Hadrian's Lover

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Hadrian's Lover Page 9

by Patricia-Marie Budd

  Todd nods his approval. “You’re lucky only your mama caught you!”

  “Tell me about it,” Devon agrees. Both boys shudder at the thought. No one litters in Hadrian. The fines if caught are astronomical, and if you amass a record of three offenses, the government will exile you from Hadrian!

  Devon opens the bubble for Todd by tapping on the roof, causing the transparent door to slide down. Todd steps up and then down into the small vehicle. It looks so small that it seems impossible for anyone to fit into it, but it is surprisingly roomy inside. Even a man of 6’ 5” can sit inside a bubble and not feel cramped. After settling into the driver’s side, Devon turns Todd’s way. “I can’t wait till we get to Rezu.” Smiling, he adds, “I don’t know about you, man, but I’m starving!” As if on cue Todd’s stomach growls, causing Devon to laugh. “Good, you’re hungry too! I know just what to order us when we get there!” Todd can’t help but laugh along with Devon, his playful mood infectious.

  * * * * *


  Rezu—Still Hadrian’s Top Restaurant

  HNN—Melissa Eagleton Reporting

  When was the last time you took your lover out for a quiet romantic meal? Where better than Hadrian’s oldest restaurant, Rezu? One of Antinous’ most popular restaurants and listed as Hadrian’s top dining establishment in the bestselling restaurant guide: Hadrian’s Finest Victuals, published last year through Sappho Press. Rezu is nestled nicely in the corner of Backstreet Bay where it offers its customers a scenic view of the Nelson River that complements its tantalizing cuisine. Opened the year of Hadrian’s founding, Rezu has always held its mission to be to provide Hadrian’s citizens with an authentic taste of traditional Japanese cookery. Kyoko Yokomoto was among the first immigrants to join Hadrian’s family. With her, she brought everything she knew about preparing traditional Japanese food, having apprenticed under her father at his restaurant in what was then still Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Her daughter, Etsuko Yokomoto, inherited Rezu, and today Etsuko’s daughter, Chiyo, and grandson, Jun, run the business. Rezu still upholds the quality that founded this fine eating establishment. You are guaranteed one of the finest meals in all of Hadrian when you visit Rezu. Bring your lover and reserve a private room. There is no better way to spend the perfect romantic evening than dining at Rezu.



  Devon offers his thumb to the host, teasing him with little wiggles back and forth. The man adeptly retrieves his pad, allowing Devon to press his thumbprint on the face of it. Subsequent to his print, Devon follows up with a few taps, transferring credits from his account to the host’s. Devon’s generous tip opens up for him one of Rezu’s private rooms. Before sliding open the thin rice paper doors, delicately decorated with cranes in flight above a low bamboo marsh, Todd and Devon respectfully remove their shoes. The tatami mats, they are told, are very old and almost impossible to replace since Hadrian has limited imports from the outside world. The devastation to Quadrant One caused by 6-13 radically diminished world trade, having created for Hadrian a barometer of fear that seems permanently stuck in the red zone, resulting in Hadrian’s choice to become xenophobic. There will be no new tatami shipped to Rezu for quite some time.

  Upon entering the room, Todd is impressed by its sparse but beautiful decor. Along one wall is a low stand with a flower vase and small statue. “This,” Devon explains, “is what my moms calls the tea room.” Smiling sweetly, he adds, “She says you are supposed to admire the beauty of the flower arrangement and art work.” In this case, the art consists of a small statue of a crane taking flight, and a print of Courtesan by Hokusai. “It’s supposed to put you in some kind of mood,” he says slyly.

  “Wow, that’s beautiful,” Todd responds, transfixed by the beauty of the courtesan.

  Devon lies on his side, his head closest to where Todd is seated. When they first entered the room, Devon motioned for Todd to sit on the right side of the long, low dining table, but Todd judiciously chose to sit at the head where there was only room for one body. Lying sideways is Devon’s attempt to get in close to his new partner.

