Obsession: Loving an Alpha Male

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Obsession: Loving an Alpha Male Page 26

by S. K. Lessly

  I grunted. “Not for me.”

  “Get the fuck out of my apartment, Jacks,” Josh bellowed.

  I heard Jacks say, “See, I told you… Sweet, my ass… she’s all spice…”

  “And I love her… I swear Josh, fuck up and your ass is filleted,” I heard Misty say as she disappeared down the hall.

  Josh shook his head, then said, “Jacks’ an asshole, but he means well.”

  I folded my arms and grunted. “I’ll take your word for it.”

  Josh looked at me stunned. “You’ll have to tell me what he said to you that day at the restaurant.”

  I kissed Josh quickly, then pushed him out.

  “Uh huh, as soon as you get home I’ll tell you.”

  I closed the door behind him before he asked me to tell him right there. I hadn’t brought up anything Jacks said to me. I knew he was saying things to get a rise out of me, and I didn’t take any credence to it. I had asked Josh about Emily after that and we talked about her, but I never told him what Jacks said about him and her. The idea that Josh could have felt for Emily the way he felt for me was unnerving, but I didn’t ask him about it. I did know that I needed to have that conversation sooner rather than later.

  Maybe I’ll bring it up when he gets back or on our trip to DC.

  Before I walked away from the door, I heard a quick knock. I opened it, and Josh quickly took my face in his hands and kissed me. I felt the wall against my back as he devoured me with one of those kisses that made my panties melt away. Our tongues did one of our favorite dances that would always end with us naked and wrapped in a heated, sweaty embrace.

  When Josh pulled back from me, he rested his forehead against mine.

  He took a few deep breaths and said, “I’ll be back in a few hours, and we will see how long we can go until the cops come knocking.”

  I smiled and brought my hands in his hair. It felt like that moment we both needed to feel each other, to touch each other. I knew being in his arms I felt content and safe, and just knowing he came back for this moment brought tears to my eyes.

  I swallowed them down and said, “Do you think you could last that long?”

  “Are you challenging me, woman?”

  I giggled. “Only if you’re up for it.”

  Josh suddenly picked me up, causing me to squeal with shock and delight.

  “Baby, I’m always up for a challenge.”

  I brought my fingers to his cheek and caressed him.

  I said softly, “Then you better hurry up so you can get back.”

  “I love you, baby, so fucking much.”

  I closed my eyes and rested my forehead against his. “I know…” I said softly.

  “Good. Don’t you ever forget it.”

  He let me down at that moment and slowly moved back from me. I watched a series of emotions pass through his eyes before they were his normal shade of blue.

  He touched my cheek with his finger and told me, “I’m leaving the car for you just in case you need it. I can see it in your eyes you want to go to the store for something.”

  I nodded and smiled. “You know me so well.”

  “I won’t be long.”

  He touched my lips with his finger then left the apartment.

  After I locked up, I headed straight to the shower to let some cold water calm me down then I did exactly what Josh said I would. I changed into jeans and a sweatshirt. I grabbed his keys and rode out to south side works to do a little shopping that I needed. I bought a couple of things like little shampoos, toothbrush; stuff like that. I made sure I had appropriate things to sleep in… t–shirt and long pants. If Josh thought I was sleeping with him naked in his parents’ house; he was sadly mistaken.

  I rode past Finn’s and decided to stop and hang out with Joy and some of the girls. It was packed in there as usual, so I propped myself at the bar and talked to Aaron and Joy for a few, just trying to pass the time away until Josh was done.

  I gave it about an hour before I decided to make it back to the apartment. I’d been out for a while now with shopping and drinking. I thought I’d wasted enough time, and he’d be calling me telling me to be on the bed butt naked and ready. I grinned and made my way to the car when it hit me. I remembered what I had left in my old apartment.

