Redeeming Kyle: 69 Bottles #3

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Redeeming Kyle: 69 Bottles #3 Page 8

by Zoey Derrick

  “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “Shh. It’s fine.” I intertwine our fingers and then pin them above his head with my own hands, grinding and pumping on his cock. I brush my nipple over his lips and he opens but doesn’t do anything. “Take it, please,” I moan and his tongue comes out, feather light and I move my nipple against him. “It’s okay, cowboy,” I’m breathing heavily, “take it.”

  I watch as he takes it into his mouth. My orgasm erupts around his cock. I can see he’s shocked by it because he didn’t know it was coming. Neither did I, but he starts pumping up into me and I moan. “Kyle,” I scream, “oh fuck.” I am so wrapped up in what’s happening between us that I didn’t even notice that Talon got up. He’s behind me, between Kyle’s legs and I feel the cold wet glob against my ass. “Oh god. Yes. Fuck yes.” It’s been so long since they’ve taken me in tandem and I soak it up. Feeling Talon ready me to take him, I pound harder against Kyle.

  “Easy, baby,” Kyle says and I slow down just as Talon puts the head of his cock against me. I nearly explode once again, but I bite my lip and Kyle releases my breast. The cool air swirling around it causes it to harden even more, pain pulses through me as Talon breaks that barrier, pushing the fattest part of his cock past my tight ring, then he makes quick work of sliding home and I explode around both of them.

  Neither one of them let up through my orgasm and another one is building hard and fast within me. “Gah, I can’t, too much…Fuck!” I moan and I become suspended between the two of them. My mind floats off as I feel weight and life lifting from my shoulders. Their pounding doesn’t stop, doesn’t let up and I don’t want them to stop. I cry out as the pleasure overcomes me and I explode around them in the most glorious, weightless orgasm I’ve ever felt in my entire life. Being claimed by them means I am theirs, wholly and completely.

  I collapse onto Kyle’s chest, panting. Talon withdraws first and Kyle, now soft, slides free of my slit. I don’t even realize when Talon leaves and comes back. He has something in his hand and he rubs it onto my lips. I can smell it, it’s sweet, I lick it and he teases me with it. Finally letting me have it. It’s chocolate. “Eat it, baby girl, it will help.”

  “What happened?” I moan around the chocolate. God, it’s fucking good.

  “Not entirely sure, but whatever it was, it was amazing. You just let go, your body tuned to ours and you let go,” Kyle says.

  “Felt so free of everything, like I was floating.”

  “I think you found something referred to as subspace. It’s a term used primarily in the BDSM community. It’s usually a point the sub meets when everything gets let go and she gives herself over to her dominant. Though I don’t know, as if I’ve never heard of it in a vanilla relationship,” Talon ponders.

  “This isn’t exactly vanilla,” Kyle chuckles.

  Talon joins him. “You know what I mean,” Talon says with a smile. “Let’s get you cleaned up, angel.”

  “I need a shower,” I groan. “But I don’t want to move.”

  Kyle wraps his arms around me, holding me to him and I lay there for some time.

  The next thing I know, I’m being woken up. “Hi angel.”

  I’m looking into Talon’s eyes. “Oh god. Why didn’t you move me?” I say to Kyle who’s still under me.

  “And miss the cuddle time? Never,” he says with a smile. I’m stiff when I sit up and there is a sheen of sweat on my torso.

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s time for you to shower while Kyle makes you lunch.” I groan. “You didn’t eat breakfast. I don’t want to hear it.” Talon smiles. “Come on, panda. I have a t-shirt ready for you.”

  I climb off of Kyle, kissing him before I dismount my man-pillow. My stomach rolls. “Quick,” I say as I reach for the t-shirt. I head for the door, throwing it over my head. I don’t care who sees me naked. I barely get myself covered when I round the corner. Shit, someone’s in the bathroom. Damn it. I race past Mouse on the couch and down the steps. I barely make it off of the bus before I wretch.

