Encore! (Tudor Saga Book 1)

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Encore! (Tudor Saga Book 1) Page 5

by Jamie Salisbury

  But my mood was ruined. There was no way I could do this for him in front of other people. In order for me to perform for him for the first time, it would have to be just the two of us. No one else.

  Time to leave.

  I walked back over to my things and placed my violin and bow back into its case and closed it. Picking it up, I reached down and retrieved my purse off the floor beside the table.

  "Mary, what's wrong?" I vaguely remembered him asking.

  "I'm sorry, Daniel. I'm not ready to do this. Not with all these people around. I misunderstood. This was a bad idea, okay?"

  He followed on my heels, his bimbo left behind. "Mary please. Don't leave. Not now." He came around to get between me and the door.

  "I'm sorry, Daniel. I'll see you tomorrow. Big day, remember? And please, leave your girlfriend at home."

  "She's not my girlfriend!" He hissed as I walked past him and out the door.

  "Tell her that. She might be confused with the way you allow her to hang all over and fondle you. If you want a private showing before we meet with your label and management guys, be at my studio at nine sharp. Good night, Daniel, and thank you for a most interesting and insightful evening."

  I pivoted on my heel as best I could, in spite of my seething anger, and walked away. I dared not look back—even when, after a few seconds, I thought I heard the sound of his door being slammed. Good! I got my point across.

  I fumbled in my pocket and retrieved my cell phone. I found the number I was after on speed dial and waited for the person on the other end to answer.

  "What can I do for you this evening, Archangel?" The deep baritone boomed.

  "Archangel wants to play. Can you fit me in tonight, Jake? I really need to let some steam off."

  "For you? Tell me when and I'll make the time for you, darlin'."

  I peered down at my cell phone for the time. "Midnight. Will that work?"

  "Absolutely. See you soon."

  "Yeah, see you soon." I disconnected the call and hailed a cab. There was no way in hell I was going home to sit and stew. Screw Daniel Kennedy! I knew he was too good to be true. Just another client who, because we had known each other in the past, thinks my services should come with fringe benefits. If I didn't make my point clear tonight… Yeah, I'm furious and I'm going to bust down crying if I don't get my mind off of him.

  Tonight Archangel will play. My music is always well received, crowds always cry for more. But for me it was nothing more than an emotional release—like tonight, to get Daniel Kennedy off my mind, though deep down inside that was the last thing I wanted to do.


  After a night of nearly no sleep, I managed to drag myself out of the bed and get myself ready. When I had slept, damn dreams of Daniel Kennedy kept easing into my psyche. The sort of dreams that left my sheets in knots and damp. Daniel had left numerous texts. I scanned them all. Ah yes, apologizing for the misunderstanding. Blah, blah, blah.

  Then I read a final one from about three in the morning. The video shoot for my idea. That's what was going on. He had arranged for a video shoot. The one we talked about. And I ruined it, my chance to oversee it ruined by the damn feelings I obviously had for this man. Still didn't explain that girl, though.

  He strode right over to the six mounted black and white enlargements, just like I wanted him to. He stood there in awe, not moving, his eyes going from one image to the next. Then he moved in closer for a better look.

  "Mary, these are phenomenal. I can't find the words to describe my emotions."

  "That's good enough. It means you like them. These are the six best. I'll show you the rest in a minute. I also have a video clip I put together."

  "Mary, about last night…"

  "Please, don't ruin my moment here, Daniel."

  "I need to apologize. Obviously you had no idea we were shooting the video that you had suggested during the photo shoot."

  Pretend you haven't seen his text. "What? What the hell? All of that was…Then why the hell did you have me bring my violin? Obviously you led me to the wrong conclusions about why I was there last night."

  "And how did I do that?"

  "You were acting so, so weird in front of those other folks, your girlfriend I take it? I'd have never come if I'd known I was going to be humiliated like that."

  "That was never my intention. And Penny is not my girlfriend. She works at the label offices. She was there to observe."

  "Observe what? Because the way I saw her hanging all over you, that is not the impression I got. Observe my ass!" I whispered under my breath.

  "Okay, okay. Truce? I handled the situation wrong. I should not have suggested you bring your violin to practice with me with others around the first time. And, I should have been more upfront about what was going on, as well as being more sensitive."

  "Yes, you should have. I'll let you slide this time."

  "Thank you. I promise I won't let it happen, again. Are you ready for this afternoon, my lioness?"

  I nodded my head. "Yes, I am more than ready, Daniel. If they don't like what I present, well then they are all blind. This has to be some of my best work ever, if I do say so myself."

  "You have something better?" he chided.

  I stared straight ahead at the image directly in front of me. I dared not look at him.

  "Video. How did the video portion come out?" He asked after the awkward silence.

  "Come, let me show you. I won't offer my opinion one way or the other until after you've seen it."

  Leading him over to my laptop, I sat down on one of the stools. He followed my lead and waited as I clicked the mouse and brought it up. As he was watching the thirty second clip, I couldn't help but steal a glimpse of his face. He approved. The corners of his mouth were curved up ever so slightly.

  "Amazing! And I like the fact that you put everything in black and white."

