Loose Corset

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Loose Corset Page 4

by Christine Rains

  “I got a text from Dean. I stayed in his room. No biggie.” Emily flopped her things onto her bed and sat on the end, grinning widely. “So?”

  She wanted the dirty details now? With Dean right there in the bathroom? The shower stopped. I swallowed thickly and sat on the end of my bed. “So…yeah. Good times.”

  “Oh please!” Emily snorted. A sound too large for someone so small. “I want to know everything. You never hold out. Was it down and dirty? Did he tie you to the headboard and have his way with you?”

  “What? No!” I gasped just as the door to the bathroom clicked open.

  “But you did give me some ideas.” Dean grinned as he strode out with a towel around his waist. “Just getting my clothes. Don’t let me interrupt your girl talk. I look forward to overhearing more.” He kissed me on the top of my head and chuckled as he went back into the bathroom.

  I couldn’t move. That so did not happen. Especially because it stirred up my hormones again.

  “Right. Like we’re going to talk while there’s a spy around.” Emily gathered her uniform and her makeup case. “I’m going back to the other room to get ready. Make sure you’re there for lunch with everyone today.”

  “Yeah, okay.” I nodded and stayed in the same spot as Emily left the room.

  There’d been no argument, no hurt feelings, or anything. Emily wasn’t the least bothered by what happened. Odd. And why should I worry about it? It was a good thing. No bad voodoo to deal with.

  I should let it go, but I couldn’t.

  I was still sitting there when Dean came out of the bathroom fully dressed.

  He paused and cocked his head to the side. “What’s up?”

  “Emily.” I blinked. “She didn’t put up a fuss.”

  “And?” Dean raised a single brow.

  “Well,” I stood as if suddenly reanimated, “I figured she’d be pissed that I had a guy in the room and she didn’t feel like she could come back here to sleep. We both paid for the room, and she has her costumes here. I was a slouch and didn’t give her any warning about it. But, hey, she said she got a text from you?”

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “Last night when you got up to use the bathroom after round two. I let Russ know I wouldn’t be back, and then sent Emily a text too.”

  “She said you let her stay in your room.”

  “My bed. I share a room with Russ.” He shrugged and walked over to retrieve his cell, Gen Con badge and wallet.

  My eyes went wide. Emily hadn’t made a fuss and shared a room with a guy. A guy who had costumes to rival hers. Had she killed him, or had she…

  “Oh God. Russ and Emily.”

  Dean stopped, then pocketed his things, and let out a burst of laughter. “Well now, looks like someone else has some dirty details to share.”

  “I can’t believe she didn’t say anything.” I plopped down on the bed again. A bolt of betrayal lanced through me. Stupid to feel that way, but we were best friends. We shared everything. At least I’d told Emily some of what happened at the pub the other night. Emily didn’t even say a single thing about her and Russell.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Dean came over to hug me. “Russ likes to brag. We’ll hear everything and then some later. He likes to be dramatic, expand on the truth. At least this way, we won’t be the only ones in the hot seat at lunch.”

  Chapter Four

  Geek girl problem #77: When things are going your way, you always suspect a boss fight around the next corner.

  My nerves were so on edge, I felt as though I was competing in the Hunger Games. Desperation, confusion, never knowing what was around the next bend. And there was a hot guy beside me. Holding my hand.

  As much as I wanted to celebrate that fact, too many other things were going on in the group. Russell and Emily sat at opposite ends of the table in the mall food court. They didn’t even look at each other. Emily flirted heavily with Josh, and Andrew couldn’t stop staring at Sydney’s boobs—she was dressed as a pirate wench. Patrick seemed oblivious to the fact anything was going on.

  Was our perfect online gaming group ruined by meeting in real life? It had been my idea. Emily put the plan into motion, but meeting at Gen Con was originally mine. If our Steampunk Quest game fell apart, then my life was ruined. And it would be all my fault.

  “Aren’t you going to eat anything?” Dean squeezed my hand and brought my attention back to him.

  I smiled a little and stuck my fork into my lunch salad. I speared a big green leaf. “Yup, I’m eating.”