  I kept the bus tickets and other trinkets and memorabilia from my travels in a shoebox on the top shelf of my closet. I wanted the memories to be with me always. The box meant a lot to me and had sentimental value, but then again, if it did, I wouldn’t have left it right…

  Anyway, I thought about turning around and asking Ivan to come with me, but he was really busy. I thought about asking Josh to meet me tonight so I could get it, but honestly, why do all that when I could just swing by and get it real quick? I had my taser with me, so I should be good. And if it felt wrong, I wouldn’t even get out of the car.

  I made my way to my street and the coast was clear and everything seemed normal. My phone started ringing, but I ignored it. Josh had the knack to know exactly when I was getting in to something I shouldn’t with just the sound of my voice. If I answered the phone he would probably know what I was doing instantly. So I just left my purse in the car, grabbed my keys, and headed to my apartment.

  Chapter 18


  It took the entire ride out to Robinson for Josh to calm down. He was pissed as hell at both Misty and Jacks. They really didn’t need him tonight. They just wanted to get in his shit for being MIA for a few weeks.

  Sitting in the front, he turned to Jacks who was driving and said, “So tell me again why you needed me on this adventure of yours?”

  Misty spoke up from the back of the truck.

  “I’m not sure. I mean, the owner of the company you worked for wanted to talk to you as well as us.”

  “Okay, I get that, but why set up the meeting now? Did he say they had more they wanted to share?” Josh asked.

  “Actually I think so,” Misty added, and Josh simply nodded, and suddenly a sense of urgency to get this night over with so he could get back to Kenya came over him.

  “So how serious is it with you and Sweets?” Misty smiled and leaned up against the front seat of the truck.

  Josh remained quiet and continued to stare out the window. He remained quiet, not because he didn’t know, but because he didn’t feel like sharing. What he and Kenya shared seemed sacred to him, and he didn’t want to define anything without talking to her first. One thing he did know though, he was going to make her his wife and the mother of his kids sooner rather than later.

  He pulled out his phone and looked at it. He thought about calling her just to make sure she was okay, but they pulled up to the house. The urgency feeling still rode him as they walked up to the door of Mr. Howard, CEO and owner of the Howard and Bradshaw Investment firm.

  A woman clothed in a dark blue dress opened the door to greet them. She escorted them to a sitting area and advised Mr. Howard would be with them in a minute. The sitting area seemed very cozy and posh with expensive antique couches and chairs that were probably made to be looked at rather than sat on, and dark wood floors with a plush area rug that sat in front of the couches and chairs enveloped the space underneath them. There was a large fireplace and mantel with crystal figurines and family photos.

  “Shit, I feel like I just entered an Ethan Allen catalog. This place is nice don’t you think?” Misty asked as she looked around the room then found a seat.

  Jacks didn’t seem too impressed as he responded, “Yeah, if you like this kind of thing.”

  Misty shook her head, “What the hell is your problem?”

  Jacks sat down next to her on a couch that Josh didn’t think was strong enough to hold one person up, let alone both of them.

  “I don’t have a problem… I’m just sick of being around rich spoiled blokes who think the world revolves around their asses.”

  “Yeah, so I guess you hate your fucking self then…” Misty rolled her eyes and mumbled, “Rich bas

  Josh found a seat of his own and ignored everything around him. The feeling of uneasiness was getting stronger. He didn’t feel right, but he couldn’t pin point why. It was possible he was walking into something here, but he doubted it. No, it was something deeper. Wasting no time or thinking about it further, he took out his phone again and dialed a number from heart. His phone rang three times in his ear before it picked up.

  “I thought I was off duty?” the man said on the other end.

  “Relax, you are… I just need to ask if you removed those cameras from around Kenya’s apartment yet.”

  “Yes, I did it yesterday like you requested. I left the ones facing the front door and back door though. Why? Do you want me to check them?”

  Josh thought for a moment then replied, “No, have Junior do it. I need you to go down there and make sure everything is okay. I have this feeling something isn’t right, and I’ll feel better if you’re there tonight.”

