One Shot [IAD Agency 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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One Shot [IAD Agency 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 7

by Laurie Roma

  For now.

  “What did you say to Charlie after you fought him?”

  A small smile appeared and Tara visibly relaxed, leaning back against the wall. “Just told him something to make him feel a little better about getting beaten by a woman.” She tilted her head to the side. “What’s up with all the questions?”

  It was his turn to shrug. “I just want to get to know you better.”

  “I can’t decide whether you’re trying to be charming or just annoying.”

  Julian chuckled. “You’re kind of snarky. I must be sick because I kind of like it.”

  “When you’re good at something, you should stick with it.”

  “See, snarky.”

  Tara shot him a look. “I’m going with annoying.”

  That made him laugh. “I would prefer charming. This is what two people do when they get to know one another…ask questions.” He paused for effect, his expression serious. “What’s your favorite color?”

  She almost rolled her eyes at the question. “Black.”

  “Is that really considered a color?”

  She gave him a small smiled. “It is to me.”

  Julian smiled in return. “Mine is white. Aren’t we a pair? Favorite flower?”


  “Ah, but what color?”

  She laughed at his boyish grin. Damn, he was charming her. “Bloodred.”

  “Somehow I knew you were going to say that.” He chuckled.

  Tara didn’t know what to make of him. “Is this really what you want to spend the time we’re stuck in here talking about? My favorite whatsits?”

  “Whatsits? Is that even a word? I told you I want to get to know you, Tara.” He couldn’t take his eyes off her. “Have dinner with me tonight.”

  Tara’s smile faded slowly. “I’m not here to personally entertain the corporate mogul. I’m here to work.”

  “That is unfair to both of us,” Julian said quietly. He felt the tension in his body but forced himself to overlook the insult. He made a conscious effort to keep the anger out of his voice as he spoke. “I’m sure we are both professional enough to have dinner together without it messing with the business aspect of our relationship. We have chemistry. You can’t deny it.”

  He glared at her, hoping for intimidation. It didn’t work. He became instantly wary as Tara’s dark eyes hooded, those long, dark lashes lowering sensually as she smiled that small mysterious smile of hers.

  “I haven’t denied anything.”

  “The denial was implied.”

  “Is that so?”

  Jesus, this woman had him twisting in knots. Julian ached to touch her and the temptation was straining his control. Don’t say it, don’t say it. Ah, to hell with it. “Something about that crooked smile of yours makes me want to kiss you every time I see it.”

  “Is that so?” Tara lifted an eyebrow to go with her smile.

  “Is that all you have to say?” Julian snapped impatiently.

  Tara had to restrain herself from jumping him and tearing his clothes off. Verbally sparring with him was making her so…hot. Adrenaline still pumping through her from fighting in the gym, desire was a living, breathing entity burning her from within. She knew soldiers often had this reaction after battle. As they said, sex and violence often went hand in hand and Tara definitely wanted to put her hands on him. And her mouth and her tongue…

  She quickly reminded herself that this wasn’t a good idea. She was working for him, well, with him at the moment. If she gave into the lust curling in her belly, it could complicate things. She had the distinct feeling that he was not the type of man she could play with and walk away unscathed. She had to think this through before she let her libido take over.

  “Dinner wouldn’t just be dinner and you know it. Do you honestly think I’m going to sleep with you just because you say you want to kiss me?”

  Julian’s smile returned. “No, but at least you recognize we are going to be sleeping together.” His smile took on a sharp edge and a wicked gleam shone in his eyes as he leaned forward, elbows braced on his knees. “And, sweetheart, we are going to sleeping together. Actually we won’t be getting much sleep, if you want to be technical. I just need to know if I’m going to have a problem with either of your bodyguards.” He angled his head and his eyes lowered to focus on her lush lips before lifting back to hers. His voice grew deeper, tight with lust and a touch of anger. “Something is going to happen between us and as long I’m touching you, no one else will be.”


