Wicked Surrender (Hollis Brothers Book 3)

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Wicked Surrender (Hollis Brothers Book 3) Page 1

by Linda Verji


  A Hollis Brothers Novel ( Book #3)

  Linda Verji

  Titles Available In The Hollis Brothers Series

  Wicked Intentions (#1)

  Wicked Temptation (#2)

  Wicked Surrender (#3)

  For information on Linda Verji’s other books/series join Linda’s Reading Group

  Copyright © 2016 by Linda Verji


  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior consent of the author, excepting brief quotes in reviews.

  This is an original work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  For a Mature Audience (18+) due to Explicit Sex & Strong Language.

  ‘I hate you, and then I love you. It’s like I want to throw you off a cliff, then rush to the bottom and catch you.’

  ~ Unknown ~


  On the eighteenth of August, 2014, London Pistol fell in love with Zeke Landa-Hollis.

  And it was in one word - Glorious!

  London’s heart jumped when he walked into the restaurant all blue eyes, tall, muscular, spectacled and suited up to boot. He looked like he’d just walked out of a boardroom meeting. Her pulse raced as she watched him stride towards their table where she was at a restaurant with her best-friend, Shakira and Nathan, Shakira’s fiancé(who was also Zeke’s younger brother). The world tilted on its axis when Zeke’s burning gaze lingered over London for just a second too long, then plummeted when he looked away from her to greet Nathan and Shakira.

  All through dinner the normally talkative London was all nerves and wooly tongue. When she discovered that Nathan and Shakira had asked her and Zeke out to dinner because they wanted them to be their best man and maid of honor - well, words couldn’t explain the thrill that coursed through London.

  She and Zeke. Planning a wedding. Together. Chills.

  Exactly three months later - precisely two days before her twenty-fifth birthday - she fell out of love with the bastard.

  This is what happened;

  Though London and Shakira did most of the planning for the wedding, London found herself coming into contact with Zeke often. If London thought she had a crush on him before, it was nothing compared to what she felt after actually getting to know him. Despite the cool, inscrutable façade he presented to the outside world, Zeke Landa-Hollis was nice.

  Nice. Such a silly little word, yet it somehow fit Zeke perfectly. In his own quiet way he knew how to make anyone feel welcome and as if they were the most important person in the room. He always had something nice to say to London, and when she finally worked past her wooly tongue to respond, he actually listened. Then he had this way of standing next to her with his palm set lightly on her shoulder whenever there were other men in the room, as if he was claiming her. That light touch was enough to set her heart fluttering and her senses tingling.

  It didn’t matter that he was way too tall for her.

  Or that he was richer than her by a gazillion bucks.

  Or that she was black and he was white.

  This was love.

  She waited for him to make the first move - a little kiss would’ve done it - but he never made one. Not one to let being female get in the way of what she wanted, London resolved to do the seducing. Since weddings were the perfect place for these things she planned to do it right after Shakira’s. She’d catch him when he was slightly tipsy and mellow from all the happiness around. Maybe she’d ask him to dance, or perhaps pull him into one of the rooms at his mother’s house - then kiss him.

  London was superbly confident that she could do this. She may’ve been petite and the chairlady of the itty bitty titty club, but no man had ever said no to her. And though Zeke had never made a move, she’d seen how he looked at her sometimes - like he was hungry and she was the only meal in the room. There was no way he’d say no.

  Unfortunately, she never got the chance to test her seduction skills on him. That day shattered any desire she had to have anything to do with him, let alone seduce him.

  Yes. Even now, almost two years later, she still referred to it as that day.

  It was Shakira’s wedding day and London had been sent to let the men know that the bride was ready. Since the wedding was taking place on the grounds of the Landa-Hollis family estate, London only had to walk a short distance from the left wing of the house where the ladies were dressing up to the right wing where the gentlemen were. Her footsteps muffled by the carpeted floor, she crossed the little living-room between the wings then entered the right wing’s hallway.

  That’s when she heard their voices.

  Male voices. Hollis brothers’ voices.

  At first London couldn’t make out exactly what they were saying in between their boisterous laughter. She smiled. She’d witnessed first-hand how close and protective of each other the Hollis brothers were of each other. It made her wish that she’d had siblings. Maybe it would’ve made her life easier to have someone to talk to during that dark time in her life when it seemed like the sun would never shine again.

  Still smiling, London followed the sounds of the brothers’ laughter to the room at the end of the hallway where the door was open. And as a testament to the bad luck that had plagued her throughout her life, the first clear words she heard when she stepped into the room were Zeke’s. And they were the cruelest words he could’ve said.

  “Hell no,” Zeke exclaimed as he straightened his bow tie. “I would never marry London! Where would I hide her? The media would roast me alive for marrying someone so-”

  “So what?” The words slipped from London’s lips before she could even think even as her throat closed up and heat flushed to her face.

  The three Hollis men turned to face her with identical horrified faces. What proceeded was the most awkward five minutes of London’s life. Any other woman would’ve turned on her heels and ran out of the room in abject embarrassment.