  "I do, too. Much more dramatic; and I think it captures the mood of this body of work, don't you? I have one in sepia tones, which is nice; but for now, let's stick with the black and white."

  "Yes, yes it does. I can't wait to see what you come up with once you start shooting me actually performing."

  "Yes," I replied. "We need to sit down and schedule some dates where I can shoot you in action. Unless you have something else in mind."

  "Such as?"

  "Well, you work with students and young people. Perhaps I could catch you doing something like that."

  "Hmmmm. You do know, Mary Queen of Scots, you are going to need to hire an assistant at some point. Especially if you're going to start filming video."

  "Yes, I know. For now, though, just let me live the moment. Oh, and by the way, I do have everything in color should you want it."

  "Perfect. Well, would you like for me to accompany you to the meeting or would you be more comfortable arriving on your own and just meeting there?"

  I stared at the mounted images before me and grinned. I had made and mounted three copies of everything—one for my gallery, one for Daniel and the other for the label. "I think I can manage on my own, this one time. But thanks for offering. I've got some other clients to get back to before the meeting."

  He chuckled. "Other clients? Mary, soon I will be your primary client."

  "Really? And you, sir, are quite cocky."

  "That I am. So, I guess I shall see you this afternoon then?"

  "Yes. Are you going straight home?" I asked.

  "Yes, why? Would you like to come?"

  Ignoring his comment, I walked over to one of the brick walls and picked up a wrapped package. I placed it in front of him. "It's best if you do go directly home. These are for you. Copies of what you’ve see here."

  He glanced down at the large bundle, then at the photos he'd just looked at, and finally at me. I had overwhelmed him and he was looking for words to describe how he felt. "Thank you," he whispered.

  "My pleasure," I replied. "I hope you enjoy them."

  Chapter Five

/>   With Daniel's tour in Europe underway and the new video and other marketing tools in place, his new CD dropped. It soared up the classical, and even some cross over charts, to where he was more in demand when he was home than when he was on the road. Requests came in for magazine interviews as well as television time.

  I threw myself back into my work. Word was getting around that I was the one responsible for Daniel's new images. I had to admit though, they were pretty freakin' awesome. My best work, ever.

  I began to wonder if he was simply no more than a blip on the radar of my life. He still texted me from the road and called when he had a free minute—either from the road or home, but there was something different. He was completely focused on what was going on around him. He’d been right; a serious relationship had no place in his life. Not now. He'd warned me.

  Then one night, late, I received a phone call from him. He was in London, a night off before embarking on several dates in the U.K. I glanced at the clock as I peered down at the phone and saw his name blaring back at me.

  "Hello?" I feigned a sleepy sound in my voice, but it went right over his head.

  "Mary Queen of Scots! What are you doing, sweet?" His normally quiet voice boomed.

  "Sleeping, I think, Daniel."

  "Well, put on a robe or something. I've just arrived in front of your building."

  "You've what? Daniel, do you know what time it is?"

  "Yes, now grab your robe or whatever and open the door. Unless you'd rather greet me in the nude. Actually, I think I'd rather like that."

  "Perv! I'm on my way." I disconnected and pulled myself out of bed. How did he know I was sleeping nude? Lucky guess. Throwing on my silk, red robe, I hurried down the hall to let him in.

  I undid the locks to his knocking, opened the door and pulled him inside, shutting the door behind him. The locks were barely redone when Daniel turned me around to face him. Before I had a chance to blink, he had my robe untied, my nude body on display.

  He reached down, laying the bag he was carrying on the floor, one hand still on my robe and his eyes penetrating me. I was transfixed and unable to tie it shut, again. His face was unreadable, serious, as he looked at me, his long hair, damp and flowing. It was obvious he'd walked to my apartment in the night-time drizzle. He leaned into me and kissed the flesh between my breasts. I felt his hot breath as slowly he began to kiss his way upwards to my neck. He had hold of my face with his free hand and the other slowly wrapped behind my back and began pulling me tighter against him. I surrendered, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  By now he was cradling my face in both hands and I felt his mouth moving to the shell of my ear. "I had to see you, Mary," he whispered, as his lips found mine. I melted into him, our tongues exploring each other.

  Wanting more, my body arched into his as our kiss became more intense and erotic. I wanted this man and I didn't care what rules I might have set down earlier.

  When we broke free to catch our breath, we stood face to face, our foreheads touching, eyes boring through to the other's soul.

  "Mary, I am so tired."

  Staring at him, I knew I was so screwed; but something about his demeanor told me he was not playing with me. "That’s not fair, Daniel."

  "I know, but please, Mary…"

  He placed those gorgeous, luscious lips of his back on mine. I heard myself groan as the dance began. His hands found their way to my shoulders and guided the robe over them, letting it fall to the ground. His hands reached for my hips and he lifted me to his waist. I wrapped my legs around him.

  I noted the bag still on the entry floor. "If there's a box of condoms in that bag…"

  He leaned his head back and laughed before walking, with my legs still wrapped around him, down the hall toward my bedroom. "No, it's something special for someone very special to me."

  Yep, I was so screwed!

