Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas Page 85

by Madison Faye

  “Aw, baby…” her usually gruff Daddy crooned, “let’s get you cleaned up.” She grabbed hold of his shoulders as he twisted and reached for a box of Kleenex on the side table.

  Her gaze flew to Daniel, who looked as shocked as she was.

  A tissue appeared in front of her, and Grayson ordered, “Blow.” She glanced at Daniel, whose eyes were shifting between her and his partner as though he couldn’t believe what was going on. She couldn’t either.

  Still, she took the tissue, dutifully blew her nose, then used the second one he handed her to dry her tears.

  “Better?” he asked, to which she nodded, though when she took a deep breath, her whole body shuddered. “Okay. So, you had the proposal ready to go on Friday before we left, right?”

  “You know she did,” Daniel grumbled. “We both signed off on the fucking thing.”

  “You aren’t helping things progress here, buddy.”

  “What does it matter now? Unless we submit a clean proposal before midnight, we’re constructing a huge multi-site complex for a fraction of what it’s gonna cost us. I love her, man, but she’s well and truly fucked us, and her ass needs to pay for the price of her carelessness.”

  Grayson scowled back at him, his arms curling around her waist. “We’re equally responsible since we signed the contract unless she drew up new ones and forged our names, to sabotage us deliberately.”

  “I’d never!” she exclaimed. “I love you. How could you think that?”

  Daniel reached for her and dragged her into his lap. Brushing his lips against her temple, he murmured, “No one thinks that, baby, least of all Gray. He’s making a point.” His eyes rose to his partner. “I get it, okay. Now explain how our approved eighty-three-million-dollar bid dwindled to a fraction of that overnight.”

  Gray stared at him, as perplexed as Daniel was angry and as confused as she felt. “Let me see them, darlin’.”

  “They’re on the desk, Daddy,” she whispered.

  He gripped her knee and squeezed. “Show me.”

  Daniel released her, and she crossed to the paper-strewn desk and sifted through them. It felt strange doing so bare from the waist down. She looked at her skirt on the floor.

  Daddy D read her thoughts and said, “No. You have more punishment ahead. I want free access when the time comes.”

  Biting her lip, Erica stared at her two men, mystified. It was like they’d switched roles. Currently, Gray was glaring death rays into the back of Daniel’s head because her usually sweet daddy was being unusually inflexible. But she’d sort that out later. For now, she straightened the sheaf of disordered pages. She took about five minutes, but she soon had them in three neat stacks on the desk.

  The first pile contained the contract with all its legalese, naming the parties, describing the scope of the project, defining terms, etc. The second stack included an itemized list of materials, equipment cost, labor breakdown, fees, permit costs, the list went on and on, as well as construction specifications, several sets of drawings, and a disc with the spreadsheets. It was the largest pile by far. The third and smallest stack contained the disclosure documents, fee schedule, and the signature page.

  Both men focused on this last stack exclusively.

  After they studied the final projected cost on the line above their signatures, they looked at one another a moment, then turned to her.

  “I’m guilty, I know,” she wailed, then promptly trotted around the desk, her bare ass jiggling as she went, and retrieved the homemade oak paddle from its place in the corner hidden from sight by a large potted palm. When she returned, she extended it to them, wanting to finish her punishment in hopes it would absolve her of the overwhelming guilt she was feeling.

  “You don’t get to decide when, what, or how,” Daniel admonished. “Put that down and get your cute little ass back over here.”

  “Please, Daddy. The guilt I feel is crushing. Maybe,” she dragged in a stuttering breath, “if you punish me as I deserve,” she paused again for another gulp, “I won’t feel so horrible, and you won’t look at me like you hate me!”

  “Erica, stop.” This came from Gray, sounding more like the stern autocrat she was used to. “Once we look at this from all angles, if you deserve a busted ass, I’ll be the first in line to do it.” He pointed at the floor. “Get over here now and stop that incessant bawling.”

