Heart on Fire

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Heart on Fire Page 12

by Brandy L Rivers

  Kyle nodded, caressing her face. “Sorry. I had finished up my last credits that quarter and was back home.”

  “The only thing I regret about that night was not learning your name. I—”

  He stopped her with a kiss. Looking into her eyes, he told her, “It’s in the past, and we can make up for lost time. You’ve haunted my dreams for years, Mila, but I never expected you were my little devil.”

  “It’s funny. Your hands, your mouth, even your voice were familiar. Then when we first made love a couple of week ago, it felt a lot like that night. I thought I was crazy.”

  “Same here. Like déjà vu. Except that night, you were so bold, and I’m sure I was more aggressive than I have been. Outside of the bedroom, you’re so reserved and hesitant I banished the notion you could be my little devil.”

  She smiled back at him. “I didn’t think it possible I would ever run into my phantom again, but I’m glad I did.”

  “So, tomorrow?” he prodded hopefully.

  “Yes, I’ll come with you as your date. I want your coworkers and friends to get used to me. I’ll admit to being afraid how they’ll take the rest of it.”

  He pressed his forehead to hers. “Doesn’t matter. As long as you and Cherish are happy, I don’t care. I’m sure Gavin and Cadence will be shocked, but they’ll be on our side, rooting for us.”

  “You, they’ll be happy for you,” Mila pointed out.

  “Us.” He brushed his lips over hers. “Cadence considers you a friend. Gavin thinks you’re the best thing to ever happen to me. And you know how I feel about you.”

  She glanced away, not sure how much he truly felt for her. “I know you care about me, you desire me. You obviously care about Cherish.”

  “Well, Mila, if you haven’t figured it out,” he kissed her cheek, bringing her gaze back to his, “I’m falling for you.” He kissed the outer corner of her mouth. “Fallen is more accurate.” He kissed her lips, feather-light and caressed her face. “So give me a chance, Mila, let me show you.”

  She covered his hand with hers and leaned into his touch. “I’m falling for you too. But I’m afraid this will all implode.”

  “We won’t.”

  “Sunday, can you wait until then to tell Cherish? I want it to just be the three of us. She lights up every time you’re around. I know she’ll be happy, but I don’t know how to even start this conversation.”

  He grinned, nodding enthusiastically. “I like the sound of that. Just the three of us. By then we can figure out how to tell her.”

  “Direct is the best way to go.”

  “Sunday afternoon it is. Now go in and catch up with your friend. If she goes to sleep, maybe call me to come back over. If not, I’ll see you tomorrow morning. I’ll bring you a chai. And if you tell me what Barb likes, I’ll bring her something too.”

  “Kyle, you’re too good to be real.” She kissed his palm. “Tomorrow we can figure out how to tell Cherish. Thank you for not hating me.”

  “I could never hate you, sweetheart. You didn’t know. I didn’t know.” He pressed his mouth to hers, sweet and gentle before backing down the porch. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Goodnight.” She let herself in after he went through the gate.

  Barb was standing at the doorway to the kitchen. “Wow, you found one incredible guy. He’s so yummy.”

  “Yeah.” Mila blushed. “He is. What do I do? I was just getting used to seeing him, and he adores Cherish, but what if we don’t work out?”

  “Why are you so paranoid? He’s not like any of your old boyfriends. He seems to genuinely care. You said he wasn’t pressuring you.”

  “He isn’t, and he’s wonderful with Cherish. When she was so upset last week, he gave her the kitten, after clearing it with me. He has a way of making everything better.”

  “For you too. Tonight could have been completely awkward, but he made the best of it, and brought your smile back. He’s going to stay, Mila. He’s not letting you go.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I am. However, it is pretty damned funny he remembers me, but didn’t know who you were.”

  Mila groaned at her own stupidity. “Our masks were on the whole time. God, how moronic is that? It added a flare of adventure and mystery. He only tried to take his mask off once, asked about it a couple times, but when I said no, he didn’t argue. Why was he there anyway?”

