Whole Lotta Apollo Goin' On [Celestial Nights 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Whole Lotta Apollo Goin' On [Celestial Nights 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Rebecca Joyce

  “You seem pleased,” Apollo teased. Fairy’s breath caught, then laughed as she breathlessly replied, “You vain man. You know you look good.”

  It was his turn to laugh as he stood before her, fully erect. Proudly erect as he rested his hands on his hips. Fairy licked her lips unconsciously and glanced up into Apollo’s laughing eyes as a chuckle rolled through him. He stepped close to her, only it was his turn to let out a hiss as her soft hand found him and gripped gently, stroking slightly.

  “You are gorgeous,” she said as she rubbed her thumb over the head of him, gathering the drop of moisture and spreading the silky smoothness over the mushroom head. She liked the heavy feel of him in her hands. The heat radiating off him was startling and she wanted to press her body into every inch of him. She also liked the slight bit of power she felt holding him in her hand.

  Apollo growled as he pressed his palms into the desk, bracketing her thighs as Fairy continued her slow torture of him with gentle strokes. She felt like playing, and she set the pace while he kissed her shoulder, sucking the skin, leaving a faint mark. She wanted him to bite and nip at her skin. Suck it until she had welts. She wanted him to mark her as his, forever.

  “Enough,” he bit out, gripping her wrist and stopping her hand from any more of her tormenting touches. He gripped her thighs and shoved them wide apart, staring down at her peach-pink core. She blushed as he looked at her, her slick folds almost the same shade as her delicate nipples.

  Before Fairy could protest, not that she was inclined to, Apollo sank to his knees and pressed a kiss at her core. His hands lifted her legs over his shoulders and he wrapped his arms around her legs as he nuzzled her. Her mind blanked as he ran his tongue through her slick pussy, and she let out a strangled cry when his lips closed around her clit. He sucked gently, then laved, then sucked again.

  Fairy’s head dropped back and she moaned as his mouth sent her spiraling out of control. Her fingers slid into his hair, and she gripped and released in time to his licks and kisses. He kept taking her higher and higher up the precipice, only to stop and drag her back down, never letting her leap off into ecstasy. His mouth ravaged her so thoroughly, relishing her as if she was a juicy piece of fruit. At one point he had slid the thick length of his tongue into her cunt and she almost came, only to have him back off and press soft kisses to the inside of her thigh. When she was about ready to grip his hair and jerk him up, he slowly unfolded his body and stood, pulling her close.

  She blinked her eyes open dazedly as he fitted his cock to her. She stared into his blue depths. He grasped the base of his cock and slowly pushed in, leaning down to kiss her, his mouth wet from her juices. She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him closer, sucking his lips like he was a lifeline.

  His hands went to her hips, and in one thorough movement pulled her firmly to him and thrust deeply. She panted into his shoulder, only to let out a whimper as he pulled out and thrust heavily again as she sang like a siren, calling him to take her as his own.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he ordered harshly, and Fairy knew he was past the point of requesting. He was too far gone, too long without his release. She liked him that way, on the edge and aggressive, so much so that he needed her beyond all reason.

  Fairy wrapped her legs around his body, locking her ankles. She let him tilt her back onto the desk, thankful that he didn’t have anything to hamper his way. He leaned over her, his forearms bracketing her head as he began to move. She closed her eyes as an intense sensation filled her belly and radiated upward into her chest. She loved deep thrusts that made her insides quake, and Apollo seemed to know just what she wanted and needed.

  He kissed her repeatedly as she tasted herself on his lips. She reached up and gripped the hair at the back of his head, holding him to her mouth as he plunged his tongue inside in perfect rhythm to his thrusting cock. Her cries and whimpers were muffled against his mouth as the surging spiral of delight rose higher and higher. So close that Fairy wasn’t sure how much more she could take.

  Like all the times before, Apollo seemed to know exactly what she needed, for before she could stop him, his fingers slid between their driving bodies to settle on her clit. He just rested his warm palm there, until with several hard thrusts, he pressed down and twisted his fingers.

