Heart on Fire

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Heart on Fire Page 16

by Brandy L Rivers

  Mila rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, they can’t compare to you.”

  “I don’t know, the varsity quarterback is sitting out there. He’s the one shooting death glares.” Kyle winked.

  “He’s got nothing on you.”

  “If you gain your appetite back, there’s a snack in the basket. I want to take you and Cherish to pizza tonight. If you have time?”

  “We do, and thank you—for cheering me up.”

  “I’ll do a whole lot more tonight, if you’ll let me come over.” He waggled his brows as he backed toward the door with a glance at the clock. “I should go before they start some racy rumors about us,” he teased.

  “I’ll see you tonight.” She waved. “Leave the door open.”

  “I will.” He blew her a kiss before going through the door.

  Sure enough, the quarterback walked in, but didn’t look at her as he passed Kyle, who winked at the kid.

  No more denying how much I love my man.

  * * * *

  Kyle waited on Mila’s porch. Only a few minutes passed before she pulled in. He hurried down the steps and opened Cherish’s door as Mila got out.

  Cherish flew out of the car and wrapped her arms around his legs. “Kyle!”

  “Hi, princess, have a good day at school?”

  “Definitely. I got an award for being brilliant,” she beamed.

  “Well, honey, you are brilliant. So that only makes sense,” Mila told her.

  “You get it from your mother, of course.” Kyle winked at Mila as he followed Cherish to the door.

  Once inside, he leaned against the couch and looked at Cherish. “I hear you like pizza, Cher. May I take you and your mother to dinner?”

  “Yes, I love pizza. You can take us. Maybe Mommy will take us to ice cream.”

  “Ice cream, huh? I know the best place for that.” He met Mila’s gaze.

  She gave Cherish a raised brow. “Sure, ice cream it is. After dinner, though. Go change first.”

  “Yay.” Cherish bounced up the stairs, and Kyle couldn’t wait any longer than it took their little girl to shut her door. He pulled Mila into his arms and laid his mouth on hers.

  Moaning, she wrapped herself around him, her hand clutching the back of his head—as if he needed any encouragement. Quick steps down the stairs signaled watching eyes, and they took a step apart.

  “Sorry,” she whispered. “Got carried away.”

  “Me too,” he mouthed. His grin spread from ear-to-ear. He couldn’t wait until Wednesday, when he wouldn’t have to hide what he felt for his girls.

  Chapter 23

  “Mommy, do you love Kyle?” Cherish asked sweetly, as Mila tucked her in.

  “Yes, honey, I do. Is that all right?” She hoped so, thought it was, but if she said no…

  “I like him. He’s much nicer than Brett. He makes you smile lots.”

  Relief nearly overwhelmed Mila. She kissed Cherish on her forehead and was rewarded with another big hug.

  Through the lump in her throat, she asked, “Does that mean you don’t mind if he’s around more?”

  Cherish grinned up at her. “I like it when he’s here.”

  “He’ll be very happy to hear that.”

  “Goodnight, Mommy. Tell him goodnight too.”

  “I will. Sweet dreams, sweetheart.” At the door, she blew one more kiss and shut off the light as Ash jumped onto the bed and cuddled up with Cherish.

  Mila found Kyle downstairs waiting on the couch. She moved in front of him with a smile. “Cherish says goodnight.”

  His smiled brightened as he pulled her into his lap. “You’ve done an excellent job with her.”

  Her smile dimmed. “I wish I’d known you. I wouldn’t—“

  A tender kiss hushed her.

  “Shh. You did nothing wrong. Besides, I have you and Cherish now, and I’m not letting either of you go.”

  Mila leaned into him. “She says you make me smile all the time, and you’re better than Brett. That was two years ago, and only lasted a week. I can’t believe she remembers.” Mila sighed. “At least she likes you.” She was babbling, and couldn’t stop herself. “I told her that you would be around more. I want to tell her the rest.”

  “I’ll be around as much as you’ll let me.” He gently took her face and pulled her closer for another kiss. She came willingly for a moment.

