, muscular man in his house. A petite blond haired girl, who looked like her mother, had now joined him as well.

  “Miles, Emily, go and fetch your father from the field. Tell him we have a guest.”

  With that, the children nodded, said, “Yes, Mother,” and headed out the backdoor towards the fields behind the house.

  “Please, sit down,” Elizabeth said. “Would you care for something to drink?”

  Will declined but took a seat. Elizabeth sat in the chair across from him.

  “Where are my mother and father? Are they well?” Will asked.

  Elizabeth looked away from Will in a way that told him the news was not good.

  “Your mother is still here. She is asleep in her bedroom right now. Your father…”

  Before she could finish her sentence Edward came through the backdoor with a harried look on his sweaty face.

  “The children came and got me from the fields and said we had a guest. Who is…”

  Will stood up, turned around, and looked at Edward. It took Edward a few seconds to recognize the brother he had not seen in so many years.

  “Hello, Edward. How are you?” Will asked with a huge grin on his face.

  “Will? Is that you? My God, man, I can’t believe it’s you!”

  The two brothers crossed the room and embraced fiercely.

  “Look at you! Good Lord, you’re huge and solid as a rock! What have you been doing, lifting boulders?” Edward said laughing.

  “Something like that,” Will replied with a smile on his chiseled face.

  “Please, sit down and tell me all about your life. Where have you been all of these years? We had no idea whether you were alive or dead, or how to get in touch with you.”

  “Let’s not talk about me right now. First, I want to know about Mother and Father. Your wife told me that Mother is here but asleep right now. But, where is Father?”

  Edward paused for a moment and then replied, “Father died three years ago of a high fever. Mother has never been the same without him. We had no idea where you were so we could not inform you of his death. I’m so sorry.”

  Will shook his head. He had feared that his father was dead when he had observed Elizabeth’s reaction to the question.

  “When may I see Mother?”

  “She should be waking up in a few minutes. I know she will be excited to see you. Now please, tell me where you have been all of these years!”

  Will had been thinking of what to tell his family because he obviously could not tell them the truth. Instead he came up with something that was a little more plausible and believable.

  For the next several minutes, Will engrossed his brother and the new members of his family with the stories of his time on the merchant ships that had sailed the world. He told them of all of the faraway lands he had seen in his travels, and all of the different people he had met. He told them that he was now a successful businessman that sold spices, tea, precious metals and jewels, and other commodities, all over Europe and Asia, and that he now lived in Asia.

  As he was finishing his made up stories, he heard a woman’s voice calling for Edward from the back bedroom.

  “That is Mother calling for me. She is awake now. Go back and surprise her,” Edward urged him.

  Will nodded and headed back towards his mother’s bedroom. Will opened the door slowly and entered quietly.

  “Edward, is that you?”

  “No, Mother, it is me, Will.”

  His mother sat up in her bed a little straighter. “Will? My son, Will?”

  “Yes, Mother. It is me. I have come home for awhile.”

  “Will! Will! Oh my son!” his mother began sobbing and outstretched her arms. Will went to her, hugged her gently, and stroked her hair. She began sobbing softly on Will’s shoulder. Tears began slowly trickling down Will’s face as well.

  “I knew you were still alive, my son, and that someday you would return.” She paused for a minute and then continued. “Did your brother tell you of your father‘s passing?”

  “Yes, Mother, he did. I’m so sorry that I was not here for you and Edward.”

  She nodded. “I miss him so much. He was such a good man.”

  “Yes, he was. I have missed all of you very much, Mother.”

  “Where have you been, my son? Tell me of your life.”

  Will began telling his mother the same story he had told his brother and new family members a few minutes ago. However, about halfway through his account, his mother raised her hand to silence him.

  “Please, Will, I’m sure that is t
he story you told your brother and his family, but please don’t insult me with that pack of lies. You’re no more a spice merchant than I‘m the Queen of England.”

  Will said nothing, but looked into his mother’s eyes and sighed deeply. He then got up from her bedside and strode to a nearby window, clasped his hands behind his back, and looked outside.

  “Many years ago, on the night before I left, you told me that you knew my destiny lay not in this place, but somewhere far away, and that I would seek my destiny in a way you could never understand.” Will paused a moment to collect his thoughts. “You have no idea how right you were, Mother. My destiny lay in a place that was…not of this world.”

  Will turned slowly and looked at his mother. She watched him intently, simply nodded, and then spoke.

  “I have lived my entire life in this village and have never traveled more than a few days ride from here. But I’ve always dreamed there were places in the great void beyond this world of ours. However, I would also imagine you are not permitted to discuss such things with us,” his mother said profoundly.

  Will sighed again before he answered.

  “You are very wise, Mother. Even if I were to tell you all of the things that have happened to me over the years, I’m afraid they would be very hard for you to believe.”

  “Of that I have no doubt. Perhaps it is best for me…us, not to know these things before our time to know them. Therefore, I will always be proud of my son, the successful spice merchant, who I know is much, much more than that,” she said with a smile.

  “Thank you, Mother.”

  “How long will you be with us, my son?”

  “Perhaps a month. Maybe longer.”

  “Then we should make the best of it. At least I got my wish and was able to see you again before I died,” she said with a wink of her sparkling green eyes.

  Will returned her smile and gave her a gentle hug.

  “Come,” she said, “help me out of bed and let’s go and get reacquainted with each other shall we?”

  Chapter 58


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