Encore! (Tudor Saga Book 1)

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Encore! (Tudor Saga Book 1) Page 12

by Jamie Salisbury

  I approached him, putting my hand on his shoulder then taking his left hand. "How long, Daniel? How long have you been doing this? Since the cast was changed?" I nodded my head not giving him an opportunity to answer. "I suspect so."

  "Don't be angry. I told you once, I know my weaknesses better than any surgeon and I'll stop immediately if it feels wrong or if I feel I've overdone it."

  "Overdone being the key word, Danny. For the love of God, please be careful. You've come too far to have a setback, now." I drew his arm back, setting it on the counter.

  "I know, and I promise I will be."


  "While we're discussing your hand, enlighten me, Daniel, have you picked up your violin, yet? Have you attempted to play?" I glared at him for a moment then retracted my statement. "Forget it. Your face just gave you away."

  The sound of a cell phone interrupted our chat before he could say a word one way or another. This was the closest I'd come to being angry with Daniel over anything. I had good cause, no matter how well-intentioned his actions were.

  He answered and spoke for a minute. I turned around and walked back into the bedroom trying to regain my composure. He followed.

  "Who was that?" I asked, flouncing down on the bed.

  "Neil. He wants me to pose for some pictures once the doctor officially releases me. You know, without my cast, violin in hand, that sort of thing."

  I sighed. "He certainly has gotten pushy lately. Did you tell him I intended to do just that? That I've been documenting your progress each step of the way?"

  "I have. He insists he wants Penny to…"

  "What is with him cramming her down your throat? Did you remind him that I was your photographer of choice?" I inquired sarcastically. He wasn't smiling.

  "Of course I did. And he mumbled something back about Penny working for the label and that there were some things she was going to have exclusive access to. Before you say a word, I told him there would be absolutely no one at the doctor except you and me. I told him perhaps later, when I felt up to it, I might sit for her, but not until then."

  I shook my head in disbelief. "Boy, has she got his number."

  Daniel lay down next to me. "I think she has more than that. I believe she has his…" He gazed up at the ceiling, a huge grin coming across his face as he waited for me to finish his sentence.

  "I believe the phrase you're searching for is balls. She's got him by the balls. There's no mistaking that. Poor Neil. Did he mention anything about that photo op with my brothers?"

  "No. At least not yet."

  "Just as well. Daniel, I didn't mean to come across as over-bearing in there, I just don't want anything else to happen to your hand. I know you're careful…" I so loved this man, unlike any other to grace my life.

  "I know, angel mine. I know."


  Rather than field the media circus that would likely follow him on the day he was to officially have his left hand deemed healed, Daniel quietly arranged for the surgeon to come to him.

  The good doctor had stopped by our apartment the evening before. Daniel greeted him and invited him in, while I poured us each a glass of white wine. The surgeon took a last look at Daniel's hand, merely a formality since final x-rays had been taken the day before. I breathed a sigh of relief.

  Posing for a couple of photographs with Daniel before he left, I promised the older gentleman I would personally send one to him.

  As soon as he was gone I sprung into action. Daniel followed me to my laptop and I carefully chose the best shot. After cleaning it up, I attached it to a pre-written press release Daniel and I had conjured up. He nodded and grinned as he hit the send button. The email, announcing Daniel's clean bill of health and photographic evidence, was now on its way to not only his management firm, but his label, as well, in addition to a dozen or so other media outlets Daniel decided it should be sent to. One day ahead of schedule.

  "Now, angel mine, the love of my life, the one who worries enough for both of us, now do I have your blessing to start practicing?"

  He had both arms around me holding me tight. He began kissing my face, as though he perhaps needed to further convince me.

  "Please, by all means. I've really missed hearing you play, Daniel. I'm going to sit over here and listen for as long as you play," I said. "Just promise me you'll quit if your hand tires and not overdo it."

  "I promise. Now sit. You will be the first to hear me."