  Fairy’s head fell back and she cried out as she came. Before the cry got any louder, Apollo’s mouth covered hers, suppressing her screams of pleasure. She bucked her body against his and dug her nails into the skin of his shoulders. She didn’t care if she marked him a little, for his body was marking hers.

  Apollo hissed in pleasure as Fairy squeezed her pussy tight, refusing to let him go. Her nails bit into his skin as he thrust into her one more time before collapsing on her. His face pressed into her neck as he gasped for air.

  “How am I going to do this, baby?” Apollo asked as her breathing slowed. His question was formed in such a sincere way that Fairy couldn’t help the gasp that fell from her mouth.

  When he continued to stare at her with an apparent concern, Fairy felt her heart shatter like glass. She finally answered, “You are going to be yourself, Apollo, and you’re going to show them the man I love.”

  Chapter Four

  Monday morning,

  Helios Martinez was tired. He needed more than a few hours of sleep after the day he had yesterday. Nevertheless, there was no rest for the wicked. His thoughts of fucking Fairy while Apollo watched them both last night were definitely wicked and kept him hard all night long. He could still smell her essence on him as he dressed this morning, getting ready for work. She was everywhere around him, in him. Almost as if he bathed himself in her. Of course, their little rendezvous was supposed to be an all-night extravaganza, yet once again it turned out to be…all about Apollo.

  Helios had waited five long years to taste and experience the delectable and charming Fairy Belltower, and she was everything he hoped she would be and more. He could have stayed inside her body forever, and actually planned on it for a bit, that was until Apollo opened his mouth and started spewing, me, me, me.

  His night of glorious firsts was cut off just so Apollo could make it to the first mayoral town hall meeting. He should have known it was just his luck.

  Helios Alfred Martinez was technically new to Celestial. Born and raised a “southie” from South Beach, Florida. Helios grew up very differently from those in his acquaintance. Where almost everyone he knew had a mother and a father, well, Helios had “Madame Sheena” and Bob. If he wanted to get technical, Madame Sheena was also known as Pedro Martinez or as he called him…dad.

  Yep, he was the product of a famous drag queen from South Beach. Typically, it never bothered him what his father did, that was until he reached puberty, and realized that while his friends at school had a mom and dad, he had two dads. It wasn’t easy for him, even in today’s age when homosexuality was becoming legalized. Back then, he hid his family life from everyone, never actually having friends. Oh, he tried many things to fit in with kids his own age. He tried out for football, which landed him in the emergency room, getting his shoulder reset. He tried out for baseball, and was rejected because he couldn’t run, hit the ball, or catch anything except poison ivy. He thought about joining the basketball team, but he wasn’t tall enough. He tried out for soccer one summer, and ended up kicking himself in the nuts. After that, he realized he wasn’t good at sports and decided to go find academic clubs, which did better suit his needs.

  He couldn’t play chess, he hated poetry, band was out of the question because he was tone deaf, and he couldn’t swim, so the surfing club was out. That left him with the math club, chemistry club, and the science department, and those kids were just a bunch of picked-on geeks. He refused to add to the list of failings, so all that was left to him was his nana’s garden.

  Helios loved his nana. She was everything he wanted and needed in a mother. She taught him how to cook, clean, wash his clothes properly, and on occasion, when he was sick, she st
ayed with him and nursed him back to health. She was his perfect mother. The only problem was she wasn’t.

  He would have thought that growing up the product of two gay men in South Beach would have been easier for him. But when his so-called “mother” was a famous drag queen who paraded herself on stage every night and had more drama following her around like a gaggle of geese, well, Helios just learned to hide within the shadows. He loved his dad, both of them, he really did, but they never understood his need for a real mother.

  Then came his teen years, when Helios realized that not only was he attracted to women, but to men also. That was his breaking point. He wanted a normal life, with a wife and kids, and he knew he wasn’t going to get it staying in Florida. Therefore, after high school, he went away to college.