  She ran to where he pointed, and as she stood there, trying not to cry, Daniel’s hand glided up her spine to the back of her neck and squeezed reassuringly.

  “I don’t hate you. Never, ever think because I get angry, or paddle your naughty bottom when you need it that I don’t have unconditional love for you, sweetheart.”


  “Absolutely. You’re my precious baby girl. How could your daddy not love you?”

  He held out his arms to her. She went into them eagerly, and when they closed around her tightly, the heaviness sitting on her chest like an anvil ever since she’d told him her awful news eased at long last. Erica squeezed him back as hard as she could, but it wasn’t enough for him. His hand beneath her chin raised her face to his as he bent for a kiss—sweet, tender, and filled with the same love he showed before she made a muck of things.

  “Now that you’ve kissed and made up,” Gray drawled, “let’s figure out what happened between Friday and this morning.”

  Daniel ended things, raised his head, but didn’t let her go without tapping her nose in his usual playful show of affection. “But how?” he asked.

  Gray looked from her to the open door that led to her office. “You use Excel, right?”

  “Yes, and another program that works with your AutoCAD,” she replied.

  “Do you have them set to save automatically?”

  “You better believe it. I’ve lost files and had to recreate them too often not to.”

  He grinned. “That’s my girl. Pull up the last save from Friday before we left.”

  She sucked in a breath. “I hadn’t tried that. What are you thinking?”

  “I’m not sure, but if something funny went on after we closed up for the weekend, that will tell us.”

  She spun in excitement, unconcerned she was naked from the waist down and rushed to her desk. When her hot cheeks came in contact with the coolness of her leather chair, she let out a squeak but ignored it further as her fingers flew over her keyboard. The men, who had followed, loomed behind her watching as she worked.

  “Here it is,” she announced. “I’ll put it on the big screen.”

  She dragged her window over and scrolled to the last page. There she found a ten-digit figure, unlike the nine listed on the client’s server.

  “Oh, my God, Daddy Gray. You were right.” She slumped back in her chair, covering her face with her hands as she sobbed out her relief, overjoyed that it wasn’t her fault, but emotionally drained from the stress of the past few hours when she thought it was.

  Suddenly, her chair swiveled. Startled, she jerked, reaching for the armrests, but her hands encountered a beard-roughened face. Daniel knelt before her, his face looking ravaged.

  “Erica, baby, I’m sorry. I reacted based on assumptions and found you guilty before gathering all the facts.” He buried his face in her lap. “Can you forgive me for being such a narrow-minded asshole?”

  She looked from his bowed head up to her other daddy, her eyes wide in shock.

  Grayson smiled at her and winked.

  She curled over the man in front of her, her fingers sinking into his thick hair, as she pressed her lips to the back of his head. “There’s nothing to forgive. How can I blame you when I thought I was guilty too?”

  “If not for Gray, I’d have blistered your ass until you couldn’t sit.”

  “That’s not true. I’d be red, more so than I am now, and a bit sore, but you’d have had me cuddled in your lap long before the first welt, bruise, or blister.”

  His head came up. “You think so? We’re talking about losing our business
, our house, and everything we’ve worked for over the past twenty years. I was seriously pissed.”

  Her hands cupped his cheeks. “I know you were, but you wouldn’t be the daddy I love if you flew off the handle and punished me excessively even when angry.”

  He rose to his knees, speared his hands into her hair, and hauled her to him for a kiss. Erica opened for him without reservation, truly not faulting him for thinking the same thing she had.

  “Before you two get carried away,” cool-headed Grayson advised, “let’s get the correct proposal over to Murray and his team. The clock is still ticking.”

  Daniel pulled away, but not before he gave her another smoldering lip lock, his tongue invading and claiming her mouth passionately. When he released her and rose to his feet, he turned her chair to face her monitor, then stood like a sentinel at her back, a hand on her shoulder, the other stroking her hair while she tried to focus on her new task.

  “Are you trying to make her fuck it up for real, this time?” Gray growled, then gave Daniel a shove that would have sent her flying. It barely shifted him.