  He leaned in and kissed me passionately. For a second, I wondered if he would release or if we would find ourselves making love in his private rehearsal hall. Instead, he led me to one of the overstuffed upholstered chairs. Picking up my cell phone, I made sure it was on vibrate. Daniel handed me his as he turned and strolled back toward his violin.

  "Do you want me to time you? You know you'll lose all track of time once you start."

  He lifted three fingers. "Thirty minutes. Let me see how I am after just thirty minutes."

  I picked up my phone and started to set the timer. Texts and missed calls were already pouring in. They couldn't reach Daniel, so they were bombarding me. I smiled, a little anxious at what a feeding frenzy the next day seemed doomed to bring. No, he's not going to talk to any of you right now or anytime tonight. The Maestro is back!

  I sat back and waited for him to begin. When he placed his bow to strings, it was pure magic. He eased into the piece-something simple that wouldn't tax his wrist in its weakened state. Regardless of all the exercises Daniel had done, I knew he wasn't one hundred percent. He continued, walking through the room, lost in his own little world.

  Glancing across the room to the wall clock above the bank of computers I noticed it was about nine thirty. Mentally adding an hour for the time difference in France, just to be sure, I picked up my phone and proceeded to place a call to his parents. I figured Diane and Thomas would appreciate the gesture and breathe easier knowing their son was going to be just fine.

  Diane picked up. "Diane," I whispered. "I thought you and Thomas would like to hear, first hand, just how well Daniel has come through his accident." I knew she could hear him in the background.

  "He sounds amazing, like nothing ever happened to his hand. Thank you for thinking of us, Mary."

  "You're welcome. I'll leave the phone open while he plays this piece so you two can enjoy it with me."

  Yeah, Diane and I had bonded over our mutual love for her son during our trip to France. I smiled and continued to watch and listen to him in utter amazement. When the piece was done, he immediately went into another. I picked up the phone.


  "Yes dear, we're still here. Thomas is grinning from ear to ear. He was so afraid for Daniel."

  "I will have him call you. I need to get him to take a break. He agreed to time limits at the beginning, and you know him—if I don't set an alarm, he'll play for hours."

  "Go, make him rest his hand," I heard Thomas shout. "Thank you, Mary."

  "Yes, go make him behave. Not that that's an easy task. Good night, Mary. Give our love to my son."

  "I will. Good night."

  Ending the call, I saw he had five minutes left. I sat back and listened, my eye on the clock. I gave him extra time to complete the piece he was playing. I knew it well enough to know how much leeway to give him.

  He knew, because he turned and walked toward me, that he was coming close to the end. The grin on his face said it all.

  He bowed as I clapped furiously. "Bravo! That was magnificent, babe. How does your wrist feel?"

  Taking his instrument from the left hand and placing it with the bow, he shook and moved it around. "Not bad. I can tell it's not perfect, but it's not as bad as I was afraid it might be."

  "Take a break. I'm sure your wrist will tell you in the morning how it felt from this first time," I replied. "Oh, and I hope you don't mind that I called your parents and let them listen. They were thrilled."

  Another grin lit his face. "Thank you, sweet, for remembering t
hem. I will take your advice and take a break, but I'd like to play some more in a little while."

  "Daniel!" I scolded.

  "I'll wait and see how it feels after I’ve let it rest. I don't know about you, but I think we deserve another glass of wine, don't you?"

  "Absolutely," I agreed, rising from my chair. I gathered both phones and put them in my pocket. "Go ahead and put your violin up while I go pour us a glass." I walked up to him and kissed him on the lips. He was still grinning. I wondered if he would sleep at all tonight, now that he knew he could still play as well as ever.

  Chapter Twelve

  The time finally arrived for my brothers to begin their invasion of the U.K. I knew from the itinerary Zara sent that they were all due to arrive a few days ahead of time, giving them time to rest. Nothing had been said to me about any family time, so I tried not to give it a second thought. Heaven knows I have enough to keep up with.

