Obsession: Loving an Alpha Male

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Obsession: Loving an Alpha Male Page 17

by S. K. Lessly

  Her breathing started to become erratic, so Josh got out of his car, walked around to her side and opened the door. He unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled her out of the car and into his embrace.

  “Kenya, I need you to trust me.” He pulled her back and cupped her chin between his two fingers. “I want to officially introduce you to who I am. I want you to know everything about me, and I hope if you do know me, you’ll tell me everything about you.”

  “You seem to know everything…” she added an eye roll after her response, remembering he used her birth given name last night and just a few seconds ago.

  “I know the basics, but I don’t know everything. But I really want to.”

  He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips once then twice, and by the fourth time he felt her relax.

  He took her hand in his and kissed it and led her to the building. The moment they entered the building they were met with security. Josh signed her in, and they gave her a temporary ID. He then guided her to another security checkpoint in order to go through a metal detector. Josh removed his keys, his wallet, and from behind his back he pulled out his SIG Sauer P229 service weapon and placed it in a bowl that the security guard held out for him.

  Kenya looked at him wide eyed and in complete shock as he talked with the security guard. He walked through and collected his things. When he turned, placing his gun back in his holster on his hip, he expected Kenya to walk through and froze when she wasn’t moving.

  “Who are you?” Kenya mumbled loud enough for only the security guard and Josh to hear.

  The security guard smirked and looked over at Josh.

  He said, “That’s a loaded question, isn’t it?”

  Josh sent him a look that made him shut up quick and face the front. Josh’s eyes went back to Kenya as he placed his wallet in his pocket and his ID back on his jacket.

  He told her, “Come with me, and I’ll show you.”

  Kenya watched him for a second longer before she went through the security check process and ended up in front of Josh.

  “It’s not as bad as you think,” he told her.

  She scoffed. “Ha… Let me be the judge of that.”

  He laughed and took her hand in his. “Let’s go, Sweets.”


  Okay it was official, I was in love with a bad ass for real. He guided me through the halls of the FBI building and more and more I was beginning to believe him and fear him all in one. The transformation that had taken place between the time we left his car to the time we entered the building, was astounding.

  The deep frown he always had when he thought I wasn’t looking was back. He looked at everyone we had passed with calculating and judging glances. If he was comfortable, we’d keep walking, no problem. But if he felt something different, he put his arm around me and pulled me close to him. There was one thing he continued to do though, and that was hold my hand.

  We got to a door that had “Intelligence” written on it. He took his ID and swiped it over a badge reader and we walked in. The room was a basic space. There were about five desks in the room with a large meeting table and two huge white boards. There were four windows that brought in natural light, which brightened up the otherwise dismal space.

  There were about seven people in the room, men and women, and they were just standing there watching us.

  At first, I thought maybe we were in the wrong room until Josh said to them, “Everyone this is Kenya. Kenya, this is everyone.”

  I waved saying a cheery or what I thought was a cheery hello. They continued to stare. It wasn’t a rude stare; it was more of a shock and awe kind of stare.

  I looked up at Josh, who moved us closer to the group.

  Still holding my hand he said, “So since you’re standing around not doing shit, I take it you have what I’ve asked for.”

  That brought them out of wherever they were, and they started moving again. I let go of his hand, which brought me a look of my very own.

  I smiled at him and sat on one of the desks next to me. Seemingly satisfied on my choice of a location, he turned and received folders and updates on whatever they were working on. I tuned out what they were saying because I hadn’t a clue, and I just watched him in action.

  I have to tell you, he was quite impressive and in no way was it a show for my benefit. He was telling the truth when he said he worked for the government. If the ID, badge, and gun didn’t convince me, the way these guys were treating him and how authoritative he was right now was very telling.

  I squirmed on the desk a little, getting turned on by the sheer power and dominance he was exuding right now. He took off his jacket, and I could see the print of his gun in the back of his jeans. I could also see the print of his taut solid muscled ass. I moaned softly, remembering how he felt when I grabbed it last night, and as my eyes traveled up the scrumptious back muscles that I gripped and scratched, I was met by a set of dark blue eyes.

  Realizing I was caught ogling, I placed a look of being stunned on my face.

  “I’m sorry did you say something to me?”

  His eyes grew darker, and he smirked at me. The promise he held in his eyes made me turn bright red, and I looked away and again the room was still and silent. I then noticed the stunned and shocked looks that were directed at me, which made me blush even more.

  Josh walked over to me and whispered, “Come with me.” He gripped my hand and pulled me to my feet. He looked at his team. “I’ll be in my office. The moment you have what I want, call me.”

  He practically dragged me behind him as he maneuvered between desks and tables. We walked down a short hallway and came to a closed door. Josh opened it and moved back so I could walk through.

  Inside held a desk, which sat to the left of the room with a comfortable looking leather chair behind it and two chairs positioned in front of the desk. There were two tall file cabinets against the wall to the right and a large window facing me. The walls had a few pictures on them but nothing that showed Josh’s personality. I walked to the window and looked out to the parking lot where he parked his car.

  I turned to face him, ready to bombard him with questions, and the second our eyes met, I forgot what I was going to say. Hell, I forgot my own name and the fact that I was mad at him and hurt.

