Encore! (Tudor Saga Book 1)

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Encore! (Tudor Saga Book 1) Page 17

by Jamie Salisbury

  Daniel flicked me a lopsided grin. I realized the subject was what was being discussed when I walked in. He was obviously waiting on my final approval. "Yes, why don't we? I would hate for that unit to be gone in six weeks."

  "Okay. I sort of hate rushing like this; but I do understand, inventory is low. You're sure you don't want to look at rentals?" Daniel asked, looking straight at me.

  "No, I would rather when we make the move it's into our home, not a temporary one. Plus, we both love that one. I know we'll be happy living there."

  I looked at Brandon. "You heard the man, let's make an offer on the place."

  We left Brandon in front of the last unit. He was going to get the necessary documents prepared and bring them to Daniel in a couple of hours. The offer would be made and the wait would begin.

  We returned to the hotel, exhausted by our long day. I collapsed onto the sofa while Daniel fended texts and voice mails. He approached, handing me a bottle of water while listening to a voice mail. Once he was finished, he sat with me, placing my legs on his lap.

  "Tired, angel-mine?"

  "Yes, but a good tired. And you?"

  "Same, but I'll be fine. So, we're about to embark on our first real deal, sweet. Are you okay with everything?"

  "Yes, of course I am, Danny. We discussed this. You will purchase our home. I have no problem with it. There is no way I would qualify, anyway."

  "Well, if the offer is accepted, Brandon is going to explore all avenues. But what's mine is yours, sweet. It is ours. It will take us some time, with this tour, to blend everything together; but you're stuck with me, now."

  "I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather be stuck with, Daniel Kennedy."

  Brandon arrived, documents in hand. He and Daniel sat at the table as Brandon explained everything. The owner's agent had already been notified that an offer would be coming through. Once Daniel signed off on everything, Brandon would fax the offer to them. Then the wait would be on.

  As the two of them were doing that, I busied myself getting us organized and ready to leave the next morning. It never ceased to amaze me how much stuff went along on a tour. This time, however, Daniel was trying something new. He had done it in Europe, but never in the United States. He was going to travel for the most part via tour bus. There would be three, one for us, one for the band, and one for the crew.

  Daniel was still in charge. The maestro was quite specific on what he would and would not do regarding his traveling requirements. He made it quite clear that he would not travel more than five hundred miles, preferring the majority of that be done at night. For any venues further than that, we would fly. Luckily, flying was quite rare.

  I was completely engrossed in what I was doing when Daniel approached me. I jumped when he spoke, causing him to laugh.

  "I didn't mean to startle you, sweet. I only wanted to tell you Brandon has gone to submit the offer."

  "So, now we wait. I feel good about this though, Danny. This place is meant to be ours, don't you think?"

  "Yes, I do, and I will do everything I can to make it so. I also wanted to see what you would like to do on our last evening in New York."

  "Would you be opposed to staying in, ordering room service?"

  "Not at all, sweet, I rather like the idea of relaxing. You know just you and me…"

  I glanced at him. He stood there with that grin on his face, the one that always meant he had an alternative motive in mind. "Why don't you go practice while I finish this? By then, it'll be time to think about dinner and whatever else you might have in mind.

  He chuckled, turned and walked out of the room. "Don't be too long."

  Chapter Sixteen

  We got underway early the following morning. It was early, but Daniel had a couple of late afternoon interviews scheduled at the first stop. He was insistent that he have enough time to relax and compose himself before work began. So, it was no surprise to me when he headed straight for the bedroom at the rear of the coach.

  "Coming, sweet? I don't know about you, but I'd like to try and sleep a while longer."

  "In a minute. Let me stow some of these things, first." I noted his hand raised, an indication he heard me. The door closed behind him.

  Imagine my surprise when my phone rang while I was putting a few food favorites of Daniel's away in the small kitchenette. It was my twin, Amadeus' ring tone. I wasn't sure where he was, but grinned at the idea he would be calling.

  "Hello," I responded. "Unless you're on the east coast, it’s way too early, and it's early here."