  When she sat up, she was breathless. “Upstairs, in case she comes out of her room. I don’t want her to see us hot and heavy.”

  Kyle nodded. “Smart woman.” He scooped her into his arms as he stood, and carried her up the stairs, quietly.

  * * * *

  Once the door was shut, Kyle set Mila down. She pulled at his clothes in a mad frenzy, while he peeled hers off. He reminded himself Cherish was across the hall, and that he needed to be quiet.

  As they stepped away from the pile of fabric, he pulled Mila against him to feel her skin on his. He needed her underneath him, over him, he didn’t care as long as he was inside his woman.

  “I’m on the pill, and you said you were tested and clean. Don’t worry about a condom,” she told him, as she sank to her knees, her hand wrapping around the base of his length. “Besides, I want to taste you.”

  “Oh Mila, you don’t need to do that,” he groaned.

  “Don’t argue. You love to feast on me, so let me have my taste. Please.” She licked around the ridge of his crown, and then ran her tongue over the slit.

  “Oh fuck, Mila,” he said on an exhale.

  Her mouth closed over him, sucking, licking, wet, hot, and so damned amazing he wasn’t sure he could hold off. And yet, she teased him enough to drag it out for what seemed like forever, until it felt so damned good it hurt.

  “Please, Mila, I need to come, please.”

  Falling into a steady rhythm, she sucked harder, faster, and he did. She didn’t back off him, instead swallowing him down as their eyes met. So beautiful kneeling in front of him, that wet dream of a mouth working him, and he almost collapsed he came so hard. When she finally let go, he fell onto the bed.

  “God, Mila, that was so good I can’t feel my fingers or my toes.”

  She crawled up beside him, and curled into his arms. “Is that a complaint?”

  “Oh no, that was incredible, but now you have to wait for your pleasure.”

  “I can wait. I’m not in a rush,” she purred. “And you taste better than a hot fudge sundae, which is one of my favorite things.”

  “So do you, and they are a favorite of mine too. Right behind you and Cherish, that is.”

  “Favorites?” she asked, tears filling her eyes.

  “Yes, sweetheart, you and Cherish are my two favorite things in the world. I wish your asshole of an ex lived in this state, so I could beat some sense into him for causing you worry.”

  “I don’t. The slimy bastard would file charges. I can’t wait until this is over.”

  “Same here, baby,” he rolled on top of her, determined to make her forget. Seeing the fear in her eyes made him wish he’d kept his mouth shut.

  Between wet kisses down her body, he murmured, “Once we tell Cherish, I hope you’ll both either stay with me, or let me come over every night. Until you’re ready to try living together. Because baby, I’m ready now. I hate waking up without you. I hate not seeing our little girl in the mornings, in the evenings. I know my schedule is crazy, but I want to be with you as much as possible.”

  * * * *

  Oh my god, did he ask me to move in? While kissing and licking every sensitive point on her body? “Kyle, I…” she shivered, and it ended on a moan as his fingers pressed deep inside.

  “Shh, baby, let me make love to you, and we can work this out later. I’m not rushing you.” Then his mouth closed over her clit, and her back arched. He brought her over fast and hard, and then climbed up her body, spreading her further. He found her gate and nudged inside. Flesh to flesh for the first time.

  So big, he filled her up
until she felt he could be a part of her. The pleasure was so intense she couldn’t think, only feel, as he moved in long powerful surges that left her breathless and floating on a sea of ecstasy. She dragged his mouth back to hers, kissing him deep as he made love to her.

  When she tried to break the kiss, to find a way to muffle herself, he plunged his tongue deeper into her mouth, swallowing her cries of pleasure as another climax washed over her. Then he came, erupting inside her, filling her up, leaving her complete.

  “I love you,” she whispered, as he rolled to her side, bringing her with him.

  “I love you too, Mila.” He kissed her again, and held her close.

  “Stay tonight. Please,” she murmured sleepily.


