Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas Page 55

by Madison Faye

  His fingertips ran along her chin, leaving in its wake a shadow of erotic sensations. “Look at me, Nora,” he said firmly. “I’ve been struggling to watch my manners since you got here, but when you’re naughty, it’s almost impossible. I’ve already warned you about cursing.”

  “I… I know… I shouldn’t swear. But…” The throbbing in her clit multiplied, igniting her channel with a growing wet urgency. She closed her eyes to regain control, but the effect focused her attention on the memory of his muscled abs, carved by sharp lines leading to the hidden bulge in his crotch. With no other resources and a growing desperation, she kicked at him, landing hard on his calf. “Just fuck off, for God’s sake.”

  With a heavy sigh, he lifted her from the safety of her big chair, only to drop her unceremoniously onto his bed, tossing his t-shirt to the floor without ever putting it on. She stayed on her back, preparing herself for another punishment with a strange mixture of fear, relief, and anticipation, but he just stood over her with a slight tilt to his chin.

  Speaking in dangerously soft tones, he said, “I think you’re beautiful, Nora. And I’ve tried hard to keep this little vacation of yours in perspective, but I’m getting the impression that you’re intentionally trying to piss me off. I enjoy beautiful women and having one up here in the middle of nowhere has been hard for me to ignore, but you need to understand that I’m not a casual date.”

  His hand moved along her hip, sending another layer of sensations across her core before slipping along the waist of her borrowed sweats. Tickling and teasing across her tummy, never quite entering her darkest secret place. Growing desperate, she arched her back to make it easier for him to please her, but he gently pushed her back to the blanket.

  “You see, Nora,” he continued patiently, “I enjoy women, on my terms. I like to be in control. I like to play with their erogenous zones to meet my needs until they scream under the weight of their own arousal. When you misbehave, I want to show you how to be a good girl… and as hard as I’ve tried to ignore this in the last twenty-four hours, you keep bringing out this dominant side. So, let’s just put the cards on the table, do you want to play with me… under my rules?”

  “What…” She stammered slightly, words still failing her under the weight of so much erotic tension. “What exactly are your rules?”

  Despite her persistent wiggling, his fingers slipped a little further into her sweats until he connected to the apex of her secrets, a wet coating of honey between his touch and her need, the hammering in her clit increasing with every inch he covered.

  “It’s simple,” he responded. “You do what you’re told, and I get to tie you up and play with you until you scream for me to fuck you. And if you’re naughty, I’m going to punish you in all sorts of pussy-drenching ways. But I did a lot of thinking after you went to bed last night, and I came to the conclusion that you already understood this game, didn’t you? I think that little spanking opened a whole new set of erotic sensations that you weren’t quite sure what to do with. And, I think that’s why you’ve been pushing me this morning. You want to do that all over again, but this time, you don’t want to stop with a little red bottom.”

  He gently circled her sensitive nub before sliding his finger in smooth, fluid motions along her slit, bridging the entire crevice with an invisible line. The tingling, spidery synapses connected a single intricate layer of awareness across her body. The sensation felt so right… so wrong…

  Giving into the deep ache, she tried to rub between her legs, but he grasped both of her wrists and held them over her head with a growl. “You haven’t answered me yet, little one. I love all kinds of role playing, but naughty little girls with beautiful breasts will do what they’re told in my bed. Can you behave while I take care of you?”

  Everything he offered represented her adult world… adult decisions… adult emotions… yet surrounded by his innate, authoritative nature, he also offered her something different, a place where she could simply enjoy herself while experiencing the innocent responsibilities representing a safer time.

  All she had to do was give up control of her body to a relative stranger. “I’m scared,” she whimpered softly. “I… I don’t know if I can do this.”

  He lay down next to her, providing a warm comfort to ground her churning emotions. Nipping slowly down her neck, he continued to play with her pussy while holding her wrists in a single grip. “In this game, scared is a positive thing,” he murmured. “But if it gets to be too much, I give my little girls a safeword. If you say yellow, I’ll slow down. If you say red, I’ll stop altogether.”

