Whole Lotta Apollo Goin' On [Celestial Nights 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Whole Lotta Apollo Goin' On [Celestial Nights 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Rebecca Joyce

  With a sly smile on her face, Fairy slid her body up Superman’s until his face was even with hers. He leaned in slowly, his lips moving closer to hers. Her mind raced. Kissing another man was something she had never considered. Superman did just claim her, and the thought was exciting, but it also terrified her. What if he didn’t like it? What if she didn’t kiss like the others who had touched his lips before? What if she didn’t like him? Fairy immediately threw that thought out of her mind. Of course she would like it. She had loved him for years, and now he belonged to her, just as she belonged to him.

  Superman had a wide mouth and full lips, and when his met hers, it felt wonderful. Fairy felt her breath whoosh out of her body as she returned his kiss enthusiastically. It was wonderful, everything she imagined and more. Superman was a great kisser, but Fairy was relieved to know she wanted him just as much as she liked Apollo. Superman’s kiss meant so much, or possibly more. She didn’t know everything about him, but she looked forward to finding out.

  Superman gently suckled at her lips, pulling her bottom lip into his mouth and releasing it gently. That move sent a shock of electricity straight to her clitoris, tingling as it came to rest.

  “Um, guys, the time,” Batman said, slipping his hands from the chains on the wall.

  Fairy turned to him and smiled. “Don’t worry. We’ll make it there in time.”

  “She’s right,” Superman said, getting up. “It’s not like we have to drive anywhere.”

  “I wouldn’t drive if my life depended on it. Those motorized vehicles are detrimental to the ecosystem.”

  “Good one, Apollo, you should use that for your platform for reelection.” Superman smiled.

  “No.” Apollo grinned. “I’m running because this town needs a real party planner, not some hoity-toity wannabe safety inspector whose sole purpose for living is to bust my balls for having five-year-old fire extinguishers!”

  “He can’t say that,” Superman said, turning to look at her.

  “I know that, Helios, but what can we do about it?” Fairy replied. “He’s Apollo, the Greek God of Celestial!”

  Chapter Two

  Sunday evening

  “Let the first ever mayoral town hall meeting begin,” Miz Raven said into the microphone, as she lowered the golden gavel down on the podium. She brought the town residents of Celestial to attention as they all gathered in the banquet hall of the Best Lay Hotel. Though everyone was happy and excited to talk about what was good for the town, everyone wondered where in the hell Apollo was. “We will get started when our mayor decides to show. In the meantime I was out with Moon Goddess at Buzzy’s place the other night and watched the most amazing lover’s moon. Did you all see it?”

  “I did,” Cricket Zazzle-Leaf shouted, jumping to her feet. “I was laying naked out under the stars with Taurus, while we were making s’mores, and that’s when we saw it.”

  “I was knitting penis koozies, when I looked out the window and saw it,” Glory Wanabangher said as several women snickered.

  Coughing, Charity cleared her throat and asked, “Just what in the hell is a penis koozie, Glory?”

  “Oh, it’s rather simple. It’s a koozie, like for a toaster or blender, but for a penis. I figured because it gets so cold here in the mountains during the winter. My penis koozies would make a splash on Google, and I am currently in the development stage for a boobie koozie.”

  “Those are called bras, Glory,” Capri offered kindly.

  “No. A bra is made of wire and processed fibers. My boobie-koozies are made of natural lamb’s wool and tree bark. It’s all natural.”

  “I am not wearing tree bark,” Charity stated firmly.

  “Glory, it’s still a bra, no matter how you dress it up,” Capri replied sweetly.

  “Darn it,” Glory mumbled as she sat back down. The others in the hall laughed, and soon started talking amongst themselves, when Apollo walked in wearing a Batman mask and speedo. Following him was Fairy dressed as Batgirl, and Helios Martinez, the local owner of Starshine’s Emporium, dressed as Superman, cape and all.

  “Well, it looks like our superheroes have arrived!” Miz Raven said into the microphone.

  “How’s Gotham City, Batman?” Pisces asked, chuckling as Apollo walked by.