  Chapter 24

  Mila stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the man who threatened to tear her whole world apart. Paul stood by her car in the high school’s teacher lot.

  What the hell is he doing there?

  Vance had filed an order to keep Paul Galloway from seeing her child until the results came in. He was a lawyer, he should know better than to try to intimidate her like this. Not that it was going to work. She refused to cave. There was no way in hell her little girl was his, and she wasn’t going let that arrogant prick anywhere near her daughter.

  Thankfully, Cadence had picked Cherish up with Jenny, and taken her home for dinner.

  She wasn’t going to let Paul hurt her child. Not that he would touch her, but claiming to be daddy when she was so close to proving he wasn’t would only upset Cherish.

  Taking a deep breath, she calmly made her way to her car. Kyle was heading their way from the firehouse after his shift.

  Her heart thumped in her chest as she wondered what was going on in his head. A man he’d never seen was waiting for her. Kyle was smart and likely realized it was Paul because the scowl was directed his way, not hers.

  She stepped into Paul’s line of sight before he noticed Kyle. Thankfully the students were gone, and there was no one else in the parking lot.

  “Why are you here?” Mila asked coldly as she looked over. Kyle’s expression hardened, though not at her.

  “Hello, Mila. Where’s our daughter?” Paul’s tone was arctic lined with acid.

  Kyle came up beside her, taking her hand, but not looking away from Paul. “Everything okay, Mila?”

  Paul laughed harshly. “Who is this?”

  “None of your business. And where my daughter is, is no concern of yours. You were told not to come out here—until after we have the results. Tomorrow you’ll have proof that Cherish is not, and never has been, your daughter.”

  “Is this the supposed father?” Paul smirked. “A fireman when you could have had a lawyer.”

  “I didn’t want a lawyer. Choosing you meant giving up my dreams of being a teacher to be your trophy wife. I’m happy. Can you say the same?”

  His jaw tightened as he shook his head. “Stop playing games, Mila. Is this the man you’re claiming as her father?”

  She took a deep breath, amazed that Kyle still hadn’t opened his mouth. “Her father isn’t your concern.” She squeezed Kyle’s hand and narrowed her eyes at her ex. “According to the order, you can’t see Cherish until you are proven to be her father. That’s never going to happen.”

  He took a step closer. “Bullshit, Mila. I can see her if I want.”

  “No, Paul. The law applies, even to you. Did you think I wouldn’t protect my daughter? Did you think I wouldn’t read the fine print? You cannot see Cherish, and you never will. So get in your car, and leave.”

  “There’s no reason to be like this. Cherish is mine, and the more you fight, the easier it will be for me to win full custody.”

  “Good luck with that. You’re the one trying to violate the order. You’re the one who was engaged to another woman before I ever got pregnant. So yeah, I had one reckless night over a month after leaving you. And if you don’t remember, I hadn’t been with you in almost a month before you walked out the door. Cherish was never yours.”

  “We’ll see about that. Your mother seems convinced she could be.”

  A thread of despair swirled through her again. The fact her mother could do such a thing tore her apart. Mila wasn’t sure she could forgive her. She hadn’t accepted any of her calls.

  “And when you looked at the dates, it didn’t seem strange to you that the date of conception was long after you? That her due date was far past what it would have to be for you to be her father? Why now? Why after all these years?”

  Another cold smile, so calculating.

  Why the hell did I ever love this man?

  “Took me that long to learn my wife, the woman I love, can’t have children.”

  “So adopt, but you aren’t taking my daughter. If you press this, I will call the police. You are going to be the one thrown in jail.”

  His eyes narrowed dangerously. “You never did answer me, who is your fireman friend?”

  “My friend, and that’s all you need to know. And for the record, I’m glad I didn’t wind up with the lawyer. I’m glad I came to my senses and left your ass, because I never would have had Cherish if I hadn’t. You won’t take her from me.”

  “We’ll see. I still don’t buy the fact you found a mystery man to step in. I’m guessing you had your brother do the test, for the closest possibility.”