  “Addie,” I hear someone shout. “Shit, get a blanket,” Kyle yells back into the bus. He grabs my hair, pulling it out of the way and I puke again. Within seconds there is a blanket wrapped around me. My grip against the bus begins to slip as I continue retching. Someone wraps his arms around my shoulders, holding me up.

  After what feels like forever I finally stop puking and switch to heaving. Then after three or four of those, it passes and I feel better. Weak, but better.

  “Come on, baby girl, let’s get you inside. Dex is out of the bathroom. It’s all yours,” Kyle says while helping me to stand up straighter and I lean into him as he escorts me onto the bus and into the bathroom. Talon is talking to the guys but I can’t make out what they’re saying. Kyle closes the door and removes the blanket from around me and then pulls the hem of my shirt over my head.

  We switch places and he turns on the shower. “I can do this,” I tell him. “I’m alright now.”

  “I know, but let me get you started, and then I’ll go make you some food.”


  “Hey, I think food helps you stop from losing it. You don’t puke after you’ve eaten. But you haven’t eaten. I’ll keep it light. Chicken soup?” I nod. He kisses my forehead and we switch places again so I can step into the shower. Once I’m situated, Kyle leaves me to it.

  After my shower I return to the bedroom and chicken soup, saltines and toast. I sit down and eat it all. No wonder I have a pouch. “I feel like a pig,” I grumble as I take the last bite.

  “Do you want more?” I shake my head at Kyle. He kisses my forehead, collecting my paper dishes. “You’re not a pig, you’re just eating for two. Remember what the book said?” I smile at the memories of Kyle and I reading ‘The Book’ after the Cincy shows while Talon went out with the guys.

  “I remember, but still, I’ll be hungry again in an hour.”

  He chuckles softly. “Then I’ll feed you again.” He looks up at the clock. “We need to leave in about forty-five minutes.” I groan at him. “Sorry, love, we didn’t want to wake you, besides, it’s just the doctor.”

  Forty minutes later I am dressed in a pair of flannel pants. My clothes have always been very form fitting, not a lot of extra room and if this pouch is here to stay, elastic waistbands or unbuttoned pants are going to be my friend for a while. I wasn’t able to fully button up the jeans I was going to wear anyway and these just looked more comfortable. I put a cami on underneath my Nirvana t-shirt. Some things you just can’t change. The outfit looks great, except I’m wearing tennis shoes instead of boots. I know it’s all coming off when I get there.

  The guys left me alone to dress, so I grab my purse and head up front to meet them. Within five minutes, we’re in a car, on our way. We’re actually in an SUV that they rented versus the car service like they usually get. But given the location, I imagine they want to keep this as discreet as possible. Mills and Tori are in the front seat.

  My men are on either side of me and I can tell they’re nervous, but I don’t know how to comfort them because I’m nervous too.

  When we arrive, it’s a small office building and I know we’re going to the second floor.

  When we enter the office, it looks a lot like Dr. Paige’s back in LA. There is no one in the waiting room except for the receptionist. “Hi Addison,” the receptionist says.

  “How’d you know?”

  She smiles politely at me. “Dr. Paige told Dr. B to provide you with privacy and discretion. So there’s no one here now and she is closing when you’re done, so no one else will be here.”

  “She didn’t have to do that.”

  “Nonsense.” She smiles. “Can you fill this out for me?” She hands me a clipboard. I notice the majority of the paperwork is filled out already; I just need to fill in my insurance information. Which I have and do quickly. Verifying the information, I sign the papers and give them back to the nurse. “Perfect, thank you, Addison. Can you co
me back with me?”

  Kyle and Talon stand up. “Breathe, boys. Please let me do this initial part alone. I will send the nurse to come and get you as soon as my initial exam is done.”

  “But…” Talon protests.

  “I am not leaving you out of this. I just need to get my exam done without you guys there. I am nervous enough, I don’t need you guys freaking me out more.”

