An Unconventional Innocent

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An Unconventional Innocent Page 1

by Dayna Quince

  An Unconventional Innocent

  Hot Historical Romance

  Dayna Quince

  Copyright © 2014 by Dayna Quince

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Contact Dayna at




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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21


  Sneak Peek

  Newsletter Sign up

  About the Author

  Also by Dayna Quince

  Chapter 1

  Dorothea raced through the frozen orchard. Her lungs burned ecstatically, her breath pluming out before her like a dragon’s breath and fogging her glasses. Her heart pumped, her fingers tingled inside her gloves, and her legs screamed for her to slow.

  She wouldn’t. Running felt too good. She waved her arms as her boot found a bit of ice on the ground, and she squealed exuberantly as she caught her balance. She couldn’t help laughing at herself as she slowed at the last row of trees and stepped over the low stone wall marking the end of the property and orchard.

  “Drat.” She huffed. Mr. Hale was gone. Her letter to Rose would not go out today. Hands on her hips, pulse pounding wildly, she huffed again in annoyance and turned to walk back to the cottage.

  It was then she saw the man a ways down the lane.

  She froze, on the verge of slipping back into the orchard before being seen, but something stopped her.

  He swayed on his feet, his arms hugging himself.

  “Oh, dear,” she whispered. Lucy and Winchester had only left yesterday, but Thea had already taken to talking to herself in their absence. Who was this man? What was he doing walking in this dreadful cold without a coat? Thea chided herself. She didn’t have a proper coat either, having forgotten it in her haste to catch Mr. Hale.

  She shouldn’t intervene. He could be a drifter or a drunk. Lord knows what he would do if she intercepted him. She waited in indecision. He was walking slowly—limping really, and he didn’t appear to have noticed her.

  “Sir?” She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered.

  He looked up, swaying again as he raised one hand in…salute? She frowned.

  “Are you in need of aide?” She had a sinking feeling in her stomach.

  He hobbled quicker, a muffled reply erupting from him, and then he stumbled and fell to the ground.

  Thea cried out as she ran toward him. “Help!” she screamed, though she didn’t think anyone could hear this far from the cottage. She reached his side.

  “Sir?” She helped him roll to his side. He was shaking, his teeth chattering. His lips were blue, his cheeks red and veined from the cold.

  “My God, you’re nearly frozen.”

  His blue eyes looked up at her. “Win—win—test—ter.”

  “I’m sorry?” Thea hadn’t a clue what he was saying. She knelt on the ground, cradling his head in her lap. She had nothing to cover him with, nothing to provide warmth. She cursed herself for having left the house without a coat. Nothing in her letter had been so important that it couldn’t wait. Her hands shook as she pulled him by his lapels to bring him closer to her.

  “There is a cottage just up the lane. You can get warm there. We can summon the doctor.”


  Thea shook her head. “Whatever it is, it can wait until you’ve warmed up a bit. Can you stand?”

  He nodded. Thea came to her feet and helped him to his. It was not easy. He was much taller than her, and his movements were slow and disordered. He spun his arms as he came to his feet. He did an odd hop, and Thea surmised that one of his legs must be injured.

  “Please, let me help you.” She ducked under his left arm and put an arm around his back. He winced and settled his arm over her shoulders.

  “Are you injured?”

  He nodded jerkily.

  “Come, then.”

  They started off slow. The further they moved, the more he leaned on her and the more Thea realized how grave his condition was. Had she not seen him, he may well have died out here on the lane alone.

  “Only a bit further now.” She tried to be cheerful. Her own teeth had begun to chatter.

  They reached the post that indicated the beginning of the drive to the cottage.

  “You see? We’re half way there.” She folded her hands into fists to warm them. She did notice the side of her presently pressed up against him was growing comfortably warm. She also noticed the body she was pressed against felt rather nice and muscular. She bit her lip. She didn’t have to worry about a tell-tale blush. Her cheeks were already stinging and red from the cold.

  “W—wait.” He stopped them just inside the drive, the shelter of the shrubbery along the drive shielding them from the biting wind.

  “L—le—eave me. Get—tt help.”

  Thea looked up at him and frowned. “I couldn’t do that. I can’t leave you here alone. It’s only a little further.”

  “I—can’t—move.” He leaned into the shrubbery and his eyes drooped.

  He’s too cold, Thea thought. He needed help immediately. She looked down the drive. It was so close and yet so far. The curve in the drive kept the cottage just out of sight. She moved closer to him, seeking the warmth derived from their shared body heat while she frantically thought of what to do. Inspiration struck. If he were making her warm, she would do the same for him. She pressed her whole front to his and folded her arms around him. She rubbed his back vigorously.

  “Lean in to me and put your arms around me,” she urged him. “If I can warm you up a little then we can get you warm enough to make it to the cottage.”