  Apollo didn’t even bother dignifying him with a response, but he did flip him the one-finger bird.

  “Leave him alone, baby. He’s in character. What you should have asked was where the Joker is,” Landon whispered just loud enough for Apollo to hear.

  “I thought Apollo was the Joker?” Pisces questioned.

  “All right, folks, let’s calm down and get ready for a fun-filled night of cosmic politics and universal friendship,” Miz Raven said. Taking his seat, Apollo looked to his right and nodded to Rayne Meyer, his opponent, who rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  Why the meeting couldn’t be held at his club, he would never know, Apollo thought as he sat on a small platform looking out at the people who gathered. Well, technically, from the looks of it, the whole damn town showed, but he wasn’t going to waste his time counting heads.

  He was already aggravated that he missed his turn with the lovely Fairy, but this was the icing on the cake. The meeting should have been held at his club, The Rainbow Room, where there was plenty of liquor! He so needed a drink for this shit.

  As far as he was concerned, he shouldn’t even have to be going through this. He was the damn mayor for Goddess sakes. However, thanks to Miss I-wanna-run-for-mayor Rayne Meyer I-don’t-have-enough-people-to-push-around, he was stuck. For the first time in ten years, he was going to have to campaign, make promises, and smile at everyone to win the election.

  Not that he would keep any of those promises, but hey, his voters didn’t need to know that. Regardless, there was nothing he could do about it now. He needed to stop brooding over it because if he didn’t get his head in the game, he was going to lose this election. With only one week left until the polls closed, his opponent Rayne Meyer was gaining quickly on him, with hopes of stabilization and new revenue.

  Who the fuck cared about that shit? He sure as hell didn’t! All he cared about was the comfy chair that took him four years to break in. The thought of having Rayne sitting her cute little ass in his chair was driving him crazy.

  “First up is the mayoral opponent, Rayne Meyer,” Miz. Raven said, handing Rayne the microphone.

  Apollo jumped to his feet and argued, “Why does she get to go first?”

  “Because according to the procedural guidelines for town hall meetings regarding mayoral races that I had Moon look up for me, the opponent goes first, giving the current mayor the last word,” Miz. Raven replied.

  “Well, I’m the mayor, and I don’t want the last word. I should get to go first.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Rayne sighed. “You are not seriously whining about me going first are you?”

  “No, I just want to say my piece and be done. I shouldn’t have to wait on you.”

  “Apollo, this isn’t a grudge match. I won’t take long.”

  “Said every woman in the cosmos.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You’re excused,” Apollo swiftly replied, taking the microphone away from her. “Now sit down. It’s my turn.”

  “But I didn’t say anything!”

  “And thank the Goddess for that. Once you get started, you never stop.”

  “Hang on there, buddy,” Blaze Weston interrupted, getting to his feet, Ashe Bently standing with him. Both men were still new to town and in a relationship with Rayne since taking over the local fire department. “Since we’ve met you, you’ve ignored, belittled, and berated Rayne to no end. Now, our girl can take care of herself. So we tend to let her handle things, but we’re not going to sit by and let you embarrass her before she’s even had a chance to speak her mind.”

  “That’s right,” Ashe agreed, and then added very firmly. “Apologize.”

  “For what? She started it,” Ap
ollo screeched, his voice higher than normal. “Besides, I’m the mayor!”

  The town’s residents snickered, laughed, and started talking amongst themselves. It was very well known that Apollo couldn’t say a kind word without gagging, or making himself sick. There was no doubt he was a screwed businessman. The man was one of the wealthiest men in Celestial, but he wasn’t very nice about it. If Apollo saw something or someone he wanted, he went after it with a vengeance, like a dog with a bone.

  It wasn’t his fault that he was single-minded. He just liked everything his way, and so what if he wanted certain things? There was no problem being a minimal capitalist with extravagant needs. He was only human.

