Fabian puts a consoling arm around Claire. “Look, honey. Here’s what we’ll do. We’ll wait until it’s dark out, and then you and me will have a romantic date on the beach tonight. How’s that?”
Claire brightens up. “Yes! That’s a compromise I can live with.”
“Cool.” Fabian grabs his money pouch from his messenger bag and hands Claire a small stack of hundred dollar bills. “Take this money, go to the resort shop and buy us some swimwear, towels and whatever else you think we need for tonight.”
Claire takes the wad of cash. “This seems like an awful lot of money.”
“Believe me, you’ll need it. Things are super expensive here. They don’t call it a tourist trap for nothing.”
Claire puts the money in her purse. She keeps forgetting that Fabian is used to spending money like it’s going out of style. He can always tap into his trust fund for more. She can tell that she better get used to spending a bunch of money when the situation calls for it. This is certainly one of those times. However, she’s never going to give up her bargain shopping at her favorite stores in New York. She enjoys it and is confident she can look and feel great without throwing money around.
“Claire, I hope you’re ready to be the eyes and ears of this operation.”
“What do you mean?”
Fabian sucks the juice from an orange slice. “Since I can’t go out. You’ll need to scope out the resort and find Sloane.”
“Wait a minute. I thought we’re a team?”
“We are. You have to be the active partner right now. All you have to do is walk around the resort and act like any other tourist on vacation.”
“Okay, I can do that.”
“Go out during the day and hang out at the beach, bar, pool and the restaurants. If you see Sloane, keep a low profile and watch her from afar. Make a mental note of where she goes. Once we know for sure that she’s staying here, we’ll come up with a plan about how to deal with her.”
Claire is warming up to the idea of playing the spy. “This is going to be fun. Hey, if those Bond girls can do it in the movies, so can I.”
“That’s right,” Fabian says supportively. “And, you’re also qualified to do this because you’re totally hot.” Fabian winks.
Claire is trying to decide which bikini is the most alluring. She wants to look smoking hot tonight and has narrowed her choices down to the bikini with the black bandeau top and colorful flowered bottom, and the sea blue and yellow halter top with solid blue bottom bikini. These are the kind of decisions a woman struggles with when she wants to drive her man crazy. Her number one goal is to make Fabian go absolutely gaga on their date tonight.
She has already picked out a sexy pair of swim briefs for Fabian. Since he’s not with her to help choose, she decided to play it safe and go with blue briefs with black around the top. She can already envision him wearing them, and that’s an image that makes her very happy, indeed.
Claire’s only major concern about buying a bikini is that she doesn’t want to come off looking like a stuffed sausage. Style is important, but so is choosing the right size. There were several bikinis that required a size two body, and those days have long since passed her by. She’s relieved to have found something she likes in her size—a suit made for a woman’s shapely body.
Claire tries on both suits, and after a thoroughly critical examination in front of the dressing room mirror, she has decided on the black bandeau with flowered bottom combo. It’s sensual and fun at the same time. The $125 price tag is a bit steep, but hey, a girl’s gotta do what’s in her best interest. Claire pays for the swimsuit and goes to look for a really large beach towel.
Fabian holds Claire’s hand tightly as they slowly make their way past the small rest huts dotting the beach near the resort. The miniature grass huts with the hammocks inside are cute, but not big enough to sprawl out on and do what he has in mind with his lady. Besides, he wants to go far enough away from the resort to avoid being bothered by other tourists. He’s sure if they keep walking for a half-mile or so, they’ll find just the right spot to park the beach towel that is currently wrapped around his muscular shoulders.
The sun is just beginning to set. Fabian decided they should head out early so they could find a special hideaway spot on the beach. He has to admit, his decision for absolute privacy was made after seeing Claire come out of the bedroom wearing her new bikini. His libido did a silent happy dance as he oogled at her lovely curves. Claire gives off this refreshingly girlish sensuality that is both endearing and totally hot. He loves how she looks in that bikini, but he can’t wait to rip it off of her in a little while.