  “I texted Anthony. He says they went to college together. Remember, the party was for their frat house. He says Kyle’s a nice guy, at least was. He didn’t keep up with him after college, and wasn’t real close to him. Probably why he couldn’t tell who it was with the mask on.”

  “Wow, it’s a small world. You weren’t wearing a mask, and you always stand out in a crowd, which is likely why he remembered your face.”

  “You’re memorable too, even if you don’t think so. I’m sure all the boys in your class have crushes on you.”

  “Yeah, let’s not go there. That’s too weird and I refuse to think about it.” Mila shuddered, and not in a good way.

  Switching topics, Barb asked, “I’m invited to this barbeque tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, and I’m going as Kyle’s date. I’ve met Gavin, but not the rest of the guys he works with. I’m nervous.”

  “Don’t be. They’ll love you.”

  “I hope Rene doesn’t show up. That woman is so damned catty.”

  “Uh yeah. What’s the story with her?”

  Mila explained what she knew, even though it wasn’t much.

  Chapter 15

  Mila never called the night before, but the lights were on half the night. She had a lot to talk about with her best friend. A part of him was worried, but he was ready to fight for her if she tried to shut herself away.

  It was still early, but Mila was an early-riser. He missed her, and their little girl. Sure, he could have been mad, could have felt betrayed, but he experienced none of those emotions. Now, more than ever, he wanted Mila to see his heart was with her and Cherish.

  Showered, and dressed, he hurried over to their backdoor. Mila was starting a pot of coffee, probably for Barb because she didn’t drink it. There was a kettle steaming on the stove.

  Cherish and Barb were nowhere in sight. He tapped on the window, and she looked over.

  Her face lit up, but he saw the doubt in her eyes. She still rushed to the door to let him in. “Hey, Kyle. Sorry I didn’t call. I was up until four.”

  “And it’s seven? You look amazing, as always.” He swept her hair behind her ear and placed a light kiss on her lips. “So, when will Barb wake up? And what will she want to drink from the cafe?”

  “Mocha, she’s pretty easy where coffee’s concerned. She should be up within the hour, but I don’t mind making breakfast.”

  “How about I grab donuts and drinks for everyone? That way you can have an easy morning.” Kyle leaned in for a slow kiss.

  She melted into his embrace as he pulled her tighter. “Sounds like a plan.”

  After one more kiss, he walked down to the café, feeling a million times better.

  Cadence happened to be ordering donuts when he stepped inside Novel Grounds.

  He nudged her shoulder. “Hey, how are you?”

  “Hey you. I’m good. What’s up?”

  “I’m picking up drinks and donuts.”

  “For who?” Cadence gave him a sly grin.

  “Cherish, Mila, her friend Barb, and myself. Barb will be at the barbeque. I talked Mila into going with me.”

  “Ooh,” she winced, “I’m happy for you, but Rene is going to be there as Mitch’s date—guaranteed to be a scene. Figured I should warn you.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m not letting her control my life. The woman isn’t getting it. Hopefully Mila coming as my date will get the message across. Besides, people are going to have to get used to us together, ‘cause I’m not letting her go.”

  Neither Mila or Cherish. He almost told Mila he loved her, wanted to, but
had a feeling she wasn’t ready to hear it. He came close enough last night.

  “I am happy for you. And rooting for you both. But you know Rene, and I don’t want her scaring Mila away. I want her to stick around.” Cadence shrugged. “I’ll talk to Gavin, see if he can’t convince his sister to stay away, but that may backfire.”

  “Yeah, I know. I should call Gavin later.” Kyle grinned, genuinely happy.

  “Oh yeah, what about?”

  “Not here. I’ll talk to you guys later. Okay?”

  “All right, but are you going to tell me? Or is it something hinky?”

  Kyle laughed. “No, not hinky. You could call it a crazy turn of events. I’ll tell you later. Maybe tomorrow. I promise, it’s great news.”

  “I’ll trust you.” Cadence smirked.

  * * * *

  Cherish came charging down the stairs with Ash in her arms. She wore the ruffliest pink skirt he’d ever seen, and a pink and black striped top. Her hair was in pigtails. His little girl was precious, and he’d felt that from the second he laid eyes on her, even before he realized she was his.

