Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas Page 25

by Madison Faye

  The gun was never for him. I don’t want to say what it was for, and it doesn’t matter anyway as his lips descend on mine again. His hands cup my ass. He hoists me from the floor and I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me to the bed, pushing my skirt up and pulling my panties to the side.

  A month is a long time, but he pushes inside me as though we have never been apart. My initial tightness soon gives way with a rush of arousal, natural juices flowing as my daddy claims me.

  “I missed you, little girl,” he growls against my mouth, his cock surging inside me over and over again.

  “I missed you too, Daddy.” Just being able to say the word Daddy again brings tears to my eyes. I have missed him more than I can start to explain. He is a part of me. A part nobody else understands, and nobody else even likes, but that I desperately need.

  “I’m sorry they took me away,” he says, his dark gaze locked on mine with a raw sincerity I haven’t experienced in anyone else since I was ripped away from him. “I’m sorry I had to leave you alone, little girl. I know you haven’t been happy.”

  I believe that he knows. We feel the same things, Dominic and I. We’re bonded, and not because he captured me and tormented me, but because we knew each other more deeply in the first moment we met than most people could know one another if they talked all day for a thousand years.

  “I’m never going to let them take you again,” he says, holding me close, his cock rocking back inside me, soothing and pleasuring me at the same time. “We’re going away, little girl. Far away.”

  “I’ll go anywhere with you, Daddy,” I tell him, meaning every word. “You don’t need to lock me up again. I’ll never leave your side.”

  “And I won’t let anyone separate us again,” he promises, running his fingers through my hair in that affectionate caress I have so missed.

  This is the truth I have yearned for in the darkness, the reality of Dominic’s lust and love. My pussy clenches him tight, trying to draw him deeper with every stroke because my need for him is a physical thing. Food, water, air, Daddy. The necessities of my life.

  Dominic Leone is my daddy. My everything. Fuck the world. We have each other. I know they’ll come for us again, and I know next time they try, I will be right by my daddy’s side. There will be no mistaking me for victim, that’s for damn sure.

  The End

  About Loki Renard

  A #1 best-seller in multiple Amazon categories, USA Today bestselling author Loki Renard writes stories of romantic discipline, mischief, mayhem and general disobedience.

  Loki loves to hear from her readers, and has a regular newsletter, which you can sign up for here. You can also keep up with Loki via her website, her Twitter account, her Facebook page, and her Goodreads profile, using the following links:

  There Once Was a Girl by Maggie Ryan

  Chapter One


  I tugged at the hem of my dress only to realize that the move threatened to expose even more of my boobs. I would have sworn it had more fabric when I’d bought it. Looking around, I almost laughed. If anything, I had on more clothing than the other women waiting to have bands fastened around their wrists. When a mass of blonde curls swept toward my face, I quickly stepped back, apologizing when I bumped into someone behind me.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said, turning and reaching out to steady the woman.

  “No problem,” she said graciously, even as she nodded to indicate the one who’d almost caused the entire line to topple like dominoes. “Do you think that’s all real?”

  Looking toward the front, I saw the blonde woman, hair freshly tossed, was now brushing the long strands over her shoulders as if to make absolutely sure that her assets weren’t hidden by the wavy tresses. Not that it was a possibility as her boobs were huge! The green band the monitor was about to wrap around the woman’s wrist was wider than the minuscule piece of white floss that ran up between her ass cheeks and was barely smaller than the strap of white lace that showcased her ample breasts.

  I didn’t consider myself a prude, but damn! “I don’t know, but she sure has balls,” I said softly, unable to keep a trace of awe from my voice.

  “Back again, I see,” the man at the door said with a huge grin. “You’re looking nice tonight, Laura.”

  “That’s what they all say,” Laura quipped, extending her arm, her wrist bent just so, every perfectly manicured fingernail glossy with blood red nail polish. I waited for the monitor to lift her hand to his lips to press a kiss of reverence upon her skin.

  Instead, he finished securing the band to her wrist. “Watch the sass and have fun,” he said, reaching out to swat her ass as she passed him.

  With a sharp yelp, she tossed her hair again, looking over her shoulder to give him a smile that was so dazzling, such a perfect combination of pout and seduction that I was pretty sure she had to have practiced before a mirror. “I always do.” With an exaggerated sashay of her hips, wearing the red handprint that stood out in stark relief against her bare buttock like some kind of badge of honor, she gave a final smile and then slipped through the door.

  “Wow.” It took the sound of a chuckle before I realized I’d uttered the word out loud.

  “Yeah, no one can ever claim Laura is shy,” he said, his eyes going to where a man was just pulling the door closed, cutting the woman in question off from view.

  “You think?” I said, feeling way overdressed though my dress was shorter and the neckline lower than any I’d ever dared wear before. I looked at the man on the stool to watch as his eyes raked me up and down, a slow grin curling up his lips.

  “Though, some people prefer a bit of mystery. Like unwrapping that perfect gift beneath the tree on Christmas morning. Adds to the thrill if you ask me,” he said.

