Heart on Fire

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Heart on Fire Page 9

by Brandy L Rivers

  “What?” She tried to pull away.

  “Calm down, sweetheart, you’re just really tight. I don’t want to hurt you,” he murmured against her ear.

  “Couple years,” she moaned, rocking into his hand for more. “I’ll adjust, don’t stop.”

  “Oh, I’m not. Not unless you tell me to.” He managed a second finger and her hand tangled in his hair as her back arched. His free hand slid under her shirt to cup her breast. Perfect fit.

  She wasn’t wearing a bra or underwear, and that revved him up.

  “Please tell me that doesn’t scare you off,” she pleaded.

  He chuckled, low and deep. “Means I get to take my time to make sure you’re ready.”

  “I’m ready, so ready,” she promised, her free hand finding its way between them to stroke his straining length through his jeans.

  Mila tried to turn, but he held her in place as he pushed a third finger into her. “Kyle,” she cried, coming, soaking his hand as she bucked against him.

  She was so responsive, he wasn’t sure how long he’d last, but he was determined to blow her mind.

  * * * *

  Kyle short-circuited her wires and fried her brain, as she collapsed against him. It had been a long time since she felt that much pleasure, and that was only his hand, and a few kisses up her neck and ear.

  He pulled his hand out of her pants and wrapped the same arm around her so he could suck her juices off his fingers. That made her moan, especially when he hummed his satisfaction.

  “Tastes like heaven.” And then he kissed her, holding her in that same position with his hands on her breasts, tugging and rolling her nipples. She squeezed him through his jeans, rubbing urgently.

  Yanking her mouth from his, she begged, “I’m ready, I’m ready, I swear.” She wasn’t sure she could stand much longer.

  He scooped her up and put her on the bed. Mila wasted no time pulling her clothes off. She was too lost in temptation to think straight at the moment, but she needed his heat against her skin.

  He groaned a curse. “I’m going to have to run home, I didn’t even consider this happening now.” His voice was low and rough, obviously needing her as bad as she needed him.

  “Wait.” She opened her drawer and pulled out a condom. “Here, I’ve made sure to be prepared, even though I haven’t had a need for these.” Okay, she was blushing again, feeling stupid for having to explain her actions.

  He grinned, clearly unconcerned. “I’m glad. I didn’t want to leave.”

  In a rush, he pulled the clothes from his sculpted body. Her eyes tangled on him. So familiar, like the best dream come to life—her fantasy.

  “Neither did I,” she whimpered.

  “I would have had to drag you home to make love to you, because seeing you like this, so beautiful, I can’t wait much longer.”

  Swallowing hard, she tried to think of a response. She hadn’t felt so desired in years, but this was different. This wasn’t a night of wild abandon, but the start of something more.

  He snapped the condom from her hand and tore the foil.

  Oh lord, he was so freaking scrumptious, she wanted to lick every inch, trail her fingers down his happy trail, and wow he was big. Only once had she been with someone so well-endowed. God, why did he have to remind her of that one night with a man she would never know?

  “Mila?” his low voice was a velvet purr as he rolled the condom down. She couldn’t look away from his rigid length. “Do you like what you see?”

  “Definitely.” Then she remembered her lack of clothes and looked down at herself with a frown. Sure, she was toned, in shape, her tummy flat, her breasts still perky, but she hated the stretch marks, even as pale as they were.

  Before she could wrap her arms around her waist, he crawled up her body and held her hands to the bed as he bent to lick over the faint white lines marring her stomach. “Don’t hide yourself, Mila. You’re beautiful, even these.”

  “No, they aren’t,” she whispered in protest.

  He made her shiver with light kisses and teasing licks. Then he nibbled—even that felt amazing.

  “They are. Think of them as your badge of honor. You created a beautiful, intelligent daughter. I have so much respect for you, Mila, and these,” he nipped at her navel and traced one of the lines with his lips, “remind me of how strong you are.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut, not daring to believe. The last man she was with actually told her he wouldn’t fuck her with the lights on because they were ugly. Tears filled her eyes, but she tried to fight them back.

