Strand of Deception

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Strand of Deception Page 29

by Robin Caroll

“It wasn’t easy. Remember, I don’t have the stomach for violence.”

  Yet he stabbed his dead girlfriend and staged her body.

  “It was the hardest thing to do. Stabbing her. I threw up so much that I started throwing up blood.” He shook his head. “I can’t get the stink of vomit out of my house.”

  “Where’s the knife?”

  “I tossed it in the Mississippi River. I knew the boyfriend is always the first person the police look at. I couldn’t risk anyone finding it.”

  “You drove her to the place where you left her?”

  “I put her in her car, drove her there, and left it as close to what Hailey’s had been, at least what the news had said. When I got back home and was cleaning up, I noticed I’d nicked myself on the knife.”

  “You left a drop of blood on the back of her shirt when you placed her in the car.”

  Tiddle nodded. “And that’s what happened.”

  Nick stared at the man. Cold. Heartless. Unforgiving. Nick couldn’t help but wonder if he’d be that way in a few years if he didn’t change his attitude. Change his life. Change his anger at God. He could easily end up just like Mom had warned Dad: bitter without hope. Speaking of Dad . . . without excusing himself, Nick headed out into the hall and lifted his cell.


  “Dad, I think I owe you an apology.”

  “For what?”

  “All these years I’ve believed you favored Roger. That you loved him more. That nothing I did could ever measure up to him.”

  “Oh, son. That’s not even close to the truth. You were always the easy one to be so proud of. Great grades, a true gentleman, never giving your mom the rough times. You were always so respectful and honest.” Dad’s voice cracked. “You two were as different as night and day. There was no comparison between you.”

  Nick’s chest constricted. “I guess I just never realized.”

  “Son, we’ve always been proud of you. So proud of the man you’ve become. You are a good man, Nicholas. I love you.”

  Nick’s throat threatened to close. “Love you too, Dad. I have something I need to do. I’ll call you later.”

  Nick stepped outside, his mind and heart both overwhelmed. Despite the myriad emotions and thoughts overtaking him, Nick knew one thing for certain: he didn’t want not to spend eternity without Maddie.


  Six Months Later

  Maddie walked out of the courtroom, her arm linked through Nick’s. Bobby Rust had just been found guilty of sexual assault on Nettie Sloan nine years ago. Maddie’s heart pounded. “Finally, she’s getting justice.”

  “It was nice that she apologized to you.” Nick kissed her forehead. “I’m not quite sure what she was apologizing for.”

  “Doesn’t matter. It’s all okay.”

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  She turned and smiled. “I love surprises.”

  “I know you do. Come on.” He put her in the car, then held up a blindfold.

  “You’ve gotta be kidding me.”

  “Nope. If you want your surprise, you have to put it on.”

  Maddie jerked it from him and secured it over her eyes. The car started. “This feels weird to be riding and not be able to see.”

  “Not too far.”

  “You’re a man of mystery, Nicholas Hagar.”

  “Hey, speaking of mystery, do you mind if I go to church with you on Sunday morning?”

  Her heart thrumped. “Of course. Yes. I’d love for you to come.” God, I don’t know what You’re doing, but thank You.

  She spent the next several minutes praising God for pulling on Nick’s heart. He was now truly the perfect man. At least for her.

  The car stopped. “Hang on, I’ll come around and get you.”

  His door slammed. Hers opened. His touch made her smile as he helped her from the car. With him leading, she walked over asphalt, then ground. “I’m feeling a little wobbly.”

  “Just a little bit farther.”

  Finally, he stopped her. “Here we are. I’m going to help you sit.”

  Talk about blind trust. She let him ease her onto what felt like a bench.

  “Just a second.”

  Rustling sounded. A breeze caressed her cheek.

  “Okay. Take off your blindfold.”

  She did, and blinked. Where were—? “We’re in Elvis Presley’s backyard.” Her heart pounded.

  “We are indeed.” Nick smiled as he sat on the bench beside her.

  “But how—this isn’t open to the—”

  “Don’t ask, just enjoy.” He handed her a wrapped box about four inches by four inches. “For you.”

  Her fingers shook as she untied the bow. The paper fell away to reveal a lovely jewelry box. Her breath caught in her throat. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Open it.” Nick’s breath was warm against her face.