  Although the drinking age in Hadrian is twenty-one, Devon is able to schmooze the young waiter with a few circular motions of his thumb. The Rankin family often patronizes Rezu and is known for its exorbitant tips. Soon the two boys are drinking biru (Japanese for “beer” Devon translates for Todd) and warm saki. “Rice wine,” Devon explains. “Very strong rice wine,” he adds with a chuckle when Todd sputters out his first sip of the strong bitter alcohol. “Trust me,” Devon winks. “Keep drinking. It’s strong enough that it’ll start tasting good soon enough.” The two boys laugh, and Todd, taking Devon’s advice, continues to sip and scrunch up his face in disgust. Soon their meal arrives. Devon, knowing the menu well, orders them a variety of sushi with tempura. Todd balks at the idea of eating raw fish, but he has no problem gobbling down the deep-fried and lightly battered vegetables and tiger shrimp. And even though he has never eaten tofu on its own like this, he is amazed by how good the white block covered lightly with dried fish flakes tastes when dipped in a combination of soya sauce and rice wine vinegar.

  “By all that’s gay and glorious,” he declares, “but this is good food!”

  Devon consumes the majority of the sushi, the most expensive portion of the meal. He is a little disappointed that Todd won’t even try any of the raw fish placed delicately over the sweet rice. He ends up overstuffing himself because he had ordered enough for a whole murder of crows. Devon really wants to impress Todd and win him over as his boyfriend.

  Attempting to use the chopsticks, having only learned that night, Todd fumbles to pick up another piece of tempura, the light batter coating an orange slice of something truly delicious. “Umm,” Todd says as he barely manages to pop the item into his mouth. Talking with his mouth full, Todd spits out small bits of the food in the explosion of words. “What’s this stuff called?”

  “That’s yam.” Devon is enjoying the sight of Todd luxuriating over the food he is consuming. When Todd trickles some of the soya sauce rice wine mixture down his chin, Devon leans forward, and with his index finger, he wipes the stray dribble and ensures it (along with his finger) makes its way inside Todd’s mouth. There is a moment of silence, in which Devon feels a flame and Todd feels awkward. “Nice stubble,” Devon says admiringly. “Most guys I know can’t even shave yet, let alone hope to grow stubble.”

  Embarrassed that he is not presentable, Todd self-consciously rubs his cheek. “Ah, Papa Mike forgot our razor at a friend’s house.” Devon chuckles. Lowering his eyes, feeling shame, Todd admits, “Papa Mike said he’d, ah, bring it home, but he forgot again. So, I, ah, couldn’t shave this morning.”

  “That’s okay.” Lightly licking his lips, Devon giggles, “I’ve never kissed a guy with stubble before.”

  Todd slowly sets the chopsticks down. I’m going to have to do this, he figures. Devon’s used up a lot of credit here tonight. He swallows hard, sips a little sake, and then closing his eyes, turns his head and waits for Devon’s lips to touch his own. Todd had only meant for a quick little peck, but Devon’s lips cover his, his teeth gripping Todd’s lower lip. And then Devon’s tongue slips inside Todd’s mouth. Todd panics and pulls away. Devon is not worried. “Wow.” He smiles. “That was nice.” Todd blushes, unable to speak, muted by embarrassment and anxiety. Devon peers up at Todd. Noting the dark flush, he asks, “Am I the first boy you ever kissed?” Todd shakes his head. “Of course not,” Devon reasons, “Frank, right?” Todd nods. “Of course, Frank. But you’re not his type, so that’s why the two of you never went anywhere.”

  “We…we’re…we…are…friends,” Todd stutters.

  Devon runs a hand up Todd’s leg. Todd’s hand flutters against Devon’s and lowers it to the floor. Devon pushes his side up and rests firmly on his elbow. “Are you still a virgin?” Devon knows the answer as Todd’s face turns dark purple. “Wow, a virgin,” Devon mutters in awe. He is now ly
ing on his back, hands cupping his head. “Hey, man, that’s cool.” Lying back on his side, Devon once again faces Todd. “We all start this world off as virgins.” Truly admiring Todd now, hoping he will be Todd’s first, Devon asks, “Have you thought about when you want to do it?”

