Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas Page 92

by Madison Faye

It was a play on the celebrity couples the tabloids had given nicknames to a few years ago. TomKat… Jimenny… Brangelina… didn’t people realize the fad had died out when all the couples with the nicknames split up? Talk about setting a relationship up for failure! Not to mention the fact with a nickname like Dick, it sounded like a play on lipstick or limp dick.

  Then the reality of what she was seeing hit like a physical pain in her chest and Daisy began to sob.

  How could this man who told her he loved her so very much do this? It didn’t make sense. The man she’d fallen in love with… her daddy… her dominant would never do this to her.

  She messaged from her BDSM profile…Daddyskitten.

  I don’t understand… please help me understand how you could go from I love you when we said goodnight and a text saying hi love the next day to blocking me and posting a profile picture with what is obviously a new love interest. I just don’t understand.

  Daisy cried off and on all night long, barely able to sleep, she was so distraught.

  The next morning Daisy woke with a headache from all the tears shed the night before. With a soft shuddering sob she picked up her phone and went back to her BDSM profile, clicking on Richard’s vanilla page. He’d now updated it with a relationship status. Apparently he and Lisa Perez had been in a relationship since December 13, 2017.

  Fresh tears burned behind her eyelids; it was now March 20, 2018, so for over three months she’d been sharing him with another woman and failed to realize it. Her heart felt as if it was being ripped from her body, the pain so deep it was visceral.

  She pulled up Lisa’s profile and noticed she was from the Philippines. Daisy remembered several months ago when she’d commented on a new picture post on Richard’s page that at least two women from the Philippines had commented, one saying “Looking good, sir” and another “Handsome, sir.”

  She’d asked him why two submissives from the Philippines were commenting on his vanilla page.

  He’d told her that he was a member of a couple of groups in the Philippines and they called everyone sir there. It wasn’t a BDSM group.

  Daisy had let it go even though she had friends from the Philippines and knew they didn’t call everyone sir. It hadn’t seemed worth starting an argument. She gave a low derisive laugh at her own stupidity. There was no way this was a coincidence. Upon closer inspection of Lisa’s page she noticed that her relationship was with Richard Alan Krentz rather than Richard Krentz.

  Taking a deep breath, Daisy clicked the name and the daddy dom page Richard had made for his new lady love popped up. As she inspected the page she saw the address listed was Keith Krentz and yet another knife stabbed into her heart.

  She’d seen this page in December when he was making it and it had upset her because it used her favorite picture of Richard and he’d used the meme with a dom’s hands and the word ‘safe’ above them. It was the same one he’d used on the page he made for her. Daisy hadn’t understood why he would need a second BDSM page.

  Richard had become enraged and berated her for her lack of trust. He told her the page was for work and that he had five different Facebook pages to check the applications he developed at work to see how they interacted with Facebook. Richard had said her behavior said a lot about how little she trusted him that she automatically assumed he was cheating on her.

  Again she had believed him and actually had felt guilty for questioning him. Later he denied he was ever angry and told her he’d been frustrated that because he’d been with his daughter he hadn’t been able to take the time to deal with her insecurities the way he should have as her dom. Of course he had been cheating on her… probably the entirety of their relationship.

  Now everything about their relationship was called into question. All of it could be a house of lies. He was certainly a lie; no dominant much less one who considered himself a daddy dom would ever treat a submissive the way he’d treated her. There were protocols to ending a BDSM relationship. The ending might still hurt but it should be clean and as gentle as was possible. No true dominant would leave a submissive feeling like she’d been drop-kicked by a mule and deliberately devastate her confidence as both a woman and a submissive.

  It was fitting he now used three names like a serial killer, since he was a serial killer in a sense—a serial killer of hearts. At least he was a serial something; in retrospect his lies seemed almost pathological and sociopathic.

  She knew he had trichotillomania, which was often accompanied by additional psychological and personality disorders. She’d decided he had a mild case and appreciated his honesty about it and decided not to worry about it.

  She’d also ignored concern over the fact that he’d overdosed on Nyquil to the point of hospitalization with near liver failure twice in their relationship. Once could be chalked up to accidental, but twice? Also red flags she’d ignored during the course of the relationship.

  Daisy had figured if you commit yourself to love someone, you do it warts and all since everyone has failings. She was far from perfect and had plenty of faults herself. Daisy had believed their love was strong enough to stand up to these problems.

  She could see now that her thought process had been completely faulty. That logic only worked if both parties loved the other and there was no way Richard ever loved her as he told her he did. The man she loved didn’t even exist; everything she’d believed about who he was as person was a lie. Most of what he’d told her was more than likely a lie.

  She wondered now if his numerous illnesses had even been true. They might have been but unfortunately now every word he’d ever uttered written or spoken was called into question.

  It now seemed entirely possible that when he’d been absent from her life and she’d been blocked from Facebook due to his ‘strokes’ he had actually been having other relationships and had needed to get her out of the picture.