  But London wasn’t any other woman.

  She said nothing for what seemed like an eternity. Then with a coolness she didn’t even know she was capable of, she looked straight at Zeke and said, “I never asked you to marry me.”

  His cheeks flushed red, his nostrils flared, and he opened his mouth - but no words came out. London bet that that was the first time he’d ever been at a loss of words.

  Her voice sounding hollow even to her ears, she said, “And you don’t -” She swallowed hard. “You don’t have to hide me anywhere. I’m fine right where I am.”

  “London,” Zeke finally managed, “I’m so sorry.”

  But the damage was done. She didn’t need to be a psychic to figure out how he would’ve finished that sentence had she not interrupted him.

  Someone so low-class… so beneath me… so unfitting.

  They were words that had been applied to her several times. With her background and her flair for garish hairstyles and clothes, she wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But for some reason she’d thought Zeke was different.

  Nevertheless she told him, “You have nothing to apologize for.”

  “No,” he insisted. “I do. I hurt your feelings, and-”

  “You didn’t know I was here.” Her hands curled into fists. “I should be the one apologizing since I interrupted a private conversation.”

  “But still-”

  “You’re not going to marry me.” Despite the anger and disappointment rolling inside her, her voice was surprisingly eve
n as she added, “There’s nothing wrong with that.” She turned her gaze to the youngest Hollis brother. “Danny?”

  “Yes.” Danny who’d clearly been trying to keep from being dragged into the conversation, snapped to attention at the mention of his name.

  “Does it hurt your feelings when I say that I won’t marry you?” she asked.

  “Of course not,” Danny answered quickly.

  “There.” She forced her lips into a bright smile as she told Zeke, “No feelings were hurt and so you have nothing to apologize for.” Turning her attention to Nathan, she said, “Now, to the reason I came. Shakira’s ready.”

  “She is?” Nathan’s troubled gaze immediately turned joyful.

  “She is.” London grinned, her anger fading slightly at Nathan’s glee. “We’re just waiting for you guys to head out to the garden then the ceremony can start. So hurry up.”

  “Damn, I haven’t even put on my bowtie-” Nathan exclaimed. “Where are my-”

  London took advantage of the sudden flurry of activity to make her escape. But Zeke’s hurtful words lingered for years after. Every time she saw him, they echoed in her head reminding her of what a classist snob he was. And it made her dislike him even more.


  Maracas Beach. July 2016.

  It was the perfect day for another Hollis wedding.

  The morning was warm, happy and bright. The soft breeze whipping around them was tinged with the sweet scent of the sand and waters of the Caribbean Sea. All the white wooden chairs were filled with smiling, chattering guests dressed in their lightest, brightest clothes. The reverend was standing by to conduct the ceremony, and the band was playing orchestral versions of popular songs while they waited for the bride and her train to emerge.

  Yet, even though this wasn’t his wedding, Zeke Landa-Hollis couldn’t summon any enthusiasm for the occasion. Primarily because he knew that everyone expected him to be the next to walk the plank.

  And by everyone he meant his mother.

  Even as he stood with his two brothers at the end of the aisle, he could see her seated on one of the front seats, looking appropriately solemn for her position as mother of the groom. Seated to his mother’s immediate left was Meredith Weinstein.

  Ever since Nathan’s marriage, Edya had been giving hints that it was time for Zeke to find himself a bride. And if those hints weren’t enough she’d recently started throwing women she thought were suitable at him in hopes that one of them would stick. Meredith was another one of those unsubtle attempts.

  The beautiful, brunette was a Wharton-educated stockbroker. But more importantly, she was the daughter of venture capitalist, Oscar Weinstein. Edya had personally flown Meredith in for the wedding - which was all the incentive Zeke needed to make sure that there was always several feet - and people between them.

  Zeke’s eyes caught Meredith’s and she gave him a sweet smile. Loath to give her any ideas, he turned his gaze away.

  It wasn’t that he expected to stay single forever. He just wanted to delay marriage for as long as possible.

  “Damn it, Danny, can you stop tapping your feet?” Nathan drawled from his position between Danny and Zeke at the end of the aisle. “Everyone’s looking at you.”

  “I bet he’s calculating the distance between here and the door,” Zeke murmured with sardonic amusement.

  “We’re about to have a runaway groom,” Lewis, the bride’s cousin-in-law who was standing on the other side of Zeke, chuckled.

  “I’m not planning to run away.” Danny cast the all the groomsmen a dismissive glance before turning his eyes back to the stairway where the wedding party was supposed to emerge. “I just want this thing to start already. Where are they? They should’ve been hereby now.”

  As funny as it was, Danny’s impatience was understandable. He’d been in love with his bride-to-be, Misha, for over fifteen years. Even though they’d claimed they were just best-friends for the better part of those fifteen years, a blind person could’ve seen that they were meant to be much more. It’d been a relief to see them finally get together.

  Danny turned suddenly worried eyes to his brothers. “What if she’s changed her mind?”

