Encore! (Tudor Saga Book 1)

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Encore! (Tudor Saga Book 1) Page 7

by Jamie Salisbury

  "Thank you for that, Daniel, because I am scared."

  "Don't be, sweet. You are far stronger than that. They'll see that. They'll also see you're quite in love with a certain someone."

  In love? Did he just say that four letter word?

  "What did you just say? Never mind." I shook my head. My brain felt like it was on overload with too much information. "Why don't you go ahead and make that call. Then I suggest we order in lunch."

  He sat down next to me after making his call to Neil. "I am curious as to what to call you now? I rather like Mary, but I suppose I could get used to Elizabeth."

  "Actually, my given name is Mary Elizabeth, so it's only my family that calls me Elizabeth. So please, continue with Mary. Besides, I would miss you calling me Mary Queen of Scots if you were to stop," I said, rolling my eyes.

  He leaned over and kissed me gently. "Good. Because you'll always be my Mary, angel mine."

  And, oh yeah, there’s still that other one little detail I neglected to tell you about. Archangel.


  We were rudely awakened by the obnoxious sound of the hotel phone ringing the following morning. I wondered who on earth would be calling. Daniel's people were always quite good to make sure the places he stayed were kept under wraps. The whole purpose of us flying in early was so Daniel could rest up from the trip and ready himself for all the madness that was New York.

  Daniel picked up the phone, grunted a few times and said some other unintelligible things before hanging up. He sat up on his side of the bed and stretched.

  "Who was that interrupting us? How dare they?" I uttered from under the covers.

  "Neil says the newspapers, coffee and breakfast are outside the door."

  "In that order?" I teased. "I sort of thought you were going to be my breakfast since you fell asleep on me last night."

  "Um, I believe you fell asleep, first."

  Pulling on the pair of jeans he had been wearing the night before, he slapped me on the ass as he padded towards the doorway. "I intend to make you a breakfast treat, angel mine. Just wait and see."

  "Promises, promises," I yelled after him as I crawled out of bed.

  I joined him a few minutes later. He was pouring coffee and trying to read one of the papers. He looked up at me, grinning. "There you are."

  "Okay, let me see. I know that photo has to be all over the place. I wonder if the clan has rallied." I inquired, snuggling beside him.

  "Amazingly, no." He handed me a cup of coffee, the intoxicating aroma filling my senses.

  "Well, this probably went to print before anyone on the Tudor side had a chance to see it."

  "We're not going to worry about it, remember? That's what Neil and the rest of them are for. He'll let me know if something comes up."

  "Right. I don't know about you, but I could use some food. Whatever breakfast is, it smells yummy."

  We both made plates heaping with eggs, sausage, and in Daniel's case, pancakes. He sat scanning the papers while I ate. Truly, I did not want to hear my family's reaction from a newspaper.

  "Would you do me a favor, sweet and see if there is any honey on the tray?"

  "Sure, I need a coffee refill anyway. You want some more?"

  "No, I'm good."

  I refilled my cup and spied the honey pot. Picking it up in my free hand, I walked back to the table. I set it down next to him and returned to my seat to stew a little longer.

  A few minutes later, I caught Daniel out of the corner of my eye, playing with the honey, a devilish grin on his face as he watched the thick, gooey liquid drip from the dipper and on to the plate of pancakes. Our eyes met.

  "I don't think I've seen anyone so engrossed with a pot of honey before." I snorted.

  "Fascinating, isn't it?" He grinned. In the next instant, he was on his feet, opening the main door to the suite and placing the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the doorknob. He then walked over to the hotel phone and, with ease, punched some numbers in. "Put your cell phone on vibrate,” he ordered. For the next couple of hours, you're mine."


  "What? We have nothing to do today, nothing until later." He picked up the pot of honey from the table and proceeded towards the bedroom. "Besides, it'll be fun."

  Shaking my head and half laughing, I placed my phone face down on the coffee table next to his and took his hand, following him into the bedroom.