  Chapter Two

  Daisy called her friend Renee, who was also in the Facebook BDSM/spanko community.

  When Renee answered, Daisy told her everything that had happened.

  “I thought he was gas-lighting you over that new Facebook profile,” Renee told her.

  “I’m so dumb,” Daisy said tightly.

  “Not dumb,” Renee said firmly. “There is something else I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you. Richard private messaged Liz last week. He tried to strike up a conversation with her but gave up when she updated her profile status that she and Henry were back together.”

  “This just gets better and better,” Daisy said with a humorless laugh.

  “You’re better off without him. You deserve so much more than he ever gave you,” Renee told her earnestly.

  “I know that in my head but my heart is having a hard time understanding how any of this is even possible,” she said softly.

  “It takes time but know people are here and we love you,” Renee told her.

  “Thank you. I need to go. I’ll talk to you later.” Daisy quickly got off the phone before she started bawling like a baby again.

  She needed a session… to submit to clear her head and get centered.

  Daisy messaged Jethro; he was one of her best friends and had actually been her training dom. He’d guided her into the world of BDSM with baby steps, helping her embrace that side of her nature fully and without shame. They would never be in love but there was real love and caring between them.

  She had always been able to tell Jethro anything without fear of judgment. In fact she’d shared a lot of the problems she’d had with Richard. Jethro had thought him shady and continually told her she deserved better and that even if Richard’s intentions were good he obviously couldn’t give her the level of dominance she needed due to his health.

  Jethro had told Daisy long ago she needed a full-time dom and disciplinarian who could keep her on track and keep her centered and balanced. Of course Daisy had thought Richard was that man; she’d really believed that once they’d gotten past his illnesses, things
would improve and his dominance would come to the forefront.

  A session with Jethro wouldn’t heal her heart but it would go a long way to restoring the ground she’d lost in her confidence as a woman and as a submissive.

  Taking a deep breath, Daisy called Jethro and told him all about the situation with Richard.

  “I feel like such an idiot,” Daisy told her friend.

  “You aren’t an idiot. He’s the idiot,” Jethro said vehemently.

  “Anyway… because I’m a gullible fool I bought all his shit—hook, line, and sinker. You were right, he was never going to give me what I need,” she said in a rush. “I’m not sure I even believe he was ever sick now.”

  “What you have now is real closure. Fuck that guy!” Jethro told her.

  “He’s certainly no dom or daddy dom to treat any sub that way,” Daisy told him.

  “It doesn’t matter. Fuck that guy, he doesn’t deserve any space in your head,” Jethro told her firmly.

  “You’re right. I think I need to focus on me for a while. I want to get healthy and more confident,” she said decisively. “I gained a lot of confidence working with you. Richard has knocked me off my feet again.”

  “It’s a good time to get back up and start fresh,” he told her.

  “I think a session with you would help me find my center again,” Daisy said softly.

  “I agree,” he said.

  They scheduled to meet in a few days at his house and Daisy couldn’t suppress a shiver of anticipation. It had been so long since she’d been able to submit herself completely. The few games Richard had played hadn’t even tapped the surface of her need.

  Jethro would not only paddle her ass, he would dominate her completely, commanding her full attention and leaving no room for anything in her head but him.

  That was probably what she missed most… the way a true dominant could make the world go quiet for a while, calming your fears and alleviating all the stress and tension filling your body, leaving you unable to do anything but feel.

  Daisy was surprised at the sudden trickle of moisture between her thighs. She smiled as she realized she’d gotten a little lost in thoughts of being under Jethro’s control.

  As she got ready to go to work, Daisy opened the drawer that held her vibrators and saw Big Bob, the giant dildo Richard had her buy to represent his large cock. Daisy smirked; that was probably a lie too.

  Bob was twelve inches long and almost ten inches in circumference at its widest point. She’d never been able to take more than a few inches of the toy because it was so thick.

  Glaring at Bob, she tried to decide what to do with it. It was a reminder of Richard she no longer wanted. Daisy grinned as an idea occurred to her.

  It was Richard’s birthday in a little less than two weeks. The large box of sugar-free toffee she’d bought for him was in her freezer. The man probably wasn’t even diabetic and she had a better present for him now. Humming to herself, Daisy carried the heavy dildo into the kitchen and grabbed her largest utility knife.

  She enjoyed hacking the representation of Richard’s cock to pieces so much she almost wished she had another one. The action was truly therapeutic.

  Pulling the box from the freezer, Daisy carefully unwrapped the decorative paper to open the box then dumped the toffee into the trash. Once that was done she carefully replaced the candy with dismembered Bob then rewrapped the package. On her way to work she would stop at the post office and ship Richard his birthday present.

  It really was a fitting gift, a dick for a dick.

  Chapter Three

  Every day Daisy felt a little stronger. She still got a little weepy on occasion, but when she was feeling sad she wrote in an effort to express the myriad emotions running through her.