  “Tell me you believe me.”

  “I want to,” she whispered as his hands smoothed over her belly in a feather light touch.

  “How do I prove it?” He kissed up her body, and stopped at her chin.

  When she opened her eyes, tears rolled down her face. “You are, I’m sorry. I just…” she shook her head and tried to sit up.

  He leaned into her, drying her tears with tender kisses. Taking her knees as he spread her wide, he placed his crown at her opening.

  “I want to make love to you, Mila. Please.” He was so sincere. Only desire burned in his eyes, and none of the disgust of her last partner. “Please, let me have you.”

  Those words split her wide open, and she didn’t know how to stop herself from falling. She nodded, unable to speak.

  So slow, he pushed in, giving her time to adjust. Then held himself inside her, panting, “Perfect fit.”

  Nodding, she pleaded, “Please, stop torturing me, and move.”

  His grin was wicked. “You don’t need to beg.” He started a gentle glide out, and pushed back in. “I want to please you. It’s all I crave.”

  “You are, but harder, I need harder.”

  “I love a woman who knows what she wants,” he growled as he sped up, but it wasn’t enough. It was good, but it felt like he was being cautious.

  She couldn’t take it, and rolled him over to climb on top. She pressed down, letting him fill her and taking him hard.

  Sitting up, his arms wound around her as they moved together.

  “God, Mila, you feel like heaven.”

  Most men, attractive or not, she could ignore. Only one other man made her this crazy.

  Why can’t I stop thinking about that damned night? A perfect stranger she would never see again. A man she only had a few times, before she left that morning, without regrets, knowing he was going home, wherever that was.

  She rocked into him. Harder. Faster.

  Still, she couldn’t let go of the comparisons likely to drive her crazy. With one hand, she reached down and circled her clit, until she exploded in bliss, but she kept going, riding the pleasure, riding him. Before she could collapse, he flipped her around and entered her from behind.

  “Baby, all you had to say was rough. I can do rough without hurting you.” He fisted her hair and pulled her up, tilting her head to the side to kiss her neck as his other hand took her breast, kneading, tugging, tweaking. “Come for me, Mila. I love the way you feel when you come. I’m close, but I need you there first.”

  “I can’t,” she panted, “it’s too much.”

  He kissed her neck and opened his mouth, swirling his tongue over her skin. And she did come, so hard she screamed her pleasure, and went boneless. He slammed home one last time, and held her there as he groaned long and low, before collapsing beside her on the bed.

  Kyle pulled her closer as she buried her face against his chest. Guilt crashed around her as she thought about what they’d done, and about Cherish.

  Once his breathing slowed he moved from the bed, leaving her feeling empty.

  “I’ll be right back,” he murmured.

  She pointed toward the door. “Waste basket, right over there. I’ll get rid of it before Cherish gets home.” Expecting him to leave, she rolled to her side and covered her face.

  * * * *

  Kyle turned back to see tears falling as she hid behind her hands, her body shaking in s
ilence. Seeing her upset tore at his heart. He couldn’t help wondering what he had done wrong.

  Hoping to chase away her worry, he climbed next to her and pulled her into the shelter of his embrace. Stroking her back gently, he murmured, “Talk to me, Mila. What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  “Overthinking,” she muttered, but melted into him, taking his warmth.

  “About what?” He hoped not them. There was no way he was letting her go without a fight. They felt right, more right than anyone else he’d been with.

  “You’re not rushing out?”

  He nudged her face up until she met his gaze. “No, baby. I’m not going anywhere. What is it?”

  “I just… I thought…” She looked away, tears filling her eyes again. “You’re kind of perfect.”

  “I’m not,” he promised, “I swear I’m not, but I’m not an asshole.”

  “Of course you aren’t.”

  He brought her face back until he had her attention, then kissed her softly. “And these,” he trailed his fingers over her stomach, “don’t detract from your appeal. What would make you think that?”

  A blush colored her cheeks as she groaned. “Last time I tried a relationship, the guy told me he wouldn’t have sex with the lights on. That my stretch marks were an ugly reminder of my mistake.”