Neither he nor Claire has said more than a few words since they started walking along the beach. Why ruin a perfectly wonderful stroll along one of the most beautiful views in the world with small chitchat? This silence allows them both to just enjoy being together in this special way. He feels amazingly content at the moment. The chaos swirling around in his life seems so unimportant at the moment. Claire is the only person in his world right now that matters. She is his be all and end all.
She’s the reason he gets up in the morning and has the courage to fight to get his life back. The old Fabian would have been drowning his troubles in copious amounts of alcohol. But, so far he’s been able to keep from drinking himself into a drunken stupor each day because of her. Claire renews his spirit and fills him with a warm and giddy feeling like no other woman has ever done before.
Fabian knows that he’s been caught. There’s no doubt about that. Claire has done something that no other woman before her has been able to do—turn him into a man that is ready to commit to a lasting relationship. He always thought that he’d put up much more resistance to the idea of settling down and getting married. But, much to his surprise he actually enjoys being Claire’s love struck guy. He has no desire to play games with Claire over his feelings for her. That’s how strongly his love for her has grown over these past couple of weeks.
If his close buddies could see him now they’d probably laugh. Most of his male friends have settled down and gotten married. A few, like Nathan, are so dedicated to work that they put love on the backburner. Him? Well, he’s always enjoyed playing the field. Not because he’s a lothario. It’s more like he was simply leaving himself available to meet the next cool lady that would inevitably show up in his life. He has had lots of great experiences with his temporary girlfriends and truly doesn’t regret that part of his life.
Yet, he knew he was getting older and needed to at least consider the possibility of some day tying the knot. His on-the-go lifestyle allowed him to keep putting off making a commitment to any particular woman. His excuse was that he was simply too busy doing this or that to get attached for too long. The truth of the matter is that he simply hadn’t met the one woman that could capture his heart and hold it long enough to get him to change. That is, until Claire came into his life. When he first met her he had a gut reaction that caught his attention.
Now he knows that his initial reaction was simply his heart falling head over heels in love.
He’s met the woman that he’s going to marry someday and it feels amazing.
“What about here, babe?”
Claire has stopped walking. They are in a secluded part of the beach. Directly in front of them stand several giant rock formations, stoic reminders of powerfully majestic natural wonders.
Fabian gazes at the rocks. “Yeah. This is the perfect spot.” He pulls the towel from around his shoulders and spreads it out on the sand.
They both sit on the towel. Claire leans her body into him and he wraps his arms around her as they gaze out at the sunset.
“This is awesome,” she says softly.
No words escape their lips for quite a while as the couple enjoys the sound of the waves crashing ashore. The evening sky is bursting with an amazing array of pastel colors in orange, yellow, violet and
blue. Eventually, the sun sinks into the depths of the ocean and the sky turns dark blue. That color gives way to an even darker blue, which turns into deeper black as stars emerge from their daytime hiding place.
Fabian squeezes Claire tightly and gently brushes his lips against her ear. He whispers. “You make me feel so alive.”
Claire turns her head until she is eye-to-eye with Fabian. “How much do you love me, Fabian?”
“So much that I never want to leave you. I want us to grow old together.”
“You do?”
“Yes. I want you to come and live with me.”
“Move in together?”
“Yeah. How do you feel about that?”
“I like the idea. You should know that I’ve never lived with a boyfriend before.”
“I’ve never lived with a girlfriend before, so we’re even.”
“Wow. Okay. Where would we live?”
“Wherever you want.”
“What about Cabo? We can live here as ex-pats.”
“Um, that’s a nice idea, but I’d miss the States too much…and so would you.”
“I dunno. I could get used to living here, Fabian. It’s so serene and beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful.”
Fabian showers tender kisses all over Claire’s neck. “You’re so very beautiful…and sexy.”
Claire’s hand finds its way to Fabian’s bulge. It’s easy to find in those body hugging swim briefs. “Are you as horny as I am right now?”