  He’d earned her trust the moment she’d met him. She nodded her head. “I… I can do that. I want to play, too…” She shyly bit her bottom lip before she could whisper, “Daddy…”

  With a grin, he removed her oversized sweatshirt and tossed it on the floor. Exposed to the cool air, her nipples peaked to sharp, erotic ridges, but a primal heat splashed across her skin, pulling from a single raw ache between her legs. He stripped her sweatpants to leave her naked body squirming against the blanket and igniting a welcome sense of freedom.

  Rummaging through a storage chest, he returned with a set of soft ropes. “We use these to tie up our canoe, but I think I can arrange another use for them.” He expertly made a loop that slid over both of her wrists, restraining her arms above her head to expose her breasts. When that was secured, he created an artistic display of geometrical designs across her calves and thighs until her pink, soft pussy was also revealed.

  But when he tied those ropes to the bedframe, the increased vulnerability caused her to struggle against her restraints. “Stop… I don’t think I can do this.”

  “I don’t hear a safeword, baby girl,” he murmured, tickling the back of her neck with tiny nibbles. “There’s only one way that Daddy is going to stop this. Now, mind what I tell you and hush. I’ve only just started to play.”

  Like everything she’d ever done in her life, verbal agreements didn’t define her boundaries, and she couldn’t defeat the overwhelming need to fight him. Obedience was a gift she wasn’t completely ready to deliver, but she understood that the exploration into her naughty side was a slightly veiled attempt to gauge the depth of his commitment to this game.

  Pulling and tugging, she did everything she could to resist his control, but his knots were expertly tied, and he simply let her wear herself down. “You can fight me, kitten, but Daddy’s not going to let you go until I’ve had my playtime.” Slipping his large frame between her legs, he added, “But let’s see if we can’t settle you down a little.”

  When his hot mouth settled over her clit, she gasped. Twirling and teasing, he focused on the bundle of nerves, separated by long tingling tastes up and down her channel until the scent and sound of her wet arousal filled the cabin. The sensual pressure continued to build, but she grew desperate for a deeper connection, her vaginal walls clenching to find something, anything to grab. Tiny whimpers of frustration escaped.

  He laughed softly. “You got to this point pretty fast, kitten. I think you could use a little reward.” Palming her labia, he slipped his middle finger inside of her. Moving it in and out, he gently spread her lips open and reached deep to deliver another small release of pleasure, gathering more of her wet reaction to slide along with his hand.

  But it wasn’t enough, and the ache remained unbearable. She growled as she tried to bear down on his hand, “Fuck… just fucking do something…”

  “That’s not how we play this game,” he scolded. “Daddy is the only one who gets to pick what we do. Let’s learn our first lesson.” He released a single ankle so he could twist her to her side and deliver a series of sharp spanks across her bottom, leaving the biting imprint of his palm layered across both of her globes. His attack was relentless, its effect building simultaneously with her arousal until the two sensations wound into one to generate a new level of pain.

  Overwhelmed by the intensity, she cried out, “I’m sorry. I w
on’t be bad anymore. Please, just stop.”

  “That’s better, little girl. Watch your tone, or I’ll have to find my belt, again. Remember, you’re here to be my plaything.” The restraints were quickly returned before he continued tormenting her labia, only this time, he attacked the rigid pink peaks of her breasts as well. First one, then the second, his mouth worked the edges of her erotic nipples into tiny nubs of sensual arousal, igniting a direct line to the pulsing pressure point nestled between her folds.

  The dual action was too much. Too many sensations, building, monopolizing her natural responses; her breath reduced to short panting gasps. She put all of her energy, all of her focus, into igniting the single explosion that was close…

  But his attention slowed without reason, she was left with just her need, pulled away from the edge of bliss. She wanted to scream and curse at him, but her mouth was dry and words were hard to find. He ran his teeth over the edge of her nipple to spark a shiver of pain through her already overloaded sensuality, and he chuckled softly. “You didn’t think I was going to let my little girl come that easily, did you, kitten? I’m not done with you yet.”