  “I promise you guys that if Dr. B does an ultrasound, which is pretty likely, I will come and get you,” the nurse says to them. They both relax.

  “Thank you,” I tell them, both kiss me on the cheeks and I go back with the nurse.

  “I’m Becky, by the way,” The nurse says.

  “Hi Becky, Addison, but you knew that already.” I smile at her.

  “They’re very protective of you.” I smile at her.

  “Yes, they are. We have a very unconventional relationship,” I tell her very nonchalantly.

  “As in, the three of you?” She gasps and I wink. “Wow. You go girl…” I laugh. “Okay, I’m going to take your height and weight, then I’m going to draw some blood so we can do a hormone test. That will confirm your pregnancy.”

  I chuckle. “I’m pretty sure I’ve got that nailed already.”

  She smiles, “Well, we will do it anyway, plus it will give us a base for where you’re measuring and how far along you are.” I want to roll my eyes. I already know, but that’s alright.

  I lean forward, putting my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands. The nurse just took Addison back for her exam and I can hardly breathe. Panic, fear, and anxiety…those are just some of the emotions running through me that I can name.

  “How you doin’, cowboy?”

  I scrub my face and sit up. “I’m a fucking wreck. You?”

  I feel his hand rub along my back. “The same.” I hear him take a deep breath. “I’m so confused right now. I don’t…I don’t know what to think.”

  He puts his head against the wall behind our chairs. His eyes are closed and I can see the tension in his neck. “Will this ever get easier?”

  “I’d imagine at some point it will,” he says quietly. “Though the way I feel right now, I don’t know that it will be anytime soon.”

  “You know, until this morning I think I was growing okay with it.”

  He brings his head up to look at me. “What changed this morning?”

  “The bump,” I say quietly. “I don’t mean it’s a bad thing, it’s just, it’s really fast, Talon.”

  He leans forward, much like I was a minute ago, scrubbing his face. “I know,” he says in to his hands so it’s muffled. “It’s not normal. Is it?”

  I shrug. “I don’t think so, but what scares me the most is what the book says.”

  He looks back at me. “What?” he asks slightly exasperated, I don’t blame him.

  “I read in the book, it doesn’t touch on the subject much, but it’s there.”

  “Spill it, please, Ky, I can’t…” He scrubs his face again.

  “Twins, Talon. The book talks a little about carrying multiples.” My heart starts racing as I watch the shock settle across his features. “It says that a sign of twins or,” I swallow hard, “more, means increases in symptoms, earlier signs of pregnancy…” I stop when his eyes widen. I don’t know what else to say but at this point it’s all speculation. I lean forward, “Aw hell, who am I kidding, I think my mind is just running out of control.”

  “God, I hope so. I can’t keep handling all of this unknown. It’s driving me crazy.”

  “It’s why we’re here,” I say.

  It only takes Dr. Breckenridge a minute to come in after I get seated on the table. “Hi Addison, I’m Dr. Breckenridge. It’s nice to meet you. Paige and I had a nice chat about you this morning.”

  “Great to meet you too.” Dr. B is young, like Paige is, she’s a little heavier set, but not at all unattractive. I’m comforted immediately by her. “I hope it was all good things.”

  She laughs. “It was. So, tell me, Addison, how are you feeling?”

  “Bloated, tired as hell, my boobs hurt like a bitch.” She laughs. “But other than that, I feel great.”

  “Good. We ran your blood work, I’m a little concerned.”


  “Because your hormone level is higher than I’d expect. When did you say your last period was?”

  “March fifth.”

  She does a twist of the circle in her hand. “That puts you due around December tenth. But that means you’re only five weeks along. Give or take a day or two. But your blood HCg is running about double that.” I slide down off of the table.

  I lower the blanket, “Would that explain why I have this?” I show her my little pouch.

  “That wasn’t there before?” she asks.

  “No, I just discovered it this morning.”

  She smiles at me. “I think it might. Let’s do the exam and then we will run an ultrasound, how’s that sound?”