  Nathan snorted. “Please! Misha isn’t going anywhere. She’s as crazy about you as you are about her.”

  “Frankly, it’s embarrassing how whipped you both are,” Zeke added.

  Danny’s gaze narrowed on Zeke. “Just wait. Your time will come.”

  Zeke flicked an imaginary speck of dirt from the sleeve of his shirt, his half smile turning into one of pure cynicism. “I have no doubt that someday I’ll be standing in front of a crowd like this. But it won’t be soon and I definitely won’t embarrass myself over the woman, whoever she is, like you two.”

  “Oh, the confidence!” Nathan chuckled as he stared at his brother. “I can’t wait for your turn. Some woman is going to take you down so hard we’ll be picking up pieces of you for years to come. I bet you’re going to be even worse of a train-wreck than junior over here.”

  “That’s not going to happen,” Zeke retorted.

  It wasn’t that he didn’t want a love match. It was that he knew - and had long accepted - that it wasn’t in the cards for him. He wasn’t as lucky as his brothers. Nathan and Danny were allowed to choose their career paths, do what they wanted, fall in love and be with any woman they chose. However, Zeke had the full weight of the Landa-Hollis legacy on his shoulders. Everything he did, his whole life, was purposed towards nurturing and growing that legacy. Even his marriage - as his mother had drummed into him - was meant to solidify their position as one of the most prominent families in American business.

  The woman he eventually shackled himself to would have to be someone who could bring something other than love to the table. Preferably business connections or a bump to their reputation courtesy of her lineage. She would have to be irreproachable in the eyes of the world so as not to hurt their business interests. She’d have a back bone of steel, an excellent educational background and business savvy. She’d be someone who could take over the legacy in case something happened to him or his mother.

  “I definitely won’t be falling in love,” Zeke murmured more to himself than to his brothers.

  “We’ll see,” Danny pronounced ominously before glancing at his watch. “Damn it, where is that woman?”

  Just then the music announcing the beginning of the wedding match started. All three men, along with all the wedding guests, turned their attention to the stairway just as the first of the bridesmaids emerged at the top.


  The moment Zeke saw her, he straightened as every muscle in his body tightened in appreciation. Her short pixie haircut with bold streaks of red perfectly highlighted her cocoa-dark skin and her fine-boned features, while her vivid, green dress exposed her graceful shoulders and clung to her petite, delicate figure.

  She was beautiful.

  “Oh, so that’s your type?” Nathan whispered, a smile of knowing amusement creasing his face.

  “Shut up,” Zeke retorted even as his gaze stayed locked on London as she descended the stairs.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off of her even if he wanted to. He didn’t know what it was about London, but from the moment he’d met her almost two years ago he’d been fascinated by her. Every time he saw her he had this irrepressible urge to get closer to her, to be around her. He didn’t know if it was her bubbly warmth, her easy smiles, her wit, her panache, her fierce loyalty, or her beauty that had captured him. Or maybe it was all of that and more.

  Even though he’d known that they could never be anything more than friends, he’d been unable to stay away from her. All through Nathan’s wedding preparations Zeke had taken every opportunity he could to be in her presence, and he liked to think that they’d become friends. He still remembered their brief friendship with fondness. And hated how it’d ended - and the part he’d played in it.

  Once London reached the bottom of the stairs
, Zeke left Nathan’s side and started toward her. Her gaze immediately connected with his, and despite the distance between them, he felt the zing. But before he could savor it, her eyes skittered away from him to focus on the reverend as she started down the aisle. Hollow disappointment rolling in his belly, Zeke closed the distance between them.

  He schooled his expression into a smile and held out his arm as he reached her. London didn’t even bother faking a smile. He felt the heat of her irritation in the reluctant way she fit her hand in the hook he made with his arm. He felt it in the stiffness of her muscles and the way she tried to keep her body from brushing against his as they walked down the aisle. He felt it in her quick steps - as if she was eager to get to the front and be rid of him. And he hated it.

  But he could also understand it.

  In the days leading up to Nathan’s wedding, his mother had been pestering him endlessly about getting married. He was the first born, Nathan couldn’t get married first, Senator Scott McFarland’s daughter was in town and she’d be the perfect bride… blah, blah, blah. Add that to the fact that London had become increasingly flirty with him, tempting him with what he could have had if he wasn’t Zeke Landa-Hollis - and he’d been at the brink of exploding.

  Then while they were preparing for the ceremony, his brothers had started teasing about the very same thing, and suggesting London as a potential bride, and Zeke had finally snapped. The next thing he knew, he was announcing, in a very loud voice, that he wasn’t going to marry London.

  Everything he’d said after that was a mere outburst stemming from his frustration with the position he was in. No matter how he felt about London she wasn’t appropriate for him. If beauty, personality and character were the criteria for a wife for him, she would’ve beat every woman he knew hands down. But they weren’t. London was none of the qualities he’d been taught to look for in a wife. She had no family connections, she didn’t even have a high school degree and her past was - to put it kindly - colorful.


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