  Regardless of Blaze’s rude outburst, Apollo gave himself massive props for not overreacting or worse, saying what he wanted to say. Maybe they needed to pleasure their woman better. That way she’d be too stupefied to speak. Nevertheless, he figured that it wasn’t the best time to say something like that. Considering he was still getting lecture after lecture for his “women can’t be the mayor” blunder.

  “Apologize to her right now Apollo, or I will run for mayor,” Blaze demanded, standing firm.

  Okay, he was not expecting that.

  “You can’t run for mayor,” Rayne shouted, cutting him off before he could say a word. “I’m running for mayor.”

  “Calm down there, fire starter. I was only making a point,” Blaze said, holding up his hands.

  “Then think of something else, like how you should petition the city council for a new fire truck, or new fire extinguishers,” Rayne stated without care, then turned to Apollo. “Seriously, Apollo, the town does need new fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, and a better emergency evacuation route. What if a mudslide occurred, or worse, a flood!”

  “Oh for God’s sake, baby, we live in the mountains. If it floods here, I think we can all agree that the universe is cleaning house.” Blaze groaned.

  “But you don’t know. It could happen, and, therefore, I propose we start a preparedness group.”

  Sitting back down, Blaze sighed and said, “Sorry I interrupted, Apollo. Proceed, she’s all yours.”

  Apollo wanted to throttle Blaze. Once Rayne Meyer got on her high horse, she never stopped. She was like a wrecking ball flying at full speed at a brick wall. She wasn’t going to be happy until she browbeat everything and everyone to death. Moreover, as he said only moments ago, once she got started, she never stopped.

  Sitting down, Apollo made himself comfortable, because he knew tonight was going to be one of the longest in his life.

  * * * *

  One hour later…

  “And therefore to be a good citizen of Celestial, I would like to implement a safe shoe program, because you can never be too careful when it comes to the safety of your feet.”

  Apollo yawned, stretching his arms over his head. He had no clue what in the hell Rayne was talking about nor did he care. Looking at the clock, he sighed, wondering how much longer she could go on. She had been speaking nonstop about a bunch of rubbish that meant nothing in regards to running a town. She was annoying the hell out of him. If he had to listen to another word come out of her mouth, he was going to pull what hair he still had left, out of his head.

  “Shut up!”

  “Excuse me?” Rayne paused innocently, looking at him.

  “You heard me,” Apollo ground out, getting to his feet. “I said, shut up.”

  “But I’m not done. I still have several issues to deal with.”

  “Then go talk to a therapist, because you’re driving me crazy!”

  Apollo snagged the microphone away from her and simply said to all that were still awake. “My name is Apollo Humperdinck, and I am the current mayor, so I’d appreciate it if you would reelect me. Now, drinks are on the house at the Rainbow Room.” With that, he placed the microphone on the podium and headed out of the Best Lay Hotel, desperately needing a drink.

  Apollo walked into the Rainbow Room and sighed. Heading for the bar, he reached over the glass top and grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels and took a long swig, praying it would numb and dull the last hour of his life. If he were really lucky, he’d planned to get so plastered that he’d wipe her speech from his memory forever.

  “How dare you walk away like that. I wasn’t finished!”

  Apollo groaned, hanging his head in defeat. He knew he wasn’t that lucky. The bane of his existence followed him, along with most of the town’s residents. Well, at least he could drum up some business, he thought as everyone found seats, giving his waitresses a reason to do their jobs.

  “Go away, Rayne. You’re annoying me,” Apollo ground out, before taking another long swig of his whiskey.

  “I am not annoying!” she replied, stomping her little foot.

  “Rayne.” Apollo sighed, turning to look at her. “I am going to say this with all the love I can muster. I would rather play hopscotch in a minefield, blindfolded, while jumping on one leg, drunk, than listen to any more of your diatribes.”

  “But I am just stating the obvious. Even you have to admit, this town needs some new modifications. Dang it, Apollo, we’re still using real fire to light the street lamps.”

  “A process that has worked for decades, and keeps Dick Stroker employed.”

  “That man is an alcoholic. Do you seriously want him near an open flame?”

