Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas Page 75

by Madison Faye

  “All right,” she said, her body visibly relaxing.

  “You’re lucky, you know,” he said, parting her bottom cheeks with his thumb and forefinger. Her puckered rosette winked at him, constricting nervously. “I’m being lenient. While enduring a figging, the female prisoners were simultaneously birched or caned. Being whipped in and of itself would have been a harsh punishment, but it was made all the more painful because every time the prisoner would flinch and squeeze her bottom, the ginger would burn her bottom hole even more. You’ll see what I mean in a minute.”

  She let out a whimper while he gently pressed the tip of the ginger into her rosette. “Relax and accept it, darlin’,” he said. “You know you deserve this for being so irresponsible as to fail an entire class.”

  “It won’t happen again,” she moaned.

  “Oh, I’m certain of that,” he replied, plunging the root in further. He’d carved it so that it flared, thinned, and then was held in place by another flare at the base, like a small butt plug. “Even if this punishment isn’t enough to deter you from failing, I’ll be monitoring your progress, remember?”

  She nodded and buried her head into the quilt.

  “I’d like you to reply to me with ‘yes, Daddy’ and ‘no, Daddy’ during this discipline, darlin’. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she said in a pinched voice.

  “Good girl. Is it starting to burn a little?”

  “Yes, Daddy! A lot!” she exclaimed, her voice markedly higher.

  “Okay. It’s going to get worse. It’s going to feel nearly unbearable, but you will bear it because you know it’s a punishment for your own good. I expect you will learn your lesson after this is through.”

  “Oh!” she exclaimed, sounding surprised. A moment late she shrieked and flailed about, kicking her legs and twisting on the bed.

  Hudson placed a firm hand on her lower back to hold her in place.

  “Oh, my God. Take it out!” she cried. “Please, Daddy, take it out now!”

  Hudson was pleased to hear her use the word ‘Daddy’ instead of his name. “I’m going to give you a choice,” he said sternly. “You can either endure this for ten minutes, at the end of which I’ll pull the ginger out and your punishment will be complete, or you can endure only five minutes. If you choose only five minutes, then I will spank you for the next five minutes after that. Which do you prefer?”

  “The spanking, please!” she begged, not hesitating for a moment. “Please, can you take it out now and spank me?”

  “No. You have four more minutes. Try to settle down and breathe. I’m watching the clock.”

  She wailed with dismay but obeyed his order to settle down. She crumpled into a heap, but her bottom remained tense. No longer needing to hold her down, he sat down next to her on the bed and rubbed her back with one hand while he tapped on her bottom with the other. “Try not to clench your bottom cheeks,” he said. He knew the pain would lessen if she relaxed and, though he intended for it to be a punishment, he didn’t believe she deserved something especially harsh.

  She sniffled and relaxed her cheeks so that they were soft and yielding in his hand.

  “Good girl. Now, I know this hurts, but it feels right to be held accountable, doesn’t it? You did something wrong by failing a class, and before we met no one cared to correct you. Is that right?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whimpered. “Thank you for caring.”

  Hudson’s heart filled with pride. He felt honored that Kayla had entrusted him with her punishment and was accepting it despite the discomfort. After exactly five minutes, he gave her bottom another pat. “Ginger punishment is over.” He took hold of the base and smoothly slid it out of her bottom, then stood and chucked it in the trash.

  “It’s still burning,” she whined, wiggling her bottom in the air.

  Hudson unbuckled his belt and snaked it out of the loops before folding it in half. “Yes, it takes a few minutes for the last of the juice to soak into the skin.”

  Kayla pressed her palms on the bed, appearing like she was going to stand up.

  “Stay right where you are, young lady,” he ordered. “You know we’re not finished here.”

  She gasped and looked back. Her gaze quickly found the belt in his hand and she gulped. “Y-you’re going to spank me with that for five minutes?” she asked.