  I didn’t enjoy the bite I took, though. What was going on with Emily and Russell?

  “That’s like the first bite you’re taken in over five minutes, and only the third bite in total,” Dean said near my ear. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Aww, they’re so cute. Whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears,” Emily cooed loudly and the rest of the group made the appropriate embarrassing noises.

  Thankfully they hadn’t teased Dean and me as much as I’d expected them to. I had been ready for a whole meal of awkward questions and lewd suggestions. There were a few, but the conversation went elsewhere. And normally I would be very grateful, but I’d planned on throwing back the questions upon Emily and Russell. The opportunity never came, and I didn’t want to demand answers in front of everyone.

  Dean drew me closer to him and grinned. “If only you guys knew what I was whispering, then you’d all be red like Morgan.”

  Laughter. Conversation returned to games and who might be in tomorrow’s costume contest. I tried to join in, to forget for a moment the other drama, but it was impossible even with the wonderful warmth of Dean’s body next to mine.

  I stood. “I’ve got to go to the little nerd girls’ room.”

  I paused, waiting for Emily to say she’d join me. This was a clear signal from one friend to another that we needed to talk. Emily didn’t budge.

  Okay. Maybe she’d join me in a minute.

  I squeezed Dean’s shoulder as I walked off and stood in the bathroom for five minutes like a fool. I texted Emily and waited another three minutes for a reply. None. Nada. Zip.

  This was frakking bullshit!

  Stomping out of the bathroom, I froze upon seeing Russell standing in the alcove between the drinking fountains across from me. Dressed as Snidely Whiplash, he had the perfect sneer for the character.

  “Come to kidnap me and tie me to the train tracks?” I folded my arms and stepped out of the way of a group of girls going into the bathroom.

  “Don’t tempt me. It would save us all a lot of trouble.” Russell’s sharp and bitter tone carried a phantom slap.

  I hesitated, weighing the situation. He obviously didn’t like me, but why? I hadn’t felt such hate when we first met, no matter that we were playing enemies. Did something so horrible happen between him and Emily, he was taking it out on me? But why did it feel more personal than that?

  “Okay.” I took in a deep, slow breath and let it out. “Clearly you wanted to talk to me since you’re waiting here. What did you want to say?”

  “End this thing between you and Dean now. Today at least. Don’t drag it out. You’ll only cause more damage if you do.”

  Not what I expected in the least. What did he have against me and Dean? Did he not think I was good enough for his cousin?

  “What’s between Dean and me is our own business.” There. A mature and reasonable reply. I wasn’t going to resort to growling back at him.

  “And what is between you, hmm?” Russell raised his comical eyebrows. It looked silly and somehow foreboding. “Girlfriend and boyfriend? Or just a con fling?”

  My lips thinned and my gaze darted to the floor. Why did he have to go there? I’d been so busy thinking about other things, I wasn’t freaking over my own relationship. If, indeed, that was what it was. Yes, it was. It definitely was a relationship. But realistically, how viable was it?

  “I thought so.” Russell continued before I could answer. “Here’s a little fac
t for you. Dean is in love with you. Ah, ah, ah.” He held up a hand to stop me from speaking, stunned as I was. “He’s been pining away for you about a year now, trying to think of a way to meet you. He follows everything you do online. He doesn’t fall easily and doesn’t take heartbreak well. You will destroy him, and it’s better that you do it sooner than later.”

  Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop the horses. What in the nine hells was going on? Dean never gave any sign online he was interested in me in any way. And following everything I did? Creepy. But me destroying him? Did Russell truly think I was that cruel?

  “I won’t hurt him. Why would you think that? I like him. A lot.” Love, um, no. That’s not something I believed happened at first sight. And the soul mate thing was just to sell paranormal romance books. The realist in me was rearing her head again. Maybe it was for the best if I stepped away from Dean if he was over-emotional like that, and he had a scary overprotective cousin.

  “Of course you will.” Russell scoffed, blowing up his mustache. “You’re a smart girl. And as intelligent as Dean is, he’s a romantic. I don’t get the same from you. You’re a bad match. Best if you step away before he gets too involved.”