  Now that pissed her off. Tara’s voice got hard. “Sorry, Mr. Vegas, but I’m not going to fall in bed with you just because you say come, so save your ego for the showgirls and socialites. Just because I roll with the boys doesn’t make me an easy lay.”

  His eyes widened. “Is that what you think? Jesus, I don’t think you’re easy. I must really be messing this up.”

  He leaned back and sighed, rubbing a hand over his head. “I want to get to know you. Contrary to what you may think, I don’t hit on every beautiful woman that comes into my casino. I just want, need to know if you are involved with one of them. I don’t have many rules when it comes to getting what I want, but I don’t poach.”

  Julian’s shock had been genuine enough to ease her temper. Licking her lips slowly, Tara watched as his eyes darted down to follow the movement of her tongue. Saw the need flare in his eyes. She felt herself getting wet, her body preparing itself for him as a shiver of anticipation flowed through her.

  He was right.

  Tara knew he was right, but she had a point to make.

  “If all you want is to get laid, why don’t you take one of your guests up on their offer?”

  Shit, Julian remembered that embarrassing encounter the other day when they had first arrived at the hotel. “Yes, women do tend to offer, but that doesn’t mean I accept.” He smiled tenderly. “Sweetheart, I don’t want them, I want you. Honestly, I haven’t even thought of another woman since meeting you.”

  This time she did roll her eyes at him. “I bet you say that to all the ladies.”

  “I don’t.”

  Tara blinked in surprise at the seriousness of his words. She studied him and could tell that he was telling the truth. Damn it, he was making it clear that he wanted her and she obviously wanted him back so what was holding her back? So the world was in jeopardy and she was currently on a covert mission, but really, when wasn’t the world in danger?

  Why couldn’t she do her job and play a little?

  “We’ll be so good together,” Julian whispered softly, his gaze like a caress as it skimmed over her. “Just spend some time with me, get to know me.”

  His words touched her, making her heart flutter. Slamming down the emotions those thoughts brought up, Tara reined herself in. No, this wasn’t about her heart, this was about lust. Pure, raw lust. Wanting to keep things more visceral, she leaned forward slowly.

  “We’ll see.” Her words whispered over his lips before she pulled back.

  His hands jerked up to grip her shoulders tight, holding her in place. Tara could easily have extricated herself from his grasp, but she allowed herself to be held in place, enjoying the sensations he stirred up. Usually she would be inclined to shove a guy’s balls into his throat if he held her like this. Instead, she was surprised by the feelings converging inside her.

  His jealously had ignited a wildfire of want deep within her. She was surprised by her own answering resentment at the thought of him touching anyone but her. What would she do if he had taken that bimbo up on her offer? If he had, he wouldn’t be the kind of man that she wanted. But he didn’t and she did want him. They stared at each other in silence, a battle of wills waged without a single word spoken.

  Julian released her arms but she didn’t move away from him. She tilted her head to the side. “You’re angry, why?”

  At first Julian didn’t know how to reply. Why was he angry? Truthfully, he didn’t like the feelings she w
as stirring up inside of him. He was a man who controlled his world, who knew who he was and got what he wanted.

  People usually found him intimidating, bending to his will easily, but not Tara. She remained a mystery to him. For a man who read people for a living, that was like shot to the gut…or maybe his pride.

  No, he couldn’t read her, but Julian felt as though she were looking inside his head, seeing all of him. He never had someone turn the tables on him like this and he didn’t like it. Not one bit. Now he knew how others felt around him, and frankly, it sucked. He couldn’t read her eyes or see anything she was thinking.

  It was unnerving.

  He let his breath out slowly. “I can’t read you. I can read anyone but I can’t read you. It’s…”

  “Pissing you off?” Tara supplied.

  He gritted his teeth together. “Yes.”

  Tara laughed. Arguing like this with Julian was like foreplay, and it was making her horny as hell. Damn, she was enjoying this.