  He slumped into her, burying his face in her neck. His skin was alarmingly cold, but she was reassured by the warm gust of his breath on her neck. She shivered again, but this time, it wasn’t from the cold. She’d never held a man like this before. She’d never been pressed so tightly against someone.

  There was a long list of things she’d never done.

  Thea pressed her lips together and closed her eyes. She should be ashamed to admit that she was enjoying this moment.

  “There.” She made herself pull away. “It’s just around the bend. Can you make it?”

  He nodded once. He fell into her again as if he didn’t want to let her go, or at least, it was what Thea preferred to think. She wiggled to his side and struggled to get him moving again. He hung on her heavily, only one of his legs moving efficiently, the other mostly dragging. They came in view of the cottage and were half way across the circular turnabout when the door opened, and Jacob came out to assist them, followed by Mrs. Hale.

  “Good heavens!” She waved a towel in the air.

  “I found him on the lane. He is injured.” Thea huffed as Jacob took the man from the other side and assisted him into the cottage. Thea reluctantly relinquished her foundling when, unexpectedly, he
grabbed her hand. He leaned heavily on Jacob, eyes closed, but his grasp on her hand was firm.

  Thea held his hand as she followed them into the cottage and up the stairs to one of the guest rooms.

  “Put him on the bed, Jacob.” Mrs. Hale instructed.

  The man was laid on the bed. He was still conscious but held his eyes closed and grimaced at every movement.

  “Fetch the tub, Mrs. Croft, and plenty of buckets if you please, Jacob.”

  “What shall I do?” Thea asked with worry.

  “Rub his hands, Miss Manton. We’ll try to warm what we can before the bath is ready.”

  Thea rubbed his hand vigorously, and Mrs. Hale did the same with the other. His fingers felt like ice in her hand, and his skin was very pale.

  “How long do you think he was out there?”

  “I can’t rightly say. A long time, it seems. No coat to boot. You saved his life.” Mrs. Hale smiled at her.

  Thea smiled bashfully. “I don’t know about that.”

  “The ground is frozen, and snow is imminent. He very well could have died out there.” Mrs. Hale went on. She rubbed his jaw briskly with her hands to warm his cheeks. “The poor soul. I bet he’s mighty handsome with some color in his skin.”

  “Mrs. Hale!” Thea said with a scandalized whisper.

  Mrs. Hale chuckled. “He looks like a gentleman, Miss Manton.” She winked.

  Thea didn’t know what that wink meant. She wasn’t versed in the language of winks. She looked down to see his blue lips smiling and his eyes blinking open. He tried to speak, but his teeth only chattered.

  “You’ve arrived at Winchester cottage, sir, by the grace of the fair Miss Manton.” Mrs. Hale nodded toward Thea.

  Thea stuttered in embarrassment. “I—Mrs. Hale,” she ground out in warning. “Will you desist?”

  Mrs. Hale chuckled as Jacob and Mrs. Croft returned. “You will have to leave now, Miss Manton. What would your mother say if I were to let you undress a man?”

  Thea wanted to stay, but she couldn’t for the sake of propriety, and because she couldn’t endure any more of Mrs. Hales’s teasing.

  She moved away, stopped short by the grip of his hand on hers. She’d forgotten she still held his hand. “I have to go now, sir. You will be well taken care of, I promise.”

  His blink was slow and weary as his eyes focused on her. “M—my Angel.”

  A warm flush filled her. “I will check in when I can.” She squeezed his hand one more time and let go. She bit her cheek as she left the room, fighting back a smile. She closed the door behind her and went to her room.

  She didn’t want to be smitten with a stranger, but she was.

  She was still chilled and needed to change and warm herself. Marigold joined her in her room, curious about the whole situation as she helped Thea undress.

  Thea retold how she found him and helped him to the cottage.

  “Did he say anything?”

  My Angel

  Thea marshalled her thoughts. “He said win many times.”

  “Win?” Marigold wrapped a warm shawl around her.

  “His first words were Win test ter. Oh! Winchester?” Thea gasped. “He must know Lord Winchester!”

  “Why was he walking in this cold?” Marigold wondered.

  “Perhaps he wasn’t initially. Perhaps his carriage crashed. His driver could be injured and awaiting help!” Thea bolted from her room and into his across the hall.

  “Miss Manton! What on earth? You cannot be in here with an undressed man.” Mrs. Croft tried to block her entrance.

  “This is far more important than my sensibilities. I must ask him where he came from. He could have an injured coachman waiting for help that is not presently coming.”

  She pushed past Mrs. Croft and paused. He was there in the tub, chest deep in water and as naked as the day he was born. His head was thrown back and his eyes closed.

  “He is barely conscious. You will not be able to get anything from him.” Mrs. Hale said as she draped a blanket over the top of the tub covering his lower half.

  “But I must try.” Thea knelt beside the tub.


  He didn’t respond.

  “Exposure to the cold for as long as he endured takes a toll on the body. He will wish to sleep for some time.”