  I heard a deep chuckle on the other end. "I'm at home; so yes, it is very early. I knew Daniel's tour resumed today and I wanted to wish him well. Being that I was the cause of its pre-mature end."

  "That's very thoughtful of you, Amadeus. I know it'll mean a lot to him." I paused for a second, thinking I should add something more to the conversation. "How is everyone?"

  "Great. The baby's growing like a weed, Elizabeth is into everything, Logan's a typical teenager, and Zara's coping with all of it, as she always does. She just does it."

  "Family life seems to suit you, brother. I'm glad."

  "Yeah, it does. We want for you and Daniel to come out to our place when you're here. It's Damien's old place. I think Daniel will love it."

  "We'll have to see what's going on, but he's got a couple of days off around Seattle, specifically for stuff like that. You're out on an island, isn't that right?"

  "Yep, you remember. We'll talk when it gets closer."

  "Sounds good. Everyone else okay?" I felt as though I was forcing myself to have a conversation with my own brother, but I was determined since he was making the first effort, I would try harder.

  "Yeah, just relaxing and enjoying time at home. So, not to change the subject, but you and Daniel—serious, right?"

  I laughed. "Yes, I suppose we are—seeing as we just made an offer on a condo in Manhattan."

  "Really? That's great, sis. Any plans?"

  "You're referring to marriage I presume? We've discussed it; but with the tour, it's on the back burner. But yeah, get used to Danny being your brother-in-law."

  "Well, I think you two are made for each other. I mean that."

  "Thanks. That means a lot, Amadeus. Look let me see if Danny is still awake. He thinks six in the morning is way too early to be awake."

  "Okay. Stay in touch, sis."

  "I will."

  Opening the door to the bedroom, I found Danny laying under the covers as though he were waiting on me. Yeah, he had more than sleeping on his mind.

  "It's Amadeus. He wants to speak with you." I handed the phone to him and turned and walked out, feeling a bit better about my brother.

  I stood outside the door and waited, giving the two some privacy. I knew there was some serious healing between those two that needed to continue. While outwardly Daniel never appeared to harbor any ill will towards Amadeus, I was sure there was. Amadeus' foolishness could have cost Daniel his career. Fortunately, Daniel wasn't hurt as badly as he could have been. Amadeus, on the other hand, was shouldering the blame, as he should. I knew we couldn't all forget the ten years I'd been gone, but I also knew we had to start fresh.

  "Mary, it's safe for you to come in."

  I opened the door and walked in, closing it behind me. "I thought that was a nice gesture, didn't you?"

  "Yes. He didn't have to do that, but I appreciate he took the time and got up so early to call."

  I crawled up on the bed beside him.

  One thing I knew for sure about Daniel is that his entire life has gone precisely according to plan, all the way back to when he was a small boy. Everything seemed to fall into place for him, as though it were meant to be. So, it was no surprise that the offer on the condo was approved, as was financing.. And the advertising and promotional gigs were coming in as a supplement to touring. Everyone seemed to want Daniel in one form or another. Sitting with him and going through the offers, even after his management had filtered throug
h them, was becoming another way Daniel began to further involve me in the inner workings of his career. It made me feel quite special.

  After two nights in San Diego, we headed to Los Angeles. This stop was not only for a concert, but for a meeting with his local record people, as well as with a couple of advertisers interested in using Daniel as their spokes model.

  Settling into our suite at an old Hollywood hotel, we were interrupted by an insistent pounding on the door. Glancing at Daniel, who was going through emails, I noted he rolled his eyes. Private time was at premium for us, especially on the road.

  "I'll get it. It must be Neil" I said hurrying to the door. Daniel was shaking his head, his eyes still on the laptop.

  Opening the door, Neil stood before me, looking like he wished he were anywhere but here. "I don't mean to interrupt his private time, but there's been a couple of changes in the schedule and I need to go over them with Daniel."

  "Come on in. He was just checking his emails." I pointed to where Danny was seated and closed the door. It must be important. Neil never bothered Daniel unless it was important or planned.