  She giggled at the fulminating glare he aimed his way, his only response. When her two sexy daddies left the room, she sighed with relief, because now, she could concentrate.

  Chapter Three

  Not ten minutes later, she joined them in Daniel’s office. Hands clasped in front of her since she was still bare from the waist down, she announced, “All done.”

  Grayson patted the empty spot on the couch between them where they were lounging and sipping a post-crisis glass of whiskey.

  “May I have one of those?” she asked.

  “No, you still have a punishment to take,” he replied.

  Daniel grinned at her. “And we all know you can’t hold your liquor.”

  Wide-eyed, she stared first at one than the other. “But I thought you believed me—”

  “We do, baby,” Daddy D explained. “But have you forgotten this whole thing started with you defying a direct order?”

  Crap, she had.

  Grayson set his glass aside and pulled her onto his knee. “Daniel gave you ten, but you’ve earned a helluva lot more than that. And a plug for the rest of the week while at the office to remind you who is in charge here.”

  “I won’t forget again.”

  “I hope not, darlin’, but I wasn’t done. About your orgasms—”

  Daniel’s groan interrupted him. “Not again. Dammit, man, you torture us as much as her with that shit.”

  “You didn’t enjoy a week of unlimited blowjobs?”

  “I did, who wouldn’t? But even lobster every night can get old. I need variety.”

  Grayson stared at him a moment, then burst into laughter. And, even though they were discussing her pleasure—or lack thereof for the immediate future—Erica couldn’t help but giggle.

  “I’ll give you variety, bud. What I had in mind for her punishment this time around was more creative than no coming and BJs on demand.”

  Her giggles evaporated. Grayson’s creativity always meant trouble for her. “What do you mean, Daddy?”

  He shifted her onto Daniel’s lap, then went to the desk and retrieved a paper bag she hadn’t noticed. “I was out shopping when I received Dan’s text, at the toy store.”

  When he came back to the couch eyeing her with a purely sinister grin, she swallowed. Uh-oh!

  “The BDSM boutique outside of Austin has a new inventory of silent vibrators.”

  His curiosity piqued, Daniel leaned over to see inside the bag. His low chuckle was not reassuring.

  She licked her dry lips. Yeah, Australia was looking pretty damn good right about now.

  Unaware of her escape planning, Grayson went right on explaining the details of his plans for her punishment. “The new butt plug I bought will stretch her nicely, humming soundlessly away while she works with no one the wiser, except the three of us.”

  “Holy cow,” she muttered under her breath.

  “And I found a butterfly.” Ignoring her commentary, he pulled a pink battery-operated device from the bag. Despite it being in one of those hard, heat-sealed blister packs that were so hard to open, Erica could see from the picture it attached with a clamp. Her clit tingled at the thought of Grayson clipping it on. “It’s small but powerful, and will sit between her lips, quietly buzzing away.” He grinned suddenly. “Bonus feature, it has a wireless remote with a three-hundred-foot range.”

  “I won’t be able to stand it,” she declared.

  “You will, or you’ll graduate to this.”

  She could practically hear the drumroll as he put his big hand in the bag once more and pulled out the next instrument of sensual torment. Erica gaped at the three-pronged gadget—also in pink—not needing a detailed explanation of what it was for, but Grayson gave her one, anyway.

  “This short prong with all the little ticklers will rest against that pearly nub in front. The long one in the middle is a vaginal stimulator. The wide nubby part near the base should sit right on your G-spot. Last, but not least, the graduated anal probe will slide in your bottom and deliver taboo backdoor thrills.”

  Daniel chuckled. “You sound like a product description.”

  “I should,” Grayson said with a sneaky grin. “I got it straight from the package.”

  “But Daddy, I can barely tolerate a dual vibe, how will I ever withstand a triple?”

  He patted her cheek, a wicked gleam in his eyes. “That’s the challenge, darlin’. One you’ll have to figure out how to conquer for yourself.”