  She eased it open. Sitting inside, atop red velvet, was a stunning marquise solitaire.

  Her heart went into triple overdrive. She lifted her gaze to his.

  “Madeline Baxter, you make me a better man. You fill my heart with a completeness I never knew existed. I’ve fallen in love with you, and if you’ll do me the honor of agreeing to marry me sometime in the future, I’d be the happiest man alive.”

  She blinked the hot tears away. “Yes.” She could barely speak.

  Nick slipped the ring on her finger. When the weight of the ring was released, the box began to play.

  With the slowest of movements, Nick lowered his head and kissed her. Soft, tender. She leaned into him, responding with all the love in her heart. He wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss. And the music box serenaded them . . .

  Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,

  That saved a wretch like me.

  I once was lost but now am found,

  Was blind, but now I see.

  T’was Grace that taught my heart to fear.

  And Grace, my fears relieved.

  How precious did that Grace appear

  The hour I first believed.

  Through many dangers, toils and snares

  I have already come.

  ’Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far

  and Grace will lead me home.

  The Lord has promised good to me.

  His word my hope secures.

  He will my shield and portion be,

  As long as life endures.

  Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,

  And mortal life shall cease,

  I shall possess within the veil,

  A life of joy and peace.

  When we’ve been here ten thousand years

  Bright shining as the sun.

  We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise

  Than when we’ve first begun.

  Dear Reader,

  Sharing this story with you was so much fun for me. Thank you for coming along and participating in the Justice Seekers series and getting to know the Baxter siblings.

  So much of Maddie’s struggles with “science doesn’t lie” came from within my family. I’m grateful you’ve allowed me to share.

  While familial DNA testing is being done, at the time of this novel’s publishing, it is not being done in Tennessee. I took quite liberal literary rights in incorporating the guidelines and details from another state and applying them to Tennessee.

  I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know the last Baxter and see Nick find love. It’s a bit bittersweet for me to say good-bye to this series and these characters. I hope the Justice Seekers series touched you in some way.

  As an avid reader, I love to connect with other readers. Visit me on my website at and sign up for my newsletter. You can connect with me o
n Facebook at or write to me snail mail: PO Box 242091, Little Rock, AR, 72223. I can’t wait to hear from you!


  Robin Caroll

  Discussion Questions

  1. By her own profession in the field of science, Maddie had trouble reconciling her faith with her job responsibilities. Have you ever had a conflict between your faith and ideals against your job duties? Discuss and explain how you felt and what you ultimately did.

  2. Nick had his own ideas of justice and had difficulty with acceptance. What does Scripture say about our role in justice (see Leviticus 19:15 and Deuteronomy 16:20)?

  3. Maddie built up a wall around her heart because of being hurt in the past. Have you ever done something similar? How? Discuss how you overcame, or if you are still dealing with the issue, how you are handling it.

  4. Nick seemed to have survivor’s guilt because his brother died and he didn’t. Do you ever feel guilty for something that is beyond your control? Discuss how you can use Scripture to overcome this type of guilt.

  5. Brody’s pre-Christian past came back to haunt him. Everyone has a past. Are there pieces of your pre-Christian lifestyle you wish never happened? What does Scripture tell us about taking responsibility for our actions (see Romans 3:19)?

  6. David had ulterior motives when he met Gina, but he dropped them when he fell in love with her. Discuss ways the outcome could’ve been different for David had Gina not found the photos. One instance can change our lives. Discuss times in your life when one instance totally changed it.

  7. Senator Ford had a lot of power, but that couldn’t help him with the death of his daughter. Have you lost someone you loved? How did you handle the grief? Discuss John 16:19–21 and what it says about grief.

  8. In the end, Nick realized he was wrong about his father and forgave him. Forgiveness is often something we Christians struggle with. What does Jesus tell us about forgiveness (discuss Matthew 6:14–15 and Matthew 18)?

  9. Cynthia Mantle was quite the character. Have you ever met someone like her? Been a friend to someone like her? Discuss what friendship means to you.

  10. Familial DNA testing is new and cutting-edge. Do you believe science doesn’t lie? Discuss ways you can help improve our legal system.


  The research for this novel was massive. Below are some of the sites where I’ve gleaned some information:




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