Hadrian's Lover

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Hadrian's Lover Page 28

by Patricia-Marie Budd

  His lackey, however, cannot aid him since he is currently occupied with keeping a tight grip on Todd’s hair. Jason only lets go of his grip when Mr. Weller releases the tension in his arm, showing his willingness to lower the paddle. Jason bends down and undoes Todd’s pants, lowering them to his ankles.

  “His underwear, too.” It is not enough simply to beat the boy. Mr. Weller wants him degraded beyond recognition of his former self. Although Jason wishes to protest, he suspects Mr. Weller will only make things harder for Todd. After his briefs are dangling past his knees, Mr. Weller begins administering the punishment. A third smack is called out as “One!”

  “Three!” Jason reminds him.

  Again, the two men stare. Oddly enough, Mr. Weller concedes. “Three.” Before taking his fourth swing, though, he pauses to inspect the paddle. As he had hoped, as is almost always the case (the drug induces such violent vomiting that inevitably something always shoots out the back end), there are traces of feces on the paddle. He shows it to Darrell, whose grin resembles a rabid hyena. As Darrell shoves Todd to the floor, pushing him into Jason in the process, Mr. Weller spits out his disgust, “You dirty strai rat!” Shoving the paddle into Todd’s face, he demands, “Didn’t your fathers teach you how to wipe your ass?” Looking now at Jason, who has just recovered from the shove, he orders, “Get this dirty little charge of yours a basin of water, soap, and a washcloth.” When Jason fails to react on the instant, Mr. Weller explodes, “Now!”

  Jason leaps at the order, fear chasing him into the washroom. Hadrian’s lover, he marvels, if the man has me this frightened, how must the boy feel? Todd, in his turn, is lying on the floor, shaking in horror and pain. Within moments, Jason is back. He places the basin next to Todd, rubs some soap on a cloth, and is about to begin washing the boy’s behind when Mr. Weller stops him. “One does not stoop to wiping one’s ward’s ass here, Mr. Warith! The boy must do that himself.”

  Jason, with infinite tenderness, helps Todd into a child’s pose on his knees. He hands him the cloth, guiding his hand to where it needs to be. All the time, he whispers soothingly into Todd’s ear. “I will get you out of here, Todd; I promise.” But Todd can’t hear. His mind is swirling inside an abyss of shame and degradation. He is so consumed by anguish and horror that he can’t even accomplish the simple task of wiping himself. Jason ignores Mr. Weller’s order and assists the boy. He holds Todd’s hand and makes all the necessary motions until he is sure the area is clean. “Let me help you back up, Todd.”

  Jason’s whisper, unfortunately, is loud enough for Mr. Weller to hear. “Have you forgotten his name already, Mr. Warith?”

  “Come on, Tabatha,” Jason concedes. No point making things worse. Lifting Todd to standing, he adds, “I’ll help you back to your bed.”

  “You will help him back to the table! His punishment is not over.”

  Jason, without turning Todd, looks back at Mr. Weller. “I am the boy’s charge, and I say he has been punished enough for his first offense.”

  “Mr. Jason Warith,” Mr. Weller orders, “walk your ward back over to that table. He still has seven hits left. Refuse and I will add the additional twenty.”

  Additional twenty? Jason looks deep into the headmaster’s eyes. Fear begins to scalds him as if he were slowly being lowered into a vat of hot oil. Ironically, a cold shiver rushes up his spine. It dawns on Jason just how dangerous Gideon Weller is. Hadrian help us; the man is insane. Not knowing what else to do, and fearing even worse for Todd, Jason Warith turns and directs his ward back to the table. When Todd is placed in front, he literally falls face first onto the tabletop. This time, Darrell grabs Todd’s hands to hold him steady. The beatings continue to the count of ten. Mr. Weller, handing the paddle to Jason, demands, “Wash it! And then get the boy ready for indoctrination! We welcome him into the fold at seven.”

  Jason is stunned. The instrument is bloody, the violent blows having burst veins in the boy’s anus. Walking in a daze, Jason enters the washroom.

  Looking at his loyal aide, Weller nods. Darrell releases Todd’s hands and the boy falls to the floor like wax dripping off a candle.

