The Prince's Bride: A Naughty Royal Romance

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The Prince's Bride: A Naughty Royal Romance Page 5

by Adele Hart

  “We can go if you want. First thing in the morning. We’ll just fly home and spend Christmas alone in my apartment, watching movies and making love.” He pulls back and lifts his hands to my face, then kisses my tears from my cheeks. “Let’s just go. I can’t bear to see you this upset.”

  “No,” I say, shaking my head and clearing my throat. “I’m not going to tuck my tail between my legs and run off. They don’t have to like me but they will eventually have to accept that I’m going to be your wife. And if we’re going to be married, I need to hold my ground and stand tall because that’s what you need.”

  He smiles down at me. “God, you’re amazing, you know that?”

  “Yes, I do, actually,” I say with a hint of a smile. Then I give him a hard look and say, “But, if I’m going to do that, I need you by my side through it all, Henry. I felt really alone tonight.”

  “I’m sorry. I will insist that you are seated next to me from now on.” He gives me a long kiss, showing me how much he means what he says. Soon, kissing turns into so much more and I find myself undressed in front of him in the middle of the enormous bedroom. The light coming from the fire in the massive stone fireplace brings a warm glow to the room as he kneels before me in only his pants. He kisses my tummy and runs his fingers gently in between my thighs, finding me wet for him already. Parting my legs with his hand, he kisses his way to my pussy, then runs his tongue along the inside of my folds. I moan quietly, running my hands through his hair while he pleasures me. Thrusting his tongue inside, he has me writhing and my hips bucking. His tongue feathers along my lips, drawing out an orgasm from deep inside. I look down and watch as he presses two fingers to me and pushes his way inside. My muscles clench around his hand, and when he adds his tongue, I explode around him, moaning out his name. My hips buck and sway, begging for more, as he sucks and licks and strokes me with his fingers.

  When it's over, he pulls me down onto the floor with him, on the enormous bear skin rug in front of the fire. I lay on my back and watch him undress.

  Chapter 12


  I lay over her, feeling her hard nipples brush against my skin, staring into her beautiful eyes. I need to show her how much she means to me because if today was any indication of how unwelcoming my family is going to be, she’s going to need to know I’m never letting anything get in between us again. “I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, so you would know how absolutely perfect you are. You're everything I've been looking for in a woman.” I give her a long kiss on her mouth. “Nothing will ever make me stop loving you, Addie.”

  Tears fill her eyes. “That’s exactly what I needed to hear.”

  She reaches her hand up behind my neck and pulls me closer, then we kiss like there's no tomorrow. My cock throbs with need as she wraps her legs around my waist. I'm snug up to her ripe pussy now, and she's warm and slick against me. She bucks her hips, her body begging me to find my way inside her tight, little sex. I reach down and line my cock up to her, rubbing myself along the inside of her lips, wetting myself and watching her face as she closes her eyes and moans. That little sound has my cock twitching with excitement. Her hands run down my back and she pulls me to her even closer than we already were. I move my hand out of the way and glide into her wet, tight pussy, stretching her with every inch I give her. She winces a little and I stop for a second. Even though we’ve made love so many times in the last month, I’m still too big for her. “Are you all right?”

  Nodding, she says, “Yes. I want you to give it to me. All of you.”

  Those words make me wild. I want to slam myself into her, but I hold back and take it slow, nuzzling her neck and kissing my way up to her mouth as I make one final thrust. Her eyes fly open and she gasps. “Oh, fuck,” she cries out.

  I stop and wait for her to relax, kissing her long and deep, until I feel her body start moving under me. Her hips move in slow drags until I start up again, sliding in and out as carefully as I can. “You feel so good. You’re so soft and wet for me.”