  Yeah, knowing he missed five years of her life hurt, but that wasn’t anyone’s fault. Who would have guessed? The beautiful child was theirs to cherish. Mila had picked the perfect name.

  Now he planned to claim Mila in front of everyone. It seemed like forever since she admitted she wanted more than friendship.

  Insane, maybe, but he wanted to ask for more. He could already envision that conversation. Mila would assume it was because of last night’s revelation. Truth was, he knew he was looking at the woman he was going to fall for when she was laughing with her daughter in their front yard.

  Timing wasn’t working in his favor, but again, no one’s fault. Mila was worth waiting for, and so was Cherish. Patience was the name of the game.

  Barb followed Cherish down, and whispered something in her ear.

  Cherish beamed up at him. “Kyle, Mommy dressed up and that is super rare. She’s extra pretty.”

  “Your momma is always pretty. I doubt she could get much prettier,” Kyle winked at her.

  Barb grinned. “Wait for it, and memorize the moment. It’s not often you’ll get her in a dress. I talked her into it, though. And makeup.”

  Mila came down the stairs, “You better hush, Barb, or I’ll go change.” The threat made him smile. He knew she’d do it.

  Then he saw her.

  Kyle was off the chair, dumbstruck as he stared at her. Christ, he could hardly breathe. Her dress was conservatively cut, but the color…

  The red fabric hugged all the best places, while the skirt flowed to her knees. It went well with her olive complexion and rich chocolate curls. Her face was no longer simply stunning, but breathtaking.

  It was a miracle he found his voice. “Please don’t change. You look phenomenal.”

  Cherish frowned up at him. “What does phe-phena…” her nose wrinkled, “that word mean?”

  Kyle smiled down at her. “That you were right. She is extra pretty.”

  Mila blushed, looking up the stairs with a frown. “Maybe I should go change.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” He pulled her into his embrace. “I like the dress, I like the makeup, except now I feel like I shouldn’t kiss those—oh so red—lips and mess up your lipstick.” The same red as that Halloween night. Oh god, had he seen her in the lipstick, he would have figured it out.

  She took a step back. “Now, I’m sure I should change. I knew it was a bad idea to go to a barbeque all dressed up.”

  “If you’re more comfortable, then change, but you look lovely.” He kissed her nose. “Your choice,” but he hoped she wouldn’t.

  “All right, all right. I’m ready.” She went to the kitchen to grab the pies she’d made earlier. Kyle beat her to them.

  Grinning, he scooped both up. “Everyone is going to love your pies. Let me carry them at least.”

  Blushing, she nodded. “Okay.”

  Cherish set Ash on his bed with his toys and turned to Mila. “Come on, Mommy. We need to go. Jenny’s waiting for me.” Cherish grabbed Mila’s hand, and beamed up at Kyle. “Let’s go.”

  This was where he belonged. With his woman and his girl. Sometimes things had a way of working out.

  * * * *

  Cherish rang the bell. Jenny and Cadence answered the door seconds later. “Hello, come in.”

  Mila greeted her new friend, “Hi, Cadence. This is my best friend Barb. Barb, Cadence, and her little girl, Jenny.”

  Squealing, Jenny grabbed Cherish and shouted, “Let’s go play,” and took off on a mad dash for the backyard.

  “Have fun,” Mila called and watched her daughter bounce out of the house. Kyle watched Cherish with such adoration and happiness it squeezed her heart.

  Guilt twisted through her until he caught her gaze and smiled, his dimples deepening, and she saw all the emotions she was afraid to admit shining back at her.

  Why am I fighting my feelings? He’s the one.

  “Let’s put the pies over here.” Cadence nudged Kyle who blinked and nodded.

  “Right, sure thing.” He placed a quick kiss on Mila’s cheek and set the pies on the counter as instructed.

  “So, Barb,” Cadence turned to her, “I hear you’re visiting Mila. It’s a pleasure to have you over. Come on, let’s get you both introduced to everyone.” She gave Mila another curious look, and grinned. “That means you too. I hear you’re officially here as Kyle’s date. But I should warn you, Rene will be coming with one of his coworkers.”