  He deposited me onto the bed, pulling the covers over me as he stood in front of me and began to undress, slowly, my eyes never leaving his. Even in the darkness of the bedroom, there was enough light coming in from outside to see just how beautiful he really was.

  Crawling in beside me, he leaned over, consuming me in another kiss. His hands roamed my body, but never touching where it screamed for him.

  Sitting up, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and began removing those massive metal rings off his hands. As he did, I noticed a tattoo encircling his bicep on the arm closest to me. I reached up and put my hand on it as he slid the last ring off his fingers and carefully placed it on the bedside table.

  "I don't want to hurt you with these," he whispered before engulfing me with his body once again. I felt his erection against my belly. I spread my legs wanting more. He shifted himself next to me, his fingers exploring, slowly and methodically. His mouth took a nipple, sucking, biting. I caught myself moaning at the heat from it.

  Opening my eyes, I felt his fingers dip further down and begin to explore my folds. He slid two fingers inside of me, his thumb working my hardened nub.

  "God, Mary, you're so wet. Let me help you, angel."

  My body began moving against his hand until I could no longer hold back.


  "That's right, angel, cum for me." Which was exactly what I did, his cock rubbing against my thigh.

  He gathered me in his arms and lay me close to him. My face burned where his beard had rubbed against me in our passion.

  "Daniel?" I asked.

  "Hmmm, what is it, angel mine. You know that's what you are don't you?"

  "Don't you want…?"

  "To make love to you? Of course I do, Mary, more than anything else in the world. Right now, though, what I really want is for you to hold me. You soothe me; calm me from all the madness in my life."

  We fell asleep, still holding each other. It was early morning when I heard him stir. The next thing I knew he was getting out of the bed, but I drifted back to sleep.

  "Mary, sweet, wake up. I've got to go. I play in Liverpool, tonight. My plane leaves in two hours. Come with me?"

  "Daniel, I can't just…"

  He silenced me with a kiss. "It's Sunday. We'll be back tomorrow morning. Then I've two days off before I'm gone again for the remainder of the week. Please, angel mine?" He pleaded, those dark brown eyes looking all doe-like and innocent.

  I sighed, not knowing if what I was embarking on was a good thing or not. It felt good; so do it, right? "Okay, but only if you promise to have me home tomorrow morning."

  "Come on then, let's get ready. Pack yourself a change or two of clothes. We've got to hurry."

  As I was putting the last few items into my overnight bag and closing it, Daniel reappeared with two mugs of coffee along with the bag he had carried in the night before.

  "Here, I made us some coffee. And this is for you. Let's just call it my thanks for all your hard work and whatever else we can think of."

  Peering inside I pulled out a box. Inside was an antique Hasselblad camera.

  "Daniel! I can't accept this. It's far too valuable for you to be giving me."

  He wasn't to be deterred. "Ridiculous. I chose it specifically with you in mind."

  "Well, thank you very much, then. It's beautiful and it's something I'll cherish always."

  "Good, and I hope you will use it. Now let's go. I called a cab and they're downstairs waiting."

  Once we were finally in route to the airport, Elle texted me wanting to know what I was up to and asking if I knew my phone was going directly to voice mail.

  I replied that I was out of town and that yes, I knew my phone was not picking up. That, I hoped, would tell her something without coming straight out and telling her.

  Once we arrived at his Liverpool hotel suite, I began having flashbacks—memories of being on the road with my brothers. Though Daniel played another form of music, much of what went along with being on tour was exactly the same. Music was music and being a star, no matter what form it took, was still about being in
the spotlight.

  This was my first time to actually see Daniel perform since Julliard—away from fellow students and teachers. This was the Daniel Kennedy of today, and he was mesmerizing. He was still the same perfectionist and he expected far too much of himself; but it was the only way he knew, and it was also what wore him down and made him vulnerable to himself. Hence, his visit to me last night.

  "I understand you're coming back to the school of performing arts, here," I said, "to work with the students. That's wonderful."

  "Yes, and you will come with me and capture it all."

  "I'm sure they will have their own people there to record it all, Daniel."

  "But I want you there, just as I want you there when I go on stage, tonight."

  Which I was.

  If he was nervous, he didn't show it outwardly. This was something he'd been doing since he was a little boy, so I imagined it was pretty much second nature to him. I watched as he stood off to one side by himself for a minute, taking in what I thought were deep, cleansing breaths as he clutched his violin in one hand and bow in the other. Dressed in black pants, a dark shirt and black jacket, his boots seemed out of place with the rest of his outfit. But, I reminded myself as I watched, Daniel Kennedy wasn't like any other violinist.

  I came out of my daydream as he turned and strode back to me, making sure I had a clear view of the stage. Then, not saying a word, he planted a kiss on my right cheek as they announced his name. He turned quickly and walked toward the bright lights.

  I stood there in the wings, peering out at the audience who were already on their feet applauding before he even got underway. I watched in awe as he picked up the bow and started into his first piece. Within the first note, he hit his stride. He'd once told me that he barely felt the strings as his fingers moved over them. The bow, he said, served as an extension of himself. He added that he imagined music formed a cloud in which he floated as it hovered above the world. It was evident he was doing just that as I humbly watched.


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