  “No. Only five strokes with the belt. The rest I will deliver with my hand. Face forward, prepare for the worst of your punishment.” He knew he was being strict, but that was an important part of any daddy/submissive relationship. She had to know that there were very real consequences for misbehaving.

  As soon as she’d obeyed, Hudson brought the belt down across her bottom. She clenched and cried out as he watched a pink line appear across her white skin. He whipped her again, directly below the first spot, causing her to hiss, though she remained in place.

  “You’re getting this whipping because of your callous disregard for studying, which could have put your future at risk,” he scolded, bringing the belt down again. “How does it feel, having your little bottom whipped while your naughty back hole is still burning?”

  “It hurts!” she cried. “It hurts so much.”

  “Does it make you feel ashamed of your behavior?” he asked, spanking her for the fourth time.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whimpered, and sniffled. “It makes me feel ashamed and helpless like a bad little girl.”

  He whipped her for the final time, the hardest stroke of all. As she wailed with pain, he tossed the belt aside and sat on the bed next to her. Without delay, he hauled her hot little body over his lap. A glance at the clock told him she still had four minutes of spanking left to suffer.

  He brought his hand down on her bottom, again and again, in crisp, no-nonsense swats, lecturing the entire time. “This is one of the less pleasant aspects of having a daddy, isn’t it? When you’re bad, you’re going to get punished. Do you think you can handle that?”

  “I don’t know!” she choked out honestly. “Please, not so hard, Daddy. I’ll be good, I’ll never fail a class again.” She continued to blubber out promises while squirming over his lap, just like a bad little girl who was being punished and helpless to stop it. Her skin turned a brilliant shade of pink as he peppered her bottom with swats.

  “I know you’re going to be good. I doubt I’ll need to punish you for a long time after this,” he said. He knew this was what she craved, deep down, even though her words in that moment expressed otherwise. She needed to feel the loss of control and helplessness that came along with a punishment.

  Still, he was relieved when the five minutes were up and quickly got to work comforting her. “There you are,” he said gently, rubbing her bottom in circles. “Your punishment is over now, sweetheart.”

  She lay limply over his lap, crying quietly as he offered her comfort and words of affirmation.

  “The good thing about a spanking is that once it’s over, you can be free from guilt and also proud of yourself for taking your licks like a brave girl.”

  “I wasn’t very brave, Daddy,” she said, her voice quivering.

  “Oh, but you were. You trusted me the whole time to be a good daddy to you. You accessed your submission and obeyed me even when it was hard and caused you pain.”

  She seemed to garner comfort from his words. Her crying died down, and soon her little whimpers turned to moans as he kneaded the sensitive mounds of flesh. Hudson was fascinated to watch her well-punished body transform into quivering mass of need.

  His blood traveled south to his cock, which hardened painfully, trapped in his pants under her stomach. He’d been able to resist sinking himself into her the day before during her first spanking, but this time he had no intention of depriving himself of her hot, wet pussy.

  Chapter Eight

  Kayla panted quietly over Hudson’s lap, full of longing for the man who had just punished her to tears. Judging by the way his cock pressed into her stomach, she
wasn’t alone in her desire. She shifted, eliciting a moan from him, and she felt excited knowing she was causing him the same desperate desire she felt.

  Hudson gathered her right-side up on his lap. She straddled his hips, bunching her dress up even further around her waist, as he wrapped his hand against the nape of her neck and drew her to him. His lips locked with hers, continuing the kiss they had started before the punishment. He kissed her hungrily as she scraped her fingers through his hair. His trouser-clad cock twitched against her bare pussy, straining to be free, as Hudson moaned into the kiss.

  He moved his kisses lower, to the side of her neck, and nipped at her shoulder. “I need you,” he growled. “Get this fucking dress off now.”