  His dark sapphire eyes flashed with impatience. “You’re playing with me.”

  She sobered. “I just met you, Julian. You shouldn’t be able to read me. And that shouldn’t make you angry.” She knew she had it bad if she was explaining herself to him.

  The angel on her shoulder was telling her to change the subject, do the right thing and find her way to safer ground, but the devil on her other shoulder was telling her to forget the rules and sate this craving she had for him so she could get him out of her system.

  Never one for playing it safe, the devil won.

  “You’re right, though.”

  His smile was genuine. “Two words every man loves hearing. May I ask about what I’m right about?”

  “This chemistry between us.” She sighed. “So, we should do something about it.”

  “I completely agree.”

  “Good,” she nodded as she unzipped her jacket. “Take your clothes off.”

  Chapter Six

  Julian blinked in surprise.

  Not many people could catch him off guard, but Tara certainly did with the subtlety of a sledgehammer. “Excuse me? I must have gone deaf for a moment. I don’t think I heard you right.”

  He was unsure that his brain was working properly since her words had sent all the blood in his body rushing down to his rigid cock where it was currently trying to bust through the seam of his pants.

  “You heard me.” Tara stood up. “Take your clothes off.”

  She shrugged off the jacket and dropped it to the floor, uncovering that perfect body. Looking at her made his mouth water and his hands ache to touch. She was all muscle and glorious, tanned skin, with full, ripe breasts cupped within the confines of her black sports tank.

  The synapses in his brain reengaged as she started to lift the tank over the flat expanse of her stomach. Seeing the golden flesh exposed was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. Not tempting fate, he refused to look and scrambled to his feet. He grabbed her wrists, using his large body to cage her back against the wall. Nostrils flaring, Julian’s breath heaved out as he glared down at her. “What kind of game are you playing?”

  “No game,” she responded easily. She took the opportunity to nip his chin gently with her teeth and was rewarded with his low involuntary groan. “I want you, you want me. I think its simple enough. Why complicate things?”

  She kept her eyes on his as she pulled her wrists from his grasp and slid his suit jacket off his shoulders. She began unbuttoning his dress shirt slowly, exposing the muscular expanse of his chest. Her gaze drifted down to the sprinkle of blond hair peeking out and fought back her impatience as she wanted to see more.

  Much, much more.

  Julian reached up and gripped her arms again, holding her back. His hands flexing on her as he struggled for control. “Once you start this, there is no going back. I want you too much.”

  Tara’s tongue slipped out, seductively running along her bottom lip. His gaze dropped down, mesmerized by the pink tip.

  He swore softly. Christ, he wanted to devour her.

  His heart thudded in his chest, blood roaring in his ears. Watching her throat working, images of her swallowing his cock flickered through his head. Fuck. He was going to have a permanent imprint of his zipper on his flesh if he didn’t get his pants off soon.

  “Be sure, Tara.”

  The warning was out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Why the hell wasn’t he taking what she offered? He wanted her with a heat that rivaled the sun and now he was fucking giving her an out?

  What was wrong with him?

  He wanted her more than he wanted his next breath and was perilously close to begging if she changed her mind.

  Her sly smile was all the warning he got as she took the front of his shirt in her hands and tore it open with a quick yank. Buttons popped off from the pressure and pinged lightly as they hit the floor.

  She hummed with pleasure as his muscular chest was revealed in all its glory. She leaned into him, loving the feel of her breasts rubbing erotically against his bare chest.

  “I’m sure,” she whispered before sealing her lips over his in a kiss that stole his senses.

  Julian groaned in pleasure. His grip changed, hands traveling up to hold Tara’s head in place to ensure she didn’t move as his mouth worked over hers. He wanted to breathe her in, taste the essence of her.

  He wanted to consume her.

  Angling his head, he used one large hand to force her jaw down, opening her mouth to his seeking advance. He took advantage of the opening and stroked his tongue deep, desperate to have any part of his body inside of hers.

  Good god, her taste was like coming home.