  He slipped out of his jeans, revealing a hardened, fully erect cock just inches from her hand, a drop of his own wet response already at the tip. She fought her restraints in a failed effort to grasp its velvety hardness while he pulled a condom from his wallet. Settling himself between her legs, he leaned in with his delicious, tender body covering her nipples to create a virtual single layer of skin between them.

  His cock lined up to her pussy, exploring gently at first, but finally, gratefully, he entered her with a single smooth action, forcing his way along her tight vaginal walls until he filled her completely. He slid out to repeat the action, but this time with more strength, pounding harder into her core. Almost instantly, a million sensations imploded, waves of undefinable pleasure accelerating until every muscle in her body was lost to the powerful orgasm.

  Sliding in and out slowly, his slick cock penetrated her opening in hard thrusts, his balls slapping her pussy with a relentless punishment. Her vaginal muscles clenched, the deep spasms causing her to cry out with each of his movements. When he came, his satisfaction ignited another round of pleasure, not as intense as her first frenzied experience, but still, a deep, gratifying release.

  Freeing her from his bondage, he rubbed her arms and legs with a deep massage, leaving no muscle or joint untended. When he was satisfied with her comfort, he wrapped her into his arms, but before she could catch her breath, he kissed her. Long and sensual, he connected with a passion that completed a perfect afternoon. “Thank you, Nora,” he said quietly. “That was amazing.”

  She nodded, not trusting her voice to respond, but when he gently pushed the hair out of her eyes, she said, “I… I don’t understand how all of that works, but I am really glad that I trusted you.”

  “There’s a lot I can teach you in a few days,” he said with a grin. “Just wait.”

  With no place to be and no pressure from electronic distractions, they laid on the bed in blissful nudity to experience the cooling breeze, talking for hours before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Seven

  It had been three days since she’d broken the essential part in his plane, and they’d developed a lazy routine. Rising with the sun, they’d taken a walk every morning along the shoreline so Nora could see her icebergs before returning to the cabin for breakfast. They followed it up with a few hours of fishing, or taking long walks in the woods, having managed to give Nora some homemade shoes with a pair of his socks, her broken, heelless stilettos, and no small amount of duct tape.

  The evenings were spent cuddled around the fire pit, or on the screened porch waiting patiently for the big moose that came by almost every night, Nora’s delight remaining consistent every time he showed up. They went to bed as soon as the moon was at its fullest, staying awake for hours to continue the BDSM games that she’d embraced so easily. It was amazing how many things he’d found in the small cabin to use in their play, but he wasn’t sure he could ever watch his mother hang towels on the clothesline again. The multiple uses for her clothespins seemed to be endless.

  In between the playful games and serious intimacy, they’d spent hours talking to each other about their lives. Communication had always come easily to Caden, but Nora struggled at first to talk about herself. With a few hours of patient listening, however, she shared more and more about her past, and even started talking about her fears for the future. “I know that I can do the job at my dad’s company someday, but I’m not ready for this now. I’m not ready for a lot of the changes. I don’t know anything about babies. And… I haven’t exactly been nice to Crystal.”

  “I’m sure if you talk to your father, he’ll arrange for somebody else to be in control until you’re ready. He didn’t get to be a good businessman because he’s a lousy listener. It sounds like both Crystal and your father will appreciate the fresh start, and they’ll have to do all the hard work with the baby. That’s what I love about my nephew. If he cries or smells bad, I just hand him back to his parents. He’s going to love me for being the fun uncle.” He reached over to tickle her belly. “And I know that you’ll be the best big sister a little guy could have, even if you are a little on the clumsy side.”