  “Sorry,” Kyle turned to her, “I was hoping Gavin would convince her to stay away, but likely ensured she would show up.”

  “Not your fault. She’s Gavin’s sister, and has every right to come to his barbeque.” Mila didn’t have the time to worry about some jealous ex-girlfriend.

  “You’re an angel.” Kyle pulled her into the line of his body, then whispered in her ear, “And my little devil.”

  Color flooded her cheeks. “Stop.”

  Barb grinned, and glanced at Cadence. “They’re cute together.”

  “I’m thrilled Kyle found someone who makes him smile like that.” Cadence giggled.

  “Like what?” Mila frowned.

  “Like you’re his whole world. He gives Cherish that same smile.”

  She looked back at Kyle, who shrugged. “Yeah, and that was before last night.”

  “It was,” Cadence agreed. “But what happened last night?”

  Barb shrugged, and looked away. Mila couldn’t answer to save her life.

  “We’ll talk about it later. Not here,” Kyle said quietly. “Nothing bad, I swear.”

  “I am too curious, but I’ll let it slide. Come on, everyone is here.”

  And wow, everyone stopped to stare at her as they stepped onto the deck. She was tempted to go home and change, even though she wasn’t overdressed. Most of the women wore dresses or skirts. The men were wearing khakis, no t-shirts in sight. Still, she felt uncomfortable under all the curiosity directed at her.

  Normal, this is normal. He’s their friend and co-worker, and most of them have never seen us together.

  Kyle wrapped his arm around her waist and gently led her toward a group of his friends. After a few minutes of friendly introductions, she began to relax.

  Chapter 16

  “So, what’s the story? What’s going on with you and Mila? I thought it was all hush-hush. Why the sudden change?” Gavin peppered him with questions as they drove to the store for more beer and brats.

  “She decided it was okay for people to know, that’s all.” They agreed to wait to tell everyone about him being a father. Besides, he had a feeling Rene was going to throw a fit when that came out. Not like it would change his mind about anything. “I only hope your sister doesn’t push her away.”

  “My sister is a bitch, and I wish you remembered that before getting involved with her. I know it seemed like she had changed, but damn, she screwed you over like she always
does everyone.” Gavin sighed and looked over at him. “She keeps begging me to talk some sense into you. I told her I have, and that’s why you won’t see her again.” He winked.

  Kyle groaned. “That’s harsh. I try to simply ignore her. I see the game she’s playing, but it’s not going to work. Besides, she showed up last night, while I was having dinner with Mila, Cher, and Barb.”

  “Cher?” his old buddy laughed.

  Kyle glared at Gavin. “Cherish, you know damn well who I’m referring to.”

  Gavin chuckled. “There’s more to the story. Spill.”

  “I promised I wouldn’t. Okay? Drop it for now. I don’t want the reveal to be an issue tonight,” Kyle told him firmly.

  “Fine, but I’m dying to know. Cadence is too.”

  “Of course you are, you nosey bastard. You stay here, I’ll run in.” Kyle hopped out, grabbed the things they needed, and hurried back.

  When he climbed back into the truck Gavin shook his head.


  “Nothing. Not asking. You already told me not to.” He sighed. “Remember, I’ve been your friend since kindergarten, and you know I’m here for you, whatever you need. Is she in trouble? Mila, that is?”

  “No, god no. It’s nothing bad, but it can’t come out like this. I’ll tell you soon.”

  “Right, fine, dropped,” Gavin grumbled as he fired up the truck.

  * * * *

  Mila was coming back from freshening up when she stepped onto the porch.

  Rene blocked her path. As usual, she was dressed in some expensive chic outfit, and appeared on the plastic side of perfect. Her tone dripped venom. “What are you doing here?”

  Thankfully, no one else was around. Still, Mila offered a pleasant smile, hoping to avoid a scene. “I was invited.”

  “By whom?” The woman glared daggers at Mila.

  A part of her wanted to lay into Rene, but she didn’t want to give Cherish a bad example, and didn’t need the attention. So, she held her temper in check and answered in a calm voice. “Cadence, Kyle, even Gavin made sure to invite me.”


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