  Caught up in the erotic pleasure the honey gave, and his tongue as he slowly licked it from me, my body quivered as I lay under him. I could feel the stickiness still on our skin. He broke free of our kiss and stared down at me.

  "How long have we been sleeping together now, three months? Out of what, almost six?"

  "Umm hmmm, something like that I suppose. Why?"

  "Are you willing to try something new?"

  "It depends on what you have in mind."

  "It's nothing kinky, sweet. I would simply like to make love to you without a condom between us. I want to feel you wrapped around my cock and I want to come inside you with no barrier between us."

  I wanted to question his reasoning, of course, but kept my mouth shut. I didn't want to ruin a wonderful moment; and besides, I was on the pill. He knew that, but had always chosen to use condoms…until this very moment.

  I simply nodded my head and continued to listen.

  "Nothing between us, sweet. Besides, I think it would be terribly sexy to see my cum drip down your thighs when you stand."

  "Leaving your mark, huh?"

  "Hmmm, yes." I felt the tip of his cock at my entrance before he plunged inside me. He whispered in my ear as we began making love. "Oh God, yes. You feel so fantastic, sweet."

  I had been pretty close to going over the edge before he entered me, from all the erotic pleasure with the honey. Now I arched my back and pulled him in deeper. "Daniel!"

  "What is it angel mine? Tell me what you want."

  "Oh fuck, Daniel, I…I'm…" I don't remember finishing whatever it was I was saying as my body came unglued in a rush of pleasure.

  And as I did, Daniel joined me, spilling himself deep within me for the first time. I was so caught up in my own release I barely recalled him yelling my name as his body shuddered. Our eyes, however, never broke our stare.

  We lay in silence for a few minutes, trying to catch our breath. Slowly he withdrew and took me in his arms. "Are you okay, sweet?"

  "Oh, yeah," I slowly eeked out. I snuggled into him as close as I could, almost afraid he would disappear if we weren’t touching.

  "As much as I hate to say it, I'm afraid we need to take a shower and get dressed. I do have a few things scheduled later this afternoon."

  "Noooo. This is our time." I protested, even though I could probably recite his schedule by memory. "I know. It’s an interview. Then tomorrow, the madness begins. You have the morning talk show rounds as well as the late night shows…."

  "Plus rehearsals in between. And then the show the following night," he added.

  "Promise me, though, that I can accompany you to everything? I really don't want to be on my own. Just in case my family decides to pop into New York."

  "I hadn't planned on you being anywhere but with me. I value your input, as well as your amazing photographs. And don't worry about your family; we'll deal with them when that time comes."

  It wasn't until later that evening as we were relaxing back in our suite that Daniel received a text back from his label. Amadeus, Angus and Damien had collectively issued a short statement in response to the photo and information about their long lost sister.

  Daniel stood behind me holding his phone out so we could both read the text together. I could feel his breath on my neck as I peered down at the screen.

  "This from the Tudor's: "While we are delighted and overwhelmed by the news surrounding our sister, we ask at this time that the media respect our wishes and privacy as we come together in celebration as a family."

  "That doesn't sound so bad, does it, sweet?"
/>   "Pffft! Please, Daniel. It was obviously written by a PR person. One of Peter's, I'm sure. Amadeus is the only one of the three who could even word something like that, and I certainly can’t hear him saying something as corny as that. But at least we know they've seen it."

  He kissed my neck and ear. "That's my girl. Feisty."

  "Wait until you see me in action among those three. Are you going to text him back?"

  "Yes, in a moment." He gathered me in his arms and feverishly kissed me. I melted like butter under his touch. Yes, I was madly in love with him.

  "I've been thinking about this. It could go one of two ways." I said, kissing him before continuing. "Either they lay low and plan something for Seattle—since they all live there, or they're going to ambush us."

  "I doubt they'll ambush us, sweet. From what I understand they're still on tour."