  That was mistake number one.

  Looking back, attending the University of California at Berkley was probably not the best of choices. Considering its location, and the fact that the university was one of the most liberal universities around, add in its proximity to San Francisco, and well, Helios was no closer to getting what he wanted. Yet, he managed to muddle through, avoiding all forms of relationships, and graduated with a degree in small business management. After that, instead of going home and putting his degree to good use, he chose to go adventuring.

  That was mistake number two.

  Now even Helios could agree that a tall, skinny kid with no physical dexterity whatsoever and the ability to find trouble should have been a significant warning sign. Nevertheless, he ignored it and set out on a grand adventure. He made it to Yellowstone National Park. That was where he was attacked by bees, fell off a donkey and twisted his ankle, and somehow bruised his tailbone watching Old Faithfull erupt. Those were the highlights, too. He was also robbed at gunpoint by a woman, chased by an evil raccoon for three blocks, and thrown into a dumpster by a bunch of twelve-year-olds. It was the last one where he met Miz. Raven. Somehow, that brave, unusual woman showed up, scared the kids away, and helped him out of the dumpster. After a long talk, he agreed to follow Raven back to Celestial.

  That was mistake number three.

  Helios wasn’t even in town twenty-four hours when he met and fell head over heels in love with Fairy Belltower. Then as if his life couldn’t get any worse, it was the love of his life who introduced him to the most beautiful Norse God he had ever met. He was so screwed, blued, and tattooed with lust for a man. Back then, Helios wasn’t sure he was going to stay, but Raven insisted, and even helped him acquire the Starshine’s Cosmic Emporium. Since then, his little business had been his only love. That was until Apollo made a pass at him.

  Since then, unknowingly to everyone in the town, at night when the residents of Celestial slept, Helios would sneak over to Apollo’s and stay the night. Their little rendezvous sessions had been going on for the last three and a half years.

  For so long he blamed his dads for the life they lead. Wishing that they would keep it on the down low, and yet, here he was, hiding his real self from everyone he came to love and care about. He was a hypocrite and he hated it.

  After his first night with Apollo, it was bizarre trying to adjust to regular life. Helios felt as if he’d been on a long, luxurious vacation, and the thought of going back to his everyday grind of avoidance and denial was soul-crushingly disappointing.

  When Helios thought back on his first same-sex experience, it seemed only as real as a dream. He tried to lie to himself, saying that it had never actually happened. However, he knew somewhere, not far away, was a walking, talking reminder that it did happen. Since then his denial grew, to about three times a week, and sometimes twice on Sunday.

  It was on Friday after closing up his store that Apollo approached him with an idea. Typically, Helios laughed whenever that occurred, because it generally had something to do with Apollo getting his way. However, this time, it was something different. This time, Apollo’s idea included Fairy.

  Helios made no excuses for his feeling for the beautiful blonde woman. He had been in love with her from the first moment he laid eyes on her. Though he never had the courage to tell her. Nevertheless, thanks to Apollo, it seemed as if he was about to get his chance. Apollo let him know that Fairy wanted more from their relationship, and had requested his presence in a ménage. Of course, Helios was eager and ready to serve, but then Apollo laid down the ground rules.

  He was not allowed to touch Fairy…at all.

  Not bloody likely!

  Therefore, while Helios listened to Apollo as he talked about Fairy’s fantasy, Helios started planning his own covert operation…one where he had a lovely woman all to himself, and Apollo was forced to watch. Moreover, it worked out well, too. He got his chance with Fairy, and Apollo was shackled to the wall. Then Apollo opened his big mouth and his dreams of happily ever after ended, all because Apollo had to have the last word.

  Since that night, Helios hadn’t seen either Apollo or Fairy around.


  Speak of the devil.

  “Over here, Apollo,” he replied, and like all the times before the moment Helios laid eyes on Apollo, the man got his body humming, his blood pumping, and his dick hard.

  How in the world did one man do that?

  “So what’s the urgency?” Helios asked. “Why do you look sweaty?”