  She didn’t require any further encouragement. She shimmied backwards off his lap and stood in front of him as she unzipped. He stood and tugged the dress over her head as she unclasped her red bra that matched the panties he’d removed at the beginning of the evening. When her breasts were freed, Hudson squeezed one breast gently while his mouth clamped down around her other nipple. He flicked her bud with his tongue, and her head fell back as she bit her lip to stifle the loud groan emanating upward from her throat.

  Some of her hair was sticking to her sweaty face, and she was sure mascara was running down her cheeks, but her appearance was the furthest thing from her mind. She felt wild and free. He descended on her. His mouth and hands were magic, roaming over her body, applying just the right amount of pressure—teasing, stroking, pinching, biting.

  She wanted to feel every inch of him, just as he was feeling her, so she plucked on the buttons of his shirt until they gave way. Then she practically tore the two halves of his shirt over his shoulders.

  “It’s not fair that I’m naked and you’re not,” she panted, next pulling at the fly of his trousers. He allowed her to unzip him, then assisted in pushing his pants and underwear to the floor.

  “You’d better get used to things being unfair, little girl,” he growled, wrapping his hands around her waist and lifting her to the bed. “This isn’t exactly an egalitarian relationship.”

  She inwardly thrilled at his declaration, his words causing a rush of arousal to spread over her skin. She liked the helpless, submissive feeling that Hudson brought out in her. It had never happened in her last relationship.

  She fell on the bed and spread her legs as Hudson’s body came down on hers. She’d only gotten a cursory glance at his cock, but she’d seen enough to know it was very hard and thick. “I like doing as I’m told, Daddy,” she said, blushing a little at her own words. It was one thing to call him Daddy during a spanking. It seemed so much more taboo and titillating during sex.

  “Such a good girl,” he purred, pressing the tip of his cock against her slick entrance. “You’re so nice and wet for Daddy’s cock.”

  She moaned as he pressed against her, burying his manhood in her pussy inch by inch. It felt exquisite, like her body had been perfectly designed to fit around his cock. He moved in and out of her slowly, his handsome jaw clenched and his forehead furrowed in concentration.

  “Don’t hold back,” she whispered. “Fuck me hard, Daddy.” She wanted to feel his power inside of her. She needed it to hurt. She needed to feel used in a way she’d never been before.

  “Such an impatient little masochist,” he said, leaning forward so that his chest crushed against hers. The hair from his chest tickled her nipples as he slid forward to give her a bruising kiss.

  He bit her neck. “Do you need another spanking to know who’s in charge of how hard the fucking goes?”

  “No, Daddy,” she said, wrapping her legs around his torso. His threat had caused her to belly to flip, pushing her arousal higher.

  Soon he was pounding into her with rough, deep, punishing strokes. She was lost in a wave of need. Her hips rose to meet him, longing to feel every excruciating stroke as he took her closer to the precipice of desire.

  “Please, Daddy,” she begged, frantic for relief, void of all inhibitions. She was losing control, hungry only for pleasure. Her bottom cheeks rubbed against the sheets, igniting the sting of the welts from the belt, while her back hole still slightly burned from the ginger. She was in a whirlwind of heat, pleasure, and pain, swirling together until they were unrecognizable except as one hurricane of need.

  When she came, she cried out, her wail even louder than when she was being whipped with the belt. He continued to fuck her, the speed of his strokes increasing as though fueled by her scream of pleasure. She held onto his muscled arms, which were damp from exertion, and rode the waves until they brought her back to shore.

  “Fuck, Kayla!” His orgasm began just as hers receded. He grunted and thrust his pelvis against hers hard several final times.

  She loved hearing him curse in such an out-of-control manner. He sounded feral, how he’d made her feel. He rolled onto his back and pulled her into his arms as he caught his breath. She loved this too, how he liked to hold her. Her cheek rested against his chest, and she could hear his fast heartbeat, which gradually slowed to normal pace.

  “That was perfect,” Kayla sighed.

  “It was,” he agreed.