  I held up her chin. I was a romantic. Sorta. A little. Bloody hell.

  With that, Snidely Whiplash stalked off toward the food court. A villain like no other. It would’ve been easier if he did leave me to be squished by an oncoming train.

  I leaned against the wall, the broken pieces of my heart scattered over the ugly tiled floor. Had I already put too much of myself into the relationship? Russell had warned me that Dean would get hurt, but he didn’t give a damn about my feelings. And they were there. Honest and true.

  But not as immense as Dean’s.

  Okay. No, I wasn’t going to do this. Dean was smart and so was I. The two of us could work something out.


  Why did these things have to be so difficult? He was a good-looking guy. More than that. He was frakking gorgeous. He was intelligent, geeky and the way he kissed—wow.

  Dean also lived six hours away. And he was already in love with me. Stalking me online. Not good.

  What was I going to do?

  This was a moment I needed to talk to my best friend, but Emily was ignoring my texts. My nerd paradise was crumbling around me. Gen Con was meant to take me away from everyday life and drama. Not that this was an everyday event for me, but it was no fantasy. Dean could be my dream man, but how could I deal with him in the waking world where reality generally sucked?

  Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus walked into the bathroom, giggling and chatting animatedly. Well, in the name of Love and Justice, I promised myself not to do anything stupid. It’d be best to talk to Dean about where he stood first before doing something rash.

  But look at the time! If I didn’t get to my next seminar now, I might be late. Couldn’t have that.

  I crept along the crowded side of the food court and slipped away. I wasn’t running from my problems. Nope. I had someplace to be. It wasn’t cowardly at all. I paid for the ticket after all.

  I hated that I couldn’t convince myself of that during the seminar and the next one after it, and the miniature painting workshop I had scheduled at four. Every mini I painted looked like Dean. Even the half-orc barbarian.

  Gathering my courage, I met the group for dinner. Dean greeted me with a kiss. I melted against him, wanting to forget everything Russell had told me. Why couldn’t things work out for once? Was that too much to ask? If I could reprogram the Matrix, I’d have the perfect world.

  Emily didn’t show up for dinner. Nor was she replying to any of my texts. Snidely Whiplash looked more ticked off than usual.

  When I stated I was going to check to see if Emily was in our room, Dean immediately jumped up to go with me. Russell glared at me, but what could I say? Maybe I’d get a chance to talk to Dean soon.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s been bothering you today?” Dean caressed the back of my hand with his thumb. My flesh tingled and thoughts of us doing it in the elevator sent my heart thumping harder.

  “Just worried about Emily.” That was true. Not the entire truth, but it would have to do for now.

  Dean nodded and kissed my hand, holding the elevator door open for me when we arrived at my hotel floor. His bedroom eyes were so sexy. They gleamed when he gazed at me. How much he cared for me was obvious. Was I an android not to fall at his feet and do anything he wanted?

  My head was so full, I barely noticed when we arrived at the room. I slid in the card key and opened it. Emily, wearing a large Avengers t-shirt and short shorts, sat on one of the beds painting her toenails. An episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation droned quietly on the television.

  “Hey.” Emily waved at us. “If you guys don’t mind, I need a quiet night. I have to get my beauty sleep for tomorrow. So if you want to take all that hot sex stuff to Dean’s room, I’d appreciate it.”

  My cheeks heated. I was never going to live down what Emily heard going on in the bathroom earlier that day. Turning to Dean, I spoke softly. “Do you mind if I have some time to hang out here a bit?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Dean kissed me, the picture of an understanding boyfriend. He didn’t question me, ask me when I’d be done, or tell me to text him every fifteen minutes. He let my hand go and walked to the door, opening it.

  Before Dean could step through, Russell barged in. He pointed a finger at Emily. “We’re talking right here and now.”

  “Go away. I’m not talking to you,” Emily snapped. She didn’t look up from her toes.

  I glanced back and forth between the two of them. Russell seemed really angry. It was difficult to judge how mad because his costume made him seem insanely so.