  "Never underestimate my brothers. Trust me."

  "Always. I always trust your instincts."

  "Unless my mother puts her foot down and insists on a reunion in private, I can totally see them wanting a public show—no, event. Anything to up the ratings, you know."

  "And that's where I put my foot down. I will not have you, or us, made a public spectacle. If it is to be done, it will be done in private. After that, we can discuss possibly arranging something more public. You don't need to be dragged through the media circus."

  "What about you, Daniel? I don't want my bad decisions hurting you or your career."

  "It won't and that's why any reunion will be done in private. You will see that I'm very protective when it comes to those who are closest to me."

  "That makes me feel better. Thank you."

  "However, I'm afraid once this tour is over, we're going to have to make time to visit my family, as well. My parents have also seen the picture and are quite anxious to meet you."

  "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I just found out a little while ago. I told my mother we would come to visit as soon as my schedule allowed; but to please ignore the media accounts in the meantime, unless I tell her it is okay."

  Chapter Seven

  The first contact with my family came the last morning we were in New York. Daniel usually always scheduled his tour to give an extra day in between concerts for travel—none of this rock star stuff of traveling all night after a gig to make it to the next location and then do it all over again the following night.

  Our luggage was packed and ready to go in the main salon of the suite. The flight was via a private jet, courtesy of the record label.

  Daniel was on his cell phone discussing business, walking through the suite as he talked. I, on the other hand, went from sitting down, waiting patiently for our luggage to be picked up, to pacing the suite. I would check my phone from time to time, just looking to see if I'd missed a call from my mother or someone else in the family. Perhaps Amadeus? But there was nothing.

  I had given permission to Daniel's people to give my number out to them, but still nothing. Total silence. It made me uneasy and Daniel picked up on it.

  "Mary, settle. They have a copy of my itinerary. They know where we'll be for the whole month."

  Daniel continued calling me Mary, his personal spot in my wild world. We'd had lengthy discussions about this and mutually agreed Mary Stuart would remain my professional name, at least while I remained a photographer. He wanted no more secrets and his calling me Mary gave him a personal distinction the rest of my family would never have. I liked it.

  And Daniel still had fun with our intimate conversations - his nickname of Mary Queen of Scots. Thankfully he had a sense of humor in all this.

  "I know. I was just hoping perhaps my mother was here in New York…"

  "You'll make yourself sick worrying. She will contact you when she is ready. We've discussed this. She's probably in shock and has no idea how to approach you after all these years. Give her time."

  "I know, I know. If we don't hear from them during this leg of your tour, I’ll make the effort to contact them from London." I sighed.

  Suddenly he was standing behind me. I could feel his breath in my ear. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight against him. How he soothed me.

  "You're not alone in this, angel mine. I'm right here with you."

  I was about to answer when the sound of the hotel phone jolted us both out of our private moment. Daniel kissed my ear and let go of me, making his way to the table where the phone rested. "It's probably downstairs telling us they are coming to gather the luggage."

  I nodded as he picked up the receiver and spoke. The look on his face changed and his eyes met mine. He placed the receiver in one hand, holding it out to me. "It's your mother, sweet. She wants to say hello."

  I froze for a second, but Daniel was holding out his other hand beckoning me to him. Slowly I neared him, taking the receiver from his hand. Kissing me on the cheek, he whispered, "You can do this."

  Nodding, I started the first conversation I'd had with my mother in a good ten years.


  "Elizabeth! I can't believe it's really you. It's been such a long time. I take it you're well?"

  It was all I could do to hold back the tears. There would be time for that later. My mother, on the other hand, wasn't faring so well.

  "I'm fine, Mother. Really I am. Where are you?"

  "Peter and I…you know I remarried. I’m Mrs. Peter MacNicol, now. You'll love him, Elizabeth." She stopped herself for a moment. "Listen to me trying to jam ten years into a simple phone call. What was I saying? Oh, yes, Peter and I are in the Hamptons. Peter has arranged for us to go to Philadelphia. I, we, were hoping we could meet and have dinner together while you are there. Something quiet in our suite or yours?"