  Thea nodded in understanding. “Please, sir. Is there someone waiting for help that you had to leave behind? Do we need to search for them?”

  He didn’t respond. He looked better but extremely tired just as Mrs. Hale had said. Thea put her hand to his cheek. “Sir?”

  He roused a little.

  “Sir?” She caressed his cheek, feeling the stubble of his beard under her fingertips.

  He turned his face into her hand and nuzzled it. Thea sucked in a breath. He kissed her palm. Thea prayed no one could see that brief kiss but her. It seared her palm, the heat radiating up her arm to her body.

  “Sir,” she whispered. “Please.”

  His eyes slowly opened, and his head turned to hers. He licked his lips. “Water,” he said gruffly.

  “Water!” Thea turned to Mrs. Hale.

  Mrs. Hale handed her the glass, and she gingerly held it to his lips. He took a sip, and then a large gulp.

  “Careful now.”

  He blinked at her. Thea wasn’t sure how aware he actually was. His stare was languid and dreamy.

  “I found you on the road. Did an accident befall you and your driver? Shall I send someone to recover the horses and driver?”

  “No,” he said drowsily. He licked his lips as if his mouth was still parched.

  Thea offered more water. “You were alone?”

  “Yes.” He closed his eyes and rested his head against the back of the tub. “I’m so cold.”

  Thea stared at him until Mrs. Hale roused her from her spot.

  “We must add more hot water. You should go now. What would your mother say?” Mrs. Hale shooed her from the room. Thea left reluctantly. She was worried for him.

  “Please come get me when he is dressed and in bed. I wish to sit with him while he recovers.”

  Mrs. Hale sighed. “I shouldn’t allow such a thing.”

  Thea raised one brow. “I wasn’t asking, Mrs. Hale.”

  Thea returned to her room. It was the first time she’d spoken to Mrs. Hale in such a way.

  Chapter 2

  Some hours later, Thea watched the sun slowly fall behind the hills. Mrs. Hale hadn’t summoned her, and Thea hadn’t summoned the courage for outright defiance. Until now, at least. He must be dressed and in bed. All had been quiet so, therefore, nothing must be wrong, and there shouldn’t be a reason for Thea to not be allowed to see him…except the obvious reason.

  She didn’t care about that reason at all.

  She pushed herself away from the window, opened her door, and peeped into the hallway. The way was clear. She crossed the short distance to his door and knocked softly. There was no answer. She turned the handle and stepped inside, finding the room empty except for him, his curtains open, but there was very little light shining through on this side of the house.

  Thea put another log on the fire and went around the room, lighting enough candles to provide sufficient light. His room was now cozy and warm. A chair had been pulled to the side of his bed, and Thea sat gingerly, her eyes sweeping over his face.

  “I still don’t know your name, sir,” Thea whispered.

  She didn’t expect a response. By his relaxed features and deep even breathing, he slumbered peacefully. She didn’t wish to disturb him, not after the trial he’d been through. It was a boon she could watch him shamelessly, and he would be none the wiser.

  Watch him she did. He had a beautiful face though not enough to be feminine. His nose and lips were thin and just shy of being austere, but his softly square masculine jaw made up the difference. Thea would guess he had the ability to give withering glares when needed, but at the moment, he was in repose, and his peaceful features invited her
to inspect him. She took guilty pleasure in this activity while she could. She knew she would not have long to do it.

  Taking her fill, she picked up a book from the side table and opened it. It was almost time for dinner. Surely, she should wake him so he could eat? She pushed the thought aside. After what he’d been through, he needed rest.

  Feeling restless, Thea stood and walked a small circle around the room. She sneaked looks at him, but he was still the same as before. She felt a bit foolish, every creak of the floor and shush of her dress sounded obnoxiously loud in the stillness of the room. Should she go? Would he feel embarrassed to know she had been there watching him sleep? Warmth filled her cheeks. She’d been so eager to see him as if he were some rare oddity. What gave her the nerve? Mind made, she set her hand to the door to return to her own room.

  “Is someone there?”

  Her heart leapt to her throat. She froze, wishing herself invisible.

  He cleared his throat. “Water…”

  Thea turned and approached the bed. “You want water?” She was caught by his blue eyes, startled by them.

  He nodded.

  Thea shook herself out of her daze and poured a cup of water from the pitcher. She held it to him. He stared at it numbly.

  “Oh,” Thea set it down and moved closer to help him sit up. She felt woefully inept as she put her arm under him to help him. He winced, but together, they managed the feat. She held the cup to his lips, fascinated with her own gall. She shouldn’t be doing this. She should have called for someone. But instead, she’d done it herself. She touched him, she helped him… she was alone with him. It was exactly as she had fantasized as she’d waited for Mrs. Hale to fetch her.

  But why?

  She boldly put her hand to his forehead as her nanny used to do when she was sick. “You feel much warmer.”


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