  “Thanks,” I said, not stupid enough to think I could possibly compete with Laura, but his statement gave me the boost of confidence I needed not to bolt. Besides, I’d never forgive myself if I let the blonde bombshell scare me off.

  “I haven’t seen you before. First time?”

  “Oh, um, yes.” Digging in my purse, I pulled out a twenty for the cover charge. “Sorry, I don’t have anything smaller.”

  I watched his eyes slide beyond me, following his gaze to the door. The behemoth standing there met my eyes, his intensity causing me to feel as if I were being measured somehow though he stood at least fifteen feet away. I was unsure if it was due to the single nod he gave or to the fact that I felt someone take my arm that had me give a slight jump. Looking down, I saw that the monitor had slid a band around my wrist.

  “For you, there is no charge,” he said. “Welcome to Rush.”

  “Really? Wow, thanks.” Tucking the bill back into my wallet, I watched the band slide around my wrist. “Why is my band white?” I asked before realizing his attention was already on the next woman in line. Maybe it designated I’d gotten in free? Shrugging, I walked toward the door only to have the guard lift his hand and nod toward the wall.

  “Your purse, phone, and anything else you care to remove go in there.”

  I looked at the small cubicles, noting that these were not like the small lockers found in a gym. Not a single one had any sort of door or key. I could see all sorts of purses as well as several phones. What kept anyone from simply choosing a different one from where they’d stored their items? Instead of spending another thousand bucks on the most current phone, you could just have an instant upgrade. I was about to ask that very question when I took a look at the man beside the door whose eyes seemed to be boring into me. Right. If I already felt like some insect pinned to a wall just by standing here, I sure didn’t want to know how I’d feel if I’d attempted to steal something right under his nose.

  Sliding my purse into one of the square
s, I added my coat. When I was done, the door was opened and forgetting all about the security of the cubicles, I stepped through into what was a totally new world. My very first thought was that the place reminded me of a zoo. My second was that I now knew how the animals behind bars and glass must feel. I hadn’t moved five feet from the door and yet I felt as if a hundred pairs of eyes were observing me. It took every ounce of will for me not to spin around and run. I might have actually done that except that when I did begin to turn, my ankle twisted.

  “Easy,” a man said as his hand cupped my elbow, keeping me from falling flat on my face.

  “Thank you,” I said, regaining my balance. When I attempted to pull my arm free, he tightened his grip.



  His fingers tightened even more. “The proper address is either Sir or Mistress.”

  I could only gape at him until I remembered where I was. And it definitely wasn’t Kansas. “Oh, right. Sorry, I didn’t know. I mean, I’m new.”

  His expression softened and he released his hold, but only to drag his fingers down to my wrist. Tracing along the band, he grinned. “A newbie, huh? Well, new or not, this states you are playing. How about you let me pop your cherry?”

  Cherry? It was as if the heat flaring up my chest to light my face on fire was burning out every one of my brain cells. “Um, no… no, thanks.”


  Remembering what he’d just told me, I said, “I mean, no, thanks, Sir.”

  “You prefer a domme?”

  “A domme? You mean a woman?” God, I knew I sounded like a total idiot, but I couldn’t seem to help it. “No. I just meant… um, there’s nothing wrong with you… but… well, I don’t even know you.”

  He finally let his hand drop and shook his head. “Christ, save me from newbies. Look, let me give you a piece of advice. This is not a church social. The people who come here don’t give a rat’s ass about getting to ‘know you.’ People come to get off.” Touching the band on my wrist once more, he continued. “And the moment you put this on, you offered yourself to play. Either understand that or go back out and ask Steve for a red band. You got it?”

  I might not follow everything he said, but I didn’t have to understand to know he was right. I wasn’t at some matchmaking event set up by one of a dozen dating services. If he stepped foot into any church social wearing those leather pants that looked like they were painted on, a vest worn in lieu of a shirt, eyes would have popped out of heads and mouths would have hit the floor. And while the sight of the leather paddle hanging from his belt might have a few eyebrows rising, the unmistakable outline of a thick cock would have had every woman in attendance swooning and breaking out into a chorus of Halleluiah… and that included the silver-haired ones.

  “Thanks, and I’m sorry. I-I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings.”

  Shaking his head again, he sighed. “You’re not listening. You’re cute and, yes, I’d like to break you in, but that’s it. If you want to find your soul mate, you are in the wrong place. Players here do not have feelings. Go get a red band. Otherwise, you are going to be eaten alive.” His lip curled up and he chuckled. “And I don’t mean in a good way.” With that final piece of wisdom, he walked away.

  I could feel my face heating as his true meaning became clear. Looking down at the band around my wrist, I understood that it meant more than the fact that my cover charge had been waived. Evidently, it meant I was willing to play. Seeing another man striding toward me, I turned and walked in the other direction. Maybe if I kept moving, like some gazelle on the savannah, it would make it harder for me to be caught. Clamping my right hand around my left wrist, hiding the band that suddenly felt like it wasn’t just my ticket to enter, but was a flashing strobe light screaming newbie, I made my way around the periphery of the room. Not that I wasn’t willing to be caught, I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t finally ready to play, but—not yet.