  Since they shared the same record label, all I had to do was scan Daniel's email to see if the suits wanted him included when the Tudor boys arrived on British soil. Amadeus had kept in brief contact during Daniel’s healing and expressed an interest in some sort of collaborative project with him—though I questioned my brother's motive.

  A meeting was arranged at the offices for all to meet. As much as I wanted to find an excuse not to attend, Daniel drew me in. He was determined, in his own way, that I attempt to make amends. If he could do it, after what had transpired between him and Amadeus, then I could, too.

  Daniel and I entered the offices and were shown to a larger conference room than I'd previously seen. All three of my siblings were there waiting, and they received me with open arms. Daniel stood close, for support.

  All the time this was going on, I thought I vaguely heard the sound of a camera taking shots. I dared not look, but was pretty sure it was Penny, doing her best to stay away from me. When it was suggested a formal group photo of the three boys plus Daniel, I was surprised to see him hesitate.

  I whispered in his ear, "It’s okay, babe. Let her have her moment."

  "Really? You surprise me. However, if she thinks you're going to be left out or that she's going to get a great shot, she's sadly mistaken."

  "Go play nice. I'm right here."

  He joined my brothers for a casual shot of the four of them. Much to my amazement, Daniel did not give in to Penny's near begging trying to entice him to flash that killer smile.

  Finally Daniel interrupted her. "I want Mary included, now, with her brothers and me."

  Silence. Penny flashed me a disapproving look, but had no choice but to honor Daniel's wishes. Besides, my brothers were all making noise about getting me in the pictures with them. "Oh, okay, I suppose I can take some pictures just for the family. Daniel, you don't have to sit in these. I have enough."

  Oh, she did not just say that! Wrong, girlfriend!

  "Daniel is family," Angus casually stated. "So he stays."

  "Whatever." She fumed; mad that she was being overridden. "These won't be used for anything, anyway."

  "That's where you're wrong, Penny. I want Mary to take a look at these when you're done because I intend to use the best for my media promo."

  I heard my brothers agree.

  "Why aren't you shooting these, Mary? I thought Daniel, here, had your photographic skills, exclusively."

  "He does," I replied carefully. "Daniel and I decided I should relax and focus on the four of you rather than having to try and make you behave for a shoot. But yes, I'm still his exclusive."

  I felt Daniel squeeze my waist. He got the barb I'd just thrown out, even if no one else had. That was all that mattered.

  While the group of them sat and talked, I went in search of Penny, who had disappeared as fast as we broke up. I was eager to get a look at her work and to see the first pictures of me and my brothers. They would be the first of us together in quite a number of years.

  As I was about to turn the corner, I found myself picking up on a conversation—a not so nice one about me, being held in the hallway. I held back and listened for a few minutes, trying to determine how I should react. Because I knew damn sure I was going to react!

  "You're kidding. She lives with Daniel? What, is he blind?" They laughed.

  Then Penny shared, "I don't know; but whatever it is, she's got him fooled. Not to mention wrapped around her finger. He won't do a thing without her."

  "Well, she's a dog. No wonder her brothers didn't encourage her to join them on stage. I can see the tomatoes being slung, can't you?" More laughter.

  I flipped. Proceeding around the corner to the catty duo, I calmly approached them as though I'd not heard a thing. "Here you are, Penny. Do you have a computer I could use? I'll just upload everything you shot to my thumb drive here, so Daniel and my brothers can look at them, later."

  Seeing her photo card, I snatched it out of her hand before she could say a word. Sitting down at her computer, I instantly uploaded everything onto my waiting thumb drive. I didn't want to risk them going over the internet, even if it was my own account. I could feel the two women staring at me, most likely making faces, because I certainly could hear their snickers.

  Rising from the chair, I smiled. "Thanks so much, Penny. I guess this means you have to work all the parties and concerts now. Too bad." I smiled as a thought crossed my mind. "Well, I better go. Daniel needs to get back to his studio."

  "Let me know what you think," Penny replied, trying her best not to laugh.