  “Ah…” Todd can’t look up. He has never been good talking about sex. His father died when he was only eight so Will Middleton had never had a chance to discuss awakening sexuality with his son. Papa Mike, unfortunately, turned aloof after Will Middleton passed on, lacking both desire and energy to raise Will’s son properly. He did, at least, give Todd some good advice once, shortly after Todd had turned thirteen. “Papa Mike says I shouldn’t…um…” Todd swallows uncomfortably, “do anything, until…well, just, until things feel right. He says I should w—” Certain this next line is going to make him sound foolish in Devon’s eyes, he cuts himself off.

  “Hey,” Devon says kindly, “you don’t have to be embarrassed. I’m not going to make you try and do anything tonight.”

  “Thanks,” Todd sighs, relief heavy in his exhale.

  “So, what else did Papa Mike say?”

  “He…um…thinks I should…um, well…maybe wait until I get married. That’s what he and my dad did.”

  “Really?” Devon is amazed. Although Hadrian has a very strong notion of family—only registered couples, committed to monogamy, confirmed in marriage a minimum of ten years, can apply for a third child—there are no religious laws dictating a couple wait until marriage before having sex. “Why?” he asks, truly dismayed. “I mean, sorry,” he says in response to Todd’s look of alarm. “It’s just, that’s a little unconventional. Most people don’t worry about that sort of thing. I mean, if it feels right, why not share what you’ve got with the other person?”

  “I guess that’s what Papa Mike means.” Todd is so embarrassed now that he is studying his knees, wishing the rest of him could be ducked under the table, too. “He just thinks I need to wait until it feels right.”

  “Yeah,” Devon says. “That makes perfect sense.” Since that expression gives him hope, Devon reaches his hand around Todd’s head, pulling him down onto the tatami mat flooring for another kiss. Not wanting to scare Todd off, though, he just lies there with him, kissing until Todd pulls free and asks Devon to take him home. “Sure,” he says.

  Devon wraps his arm around Todd’s waist and they exit their private room. Meeting up with their waiter near the front entrance, Devon thumbs the man’s pad, tapping in a hefty tip of extra credits. As they leave Rezu, Devon leads Todd back to his mother’s bubble. Playing the gentleman, Devon moves to open Todd’s door for him. Before opening the door, though, Devon summons up his courage, “I’d like to see you again. Can we go out again tomorrow?”

  Devon’s heart drops as Todd shakes his head. “I, ah…” Todd swallows. “Tomorrow I promised Papa Mike I’d help him fix the bubble. I…I won’t be able to…both day and night…busy.”

  Devon wraps his arms joyfully around Todd, hugging him close. “How about Sunday afternoon? Are you helping Papa Mike then, too?”

  Todd gives in and puts his arms around Devon. “No.”

  “We could go to The Cattle Ranch Restaurant that opened up last month.”

  “The Cattle Ranch Restaurant?” Todd turns pale, gasping. “I heard a beef burger alone costs fifty credits!” A credit in Hadrian is akin to what the old country of Canada used to consider a dollar bill. Anything less than a credit is called a chit; one hundred chits equals one credit.

  Devon laughs, finding Todd’s level of nativity appealing. “Not quite that bad. A beef burger is only thirty credits.”

  Only? Todd shakes his head. Thirty credits are enough to buy groceries for a week: soya beans, soya milk, soya bread, soya cheese, a few greens, and one serving each of fish or chicken (a leg or a thigh—not the breast). The concept of tossing that many credits away for one little slab of meat is beyond comprehension for someone barely scraping by like Todd and his Papa Mike. Rich people, he muses cynically.

  “Yeah,” Devon continues, oblivious to Todd’s musing. “It is, if you ask for all the extras like a bun, lettuce, tomato, onions, sauce that sort of thing. A beef burger can easily run up to fifty credits if you’re a fussy eater.” Grinning, he adds, “Like me.”

  “No, Devon,” Todd states firmly.

  Although disappointed since a meal at the burger establishment always leaves one’s partner feeling obliged to put out, Devon can tell Todd is serious. “Okay,” he reconsiders. “How about the zoo? That won’t cost too many credits. A few credits each to get in, a little more on top for junk munch, which…” he adds in his own stern manner, “we can’t live without.” Todd chuckles; everyone loves junk munch and it is relatively cheap. Papa Mike brings some home every second or third week, so it can’t be that expensive. Smiling sincerely, sensing Todd’s leaning, Devon asks, “You can afford that, can’t you?”