  She gazed lazily at his gray curtains, noticing for the first time that they were embroidered with outlines of parrots. She marveled over how his passion for birds was so integrated into his life—even in the way he had his house decorated. He wasn’t afraid to love and embrace something totally and completely, even if others might find it strange.

  It was true with his spanking kink too. He had no shame or embarrassment about it. He liked what he liked, and he had accepted Kayla without reservation. It made her feel safe in addition to understood. She traced her fingers down the faint outline of his abs and sighed contentedly. “I could really get used to this lifestyle. Spankings hurt a lot more than I thought they would, but they’re worth it if we have sex like that every time.”

  “Well,” he said, shifting so that he could prop himself up on one elbow and look into her eyes. “There won’t be sex every time. If you do something truly terrible that affects your safety or the like, I would spank you soundly and send you to bed wet and needy.”

  Kayla smiled slowly. She didn’t understand why his words were exactly what she needed and wanted to hear, but they were.

  After studying her a moment, he said, “You like that idea, don’t you?”

  She nodded. “I do. How can you tell?”

  “Because you’re perfect,” he said, leaning down to kiss her. “Perfect little submissive who needs a daddy.”

  The End

  About Amelia Smarts

  Amelia Smarts is a #1 Amazon bestselling author who writes sweet and spicy romance containing domestic discipline, spanking, and Dominance/submission. Usually her stories involve a cowboy, and they always involve a man’s firm hand connecting with a woman’s naughty backside. She believes it’s important to tell a good story in addition to portraying hot sex and discipline scenes. For each book, she endeavors to write complex, flawed heroes and heroines who struggle, but eventually succeed, in their journey to love and happiness. A longtime lover of the written word, Amelia holds graduate and undergraduate degrees in creative writing and English. She loves to read, which allows her writing to be influenced by many different genres in addition to romance, including mystery, adventure, history, and suspense.

  You can keep up with Amelia Smarts via her website, her Twitter account, her Facebook page, and her Goodreads profile, using the following links:

  Double Dippin’ Daddies by Mary Wehr

  Chapter One

  “I’m so sorry things didn’t work out between you and Dan.”

  Jamie looked up from her menu and smiled at her best friend. “It’s not your fault that he turned out to be a douchebag,

  “Yes, it is my fault. I introduced the two of you.” Lisa sighed and shook her head. “I really thought he was a stand-up guy.”

  “Well, he wasn’t and that’s on him, not you.” Jamie put down her menu. “Honestly, I’m seriously thinking about giving up dating guys my age. They’re too immature. Maybe I’ll check on the internet for an older man.”

  Jamie looked at her watch. Speaking of older men, in about one hour she’d be meeting Reed and Ethan Decker at her late father’s law office. It had been years since she had last seen her proxy uncles. The two brothers and her father had gone to school together and had been the best of friends. A part of her was anxious to see them again. Another part wished it was under more pleasant circumstances.

  The Decker family had been her neighbors ever since she could remember. Ethan and Reed used to come over quite often and spend time with her mom and dad. She remembered taking turns sitting on their laps while they played cards. Sometimes she’d end up falling asleep and Mom would put her to bed.

  Shortly after Reed and Ethan’s father passed away, they sold the house and moved to a dryer climate for the sake of their mother, Mrs. Cecilia Decker, who had breathing problems. Jamie missed them terribly. They used to visit twice a year, but when Mrs. Decker’s health had taken a turn for the worse, the visits stopped.

  She’d have to explain why she’d never contacted them when her father had passed away and why there wasn’t enough cash to reimburse them for their financial backing.

  After her father’s death from a sudden heart attack nearly a month ago, she finally made herself go to the office and go through his desk. That’s when she’d found a stack of invoices and the agreement the three of them had signed. What was she going to do? How was she going to pay them back? After she sold the house and paid off other outstanding debts there wasn’t much money left. She’d had to move into a small apartment.


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