  "I will when I have time." I turned to leave and upon hearing the other girl snorting, trying to contain herself, I turned back to them. "Oh, and girls, just so you'll know, since neither one of you will ever get to experience it first hand, Daniel is the most amazing lover. The things he does to me with those fingers and that tongue…" I flashed them a huge smile, tossed back my hair and left the two of them staring at each other.

  I caught up with Daniel, who was ready to leave. My brothers were talking with the execs about their tour, I'm sure.

  "What took you so long?"

  "Oh, nothing, I had to explain to Penny how to transfer her images. That's all. Let's blow this place." I wrapped my arm around his waist as he led me towards the elevators. "I think you need to practice when we get home, Daniel."

  "That was my intention," he replied kissing my hair as we waited for the elevator.

  I leaned up against him. "Practicing your music wasn't what I had in mind, Danny."

  "What did you have in mind?" he playfully asked.

  The elevator doors opened and having seen Penny out of the corner of my eye, I reached down and ran my hand down along the fabric where it outlined every detail of his ass in his tight jeans.

  "It's best that I show you at home, Danny," I replied, grabbing his butt.


  Sitting in front of my laptop early the next morning, I quietly began putting together a collage of photos I’d taken over the years of an elderly Duchess I photographed every year around the time of her birthday. I thought, perhaps, she would enjoy it. She was a proud woman, one not ashamed of her age and the woman had a wicked sense of humor, not something she showed to everyone.

  I didn't even hear Daniel come sneaking up behind me. He stood quietly for a few minutes, observing what I was doing. Then, putting his hands on my shoulders, he bent down and kissed me on the cheek.

  "Good morning," he whispered. "You meet with the Duchess, today?"

  "Yes. She's one of my favorite clients, right alongside you."

  I had virtually put my business on hold for Danny as he had become pretty much my exclusive client. Basically, with him as my biggest client, I no longer had to go out and solicit new business. The Duchess, however, was one of my repeat customers and could possibly open new doors, if I desired. I simply loved my time with the woman. She was from a by-gone era of dignity and class, and it showed in her portraits.

  "Well, while you are busy with your Duchess, I will be busy, as well." He paused, his hands ma
ssaging my shoulders. "You do remember the label wants me to go to some dinner with your brothers and apparently has some things scheduled afterwards."

  "I remember. I'm not thrilled you're going out on the town with the three of them while I'm at home, but I'll get over it." I continued to manipulate the images into place. No, I was not happy about this turn of events, but it was the first time I hadn't been included and thought perhaps a break would do me good.

  "You'll have your royalty to keep you busy, sweet. I promise I won't let them keep me out late."

  I laughed, turning around to finally look at him. God did the man ever have a bad day? He always looked amazing. Down girl, down!

  "What's so funny?" he asked.

  "The thought that you believe you'll be able to leave at a decent hour. You're going to be with all three of my brothers. There is no chance of you making it home before dawn, so don't say I didn't warn you."

  "Now you're going to be mad about it?"

  "No, just stating the truth, Danny. This entire evening is a huge media coup. You should know that. Just play along, but keep your guard up."

  "I will, I promise. But I do have an appointment early in the afternoon tomorrow, so I want to be prepared for that."

  "Hmmmm. Any idea where you all are going tonight? Or is it a ‘wait and see what the mood is’ sort of situation?"

  "If anyone has said, I tuned it out. Why?"

  "No reason. Just thought I'd ask. If you want, text me when you've had enough. I can text you back reminding you of your appointment. Perhaps they'll take the hint and get you a cab home."

  "That's what I love about you," he said, kissing me. "You always look after me."

  "I try."

  My appointment with the Duchess was as delightful as ever. The collage I had printed out and framed for her had been well received. As I headed home, I received a text from Daniel informing the witching hour was upon him and to wish him luck. I texted back that he'd be just fine.

  That old urge had been playing with me all day. I didn't know if it was because I had a break this evening from Daniel or if it was because my brothers were in town and I wanted to be naughty, or what. It was as though someone had dared me to do something I shouldn't. All I knew was that Archangel wanted out and she wanted out, now.


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