  The sound of a rhythmic slapping drew me to where a small crowd had gathered. Even with heels, I couldn’t truly see what had drawn their attention until the woman directly in front of me was suddenly gone—pulled to stand in front of the man next to her and pushed to her knees. Granted, I knew what sort of place this was, but it still came as a shock when I heard the sound of a zipper being lowered and saw him reach inside the gap of his jeans to pull out his cock… right out in full view of anyone caring to look. Already educated on what that probably meant, and remembering that voyeurism was probably totally acceptable, I had to force myself to appear nonchalant as he reached to pull her head forward.

  Deep breath, girl, I told myself and almost giggled thinking that bit of advice might be better given to the woman on her knees. Afraid that I was about to make a total fool of myself, I began to step away, when movement caught my eye through the slight window her change of position provided. I discovered the source of the beat that had filled the area.

  I still couldn’t see everything, but the portion I could had me biting back a gasp. A woman was bent over a bench. Her skirt was wadded around her waist and her panties were twisted around her ankles. I watched as a paddle landed with a crack across her ass. I couldn’t see the person responsible for causing her to give a sharp cry, but when the paddle pulled back to add another stroke, I felt my heart pounding and my blood racing. Her ass didn’t just have a blush of pink, it was crimson. I don’t think I even blinked as stroke after stroke was delivered. It was mesmerizing in a way that I truly didn’t understand, but I began to feel claustrophobic in the crush of people surrounding me. Taking a half-step forward did nothing to relieve the presence I had felt against my back. In fact, if anything, the move only made me more aware of someone invading my personal space. Attempting to turn, I was stopped by an arm that snaked itself around my waist, pulling me back, robbing me of the small distance I’d achieved. When I realized that the arm was not the only thing touching me, but someone was grinding themselves against my ass, I squealed.

  The chuckle that sounded told of the man’s amusement but also brought me fully back to my senses. Dropping my hands to his arm, I tried to pry it off me. When it only tightened, I lifted my foot, aiming back instead of forward and allowed my heel, and my body weight, to come down on the top of the man’s shoe.


  The arm dropped and I turned around. “Oh, excuse me. Was that your foot? It’s just so crowded in here,” I said, stepping past the guy who had a very pained look on his face.

  “Hey, wait! Your band says you’re available. I thought we’d—”

  “No, thank you,” I said, not bothering to hang around to hear what he thought we might do. I just knew what I had to do, and do immediately. Once free of the crush of onlookers, it didn’t take long to find my new destination as I headed in the direction of the bar.

  Chapter Two


  “What the fuck!”

  Clamping my lips together, I forced myself to tear my eyes off the woman in red and look around casually. It wasn’t that I gave a shit about my language per se, but tonight I did care for the volume of the expletive. I almost barked out a laugh. I needn’t have worried that I’d drawn attention as not a soul was looking in my direction.

  “Did you say something? Can you repeat that? Can you hear me?”

  Of course I could hear him. The damn comm unit was buried in my ear. I could also hear the shrill electronic shriek accompanying the string of questions. Reaching up as casually as I could, I pretended to scratch my ear when I was really attempting to adjust the earpiece. The expletive I’d given had been involuntary, but I needed my next words to not only be heard distinctly, but to be understood.

  “Are you there? Hello?”

  “Hang on,” I said through my clenched teeth. Remaining silent, I began to separate myself from the group that stood in a half-circle around the scene. Stealth was probably not necessary as the crowd’s attention was focused on the man wielding the whip, but I was not a careless ma
n. I could hear the blow landing against the back of the woman restrained to some half-ass excuse for a St. Andrew’s cross, but didn’t see it. Even as I continued to walk, giving an occasional nod to others who were crammed into the club like sardines, I was truly only concerned with one person, watching as she began to walk across the room. Finding a spot where I could stand against the wall, I crossed my arms over my chest, which was the only way to keep my hands from fisting as I swiveled my head back and forth, doing a quick recon before speaking again.

  “What the fuck is Bailey doing here?” I hissed, my stance appearing casual and yet every muscle in my body was tense.

  “What? You’re bailing?”

  “Not bailing… Bailey. What asshole decided she’d be the bait?”


  For fuck’s sake! I had no idea whose voice it was, but it was a damn good thing he was sitting in some van outside. Otherwise, I’d already have my hands around his throat.

  “Listen carefully. I’m talking about Bailey… Bailey Byrd,” I said, giving her full name. “Whose brilliant idea was it to throw her into this hellhole?”

  “Hold on,” he said only to come back a moment later. “Negatory.”

  “Negatory? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Get someone on this line who knows what the fuck he’s doing,” I said.

  “I mean we’re not using anyone as bait,” the voice clarified.

  “Bullshit,” I snarled. “I’m looking at her right now and—”

  Another squawk and then a different voice said, “Anderson? What seems to be the problem?”

  Unbelievable! Movement across the room had me pushing away from the wall. “The problem is that this place is a fucking nightmare and your fucking suspect just walked through the fucking door and you’ve got no right to set Bailey up as some sort of sacrificial lamb to that bastard. She has no clue what she’s up against. That’s the fucking problem!”


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