  The look that she gives me now says, 'fuck me’ and I do. Her hands are on my ass, nudging me to thrust harder now. I pump myself into her over and over, feeling her pussy throbbing and soaking me, listening to her pant in my ear. Her hot breath against my skin. It's the most perfect moment of my life, taking her like this, in front of the fire. “You’re mine and I’ll do whatever I have to so I can keep you forever.”

  We move like this together for a long time, much longer than I thought I'd last tonight, until I can feel her starting to get ready to come. She closes her eyes tight and lifts her hips so I'm in even deeper now. My balls slam against her sweet, luscious ass as I feel her tense around my cock. It's too much for me to stop, I pump myself into her with two hard thrusts and let go, spilling my seed into her. She tucks her head into my neck as we come together, pulsing and moaning and kissing and holding each other until I've given her every last drop I had.

  When it's over, I gaze down at her flushed skin, falling even more in love with her beautiful face. She smiles up at me and we kiss some more as we recover.

  I sigh happily. “We’re going to be all right, Addie. You will be my bride soon and no one will ever tear us apart, I promise.”

  She’s smiling but behind that smile is fear and it breaks my heart. She’s been let down so horribly in her life but she won’t be by me.

  I kiss her again. “I promise you this is forever. I know it’s hard for you to trust, but I’ll be by your side forever, no matter what. I’d give up my throne for you. I’d give up my riches for you. I’d give up my life for you.”


  “Oh, Henry, there you are. I trust you slept well in your own bed,” My father says, looking up from his newspaper with a raised eyebrow that says he knows where I really spent the night.

  I left Addison sleeping in her room, having written a note in case she wakes, for her to relax in bed until I return with breakfast. Then I went straight to my father’s office.

  “Yes, Father. We need to talk.”

  “Certainly. Have a seat.” He sits back in his chair.

  I remain standing to show I am not going to be told what to do, even if it’s something so simple. “Whatever you and Mother have planned to do to chase Addison off, you can just forget it. I’m going to marry her and there is nothing you can do about it.”

  “What are you talking about? We don’t have anything planned.”

  Folding my arms across my chest, I say, “No? Like seating me next to Bianca last night? Or Mother refusing to speak to Addison?”

  He shrugs. “Talk to your mother about that. You know I don’t have anything to do with seating arrangements and I certainly can’t control how she greets people.”

  “Believe me I will. But I wanted to make it very clear to you that if you or Mother do anything else to show Addison she’s unwelcome, we will leave immediately and not return.”

  “Henry, stop being so dramatic. You almost sound like you’re willing to give up your future for this girl.”

  “That’s because I will.”

  The door to my father’s office opens and my mother walks in, stopping for a second when she sees me. Then she puts on a serene smile and crosses the room. “Henry, darling. You’re up early. I thought you’d be suffering from jet lag and we wouldn’t see you until close to lunch today.” She reaches up on her tippy toes and kisses me on the cheek. “Where’s your little friend today? Still sleeping?”

  “Cut the crap, Mother.”

  Gasping, she puts one hand on her chest. “Henry! How dare you speak to me that way.”

  “I’m putting you on notice, Mother. I know what you’re trying to do and it won’t work. If you try to interfere, I promise you I will leave Tanovia, marry her in the U.S., and make a life for us there.”

  “That’s ridiculous. You can’t mean that!”

  “I can and I do. Addison is perfect for me. She’s smart and she cares about people and she loves me for who I am, not my b
ank account.”

  “Nonsense. She’s a gold digger. Anyone with two eyes could see that immediately,” my mother says.

  “She is not. She’s studying to be a civil rights lawyer, and she’ll be a damn fine one at that. And she’s been a very good influence on me, actually. For the first time, I’ve made the dean’s list this semester, instead of skating by.” My tone is firm. “And you owe it to me to give her a chance.”

  “We don’t owe you anything,” my father says calmly. “You are our son. We’ve given you everything you’ve ever wanted since you were born and it’s time you repay us.”

  “And how exactly shall I do that?”

  “By breaking it off with this silly American and announcing your engagement to Bianca.”