  “We need to talk.” Russell gritted his teeth, and then took in a deep breath, releasing it slowly. “Please.”

  Emily sighed and closed her nail polish bottle. “Fine. Whatever.”

  Russell peered over his shoulder at me. “You can go now.”

  I frowned at him, refusing to move. I wasn’t going to leave my best friend alone in a room with a madman. My gaze went to Emily who nodded once.

  “It’s okay. I’ll be fine.”

  “Call if you need me to come back.” I didn’t like leaving the room or not having any answers yet, but I backed out to stand in the hall with Dean. I stared at the door. “Maybe we ought to wait here, just in case.”

  “They’ll be okay. Emily has been avoiding Russ all day, pushing his buttons. I’ve never seen a girl get under his skin like she does.” Dean shook his head. “And to top it off, he hasn’t told me what happened between them. I figured the world would know before breakfast was over. I think those two have found love just like you and I have.”

  I flinched. I didn’t mean to, but he used the L word!

  “What’s wrong?” Dean reached for my hand. I let him take it, but didn’t squeeze back when he did.

  “Maybe we should go have a talk too.” Somewhere not in the hall. But not his room. It was too tempting to not do any talking when a bed was available. “Let’s go down to the conference room level. There’re a few seminar rooms not in use at the moment since most people are at dinner.”

  “Okay.” His brows furrowed, but he didn’t question me.

  We made our way to an empty room in silence. It was a small room that would seat maybe twelve people. Someone had lost a die on the floor and roughly drawn dungeon maps filled the recycle bin. Dean closed the door and sat on the edge of the table.

  I tried to look casual, but it was useless. I paced for a minute before stopping and gripping the back of a chair. Be brave. It’s not like he was going to go all Fatal Attraction on me. Not that anyone would suspect it if it were to happen. “Okay. Okay.”

  Gyrfalcon wouldn’t beat around the bush. She’d be straightforward. “So, right. You and I. I really like you.”

  “I really like you too.” Dean’s tone danced on the edge of caution.

I’ve never slept with a guy I just met. It’s not something I do. Though we’ve been friends for a couple years online.”

  “I’ve never done anything like this before either.” He gave me a sexy little smile.

  Tribbles purred in my stomach. This wasn’t getting any easier. “Right. Okay, good.” I needed to just spill it. Be calm and reasonable. Apparently, though, my mouth wasn’t going to listen. “So, Russell told me some things. He said you were in love with me for a while and that you were stalking me online. That I needed to break things off with you or else you would go crazy with heartbreak. And then, you know, we live six hours away from one another. Long-distance relationships never work. I’m not the type for a fling, and apparently you’re not either. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  I said it. Oh my god, I said it. I gripped the chair back tighter.

  Dean ran his hands through his hair, grabbing at it and yanking. His face turned red, and he squeezed his eyes closed. Oh frak. He was going Super Saiyan on me.

  He let out a long, hissing breath and opened his eyes. “Remember what I told you about Russell?” He paused, and when I didn’t respond, he continued, “He exaggerates.”

  “Okay.” I blinked, still trying to grasp what he was trying to say.

  “Look. I follow you on Facebook and Twitter. We chat. The fact I have you on all my social media doesn’t mean I stalk you. I connect to all the group like that.” He folded his hands on one leg, but they were clutched tightly to one another. “I never said I was in love with you. Liked you a lot, yes. Crushing on you. As I said, Russell exaggerates. I’m so going to kill him for this.”

  “So you’re not stalking me.” I sagged forward, using the chair for balance.

  “No.” Dean stood and stared at his shoes. “I had a really bad breakup a year and a half ago. I didn’t handle it well. But, in my defense, I’d been with the girl for over a year, and it was one of those I didn’t see it coming deals. She did some pretty horrible things, including stealing money from me and cheating on me.”

  “That’s awful.” My heart went out to him. I wanted to hold him, take all that pain from him. But would he hate me now for believing those things about him? I’d been so stupid to let Russell get me worked up like that.


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