Fabian feels Claire squeezing his well-endowed pleasure stick and it sets him off. He allows both of his hands to slip down her shoulders and into her bikini top. He squeezes her breasts firmly as he continues kissing her around her neck and shoulders.
Claire makes things easier for him by unhooking her top and tossing it aside.
Fabian guides her down into a comfortable position on the towel and gets on top of her. He wants to make wild, passionate love to her right now, but decides to hold back. He wants to make sure she thoroughly enjoys her time with him underneath the stars of Los Cabos.
Fabian scoots his lower body closer to Claire’s face so she can get a close up view of his bulge. “I’ve got something special for you,” he teases.
“Honey, you’re so thoughtful,” Claire says with a twinkle in her eye. “You brought me this nice present, all gift wrapped and everything.” Claire grabs both ends of Fabian’s skimpy swim briefs and yanks them down until his happy stick pops out and presents itself to her waiting lips. Claire grabs this delicious treat and glides its smooth round tip back and forth against her lips.
Claire licks his erection as if it were a lollipop.
Fabian feels his erection growing harder. He knows he’s in for a real treat.
“Mmm. Mama wants more of this,” Claire says sultrily. She tantalizingly strokes him while showering wet kisses on his manhood.
Fabian feels himself swelling with excitement. “Claire, baby. That’s so hot. Keep doing it just like that. Yeah…”
Claire wraps her sweet lips around his throbbing thickness. This encourages Fabian to give as good as he gets. He wants to express his love for her by doing the one thing he’s wanted to do to her since they arrived in Cabo. He’s going to do his magic fingers move on her. This is his secret trick that drives a woman absolutely bonkers. He had discovered it by accident, but once he mastered the technique, women beg for him to do it to them. This move has become his secret weapon in bed. He had been afraid that his experience at the ranch had stolen his desire to do it. But Claire has just restored his will to use his magic fingers to bring her to a place of ecstasy that few women get to experience.
Waves of erotic pleasure are bringing Fabian to the point of no return, which would cause him to finish too early. He needs to last much longer in order for them to get the most enjoyment out of this sensual experience. Using all the willpower he can muster, he pulls himself away from Claire’s puckered mouth.
“Now, it’s my turn.”
Claire simply looks at him with curious anticipation.
Fabian deftly removes Claire’s bikini bottom. He spreads her legs wide and scoots down to where he can easily work his magic.
Claire lays all the way back on the towel and prepares for whatever he’s about to do to her.
Fabian gives her a sly smile before easing his commanding middle finger into her honey box. His finger softly thrusts in and out of the one place she craves his touch the most, just enough to get her going. Fabian grows excited feeling her getting hotter and hornier as he continues to slowly move his finger a little ways inside, and back to the outer edge again.
It’s time for his index finger to get in on the action. He plows it into her warm hole and observes her welcoming this new visitor with a sigh of pleasure. He now has two lively fingers wiggling around, as she grows more restless for his fingers to ravish her honey box, getting it increasingly hotter and wetter.
Fabian enjoys feeling her inner walls contract each time he moves his fingers around this tight little space.
“Mmmm…that’s good, baby. More.”
Fabian uses his two fingers to push upwards, making room for his other index finger to shove itself deep inside of her with great force.
“Uh, ah…uh, yes, baby. Mmmm.”
Fabian works his fingers harder now. The two at the top wiggle and hold her open as the one on the bottom does the hard thrusting. His three fingers work her steaming hot honey box with lustful authority, arousing guttural noises from the now panting Claire.
“Ungaw. Umm…ooaaa…”
Fabian’s magic fingers are thrusting feverishly into her throbbing wetness, bringing Claire to new heights of pulsating arousal.
“Give it to me deep and hard, baby. Uh, that’s it, baby. Go at me…force them in deeper. Yes!”