  Neil approached Daniel, who had not gotten out of his seat. He mumbled something to Neil, acknowledging him, but continued with what he was doing.

  "I really hate to barge in like this, Daniel, but I need to bring you up to date on a few things."

  "I take it these changes have to do with our visit here to Los Angeles?" Daniel asked, shutting the lid.

  "Yes, they do. One in particular. It has to do with this line of menswear, Daniel."

  "Go on. Has the meeting been changed?"

  "No, but I just learned that they want to use a female model in some of the shoots with you. You know, to promote the women's line they do."

  "I don't have a problem with that."

  "They plan to use Chelsea. I just wanted you to know before we went into negotiations with them, so you wouldn't be blindsided."

  Chelsea, now there was a name from Daniel's past. An American model he had had an off-again, on-again affair with. Daniel had told me all about her and their tumultuous times together. My conclusion was, after hearing Daniel's side, that Chelsea had used Daniel-- not only to boost her own career, but did so at her own convenience. One minute she was hot and heavy, having to be with him constantly, then the next she was gone. I'm sure Daniel's skyrocketing career and lack of time didn't help. And Daniel, being Daniel, had no idea how to balance both a highly successful and public career along with a media seeking emotional girl friend.

  "Then I suggest someone get back with their people and tell them I'm not interested. I'm sure they know our history together and are hoping by throwing the two of us together they'll rekindle some spark and get not only some sensual shots, but a huge amount of publicity."

  "Well, you'll get your chance this evening. They've arranged for everyone to meet for dinner."

  I had been standing off to one side, but hearing this I walked nearer and sat down across from Daniel and Neil. "Does this dinner include Chelsea?" I asked already knowing the answer.

  "Yes she'll be there; but come on Daniel, it's only dinner. You can make your objections known then."

  "No, I’m not going. Chelsea will use this dinner as a way to get what she wants, and what she wants is a photo shoot with me-- whom I'm sure she still refers to as her boyfriend, when it suits her. No, I will not be part of her schemes and games. They either choose another model or I'm out."

  "Danny," I half whispered. "You're above her games. Go to dinner and listen to what they have to say. You don't have to make your objections right then. Save them until you all meet."

  "You will be there, Neil?" Daniel asked his eyes darting between me and Neil.

  "Yes, of course I will be."

  "Okay, Mary and I will go and hear what they have to say. I'll hold my objections until our meeting."

  "That's the other thing, Daniel, they want you to come alone…"

  "No! You know Mary accompanies me to everything. She either comes with me or this dinner is off."

  "Daniel, evidently it was Chelsea who made the request."

  "Well, she has no say so in my life Neil. She does not call the shots. Mary comes with me. End of subject."

  After some more discussion and strategizing on the evening's affair, Neil left. I was certainly glad I wasn't in his shoes having to deal with this spoiled, self centered excuse of a woman. I knew I would have to muster all my strength and self control - aw, to hell with self control. I put Gisele in her place, right? I could certainly handle this Chelsea.

  Neil accepted the dinner invitation under the condition we all meet, together. He knew Daniel well enough to know his client was in no mood to succumb to some ex-girlfriend's demands. Especially not Chelsea’s. Neil had been through the Chelsea merry-go-round and knew how it all too went.

  The three of us were fairly quiet on the drive to the restaurant. Daniel and I discussed every scenario and what-if that might unfold as we got dressed. I was ready, while Danny was resigned. I hated to see him like that. The limo pulled up in front of the door and we exited the vehicle. Neil whispered to one of the doormen and we were escorted inside.

  Following the hostess to a private dining room, Daniel held onto my hand as we walked in. A group of people stood, waiting on us, I suppose. I heard Daniel whisper to no one in particular as we entered, "This better go as planned."

  No sooner had we entered than a tall, dark headed, willowy woman hurried her way toward us. Chelsea. Danny again made a comment, "Oh, I see she's changed her hair color, again. Just like her moods."