  “That’s why the town hired your firefighters. Besides, it’s been months since Dick set himself on fire, and last I heard he is recuperating just fine. He should be back on the job real soon.”

  “You’re useless,” Rayne growled.

  Apollo had had enough. He couldn’t take any more of her shit. There was no stopping this woman. Left with no choice, Apollo did the only thing he knew to shut her up. Rounding on her quickly, he said, “Sweetheart, do you know why the universe gave men a penis?”

  “No,” she whispered, slowly backing away.

  “So he’d always have one way to shut a woman up. Now be a good girl and go sit on one!”

  When Rayne paled to the point of snow, Apollo figured she had finally gotten the gist. However, when he turned to walk away, he stepped right into a wall. A wall that wasn’t supposed to be there. When he blinked a couple times, Apollo realized that it was two walls, two huge, muscular walls that were growling.

  Since when did walls growl?

  “Now, boys, I was trying to be nice, but she pushed my buttons. I meant no harm.”

  “Apologize,” the right wall said.

  “I will not. If anyone should know how she is, it should be you!”

  “Apologize, or visit the hospital.” The second wall started moving forward.

  “If I apologize, she won’t shut up. Look, she’s actually quiet now. You should be thanking me!”

  “Just hit him, Blaze!” Charity shouted. “It’s been a while since someone took a whack at Apollo.”

  “A lot of good that did. Poor Dick is still in a useless job,” Glory stated.

  “Will you two witches shut up!” Apollo roared. “Everyone, just shut the hell up!”

  The Rainbow Room instantly quieted down, and for once Apollo could hear himself think. It was like the gates of the universe opened up and he all he heard was complete silence, as if the universe was waiting on his divine knowledge. It was a novel experience, one he rarely heard. Who knew he could understand himself without saying a word?

  As he looked around, he realized that just maybe he had pushed too far. When he looked into the eyes off his friends and neighbors, everyone looked as if they were waiting to lynch his ass and stick him on a spit.

  This was not good.

  “Apologize to the town now,” the right wall said, moving forward.

  What happened next was literally a cosmic intervention. The last person on the planet who Apollo thought would ever come to defend him stepped in between him and the two snarling walls, which were ready to make pudding out of him.

  “Blaze, Ashe, enough,” Rayne whispered. “Ple
ase go sit down. I will handle this.”

  When the two new firefighters stepped away, Apollo took a deep cleansing breath and sent up a thank you to the cosmos. He really didn’t know what he would have done without its help. As he decided to walk away and ponder that thought, Rayne snapped her finger and said, “Hold it, mister. I have a proposition for you.”

  “Yes,” he replied, taking a seat, figuring this was going to be another one of her lectures.

  “You don’t want me running for mayor, correct?”

  “Got it on the first try, Rayne. I knew you were smart.”

  “Fine, I will withdraw my candidacy, on one condition.”

  “Which is?” Apollo questioned, leery of what would come out of her mouth next. It wasn’t that she could drum on forever. It was because of the look Rayne was currently sporting. It almost looked as if she knew she was about to lay down the gauntlet or something. It was freaking him out.

  “For the next week, you have to be nice.”

  Apollo gasped.

  Chapter Three

  “Nice!” Apollo roared, slamming his hands on his desk. The loud crack in a small room made Fairy jump, but she knew he wasn’t angry with her. Nope, she was innocent this time and thank the Goddess for that, because she couldn’t take much more of his bellyaching over the loss of his golden locks. It was hair…it would grow back!

  “She’s lost her fucking mind!” Apollo seethed, pacing back and forth in his office as Fairy watched in shock. Oh yeah, he was in a dither all right, he was cursing. He hardly ever cursed, believing it was beneath him and his abilities to persuade and enlighten those around him. “I’m one of the nicest people in this damn town. Hell, just the other day, I was over at Capri’s and lifted the damn toilet seat before I took a piss!”

  Fairy decided not to dignify that remark with a comment. Nope, the best thing she could do was to shut up and let him rant until either he wore himself out or he realized it had been six hours since he had sex.


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