  Jason races out of the washroom as soon as he hears the thud of Todd’s body hitting the floor. Through his peripheral vision, Jason catches the sight of Weller and Darrell walking out the cabin door. Directing all his attention to the youth on the floor, he says, “Todd, Todd, my boy.” He receives no answer.

  * * * * *


  The Error of Their Ways

  HNN—Melissa Eagleton Reporting

  Every so often our government reminds HNN of our responsibility to keep Hadrian’s citizens informed of the conditions of the outside world. Although we are all aware of the ghastly conditions that exist in other parts of the planet, it never hurts to refresh our consciousness so that our vigilance to maintain and create both a stable human population as well as preserve and resurrect earth’s natural resources never abates. It is hoped that a look at the misery wrought by humanity in the outside world will help quell our youth’s foolish behaviors; many of our youth persist in experimenting with heterosexual behavior, reminding them yet again of the world’s desperate need to stem the tide of world population.

  Last year’s world report concentrated on the East Asian countries with a strong emphasis on India, perhaps the world’s hardest hit, having exceeded 2.5 billion according to the most recent World Pop Clock. Although much of our emphasis has been placed on this country due to its high degree of disparity, Hadrian’s government has asked we look at the dwindling state of our closest neighbors; in particular, the splintered anarchy that was once the United States of America.

  There is no doubt that many of Hadrian’s citizens feel those who used to be American citizens have received their just deserts, but it is hard to hold onto resentment when one views from our satellite cameras the horror of their current existence. Yes, believe it or not, these people once reigned as the world’s most dominant power. To think of all the good they could have done to help protect our planet had they but only listened to their own prophets.

  One such prophet was a man by the name of Chris Hedges. He wrote back in the early twenty-first century. I dug up one of his articles from Hadrian’s editorial archives. This piece is titled, “We Are Breeding Ourselves to Extinction,” March 9, 2009. Although it is questionable whether or not humanity still had time to stop its onslaught of destruction, this man at least had the wherewithal to warn humanity of its unfortunate direction. His words also inspired pre-founding family members who established the process of purchasing and creating our own country. Listen to how he opened his article: “All measures to thwart the degradation and destruction of our ecosystem will be useless if we do not cut population growth.” Why did humanity ignore this man’s voice and the voices of others like him! As we all know and can attest to by virtue of the images of the swarming hordes only two borders below us, that warning was not heeded. More damning evidence against what used to be the United States of America, what used to be the “dominant world power,” are echoed in Hedges’ words: “The United States alone gobbles up about 25 percent of the oil produced in the world each year.” Another key point Hedges reminds us of is that, even though countries like old Canada and the old US of A were not among those countries overpopulating the planet (at this time), their populations continued to grow due to the ever-growing need for immigration. It was these old countries’ desperate attempts to stem the excessive waves of the human tide crashing against their shores that wrought many of the bloody conflicts of the mid to late twenty-first century.

  Hedges warned us then, “The overpopulated regions of the globe will ravage their local environments, cutting down rainforests and the few remaining wilderness areas, in a desperate bid to grow food.” Hedges also pointed out that which every “developed” country but Hadrian now lives with: “the depletion and destruction of resources will eventually create an overpopulation problem in industrialized nations as we
ll.” And indeed it did!

  Too few listened to Chris Hedges and other learned men and women like him. But Hadrian’s pre-founding members heard! And, Hadrian still listens. It was “Earth First!” when Hadrian’s borders were created, and it is “Earth First!” to this very day. The human species and the earth will survive, but in order for this to happen, we must all sacrifice. We must all sacrifice for Hadrian. We must all sacrifice to reclaim our beloved Mother Earth.



  Jason does not leave Todd’s side. Even though the boy is non-responsive, Jason is determined to help him up and onto his bed. He begins by lifting Todd up by his armpits and instructing the lad to step out of his pants and shorts. Todd obeys but says nothing. Helping him over to the bed, Jason ensures Todd is lying face down with his red, swollen buttocks exposed to the air. “There’s some salve in the bathroom,” Jason says soothingly. “I’m going to get it and put some on your backside.” Todd isn’t even listening. His mind has entered a dark state—a place void of thought and emotion. Cold and black, it is a place into which Todd can escape—or embrace—insanity. As soon as Jason returns with the ointment, he warns Todd, “It will sting at first, but it will soon become soothing.” After applying the ointment, Jason pulls a chair next to Todd’s bed where he holds vigil. Humming softly a song his mama used to sing to him when he was sick and couldn’t sleep, he gently runs his fingers through Todd’s sweaty and matted hair. The boy’s eyes are open, but at what they stare, Jason remains oblivious.