  Rage flashed through him, as he pulled her tighter. He couldn’t hold the bite out of his tone. “Please tell me you dumped that scumbag.”

  A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she nodded. “That was the one and only time he had me. And had he explained his reason for the lights off beforehand, he wouldn’t have gotten that.” She sighed, the fear dying. “I know I shouldn’t let it get to me. I can’t help it though.”

  “I’ve got news for you. I have worse scars than a few pale lines. Honestly, these,” he trailed his fingers over her flat tummy and her eyes fluttered shut on a sigh, “are truly sexy. I’m not just saying that, Mila. You have a long, lithe body, and the marks are merely proof you brought life into this world. Something I can’t do on my own.”

  Her whole face brightened as her eyes locked on his. “Yes, but you save lives on a regular basis.”

  He feathered a kiss over her lips. “I’ll never make you feel like that dick-for-brain did.”

  “I don’t think you could. The stupid thing is, I didn’t even care about the marks until he brought them up. I kicked him out, and never looked back, but it still messed with my head.”

  “Give me some time and I’ll make you believe that I love every inch of your body.” She flinched every time he said the word “love,” and sure, it was abstract, but for the first time ever, the word didn’t scare him. For now, he needed to rein that in, before he scared her off.

  “You already are, but so I know, where are these worse scars?” One eyebrow rose in amusement.

  He rolled to his other side to show her the scar across one shoulder and down his back, where he’d been hit by a burning beam a month into becoming a fireman.

  She scooted closer and ran her fingers over the smooth ridge. Then he felt her mouth as she explored his reminder that he had a dangerous job. “What happened?” Her teeth scraped over the tissue, and then she sucked, and it felt so damned good he groaned.

  “Remember me telling you my dad was injured?” He hated remembering that day, but he wanted to share everything with her.

  “Yeah,” she gasped, probably painting a pretty close picture.

  “Part of the ceiling fell on him. We were told to get out, but Gavin and I ignored the order, staying to get him free. I dragged the last beam off in time for another to collapse. Gavin helped me, but my back was a mess for a while. Dad was in worse shape. He doesn’t have full use of his left arm anymore. So he retired, but encouraged me to stay.”

  “I’m sorry, but I’m glad you saved your Dad. Gavin too, that’s a real friend.”

  “You have friends, don’t you?” He rolled over to run his fingers up her side.

  “Back home, I do. I think I’m making at least one here.” She grinned. “Though I have a feeling Cadence would argue two.”

  “Cadence has decided you’re her friend. She won’t let you get away so easy either,” he teased. “Gavin and Cadence loved having you and Cherish with us last night. You’re part of the group now, whether or not you want to be.”

  “I had fun with all of you last night,” she admitted.

  “I’m glad.” He kissed her shoulder. “Now, turn over, I caught part of the tattoo. Now I need an up close and personal view. Plus, I want to know what it’s for.”

  Mila turned onto her stomach, and pulled her hair to the side. “I got it about seven years ago, shortly after I lost my dad. I had this done as a memorial.”

  One wing of a beautifully detailed bald eagle graced the inner-top edge of her right shoulder blade, while the other stretched to the opposite inner-bottom edge. Sky and clouds framed the majestic bird, fading away on the edges of the tattoo.

  “It’s beautiful.” And strangely familiar, but he’d seen a few eagle tattoos. He shook the thought off and kissed the tip of the wing on her right shoulder. “Everything I learn about you makes me like you better. You’re pretty incredible.”

  “So are you.” She blushed as she sat up, but he pulled her back down beside him.

  Laughing, she asked, “Not ready for coffee?”

  “You’re only going to drink chai anyway,” he teased, wrinkling his nose as he climbed on top of her. “Besides, you got needy, and I didn’t get to do everything I wanted to.”

  The ringing phone interrupted them.

  She caught her lip between her teeth as she pushed at him. “Give me a minute.” She got up and dug her phone out of her sweats, taking a look before answering, “Hi Barb, can I call you back?” She sighed. “Okay, hang on. I was sort of busy. I need a minute.”