  Watching him walk toward me with the look of hunger in his eyes made my heart skip a few beats. Once he got close, I let my instincts and my desires take over. I reached for him by gripping his shirt, and I pulled him into me. I moved to the tips of my toes, closed my eyes and waited for his fine ass lips to touch mine, and once they did, my goodness…

  I found my dress hiked, myself lifted, and planted on his desk. He moved in between my legs, and I traveled my hands underneath his shirt to feel his abs and chest. I felt Josh go behind his back then, and I heard something hard being placed beside me. When I moved my hands down his back, I realized he moved his gun for me.

  He pulled back from me and looked in my eyes.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said his voice raspy and taunt as if he was barely keeping control.

  I frowned, unsure what he meant, and he said, “We have a lot to go over. I’m sure you have questions about everything that’s happened. And I’m fighting the urge to bend you over my desk and bury myself deep in your pussy until we’re both unable to walk.”

  I couldn’t control myself and the idea of having him again, so I said softly, “Um, I’d like to be bent over your desk first, then we can talk.”

  Josh smiled and leaned his forehead to meet mine. “That’s the sexiest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at his silliness, but that laugh died the moment he kissed me. Our kiss became deep the moment our lips touched. I moaned as his hands went to my breasts. He caressed them as he softly caressed my mouth. I couldn’t believe how horny I was getting. I mean, never mind us being in his office… or if the door was even locked. I wanted to get him undressed, I wanted to see his impr
essive hard on that I knew was itching to reveal himself.

  Shakily, my hands went to his belt buckle, and I began to blindly undo it. Josh, never leaving my lips, moved back slightly to give me room. This was so unreal. Last week was only my first time having sex, and now I was about to have sex on a desk in the office with the man who took my virginity, the man who was not who I thought he was, and most importantly with a man who I was in love with.

  I got the buckle open, unzipped his pants and buried my hands in his boxer briefs to grab him and release him. Josh’s breath hitched, and he moved from my lips to my neck. Man, he was driving me crazy.

  My breath started increasing, and my hips started moving, wanting and needing something hard between my legs to rub up against.

  “Josh,” I said softly.

  “Sweets,” he managed to mumble through clenched teeth.

  I realized my hand was moving up and down his shaft with long meaningful strokes. Hearing Josh make these noises deep in his throat told me he loved what I was doing.

  I concentrated, staying calm so I could ask, “Did you lock the door?”

  “Yes…” he sat up and met my questioning gaze. He cradled my face in his hands and said, “Baby, tell me this is truly what you want to do because I’m losing the little control I have. You stroking me like this baby is… shit, I don’t think I will be able to contain myself.”

  I want this I know I do… I’m just leery about being heard having sex. The decision was ultimately done for me when we heard a knock at the door.

  Josh growled but kept watching my hand move up and down. He closed his eyes, and I felt him shiver. It was really a true turn on to see this strong hard alpha male in front of me being controlled and weakened by my small hand.

  A hard knock came again then a female voice said, “I know you’re in there, the minions told me so. You better put that little guy away and let me in before I break in.”

  I stopped moving my hand and looked wide–eyed at him. “Can she do that?”

  Josh growled again and backed up from me. I looked down at the little guy, as it was described, and noticed even though I disagreed about the size, it had definitely become unexcited rather quickly. I looked at a very pissed off Josh as he zipped up his pants and re–buckled his belt.

  I took his lead, got up and fixed my dress. I sat back down on his desk and tried to settle my breathing.

  Josh opened the door and I heard him say, “I hate you!” to a beautiful dark skinned woman.

  As I looked at her more closely, I realized it was the same woman I saw Josh with the other night.

  The woman before me wore a plain white t–shirt with a deep v in the front of her shirt. She wore dark blue spandex jeans, black stilettos and a shoulder holster with the butt of her gun on prominent display.

  She smiled at Josh then her eyes fell on mine, and her smile dropped. She stared at me closely, making me feel completely self–conscious.

  “Will you stop staring at her, Misty?” I heard Josh’s voice bellow, but Misty never moved her eyes.

  Josh moved close to me and looked at Misty.

  “Well hell, I’m sorry, Cooper. The minions said you brought your woman to work with you, but I didn’t believe it. This is just too good to be true.”

  I froze, not being able to allow any oxygen in my lungs. I stared at him with eyes wider than saucers… probably the size of a freaking plate. Did she just call me his woman? I mean, I knew that didn’t seem too far–fetched it was just hearing someone else say it sounded… crazy… especially since I hadn’t agreed to it, and he hadn’t asked either.

  Josh, clearly amused, leaned into me and whispered, “Breathe, baby.”

  I obeyed and let out a long breath. He chuckled and gave me a chaste kiss on my cheek, and I blushed.

  “Oh my God.”

  I looked up at Misty, and she just stared at me then at Josh.

  “What?” Josh asked, frustration evident in his voice.

  She continued looking at him.

  “Oh, don’t look at me like that. For as long as I’ve known you, which by the way has been close to a decade, you’ve never been like this around a woman.”

  Josh looked over at me then took my hand in his. He brought it to his lips.