  “Because I’ve been running around town for the last hour, trying to avoid Fairy.” Apollo panted, trying to catch his breath.


  “Because she’s insane!” Apollo shouted in frustration, running his hands through his hair. God, Helios missed Apollo’s long hair. Though he did have to admit, the short look did make him look more debonair. “Do you know what she wants me to do? Well let me enlighten you. She’s actually made a list of people and places that I can volunteer at to help boost my image. She actually wants me to go around town and be happy with everyone who crosses my path. She’s lost it.”

  “What’s wrong with that?” Helios asked. “It couldn’t possibly hurt your reelection bid.”

  “I am nice damnit! Hell, I just saw Rayne on the street and smiled at the little ingrate. And do you know what she did? She flipped me the bird!”

  “Well, you do kind of look like a serial killer when you smile,” Helios advised softly.

  “That’s beside the point.” Apollo waved him off. “The point is I shouldn’t have to do any of this. Just because Rayne Meyer challenged me doesn’t mean I have to actually do it.”

  “The way I heard it, you told Rayne she couldn’t be mayor because she was a woman. Then you cracked a rank joke about men and penises and then go told her to sit on one.”

  Laughing, Apollo interrupted, “That was a good one, too, and you should have seen her face.”

  “And you cursed at the town. Face it, Apollo, since Rayne has put her hat into the election, you haven’t been yourself. Well, technically, you have been, but you’ve been grumpier than ever and now you are belittling and making fun of other people’s faults. You’ve never sunk that low before. What’s going on with you?”

  “She’s trying to take my chair!”

  “Your chair?”

  “You know, the chair I sit in at the office. I love that chair. It took a lot of reorganization with the town’s funds to get that chair, and I’ll be damned to hell before I let Little Miss Busy Body sit her cute little ass in it. It’s mine!”

  “You mean to tell me that all of this chaos is because of the damn chair?”

  “Haven’t you been listening…it’s mine!”

  “Wow, um…maybe you need to go find Fairy and read that list. I think some acts of contrition are what you need.”

  “No, what I need is for Rayne to back off, and my life to go back to normal.”

  “Not going to happen, bubby, sorry.”

  “Help me, Helios. I feel like I out of control.”

  “Because you are.”

  “Then help me calm down.”

  “And how in the hell am I suppose
d to do that?”

  Grinning, Apollo smiled. “There is one way that’s always worked.”

  Apollo turned around to face him directly. His icy-blue eyes were moist as they searched his carefully. He was different than he’d been just moments before. He was still maddeningly gorgeous, but he wasn’t flirtatious or seductive. Instead, he was guarded. “It’s my fault,” he whispered. “I know I craved sex all the time. I can’t help it. I knew you were vulnerable when you moved here, and I took advantage. I should have kept my distance. I’m sorry for that.”

  Where did that come from?

  Helios shook his head quickly. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Listen, what happens between us is between us. It’s perfect. Best sex I’ve ever had. You know I want you, Apollo.”

  “I want you, too, Helios,” he whispered, taking one step forward and placing a hand on his chest. “But I don’t want to be a thorn in your side. I can be greedy and single-minded when I want something. There are only two people in Celestial that can hurt me, and you’re one of them. If I lost you over this mess, it would destroy me.”

  Helios shook his head again. “That’s bullshit. You are one of the strongest men I know. The only one who can hurt you, is you. Fairy and I love you. We have for a long time. You need to realize that. We’re not going to run when things get tough. We’re in whatever this is, for the long haul. You have to learn just because someone opposes you, doesn’t mean they hate you. Don’t take it personally, Apollo, if I thought I could win, I would run against you.”

  Apollo smiled, cupping his cheek. “You’re so sweet.”

  “You are missing the point, Apollo.” Helios groaned, pressing his cheek into Apollo’s soft, cool hand.

  “Oh, baby,” Apollo sighed, now stroking him with both hands. “Just when I think you are the sweetest, you get ten times sweeter.”


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