  Stanley sighed. “All right, Coop. What am I looking for?”

  “I don’t know. Just keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. I’m going to call her to see where she is and let you know. I know for a fact she’s out, but I’m not sure where.”

  “Do you think she’ll go to the apartment?”

  Now that, Josh thought, was the million–dollar question.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “All right, when I get there, I’ll call you.”

  Josh hung up and quickly called Kenya. When her phone rang and went to voice mail, he hung up and sent her a text: ‘Where are you?’

  “It’s not the same…” Jacks began to say, as Josh tuned back into his surroundings, but stopped and blurted. “Holy shit!”

  Josh frowned and looked at Jacks. Jacks seemed focus on something that had him looking white as a sheet. He followed his line of sight and found himself unable to move. He wanted to ask how the hell she had gotten here but knew this woman standing before them couldn’t possibly be her.

  The woman walked into the room and smiled. “Good evening, I’m Jessica Dowler. My father will be with you guys in a second. I just wanted to check to see if any one of you wanted something to drink; water perhaps.”

  The woman looked at Misty, Jacks then Josh and stayed on his face.

  Josh couldn’t breathe as he stood to accept her hand. Standing before him was the splitting image of Kenya, right down to the beautiful shaped eyes and smooth caramel skin. The difference was this woman was older and had brown eyes and long hair, contrast to Kenya’s green eyes and short hair.

  The next person he saw was the man of the hour and a very beautiful dark skinned older woman, followed by four others both looking similar to Jessica.

  Josh’s head started spinning as the realization that he was brought here for more than just a mere case hit him like a freight train. He looked at the stunned faces of both Misty and Jacks and wondered what the fuck was going on.

  “Agent Cooper, I’m pleased you could make it.” Mr. Howard stretched his hand out to Josh. Josh moved to accept his hand cautiously, while looking at the others in the room. “I’m sure you’re wondering why you all are here?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m wondering.”

  “Great! Well, let’s get to it. You’ve met my youngest daughter, Jessica. This is my oldest son and the CFO of the company, Mark, my other son, Moses, and his two kids, Mika and Tessa. And this lovely woman is my wife, Kenya.”

  Josh’s eyes went to the dark skinned older woman as she smiled and reached her hand out to him as well.

  “It’s lovely to meet you. Thank you for your service. I don’t know what my husband would’ve done if he hadn’t had help from the FBI.”

  Josh simply nodded, then completed the formalities by introducing Misty and Jacks before he found his seat.

  He looked at Mr. Howard. “Sir, the case has been closed, and your company cleared of any pending charges, so why am I here?”

  As everyone found seats and areas to stand in the small room, Mark approached Josh with a folder in his hand.

  “Well, since the investigation, we, as a company, wanted to look at every large client that left us to make sure everything was on the up and up when they were here, you know, to go along with your investigation, and we located one that we aren’t too sure of, well two actually. One being one of our long standing clients, a shipping and distribution company, that decided to leave our company just recently. That’s not unheard of actually and wasn’t what caused us to dig deeper. No, what did was the company they left us for. It’s a smaller investment firm that typically wouldn’t have a client as large as this company. They are always in the high millions in revenue, and well…”

  Josh was trying to rein in his patience, hoping they would get to the point and fast.

  Mark, sensing he was losing his audience, decided to skip the investment lesson he was going to give and said, “Before you came to work for us we were approached by another agency, advising that someone on their radar had an account with us, and they wanted all the information they could on this client of ours. They told us that this company was actually a shell company for a Mexican cartel that was making moves within the United States. They were using the money they made to fund drug trafficking and guns throughout the States and Canada. Naturally we cooperated in any way we could and allowed an agent from their agency to work inside our company while they investigated the Cartel.”