  I shake my head. “Never. I’ve made my choice. You can either accept her or accept the fact that you will lose me.”

  “I can’t believe you’re serious,” my mother says, pretending to tear up. “After everything we’ve done for you,” she sobs into her hands. “I endured twenty-nine hours of hard labor to bring you into the world. Twenty-nine. ‘Take some drugs to ease the pain,’ the doctor said, but I refused. ‘I won’t do anything to hurt my child,’ I told him. And now, you just turn on us like this.”

  “I’m sorry if you think me ungrateful, but I won’t marry someone I don’t love just because you refused an epidural twenty-six years ago!”

  Chapter 13


  It’s been three days since we arrived and Henry whisked me away for two days skiing in the mountains, just the two of us. Literally. He somehow had the ski resort closed so it was only us and the ski patrol people. We stayed overnight at an incredible lodge his family owns that you can ski up to. It was amazing. He was such a patient instructor, always encouraging me and waiting for me in case I fell. By the end of the second day, I actually managed to make it all the way down the run without falling once, which I consider a major victory. It was wonderfully romantic to be on our own in such a gorgeous place and I fell even more in love with him, which I didn’t know was possible. It also makes this entire thing a lot scarier. When we’re alone together, it’s perfection. I’ve never been happier. But, I just don’t fit into his real life and I don’t think I ever will, which means I don’t know if there’s a happily ever after in our future.

  Today, we’re at the massive stone cathedral for his cousin Edwin’s rehearsal. Henry is one of his groomsmen, even though he and Edwin basically can’t stand each other. His parents wanted him to stand up for his cousin to show the monarchy’s unwavering support for the union. I guess his cousin is marrying the fifth in line for the Belgian throne, which will help with trade between the two countries. I’m sitting at the back of the church, feeling very out of place in my simple navy dress and beige heels. Henry is at the front, looking sexy in a black suit. I sit, watching him interact with the rest of the bridal party, knowing none of them would consider me good enough to shine their shoes. What am I doing here? I’m a waitress for God’s sake.

  I hear the clicking of heels behind me but I don’t turn to see who it is. Whoever they are, they won’t be coming to meet me anyway.

  Or are they?

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see a woman in a red dress approaching. She sits next to me and sniffs a bit, then turns to me. She’s absolutely gorgeous, with flowing chocolate colored hair and bright green eyes. She’s a tiny little thing too. I bet she spends hours at the gym each week and eats nothing but lettuce and grilled chicken breasts. She smiles stiffly and holds out her right hand. “Bianca Tidsdale.”

  “Addison Cooke,” I say, forcing myself to look her in the eye and smile.

  “I know who you are,” she says, shaking my hand limply, then pulling away and straightening her skirt. “I wanted to meet Henry’s latest conquest in person.”

  Latest conquest. She obviously thinks she can get under my skin but it won’t work. “Are you a friend of his?”

  “More than friends. I’m to be his wife when he finishes this silly little romp around America.” She turns to gaze at him and sighs.

  My entire body feels numb as I take in what she just said. She’s supposed to marry him. I should get up and walk away right now. Without another word. But I can’t move. I can’t speak. I just sit perfectly still, not even daring to breathe.

  “I’m sorry. I hope I’m not coming across as cruel by telling you that. I just thought it was kinder to let you know where you stand now, in case you…get any ideas about a future with Henry. He does tend to lead women on in a most horrific way,” she says with a little laugh. “But don’t be angry at him. I think he actually believes he’s falling in love with them.”

  My mind is spinning so fast, I can hardly keep up. “Where’s the ring?” I ask, looking down at her hand.


  “If you’re engaged, there should be a ring.”

  “That will come when the time is right. Promises were made three years ago but with these types of events, timing is everything. Officially announcing the engagement too early would be a mistake.” She folds her hands neatly on her lap and glances at me again. “I don’t mind that he’s stalling a little, or even that he’s sowing his oats. It means that once we’re married, he’ll have gotten it out of his system.”