  “I am not,” she insisted loudly. “I…” He gave her a stern look to remind her of three days’ worth of twisted ankles, broken planes, and stumbling in the stiletto heels before she muttered, “Fine, I’ll wear knee pads for the rest of my life.”

  After lunch on Tuesday, the two of them were stretched out in the hammock under a pair of fir trees, enjoying the breeze blowing across their naked bodies when Nora moved to her bratty mode. “I want another brownie, Daddy,” she said with a pout and kick of her foot. “You promised me that if I finished my fish, I could have a treat.”

  “Just one, kitten,” he said sternly. “We should save the last of the box so we don’t run out of sweets.” He put his hands behind his head and grinned. “Go get it. I like watching you wander around the property without any clothes.”

  Without warning, the dog’s ears perked up before she jumped up with a quick bark. Caden stared in the direction she was looking just as the small seaplane appeared on the horizon. “It’s William,” he said dully. “I thought maybe it was going to take him another day or two, but he must have the part.”

  Her face fell, and his heart gave a little tug. This was silly, he scolded himself silently as both of them slipped into their clothes without speaking. He barely knew this girl. Three days wasn’t long enough to form any kind of relationship, but he had to fight the fantasy of locking her in the cabin and sending William on his way.

  They walked down to the harbor together, her hand tightly nestled in his. She’d long since mastered the steep hillside, but her steps grew shorter and soon she was pulling back completely. “What’s wrong, Nora?” he asked gently. “Is your ankle bothering you?”

  “No, I’m fine, Dad—Caden,” she stuttered. The thought he’d never hear her say the word again was more than he could bear.

  The small plane landed gracefully before turning around and making its way back to the dock, and he knew that he needed to say his piece. “Nora, I… want to ask you something before William gets here. I don’t suppose you’d like to see me again? Would—”

  She cut him off. “Yes.”

  “You could have waited until I finished the sentence,” he said with a grin. “My company has a few projects coming up in the states over the next year, and I could easily work out of New York with a little traveling.”

  She looked surprised. “What kind of projects do you do in New York? I thought your family owned a construction company in Toronto?”

  “Well, yeah. It’s a structural engineering firm. We build all sorts of things around the world, but recently it’s been bridges and other infrastructure projects. My parents started their company in St. Johns right after they m
et in college, but they moved to Toronto when I was a kid because the opportunities were just too good. When my mom’s father passed a few years ago, we took over his company with some of my American cousins and, honestly, it’s been a crazy amount of work.”

  “Do you really mean that you can stay in New York? I… I’d love that, Caden, but it’s kind of expensive. Do you… do you want to stay with me? I have a condo in Manhattan and… I have lots of room.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “I’d love to stay with you, little girl. But you know that I can afford my own place, don’t you? The company owns a lot of properties, and we have a building on the upper Westside that Rosie and I can use. Is that close to your condo?”

  “The upper Westside? That’s really expensive…” She looked at him with an arch to her eyebrow. “What’s the name of your company, exactly?”

  “Ours was called Pippin Construction, but we changed it to my grandfather’s company name when we merged because it was better known, Donovan Engineering,”

  “You gotta be kidding me?” she exclaimed. “You’re one of the Donovans? They… they are like freaking wealthier than half of New York. I thought that you were like… I dunno… like… a construction worker.”

  She blushed miserably, and he laughed before pulling her into his arms. “Nora. How could you not know that I had some money? That’s a half-million-dollar plane out there.”

  William had pulled up to the dock and jumped out to greet them with a small box in his hand. “Whaddya at, Caden. Let me get started on the part ‘cause I wants to be home early tonight. The missus is looking to get to the movies by seven. Is this my passenger for the return trip?”

  “What do you say, Nora?” said Caden. “Do you have a few extra days to stay up here even if I’m not really a construction worker? I’ll fly you back myself, and maybe we can visit some of the sights before we leave. William can make it home in time to watch his movie, and we can fix the part ourselves.”


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