  “I’ll die.”

  “No, you won’t. You’ll be a good girl, learn to obey your daddies, or suffer more consequences. Is that understood?”

  It was, including the lesson he was teaching, though no one said she had to like it. Although, with all those vibrating toys working on her at once she probably would. Not coming while screaming the roof off would be the problem. Still, she answered dutifully, “Yes, Daddy.”

  Satisfied, Grayson nodded and dropped the toy back into the bag.

  “We’re not so heartless we won’t give you a reprieve every so often, sweetheart.” She could tell by Daniel’s mischievous smile he was getting into the spirit of her punishment. “On breaks and at lunch, you can come in here and make all the noise you want.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  Daddy D leaned her back, legs in the air and gave her four hard swats on her sassy cheeks. He sat her upright again all in the span of a few seconds.

  “If you’re naughty, coming when you’re not supposed to or giving us lip like just now…” he paused, stared at her pointedly until her face flooded with heat, before resuming, “…you’ll get spanked, and we’ll add a day to your punishment.”


  “Yes, so you better behave.”

  Daddy G chuckled. “I’m definitely rubbing off on him.”

  “I’ll be utterly useless around here,” she complained. “I won’t be able to answer the phones, do payroll, or speak to anyone intelligently with those things inside me.”

  “Good thing next week is payday, not payroll, and with the proposal submitted and nothing else pressing, you can focus on sitting at your desk looking pretty while not climaxing.”

  This also came from Daniel. Grayson was right; he was becoming more like him every day. She didn’t know how she would manage two unyielding daddies ordering unique and humanly impossible punishments—one was plenty already.

  “What happened to my easy-going, laid-back daddy?” she grumbled.

  He laughed and pulled her into his arms. “He’s right here, but all this talk of spankings, vibrators and plugs, and thinking about you wiggling in your chair while trying not to come has turned him on. And I bet it’s got you wet.”

  Before she uttered a sound, Daniel had her back to the center cushion and her knees pressed to her chest. With his hands splayed across her raised thighs holding her in place, he used his thumbs to spread her pussy.

I suspected, pink, swollen, and gloriously drenched. You’re so damn beautiful, baby. Daddy’s gotta have a taste.” He didn’t wait for her agreement, not that he sought it or needed it. His tongue licked the length of her slit, from weeping hole to throbbing clit. Her head fell back when he raised her hips and repeated the long slow glide with this tongue but this time starting between the cheeks he’d pinkened with his ruler.

  She didn’t register the sound of a zipper until Grayson turned her head to the side.

  “While he’s busy down there,” he stated in a growly passion-filled voice, “you can get busy up here.” With his long, thick shaft in hand, he guided the tip to her lips and ordered, “Open.”

  As greedily as Daniel fed between her spread legs, she devoured Gray’s cock.

  She heard the rumble deep in his chest, signifying his pleasure, at the same time moans bubbled up from her throat in response to the exquisite pleasure created by Daddy D’s tongue.

  It wasn’t long until she was on the brink of coming.

  Her daddies, who knew her well, had other plans, however.

  Grayson withdrew from her mouth, ignoring her whimper of disappointment.

  Daniel sucked hard on her clit once more, then stood. His hand went to the button of his jeans while Gray pulled her up from the couch. Shucking his pants faster than she’d ever seen him before, Daddy D was soon naked and stretched out on the extra-long couch.

  His arms came up in invitation and she eagerly went to him. With his guidance, she straddled his hips and groaned as his cock slipped deep inside. He wrapped her up and brought her down to his chest, his mouth seeking hers in a heady kiss. She tasted herself on his lips, which she found incredibly arousing. His hand sank into her hair, holding her head to his as the cushions behind them shifted.

  Grayson kissed and nibbled her bottom cheeks, then spread her wide, gliding the flat of his tongue over the hole in back.

  “Baby girl,” Daniel whispered in her mouth. “I think it’s time you let Daddy Gray experience the pleasure of all of you.”


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