  “Well, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think what he and I have will be ending any time soon.”

  She puts on a wry smile. “Poor thing. He’s really got you fooled, doesn’t he?”

  “Not at all. I see him for exactly who he is.”

  “I doubt that very much. He has to marry me. If he doesn’t, his family will lose all support from the government. My father’s the Prime Minister, and if he’s not happy, he’ll have the people vote them out of power.” She turns back to stare at Henry again.

  When I look at him, I see a look of panic in his eyes, not the confidence that I’m needing to see right now.

  “Do you really want to blackmail someone into marrying you?” I ask.

  “It’s not blackmail. It’s reality, and Henry’s always known what his duty was.”

  “And you’ll really be happy having a husband marry you out of a sense of duty rather than love?” I ask.

  “Oh, he’ll love me. We already know we’re extremely compatible in the bedroom. We share the same upbringing, the same friends, the same values. The affection will grow quickly from there.” She turns back to me and gives me a hard look, even though she’s still smiling.

  I swallow the words that sit on the tip of my tongue. I’m not going to lash out at her. I’m not going to yell or scowl or give her any hint that what she’s just said can affect me. With a woman like her, any sign of weakness means you lose. “If that’s what you really want, I wish you good luck.”

  “I don’t need luck,” she says. “I’ve already won.”

  With that she gets up and strolls to the front of the church. The rehearsal has just ended without me noticing, and the bridal party is standing around chatting. When she gets there, some of the bridesmaids squeal with delight as they give each other phony air kisses. When she gets to Henry, she reaches up on her tiptoes and tries to kiss him on the lips, but he turns his face at the last second, offering her his cheek instead. Without missing a beat, she wraps one hand on his forearm and strikes up a conversation.

  I sit, silently watching, looking for any sign that she’s right about the future. One thing’s for sure, I don’t fit in here and I don’t know if I ever will.


  I don’t have a chance to get Henry alone for the rest of the evening. He’s whisked off with the bridal party for photos, riding with the limo while I follow in a black SUV with Gabriel and Johan. Neither of them says anything to me the entire ride to the restaurant for the dinner. It’s like they know I’m done but they don’t want to say anything.

  Henry and I sit next to each other at dinner and he holds my hand under the table the entire time. We can’t really talk, but he does whisper in
my ear that whatever Bianca said to me, I should ignore it because he will always love me. I know this should make me feel better, but somehow, there’s a distance between us that has grown from being here among his people and I’m not sure what it will take to get back to being us. Or if we can even do that.

  After dinner, he’s expected to go back to Edwin’s manor for the night. He walks me to the SUV and then pulls me in for a long hug before I get in. I inhale the scent of his cologne, and suddenly start to feel my fears calm.

  Pressing his forehead to mine, he says, “You okay?”

  “Yes, fine,” I say, giving him my most confident smile.

  “Liar,” he says, leaning in to kiss me. “But I love that you’re trying hard to keep a brave face.”

  “I have a feeling I’ll need it if we’re going to make this work.”

  He pulls back and gives me a hard look. “What do you mean, ‘if?’ We’re going to be married, Addison. You do believe it, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” I say nodding. “I’m just feeling a little on edge. It’s a lot to get used to.”

  “I know. And I’m sorry I have to go tonight. If I had my way, I’d sneak you back to the lodge so we could spend the entire night making love in front of the fire again.”

  “Mmm. That sounds perfect.”

  “How about this? We get through the wedding, then tomorrow night, we’ll go back up there until Christmas Eve?”


  One of the groomsmen calls Henry’s name and tells him to hurry up already.

  I give him a quick kiss on the lips. “You should go.”

  “I wish I didn’t have to.”

  “It’s only one night.”

  “Yes. One night, then I’m all yours forever.”

  Chapter 14



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