  Neither Todd nor Jason are aware of time lapsing. Jason is startled back into the present when a small icon appears in the far right corner of his vision. Focusing on it, Jason blinks. “Yes—I know—He’s in no condition—It will simply have to wait—No!—I said, NO!—No, you listen to me; this boy is my ward. I am his charge; he is in no shape—Be reasonable—What is wrong with you?—Fine!—Yes!—We’re coming!” Annoyed, Jason blinks to sever the connection. Looking down at the boy splayed unconscious before him, he gives him a gentle shake. “Todd, I’m sorry, son, but—” He stops as Todd moans. Closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath. Shaking his head, he wants very much to defy Mr. Weller. But that will only get me fired, he reasons, and then Todd will have no one to help him survive this. “I am so sorry, son.” It is a joke of an apology and Jason knows it. Todd does not acknowledge any of what Jason says. He has fallen back into the black void of his unconsciousness. “You have to get up.” Jason closes his eyes, swallowing self-loathing. “I have to get you dressed.” Re-opening his eyes, Jason looks around for Todd’s pants. Picking them up, he notices how tight they really are. He shakes his head, stovepipe jeans. There is no way he will put these back on Todd in his condition. Tossing them aside, he rummages through Matthew’s drawers, hoping to find a pair of soft loose-fitting cotton pants. He settles on a pair of fleece pajama bottoms. These will have to do, he reasons. He doesn’t even bother to make Todd stand. He slips the soft pants under Todd’s feet, drawing them up over his legs, taking extra precaution when he lifts them over his buttocks. Even so, Todd groans in agony. As he picks the boy up off the bed, Jason tries to help him stand. Whether it is due to physical agony or simply a lack of will, it is evident Todd will not be walking. Jason lifts him up into his arms and carries him over to the central cabin. Todd rests his head on Jason’s shoulder, causing the older man to wonder whether he still has a chance of winning the boy over.

  * * * * *

  The main cabin is in the center of the complex. All other cabins, those designated to the various wards, encircle it. This much larger log building houses administrative offices, the kitchen galley, cafeteria, small “social rooms” for a charge and ward to conduct private sessions, as well as a large meeting area for indoctrination, dances, parties, sometimes even weddings. It is to this room Jason Warith was instructed to bring Todd for his indoctrination.

  Indoctrination consists of the current wards welcoming the newest ward to their commune and reciting, by rote, the rules and rationale for reeducation. For this purpose, the room is set up much like an auditorium in which the new ward’s chair is placed front and center while the other wards are seated semi-circle audience-style, facing him. Behind each ward’s chair stands his guardian. Currently, seventeen wards are in attendance at the Northeast Camp. Todd Middleton brings that number up to eighteen. Behind Todd’s chair is a small riser upon which sits the camp warden, Mr. Weller, his administrative team, and two psychiatric counselors.

  Mr. Weller glares at Jason. “Put your ward on his feet and bring him to the front.” Jason ignores the man’s pointed request and carries Todd forward. Such blatant disregard for his authority bristles down Weller’s spine. “Set him down, Mr. Warith!” Jason—suspecting he has already pushed too many buttons for his own—and his ward’s good—helps Todd to standing, turning him to face his audience.

  “Sit him in his chair,” Weller orders.

  Jason stares straight ahead, seeing a mixture of animosity, concern, and respect in the other guardians’ eyes. He also notes the look of shock and awe from the small collection of wards. Instead of seating Todd, Jason cradles the youth in his arms.