  Jessica chimed in. “A couple of weeks ago, the shipping company that left us started trading with this shell company. We thought it very odd and brought it up to the agent. She told us she would look into it, but just recently the shell company got a deposit from some unknown source; a very large amount that isn’t the norm for them.”

  She let that hang for a while then Mark picked up. “Well, I didn’t want the same thing happening again that went down with those four you arrested, so I had my dad call in a few favors, and we found out some disturbing news that, well, we thought you should know… considering…”

  “Considering what?” Jacks asked, but no one responded.

  Josh looked at Mr. Howard and held his gaze. He then moved to Mark’s son and kept his eyes on him for an uncomfortable minute.

  Not wavering his gaze from Mika, Josh asked, “First things first, whatever you found or think you have found, have you shared this information with Agent Deonatti?”

  “We have,” Mark replied.

  Josh looked at him. “Okay, and did she say she would look into it?”

  “She did,” Mark added.

  “So again, why am I here? She and I aren’t colleagues, and this isn’t my case.” Josh stood. “I don’t think we can help you.”

  Mark stood too and continued, “The money was one point two million dollars that was broken up so it could go undetected and shifted through a few banks in the Cayman’s to a few Swiss banks before it landed in the shell company. We found out that the shipping company lost a couple of shipments and were told to pay for the loss; however, they were only able to pay a portion. The shell company is waiting for the rest of their money, and from what we learned, the shipping company is late with their payment.”

  Josh folded his arms and narrowed his eyes. “How do you know all this?”

  It was Tessa’s turn, and she said, “I overheard Agent Deonatti on the patio speaking in Spanish. I got some of what she was saying. I can’t remember verbatim, but she said something about how some company lost a shipment and is trying to stall with paying it back. The Cartel gave them a couple of days or they would take matters into their own hands. She said something about this Cartel liking to kidnap family members, namely wives and/or kids.”

  Tessa looked at her grandfather, and he nodded, so she took a deep breath and looked at Josh. “She mentioned something about maybe using the company’s owner’s girlfriend as bait to catch the Cartel in the act.”

  Josh asked, “Did you catch anything else?”

  “No, I told my dad about it af
terwards and well…” she looked at him nervously, so Mark cleared his throat.

  “We had someone look into who the owner of the shipping company was. We knew ownership changed hands recently, and so we looked up the name and found out it was Noah Baxter.”

  Josh didn’t move at first. He knew they were getting to something, but he didn’t think or expect it to be that.

  “That’s Kenya’s husband,” Jacks revealed, then stood himself. He looked over at Josh, “Now do you believe me?”

  Josh ignored him and said to Mark, “When did the first payment get sent?”

  “About a week ago.”


  Josh closed his eyes and tried to prevent the anger that was slowly billowing. He thought about everything he was told and even the things he knew on his own. What bothered him about this was how much he was in the dark. How did Junior miss this?

  Josh opened his eyes, and they fell on a set of green ones that looked exactly like Kenya’s.

  “When was the last time you’ve even spoken to your daughter?” Josh asked, remembering Kenya telling him her mother was estranged from her family, the very family he was surrounded by.

  “It’s been years,” Mr. Howard told him.

  “So how do you know…?”

  Mr. Howard added, “Tessa is our child prodigy in the family.” Josh wanted to tell him she wasn’t the only one. “She can find out any and everything you could ever want to know on the computer. She found out about the new investment company that Baxter’s industries went to. She also found out that Frost and Baxter were becoming business partners. We saw the announcement of the engagement of Noah and Kenya then found the missing persons reports for Kenya.”

  “We couldn’t find Kenya after that until recently.”

  Before Josh could ask something else, his cell rang.

  He pulled it out and answered tersely, “Cooper.”

  He heard heavy breathing and cussing before. “Yeah it’s me… when can you get to the apartment? This shit is fucked up, Coop.” There was a pause, then he heard, “She’s gone.”

  Josh closed his eyes. “What happened?”


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