  “I’ll give you that.” He lingered his lips on my hand for a second longer then said, “You still don’t need to stare.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m just in shock, that’s all.”

  Josh shook his head then said, “Kenya, this is Misty, my pain in the ass partner. Misty, this is the one I almost lost because of you, and the love of my life, Kenya.”

  And… I’m bright red.

  “Holy shit… she changes colors on queue. Too amazing.” Misty moved closer into the room, smacking Josh on his back. “I see you took my advice to get her back, didn’t you?”

  Josh frowned. “Fuck no. If I would have listened to you no telling what would’ve happened. You don’t know shit about women.”

  Misty shrugged and sat down in one of his chairs.

  “Eh, I never said I knew anything about women and relationships. All I know is how to fuck, and you know I know how to do that well.”

  I gasped, and Josh looked to the floor and shook his head.

  “You’re a fucking idiot, you know that?”

  Misty looked at him then me and realized what she said.

  She shook her head. “Oh no, sweetheart, he and I never had that kind of relationship. He’s not my type. I have fucking standards, and I’m definitely not his standard.”

  I couldn’t help it. “What is his standard?”

  “Oh my God, shut the fuck up, will you?” Josh frowned and shook his head.

  What I noticed was Misty not caring at all about the intimidating frown on his face.

  “Please, you know that look does shit to me. Besides, I wasn’t going to say anything crazy.” She then looked at me. “Me, I don’t date the brooding type is what I was going to say, Kenya. And as far as his type, well as you can see, I’m immune to his charm and bright attitude.”

  I laughed and looked over at him. Josh, still not smiling, shook his head.

  “You came here for a reason. What is it?”

  Misty smiled and looked at me. “See what I mean? All business. Is he like that in the bedroom when you two are doing the nasty? Look at him, he’s probably all stiff and shit. Come on, girl, you can tell me.”

  ….Crimson is what you should call me because it seems to be my color.

  “Fuck, Misty,” Josh moved to Misty and grabbed her arm and pulled her out of her seat. “You’re out of here.”

  Misty laughing and put her hands up, “Okay, okay I’ll behave… Seriously, I came in here for a good reason.”

  “Yeah, and what would that be?”

  Just then his door opened and in walked a rather strikingly good–looking man with jeans and a three button pull over shirt. His hair was short with wild and crazy brown curls.

  “Did you update him yet?” he asked, and I liked to cream my panties.

  His English accent was heavenly. Josh rolled his eyes but didn’t reply.

  Misty, smiling at him and then at the new guy, said, “No, I haven’t. I was just about to before you walked in.”

  The guy moved his eyes to mine and raked me with them. I fidgeted slightly under his heavy scrutiny then I saw his eyes light up with approval then something else entirely.

  “Who’s this, your CI?”

  I heard Misty laugh then Josh possessively moved to me and grabbed my hand.

  “She isn’t my CI.”

  “Oh no, this is Josh’s woman, Jacks,” Misty said.

  Jacks really?

  Jacks looked at me and never changed the interest in his eyes.

  “Is that so, mate?”

  Josh walked in front of me like a shield and said, “Yup, so get those ideas you have out of your mind now.”

  Ho–ly Shit!

  I couldn’t see anything, but I heard Jacks reply wit
h a little tension in his voice. “It’s like that then?”

  “Yeah, it’s like that.”

  There was silence then finally I heard Jacks chuckle, “Okay, mate, I understand. She means something to you then?”

  “Yeah, she does, so watch that shit before I beat your ass.”

  “Well, if she’s worth a toss, why don’t you introduce her?”

  Being tired of all the testosterone in the room, I got up off the desk and walked around Josh to stand in front of him

  “I’m Kenya.”

  I looked behind me at Josh and frowned at him, then stretched my hand out to Jacks.

  “Hello, Kenya, eh? What a beautiful name for a very beautiful woman.”

  Jacks took my hand and began to raise it to his lips when Josh took my hand away.

  I frowned. “Josh…”

  “Uh–huh, Sweets, you have no idea where those lips have been. Believe me, I’m looking out for the both of us.”

  My eyes grew wide, and I realized I was so out of my league here.

  Josh said, “Can you two get on with the update so that I can get back to what I was doing, before I was interrupted?”

  Both Misty and Jacks looked at me, and I wanted to melt through the floor. I needed some air.

  “Um, I saw a restroom sign down the hall. If you guys will excuse me.” I smiled politely and practically ran out of that room.

  Chapter 13


  “She seems sweet.” Misty smiled at him.

  “She is,” Josh answered tersely.

  “And very pretty I might add. I didn’t know you preferred that kind of taste.”

  “I’ve never specifically required a certain taste, as you call it. It’s always varied.”

  Misty eyebrows rose. “Is that so?”

  She didn’t believe him one bit. The years they’d known each other she’d seen his taste, and they were all shades away from hers and Kenya’s for that matter.

  “Well, I don’t know where you met her, but I hope you’ve had your taste and your fill.” Josh bristled and Jacks laughed, “Oh come on, Josh. That Pollyanna will pack her bags and leave you dry the moment she gets a whiff of the real you.”


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