  Sensing Warith’s refusal to comply, Weller contemplates disciplining his newest employee (a man he never hired but had thrust upon him, no doubt by some vestigial influence Dean Stuttgart still has) right now in front of everyone, but he reconsiders. Warith is being hailed as the “golden boy” and leader of the reformation of reeducation, but Weller thinks, Reform is not what is needed to quell the heterosexual male. Discipline and a strong hand are all that have ever worked, will ever work, with the male who envisions himself the aggressor. Still, now is not the moment to fight Warith. He will settle with Jason Warith later. “We shall begin.” Mr. Weller’s voice booms and echoes throughout the room with over-exaggerated strength and confidence. He is determined that no one charge or ward will take advantage of Warith’s show of defiance to treat him similarly. “Wards, let us welcome Tabatha Middleton to our family.” There are murmurs of awe. Although he is introduced as Tabatha, Todd Middleton is recognized by everyone because his face and name have been splashed all over Salve! for the past month due to his team winning Quadrants and the Nationals and his walking away with the Most Valuable Player award. Their moment of solemn respect is shattered when Mr. Weller orders, “Mattie Malloy, as you are Tabatha’s roommate, stand and begin.”

  Stephie beams. This is a great opportunity to show Papa Gideon how far he’s come with Mattie. Tapping Matthew’s shoulder, he whispers excitedly, “Stand up, Mattie; stand up.”

  Obeying, Matthew begins, “Please remember your guardian is here to help you.” Stephie smiles. Matthew remembers everything so well. “He will guide you through this transition, remind you of the cornerstones of Hadrian’s society, and explain how the loss of one foundation means the loss of our society’s strength.”

  Stephie is thrilled. “Oh, Mattie,” he coos, “that is so good.” Stephie’s beam is seraphic. Mr. Weller rewards him with a smile of reassurance. “What next, Mattie? What next?”

  Although focused on Todd, Matthew knows every word he says is falling on deaf ears. It is obvious Todd is already beaten. As Matthew’s mind is no longer needed to recite the rules by rote, his thoughts reel back to his first day. His once defiant will earned him five demerits before he even knew what demerits were; these were followed swiftly by the paddle. He shudders at the thought. Everything he does these days is to avoid further encounters with the paddle. He drones on, “Your guardian will guide you through the dangers of heterosexual behavior. How heterosexual men are violent in nature. Always abusive and cruel, it is not uncommon to find rapists and pedophiles among them.”

  “Oh, Mattie,” Stephie sings, “I am so proud of you!”

  “Your guardian will help you purge these negative tendencies; guide you toward embracing the more passive loving qualities of our nation.”

  “Oh, Mattie,” Stephie is beside himself. “You did
so good.” As Matthew resumes his seat, Stephie pats him proudly on the back, kissing the top of his head. Matthew looks straight ahead, acknowledging nothing.

  “Jamie,” Mr. Weller commands. His guardian yanks the young man to standing. “Inform Tabatha of our daily routine.”

  When he fails to respond instantly, his guardian slaps the back of his head. “Rise at six,” he stammers out. “Breakfast at six-thirty—exercise at seven—classes at eight—lunch at eleven-thirty—exercise again at twelve—rejecting women at one—private session at three—supper at five—visual of the outside world at six—private session at seven—bed by nine.”

  “Very good, Jamie. Sit down.” Glaring at the back of Jason Warith’s head, Mr. Weller growls, “Mr. Warith, turn your ward, and his chair, around. Tabatha has missed supper, but he is in time for tonight’s visual of the outside world.”

  After Jason encourages Todd to turn and face Mr. Weller, the warden bores down on the youth. “Tabatha, as you have just heard, we run a very tight ship here at the Northeast Camp. There is no tolerance for rebellion. If you listen to your guardian and obey the rules, your transition back into Hadrian society will be swift and smooth. If not, know this; disciplinary measures will be used to quell all acts of defiance and heterosexual behaviors. We are not going to threaten you with hell and damnation in some foolish afterlife. No, Tabatha. Hell and damnation is out there, on the other side of those walls. It is Hadrian government’s strict policy never to send our children out there to fend for themselves. We will either aid in your transition, or retain you here since the only other choice left to you would be to live outside our walls. Today’s visuals will remind you why that alternative is not a viable option.” Now directing stern attention to Jason, he commands, “And now, Mr. Warith, your ward must sit down!” Each word is spoken emphatically, leaving no room for resistance.


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