  Todd’s mood darkens as he shakes his head. “I…” How do I tell someone this? “I…don’t have a thumbprint—or a credit account.” Todd lowers his head in shame.

  Devon blinks. “Why? Won’t your Papa give you one?” An individual without a thumbprint implant has no purchasing power, which is why nearly everyone in Hadrian over the age of twelve has a thumbprint.

  “We just don’t have the credits—” Todd trails off, feeling deeply his shame.

  “Hey,” Devon says soothingly, “let me pay for the zoo. Come on,” he cajoles Todd. “It’s nothing expensive like The Cattle Ranch Restaurant or Rezu. Again, it’s me asking for the date: my date, my credits. What do you say?”

  The zoo. Todd begins to smile against his will. Todd hasn’t been to the zoo since before his father died.

  Devon, noting the slight transition, tickles Todd into a more playful mood. “Come on,” he encourages. “It’ll be fun.”

  Todd nods his head slightly. “It does sounds like fun!”

  “Are we on then?” Devon asks as he leans in for a kiss. When he finally releases Todd’s lips, Devon waits for him to say yes. “It’s a date, then.” After planting another kiss on Todd, Devon laughs gaily as his new beau blushes. “Hadrian’s lover, you are so cute,” he declares.

  “Cute?” Todd sputters.

  “Not cute like one of Frank’s boys’ cute.” Shaking his head slightly and laughing, Devon adds, “What did you call them?”

  Both boys answer, “Tinsel tarts.”

  After a further chuckle, Devon says, “It’s just refreshing to be with someone for whom all this is new.” He kisses Todd again and then asks, a little tentatively but with hope, “Can we tell everyone at school it’s official; that we’re a unit?”

  Todd shrugs, “I…I guess so. Just…just…” Trying not to sound too pathetic, Todd says, “Just don’t push for—you know.”

  “I won’t,” Devon promises and then hoots out his joy. “One more kiss, one more kiss—just one kiss and then I’ll take you home. I promise.”

  Todd complies.

  * * * * *

  Before getting out of the bubble, Todd turns to face Devon. Thinking Todd is going to initiate a kiss, Devon leans forward. Not quite knowing what to do, Todd kisses his cheek. Devon giggles and turns Todd’s head to face him, kissing him fully on the lips. “We’ve come this far,” he smiles. “I won’t push forward, but I’m definitely not going backwards,” he says coyly. “Did you want to say something?” he asks to help relieve Todd’s tension, which, oddly enough, Devon finds very erotic.

  “I…ah…forgot,” Todd mutters.

  Devon laughs. “Well, if you remember, voc me. My I.D.’s devran—” he pauses, taking a moment to kiss Todd before continuing, “—hgvoc.”

  Too embarrassed, Todd is unwilling to reveal to Devon he doesn’t even have a vocal contact lens. The latest in high tech communication is too expensive for Papa Mike. If Todd were to get a part-time job, he could probably buy one, but Papa Mike has asked him to concentrate on school and b-ball. “A b-ball scholarship
is the only way you are going to get into uni, Todd,” Papa Mike had said, shaking his head sadly. “We just don’t have the credits.” No thumbprint means no access to spending money; no vocal contact lens means limited access to the wave, especially since Papa Mike won’t even pay to fix their wall screen. “It saves credits,” he reasoned. “This way we don’t have to pay government rates for the wave link.”

  “But we could get the reduced rate, Papa Mike,” Todd had pleaded. But Mike Fulton is too proud to apply for services made available to low income families, so they don’t even get the wave coming through their wall screen anymore. Thank Hadrian for school! All educational institutions provide free access to the wave, but only through school slates, and the wave only works when at school. So Todd has to live with old school technology and the generosity of his friends. This past New Year’s Eve, Frank and Crystal had given him an old cell phone with unlimited calling (a three-year contract obtained illicitly through an outsider phone company!) in celebration of Hadrian’s fiftieth birthday.

  “Thanks,” Todd says, smiling sheepishly for Devon. Tapping his temple, Todd pretends to have memorized Devon’s voc I.D., suggesting it is something he can actually use. Then, after “one last kiss,” Devon opens the bubble door. Todd jumps out, and as quick as a rabbit chased by coyotes, he runs inside his house.


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