  “You are sick enough to think of that, but Mason moved to your state, clear across the country.”

  “And you’re nobody.”

  Her hand twitched, wanting to sail through the air to slap him silly. After a deep breath, she calmly demanded, “Leave. Don’t come near my house, don’t try to follow. I swear I will involve the police. If you remember anything about me, you know I will.”

  “Fine, I’ll be around though, so I can meet my daughter the second the results come through. Maybe you should take tomorrow off so you can arrange a visit.” He turned and left.

  As he climbed into his rental car, Mila started to tremble. Kyle pulled her into his embrace. She wouldn’t cry, refused to breakdown, but she was on the edge.

  * * * *

  That asshole is her ex?

  What a piece of shit. All cold and smarmy, like Mila needed that douchebag in her life. Kyle couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come. He intended to wash away every last one of Mila’s doubts the second they told her daughter.

  “Hey, Mila?” He tipped her face up to look into baby-blue eyes. The hurt and sadness tore him apart. “Are you all right?”

  “No.” She tangled her fingers in his shirt. “I was feeling better about things until he showed up. That’s Paul for you. Doesn’t think the rules apply to him, or maybe he thinks I’m stupid enough not to know what he can and can’t do while we wait for the results. I’m looking forward to rubbing that piece of paper in his face. Fucking bastard.”

  Kyle swallowed down his chuckle. He didn’t blame her. Hell, he wanted to beat the shit out of Paul, but he stood back and let her handle it the right way. “Neither can I, babe, neither can I.”

  “Thank you.” she sighed and tried to smile, but failed.

  “May I take you to dinner?”


  “Gavin drove us in, and so I don’t have my car.”

  “I don’t mind driving. Where did you have in mind?”

  “How does steak sound?”

  “Perfect,” she grinned.

  “Why don’t I call Cadence to make sure she keeps Cherish a couple more hours? Maybe see if she can spend the night, and I’ll get her clothes over there without being seen in case he’s lurking around.”

  “No. I want her home tonight, but you can make sure Cadence doesn’t mind keeping her longer. I don’t think Paul is stupid enough to violate the order now that he knows I’m aware of what it says.”

  “He still thinks she’s his, which doesn’t sound likely after Vance looked into the conception date and due date. Your medical records can’t lie, and sure, they could
be off a bit, but not by that much.”

  “Trust me, I know. Desperation doesn’t excuse his behavior. Sorry you had to see that.”

  “I’m not. Now I have a face to watch for. I hope you’re right about him not bothering you again.” He squeezed her tight. “Let’s get going.”

  They climbed into the car and she drove them down to the steakhouse while he called Cadence.

  She answered on the first ring. “Hey Kyle. Gavin’s not back yet. What’s up?”

  “I’m hoping you aren’t in a rush for Cherish to go home. Mila’s ex showed up, wanting to see Cherish. So if you don’t mind, I want to take Mila to dinner, and maybe dessert, before we pick her up.”

  “No problem. Is Mila okay?”

  “She will be. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Then I’ll see you later. Take your time.”

  “Later, Cad.” He hung up and turned to Mila. “We have all the time we want. If you change your mind about her staying overnight, you only have to let her know. I’m sure Cadence would be happy to help. I doubt Paul knows where to find her.”

  Mila looked over with a nod. “Okay.”

  “Obviously it’s not,” he squeezed her thigh. “Talk to me Mila. What can I do?”

  “You’re already doing it, like always. I want this mess to be over. I don’t want to have to deal with Paul again. I thought I was done with him. Thought I would never have to see him again. Apparently, I was wrong.”

  “He won’t have a reason to bother you again after tomorrow.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Chapter 25

  A phone was ringing as Mila pulled into the parking lot. She dug it out and saw Mason’s number. Her brother, who she loved to death, but hadn’t talked to much since the move. She hadn’t mentioned Kyle yet, because she wanted to be sure before she told him anything. Now she was.

  “I’ve got to take this Kyle. Can you get our seats, please? I’ll only be a minute.”


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