  Philadelphia, the next city on Daniel's tour. "I'd like that, Mother; but I need to make sure Daniel doesn't have anything scheduled for this evening."

  He was shaking his head. He put his arm around my waist and spoke loud enough for my mother to hear. "We look forward to it."

  I felt the tension leave that very second. It would be back; but, with Daniel's help, I would get through this.

  "I guess you heard that. He says we'll see you this evening."

  "Excellent. Elizabeth, there is so much I want to say, but now's not the time. Give me your cell number so I can call you once we've arrived."

  I spit out my number, knowing she had it. Hearing a knock on the door, Daniel quickly headed over to let the staff in. Time to go.

  "Okay, Mother. I'll talk to you later, today. It's time for us to leave, so I have to cut this short."

  "I understand my dear, trust me I do. I'll talk to you soon, sweetheart. And Elizabeth?"


  "I love you. That's never changed."

  Before I could get a good-bye out, she was gone. I looked over at the man I loved, who was talking softly with Neil, who had been assigned to see us safely to the plane. I attempted to flash him a smile and a thumbs up.

  Oh Lord, let the hell that is my family begin!

  I placed the receiver down, dabbing my eyes with my finger, before turning to face Daniel. I knew he was watching my every move. I could feel his eyes on me. Okay! I can do this!

  "Are we ready to go?" I inquired noting that our luggage was gone and all that remained was Daniel's violin case and his carry-on bag, along with mine. I walked toward the sofa and picked up my purse, placing my cell phone inside.

  "Whenever you are, sweet." He took me in his arms and gave me a hug. "You okay? Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" He loosened his grip, leaned down and gave me a kiss.

  "No. It was okay. I'm fine, really I am. Come on, let's go."

  I kissed him back, again, as he picked up his things. "Looks like we'll be eating vegetarian tonight."


  The flight wasn't long and by the time we arrived in Philadelphia and unloaded in our suite, we still had a good portion of the afternoon free. I had calmed during the flight; but once we hit the hotel, I began
to panic. I wondered if my mother and her new husband were staying in the same hotel.

  Daniel had a late afternoon interview, with one of the local classical radio stations, and was mentally preparing himself while waiting on Neil to pick us up. I rather enjoyed sitting, watching him work and answering questions. He was on a different professional level than Damien, Angus or Amadeus. His world was unique and I was drawn into it.

  The interview over, we were brought back to the hotel, the evening ours. Tomorrow it would be business as usual, once again. Daniel, always practicing, brought out his violin as I looked at my phone before heading into the shower. I needed to get my head together and the cobwebs cleared out before facing my mother. I stood under the warm water, letting it cascade over my body. As the water fell, so did my tears. Ten years’ worth of pent up emotions all shed in the privacy of a shower.

  I was pulled out of my pity party by the sudden sound of the shower door opening. Daniel. I wasn't surprised. As engrossed as he seemed in his music or how unaware I might think he was of my presence, he never failed to prove me wrong.

  "You okay, sweet? You've been in here for a while."

  I nodded without looking his way. I felt his warm masculine body behind me, pulling me into him. Never saying a word, he turned me around to face him, pushing my soaking wet hair out of my eyes. I threw my arms around his neck and started sobbing. All the while, Daniel stood there in that shower, with the warm water running down, and let me cry until nothing more would come out, his arms holding me against him.

  Finally he whispered, "Tell me what I can do to make it better, angel mine. I hate to see you hurting like this."

  "Nothing. You're doing it. Just hold me, Daniel." I kissed his neck, right where the neck and shoulder meet. Then I uttered those words. "I love you, Daniel."

  I felt his arms tighten as he bent down and kissed just below my ear. "I know, angel mine. I know. I love you, too. I've been falling in love with you for months. I just didn't know how to tell you."


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