  Mila covered the receiver and whispered, “It’s my best friend. I’m going to get dressed because she’s not going to let me off the phone, but I will take a rain check. Besides, there are a few things I’d like to do to you.” She winked.

  “All right, I’ll be downstairs, waiting.” He didn’t bother whispering.

  She blushed, her eyes closing as her head tipped to the side at whatever her friend said.

  He hurried into his clothes and went downstairs as promised.

  Chapter 11

  Oh crap, Barb probably heard. Holding her breath, she watched Kyle pull his clothes on and head downstairs.

  “Oh my god, Mila, who was that? He sounds hot.”

  Well crap, guess we’re having this discussion now.

  “Okay,” Mila groaned, “I’m back.”

  “Is he hot?”

  “Inferno hot.” It would be a crime to deny Kyle’s masculine perfection.

  A conspiring note entered Barb’s tone, “Where is Cherish?”

  “A friend’s house.” Mila shook her head, and closed herself in the closet.

  “So you found a man already?”

  “He’s my neighbor. We had breakfast.” Then she wished she’d kept her big mouth shut.

  Barb squealed. “Oh really?”

  “He didn’t stay the night. He came over this morning.”

  Snorting, she jabbed, “And you sound breathless because you were flipping pancakes? Sounds to me like you were getting down and dirty.”

  “Yeah, okay. So sue me. It was our first time. Plus, he’s a fireman, and so damned hot, he probably has to hose himself off before going into a burning building. The best part, he’s sweet, and sincere, and says all the right things—I mean all of them. He even kissed and licked my stretch marks, told me they’re a sexy badge of honor. I’m in trouble, Barb. I might be falling, hard.”

  “Good, I want to meet him, which I can do in a couple of weeks. You don’t mind if I come visit, do you? I’m not bringing the kids, but Anthony agreed I should come see how you’re adjusting to a new town, a new school, and apparently a new man.” The last was said with excitement

  “Slow down. I’m glad you’re coming.” Mila sighed. “But do you think I’m a big floozy? I’ve only known him a week. We’re keeping it quiet, because I don’t know if I trust this to last, but I’m hoping that’s me being pessimistic. He’s flipping perfect so far.”

  “Of course you’re not a floozy, and keeping it quiet makes sense in your case. Please, woman! You’ve been with three total losers. You had a single smoking hot, one-night stand, who was a total charmer—so why you bailed on him still eludes me, but whatever. I’ll let you get back to your new man. I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “Don’t tell Mom, okay? She’ll be on me to go down the aisle, and that’s not happening. He says he’s cool with coming second to Cherish, but I’ve heard that before.”

  “Yeah, well, some guys are better than others, and he’s a fireman, so he likely understands putting others first.”

  “Later, Barb. I’ll call you tonight. Okay?”

  “Sure, I want details then. Goodbye.” The phone went dead.

  Mila dressed quickly and hurried downstairs. She found Kyle at her bookshelf looking at Cherish’s baby pictures.

  He looked up with a grin. “Cherish is a mini-Mila, which is pretty lucky because you’re breathtaking.”

  “Thanks.” She grinned, unable to stop herself. “So, my best friend is coming to visit in two weeks. I’ll get more details tonight. And I told her about us. Didn’t want her to be surprised.” She took a deep breath. “Since you’re close to Gavin and Cadence, you can tell them, if you think they’ll keep us quiet.”

  He smiled as he reached for her hand. “I have one question, and I’m not complaining, I swear. But when you realize we’re going to work, will you be willing to take us public?”

  She half-laughed. “Yes, definitely, and if people figure it out, they figure it out. I’m not ready to go shouting it at the top of my lungs. I’ve tried that approach, and it hurt Cherish when things fell apart. She got attached to Brett, and it hurt her when he wasn’t around anymore. He wasn’t even nice to her. I’ll never understand why she took it so hard.” She gave him a small smile. “At least you are totally taken with her. So even if it doesn’t work and she doesn’t know about us, we can stay friends, and she won’t be crushed.”


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