Claire’s body is thrashing around like a mad woman. Fabian knows that it’s time to pull back some and let her cool off a touch. He pulls his fingers out completely, allowing her to ache for him to insert his fingers inside of her yearning valley of hidden delights once again.
“Please, Fabian. Give me more. I need more of your hot fingers.”
“Um, I don’t know, baby. I’m getting kind of tired,” he teases.
Claire tries grabbing his hands, but he keeps them away from her hungry grasp. “Come on, stop teasing me like this. You’re driving me nuts.”
“I know,” he says mischievously.
Fabian teasingly brushes his fingertips against the swollen outer lips of her thirsty honey box, which sends her into shivers of agonizing desire. “Should I do some more deep exploration with my fingers, darling?”
“Yes, oh please yes. Do it.”
Fabian pokes two fingers back inside of her and drives them deep like a gyrating rocket. Claire’s jerky tremors signal to him that she’s highly aroused to the point of delirium. This is exactly where he wants her to be.
Fabian pulls his fingers out and quickly inserts his rock hard pleasure seeker into her steaming hot box. Claire lurches up to greet his heat-seeking missile with extreme excitement. “Oh…ah…that’s it, baby. Pump me good. I need you in me so bad.”
Fabian’s strong, masculine physique pushes down on Claire with commanding force as he thrusts deeper, sending her into spasms of swooning electric heat. Their bodies are passionately linked together in sweaty pursuit of the highest reaches of their erogenous zones.
“Oh, yeah, baby. Let’s rock it!” Fabian shouts with unfettered elation.
Fabian rams his thickened hot rod deeper, holding it inside of her smoldering erogenous zone until they both reach the absolute peak of their erotically charged fireworks. Fabian feels Claire’s vibrating muscles suddenly clamping hard around his sensitive nerves, causing them both to explode in noisy gyrations that seem to last forever. Fabian has an orgasmic out of body experience as Claire explodes underneath him in her own heated frenzy of erotic release.
; They happily collapse, lying on their backs, catching their second wind as they stare up at the glittering stars.
Fabian is sure they will fondly remember their first night in Cabo together for the rest of their lives.
Claire is in a fantastic mood as she leaves their cabana on this late sunny morning. She’s still on Cloud 9 after her amazingly awesome date on the beach with Fabian last night. Everything was perfect—the sandy beach, the ocean, the multi-hued sunset, and of course, the lovemaking. She’s already replayed their night of kissing, fondling and explosive sex over again in her mind. But, what really has her giddy is Fabian admitting to her that he wants them to live together.
She wasn’t expecting that. But, she’s glad he thinks that way about her. Whether or not it really happens remains to be seen. Fabian could have gotten caught up in the moment. Cabo has a way of making you feel like you’re living in a perfect paradise. She certainly has allowed herself to be swept away by wonderful daydreams. They’ve already run away together. Why not just stay here in Cabo and live their dream life together too?
Claire knows that this fantasy life she’s conjured up in her head is probably going to burst soon. Reality will creep in and they will eventually head back to New York. But, just for this little bit, she’s enjoying the idea of Cabo being their home.
Claire walks past the other cabanas on her way to the pool area. She admires how the exterior of each cabana mimics the whitewashed architectural design of early Spanish homes. She’s quickly discovered that she loves South American décor. If she can’t live in Mexico, maybe she can borrow some of the area’s decorative touches when she returns to the States. If she and Fabian do end up living together, she’ll be sure to add a little Mexican flavor to their digs.
Claire sees the sign that points her in the direction of the pool. She’s decided that her first spy mission will be at this popular hang out spot. She figures this is as good a place as any to keep an eye out for the illusive Sloane Cooper. Pretty much everyone staying at the resort is going to relax by the pool at some point. Of course, Claire is making an assumption, because she doesn’t really know if Sloane is still staying here. Sloane could have left the area by now. Still, it’s the best lead they have, thanks to the snooping skills of Fabian’s private investigator.
Fugitive Millionaire Revenge (Fabian Cooper Book Two) Page 2