  Her flavor exploded like honey, wickedly sweet on his tongue. He had never tasted anything so wonderful, so exciting. Shoving her back against the wall, he pressed his arousal against her, grinding hard so that the pressure of it both satisfied and made him ache for more.

  Excitement had flared within him as she had literally ripped the shirt off of him. He had never had a lover act so aggressively and he found himself loving it. He reveled in the knowledge that he didn’t need to hold back with her. She had woken up the animal inside of him that he usually hid from the world, but she could take it. She was a match to his strength, in body and in mind.

  Tara moaned as she rose onto her toes, pressing herself closer to him. Immersing herself in the feel of him, she let the flames of passion take over and burn her alive.

  More, she ached for more.

  Julian was a strong man, so much larger than her and she felt a thrill as she stroked her hands up over the expanse of his muscular arms and broad shoulders. She loved his strength, how small she felt in his arms. Here before her stood a fully aroused, powerful male who made her feel like the most beautiful, desirable woman on earth.

  Sharp sexual need drove Tara to rub her body against Julian, trying to quench the burning fire within her body. He was holding her tight, so tight against him that she could feel the steel-hard spike of his desire, thick and hot, pulsing against her.

  And she wanted it.

  Wanted it deep inside her.

  Dragging his mouth away from hers, Julian worked his lips down to the curve of her neck.

  “I’m all sweaty,” Tara moaned.

  “I don’t care.”

  Julian pulled back to stare down at her with a blazing hunger that she had never seen before. Her breath caught.

  “Christ, I want you,” he groaned, all the longing he felt there in his voice.

  “Show me.”

  Julian gripped her head in his hands to hold her steady as he kissed her again. No, this was nothing as simple as a kiss. This was two mouths mating. Lips crushed together, straining, slanting over one another. Tongues met, plunging deep, touching, tasting.

  Tara’s arms wound around Julian’s body, craving the feel of him. Her small hands felt the taut muscles of his back flex with her every touch and she reveled in the power she had over this m
an. She let out a moan of frustration as her hands moved to his hair, gripping tight as she ground her hot, wet pussy over his covered cock.

  She wanted, ached, burned for him to fill her. Trapped inside the elevator with Julian, she pushed reality back and just let herself feel. She sucked his lower lip into her mouth and bit playfully, feeding on him, wanting to drive him out of his mind with need like he was doing to her.

  Impatient to touch and feel any part of Tara that he could, Julian let out a growl and plastered his body against hers. His hard cock pushing against her mound, making them both moan with desire. Lifting one of her legs, he wrapped it around his waist.

  Thrusting his hips against her, he rubbed the hard flesh of his cock against the wet cloth covering her weeping pussy. It wasn’t enough. He knew that she wanted him, but he needed to feel it first. Releasing her leg, he shoved his hand down past the elastic of her shorts, fingers delving straight into her hot, wet heat.

  She was commando.

  Oh, how he loved a woman who got down to the basics.

  Tara’s head fell back on a strangled cry as Julian roughly shoved one large finger into her dripping pussy. “Oh, god!”

  Julian took advantage and bent down to feast on her neck. His own body was on fire as he felt her flesh clench at him, trying to hold him inside her. He used one finger to push inside, teasing her with a slow, deliberate penetration.

  “You are so wet,” he panted against her neck. “Do you like that?”

  “Yes, more, I want more.”

  “More? Like this?” Julian’s finger retreated only to be joined with another so that two pushed into that tight, hot hole insistently, working back and forth into her wet core. “Tell me, baby, is that what you want? My fingers inside your tight little pussy, fucking you like this?”

  “Oh god, you’re a talker,” she groaned, lost in the feeling of his fingers moving inside her.

  Julian let out a strangled laugh as he slowly stroked his finger into the slick, hot velvet of her cunt, not letting her control the tempo of his penetration. “Is that a problem?”

  “No,” she panted. “Not as long as you follow up the talk with action.”


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