  Knowing the depths

  of your perfidy

  the pain shouldn’t

  overwhelm, yet

  I am eviscerated

  by your lies

  and the knowledge

  that the love I lost

  existed only in

  the beat of

  my own heart

  never in yours

  The poem brought more tears, but it also released something deep inside her, so the next day she wrote another.

  I want to reach for you

  my pain and my need

  so great they still my breath

  but my love is not there

  the man I thought

  you to be never existed

  you were my world

  yet you abandoned me

  without explanation

  or even a word

  you were gone

  leaving me alone

  to mourn what never was

  to anyone but me

  Letting the words out was like purging poison from her soul, leaving her feeling sad but also relieved. Her friends were right; Richard Alan Krentz was not worth one of her tears and had no place in her mind, heart, or soul. She deserved far better.

  Daisy straightened her spine; she wasn’t ready to open her heart again but someday she would be and when that time came it would be to a man worthy of everything she had to give. A real man… a true dominant who could give her what she needed to make her heart, soul, and mind bloom open for him like a flower to the sun.

  * * *

  Daisy knocked on Jethro’s door, her heart in her throat. It had been a long time since she’d stood on this threshold to accept whatever punishment, pain, or pleasure Jethro felt she needed.

  Butterflies leapt to life in her belly.

  Then Jethro was there opening his arms to her and she flew into her friend’s embrace, feeling safe for the first time in a week. She cried against his chest, pouring out her sorrow and her rage at Richard’s lies.

  Jethro held her for a while, letting her cry and then he caught her by the shoulders and stood her away from him. “No more.”

  “What?” she asked with a sniffle.

  With a firm finger beneath her chin, he lifted her eyes to his. “He deserves no space in your heart or mind. I think it’s time to get you into a better head space.”

  Pressing a hand to the small of her back, he ushered her to the living room then stopped. “Strip.”

  Daisy felt a flush creep up her neck and into her face; usually they talked a little before starting a session. “Usually we talk a little before…”

  “That’s not what you need today. Strip… every second you make me wait is a stroke of the cane,” Jethro said, an implacable expression on his face.

  She shivered at the words and the stern expression in his eyes and immediately pulled her shirt over her head then kicked off her shoes so she could get her pants off, only to stop when she was in her panties and bra.

  “Good girl. Now the rest of it; this hesitation has you at four cane strokes before anything else.”

  Four cane strokes? Daisy quickly shed her bra and panties, leaving her inhibition behind. As she stood naked before him, Jethro became her only focus and she dropped to her knees at his feet, submission washing over her.

  A gentle hand stroked the top of her head. “I want you to bend over with your hands flat on the coffee table, legs shoulder width apart.”

  She hurried to comply, her breasts swaying heavily beneath her as she took position, arching her bottom high. Daisy kept her eyes forward, knowing from previous experience not to look back.

  The thin cane came to rest against the under curve of her bottom, reminding her of what was to come.

  “You will count them,” he told her.

  “Yes, sir,” she replied and the cane left her bottom then came back with a whooshing sound to leave a line of fire across her sit spots. Her back bowed and she gasped. “One!”

  Another stroke fell directly below the first and she whimpered before calling out, “Two!”

  Daisy was glad she only had four strokes coming. She hated the cane! “Three!”

  “Four!” She was so relieved when the last stroke fell, sh
e almost relaxed her position but remembered herself just in time.

  A smooth flat object slid between her legs to rest against the lips of her sex. Jethro rubbed it back and forth across her bare mound, wringing a soft moan from her. “Move your legs further apart.”

  Daisy eagerly shifted to open herself completely to Jethro. She was rewarded with a sharp swat of what she knew was a wooden spoon directly on her clit. “Oooh!”

  “I think having a stinging pussy while you suck my cock will help keep that mind of yours focused on me. Don’t you, little girl?” he asked almost conversationally while he delivered several more sharp swats to her vulnerable slit.

  “Yes, sir!” she cried out as an especially hard smack caught the edge of her clit again. The pain each time morphed into pleasure that had her clit swelling in response. In the past Jethro had brought her to orgasm spanking her pussy, but this time he stopped just before she was able to come.

  “Get on your knees,” he told her and Daisy sank down once more before him, licking her lips as she watched him unfasten his jeans to free his turgid cock. It had been so long and suddenly she was hungry for the taste of him… the feel of him in her mouth.

  She leaned forward, taking the swollen head between her lips, sucking and licking all around it. He felt so good.

  Jethro let her play with the head of his cock a little while before he firmly fisted his hands in the hair on either side of her head. “Play time is over.”

  All the tension that had been filling her for the last week left her body in a rush and Daisy relaxed as he drove deep into her throat. He took her mouth hard, his pelvis slapping against her lips, making her gag as the head of his cock hit the back of her throat.

  She held onto his hips for balance as he fucked her face, tears streaming as she fought her gag reflex and did her best to continue sucking and licking every part of his cock she could reach.

  “Good girl,” he told her as he continued to drive in and out of her mouth. “You take a face fuck so well… such a good sub.”


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