  I glanced at him trying to stifle a laugh just as she descended on us, rather on Daniel. Throwing her arms around his neck as though the two were long separated lovers, she leaned in to kiss him. Danny, who was prepared for her, had let go of my hand and now had both hands firmly on this woman's waist in an attempt to distance himself from her.

  "Daniel!" She exclaimed. Not to be deterred by Danny's block, she still managed to plant a kiss on his cheek. "I've missed you something terrible. You look good enough to eat."

  He stood there, stone faced. "Chelsea." He turned his attention from the waif to Neil and me, who were trying not to stare, dumbfounded. "Neil, you remember Chelsea?"

  "Yeah, nice to see you, Chelsea."

  "Neil, wonderful to see you, too. I'm so glad you were able to arrange Daniel's schedule so he could be here tonight. Her attention turned to me. Even though I wasn't looking at her, I could feel her eyes. Her attitude. "Who is this Daniel? Did you finally hire a personal assistant?"

  Okay, Mary time to take a deep breath. Let her have this one. There's plenty of time to bring your claws out later. No need to rush.

  Daniel placed his arm around my waist before answering. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. His lips were curled up in a slight grin as he watched me. "This is my fiancé, Mary. Mary, sweet, meet Chelsea."

  Taking his cue, I extended my hand towards this man-eater. "Nice to finally meet you, Chelsea."

  She stood there. It was obvious I was an unexpected kink in her plans for the evening. "Your fiancé? I hadn't heard you were engaged, let alone dating anyone so ordinary."

  Feeling Danny's grip tighten I kept my mouth shut. Ordinary, huh. We'll just see about that girl friend.

  "Well, now you know. Unlike you, Chelsea, there are some aspects of my life I prefer to keep private."

  Then came the snide reply, "I can see why."

  By this time, the others had reached us and Neil saw it as his cue to put an end to this conversation.

  Grateful for the fact we were now being seated, I was still forced to put up with this woman being close by. She had been seated across the round table from us. As much as I wanted to ignore her, Chelsea made it impossible. The conversation was lighthearted throughout dinner. But with the meal over, talk began to drift to the ad campaign.

  "Daniel, she's such a quiet, meek thing—not at all what I would expect you to settle on."

>   I glanced across at Neil who had heard and was waiting to see how Daniel would respond. I felt Daniel place his hand on my knee. "That's one of the things I love about Mary. She's not high maintenance and self centered like you, Chelsea. She loves me for me—as a person, not the publicity you craved."

  Go Daniel. I felt him squeeze my knee. I casually placed my hand over his. Neil's expression said it all. Priceless. Everyone around the table attempted to pretend they hadn't heard the exchange by engaging in conversation between themselves.

  Daniel whispered in my ear that he was going to end this once and for all. He was ready to leave. "Gentlemen, I need to say something right now before we go any further. I am very interested in working with your firm; however, I will not work with this woman."

  One or two of the clothing line suits spoke up in an attempt to smooth things over. They realized they were on the verge of losing their money making “new face of the line”, if they did not make adjustments.

  "Daniel, please, stop being so over dramatic," Chelsea spoke out of nowhere. "That's one of your problems, you know."

  Daniel stood, helping me up as he did. He was done. "Gentlemen, I've said my piece. Thank you for a lovely dinner. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a concert to prepare for.” He turned to Neil. “Unless I hear otherwise, I'll see you at our scheduled meeting."

  Neil was already on his feet and following us out of the room. Chelsea was not defeated, but thankfully we were out of close range of her barbs. As we waited outside the restaurant for the limo, I kissed Danny on the cheek. "You did good, babe. I'm proud of you."

  He pulled me closer. "Thank you. I'm proud of you, as well, sweet. You showed great restraint. What did I ever see in that woman?"

  "Sex," I replied smugly.

  "It wasn't even that good, either. It was all about her and making sure…"

  I interrupted drawing the invisible line of what I would tolerate. "Enough, Daniel! I don't want to ever hear of your sexual escapades with other women, understood?"

  "Of course, sweet. I shouldn't have mentioned it."


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