  I nod and climb back up and lay back. She brings the stirrup cups out and helps me guide my heels into them. “Scoot down just a little bit.” I do as she asks and I can hear her stretching gloves. The room goes eerily quiet and all I can hear is the sound of my blood pumping through my ears.

  She starts her exam and I squirm. I’m sensitive, compliments of Talon and Kyle. “Does that hurt?”

  “No, just sensitive.”

  She laughs, “I’d imagine, keeping up with those two.”

  I blush as red as a cherry. “How’d…”

  She chuckles, “Becky is a little too talkative sometimes.”

  “Does that bother you?” I ask.

  “No, in fact, I think it’s awesome. So long as you’re happy, and I know Paige will understand too. She’s a wild girl herself.”

  “Oh my god,” I squeak. “I had no idea.”

  She laughs and continues. “Paige said your last pap was about nine months ago, I’m going to go ahead and run another one for you, if that’s alright.”

  “As long as you call with the results and then make sure Dr. Paige gets them.”

  “Of course.”

  I can feel her moving around down there and I try to ignore it. After just a couple more minutes she’s done. “This is going to be tender, but I will try and be gentle,” she says as she slides two fingers inside of me and then pokes along my lower abdomen. I flinch. “I can feel your cysts that Paige talked about. I also feel the reason why you’re here.”

  She pulls back, pulls off her gloves and throws them into the red container. Then I watch as she washes her hands and sanitizes them. The routine is so mundane; I realize that I’m over focusing on everything else to avoid the elephant in the room. Then she comes to stand at my side. “Paige said you had implants done about six or seven years ago.”

  I nod, “Is that going to be a problem for breastfeeding?”

  “I doubt it. You had them go in under the muscle for one, and for two, if your boobs are hurting that means they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing during pregnancy.” She begins examining one breast, she’s pushing and I flinch. “Sorry, sweetheart, I’m almost done.” She moves onto the other one. “No, I think you’ll do fine in the breastfeeding department, but the next few months might be really painful. You may start to notice your scars more. You have armpit incisions?” I nod and she pulls her hands back, covering me again. “I imagine that as you develop closer to delivery, you’ll see them and feel them again.”

  I nod and sit up.

  “What questions do you have?” she asks as she sits down to write down her exam notes.

  “I’m on tour right now, living on a bus, up late at night, is that going to be a problem?”

  “I don’t see why not. I’m going to give you a prenatal vitamin prescription that you need to take every day. I recommend at night, after dinner. Stay away from pain relievers other than acetaminophen for aches. Though I can tell you it won’t help much with the breast soreness. Stick to the rec
ommended dosage and do it as a last resort. If you catch a cold or think you’re getting sick, call Dr. Paige or me, one of us will call in a prescription for you or determine if you have to see someone. How much longer are you on the road?”

  I do the mental math quickly. “Seven or eight weeks, can’t remember for sure, but we have a break where I’ll be going back to LA.”

  “When is that?”

  “Um, four or five weeks from now.”

  “Good, make an appointment with Paige. With your history of PCOS, I can imagine she will want to keep you under supervision throughout your pregnancy. You’re not exactly considered high risk at this point, but you’ll need to pay attention to your body. If it tells you to sleep, sleep. If it tells you to eat, eat. If you feel pain or aches, pick up the phone and call one of us. Here…” she reaches over and pulls a couple of pamphlets off of the wall holders, “read these, they’re shortened lists of good foods, bad foods and what to avoid, like caffeine. There’s dozens of books out there, but I recommend the What to Expect books.”

  “I have one.” She chuckles. “They’re a little bit excited.” I jerk my head toward the door and shrug.

  “I can tell. They were chomping at the bit to come back here. Becky put them in their place.” She laughs again. “That’s good for them to be that way. Which is going to lead me into my theory.”

  “Your theory?”

  “Based on your blood tests, my exam just now, your little pouch already and the high flush of hormones you seem to be experiencing, I think there is a good possibility that you’ve got twins in there.”


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