Mafia Hitman's Daring Lover

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Mafia Hitman's Daring Lover Page 7

by Leslie North

  “Gri, it’s Nikolai.”

  “Nik, did you speak with Danil?”

  “I did,” Nikolai answered with a long sigh. “The man is denying everything. He swears he hasn’t been in contact with Leonid or anyone else in the Ogalla organization.”

  “What do you think?”

  “I know he’s lying. My men have been following him and digging into his personal accounts. He’s been receiving monthly stipends in the tens of thousands of dollars for the last six months. We also found some correspondence that suggests he was working with Leonid in a bid to help him gain control of the West Coast organizations.”

  “What? But that makes no sense. There is no way he could think to control both sides of the continent.”

  “Unless he was planning to put someone else in charge. Or…”

  “Or what?” Grigori asked.

  “Or Leonid is getting ready to abandon the drug trade for something much more lucrative.”

  Grigori cursed long and loud. “That actually makes sense. He would need to keep moving around every few years to avoid detection.” He finally gained control of his temper and asked, “Where is Danil now?”

  “He went back home. One of my men will be with him at all times. I’ve also instructed him to stop all communication with Leonid.”

  “Do you think he knows what Leonid is up to?”

  “Danil is not stupid. And yes,” Nikolai said solemnly, “I think he knows and is helping to make it a reality.”

  The call ended and Grigori could see Desi watching him, but he couldn’t voice the emotions he was feeling right then. Danil must be more insane than anyone realized if he thought he could go up against Nikolai and remain under the radar.

  “Everything okay?” Desi finally asked.

  Grigori nodded and smiled. “Yes. Now, why don’t you go jump in the shower. Stefan will be here shortly with someone to help you prepare for this evening.”

  Chapter 14

  Desi fidgeted with the hem of the too short skirt for the hundredth time, and Stefan gave her a sidelong glance and a quick “Stop!” command. She let go of the leather skirt and tried to pretend it was a good five inches longer than it actually was.

  Grigori had contacted Stefan earlier that day and he had shown up at the hotel several hours later with his girlfriend in tow. Desi wasn’t prepared for the big hulking man who Grigori introduced as her escort for the night. He was huge, with a full head of hair, a small mustache, and a jawline covered with stubble indicating he probably shaved more than once a day. He was wearing black leather pants and a sleeveless black leather vest, which only seemed to accentuate the numerous tattoos on his arms and upper chest.

  He was scary-looking in the light of the hotel room, and Desi shivered as she thought about how he would look in the dim lighting of a night club. And this guy is supposed to be my protection tonight? Who’s going to protect me from him?

  All of that had changed when she had finally turned her attention to the girlfriend he’d brought with him. The woman had taken one look at Desi’s original outfit and started laughing hysterically. Desi still remembered the “She’s going to the Grotto? She’ll be laughed right back out the door!” comment. Stefan and Grigori had not been as amused, and after issuing a string of terse commands in Russian, the girl had sobered and apologized very nicely.

  Desi had undergone a complete makeover. Her makeup was dark, with black eyeliner, black-and-grey eye shadow, and bright red lipstick. Her hair had been colored a much darker shade than its natural warm brown and purple streaks had been added along her temples.

  She wore a leather corset-type strapless top that ended just above her belly button, leaving two inches of exposed skin before the waistband of the skirt began. Both the skirt and the top were made of a rich, very supple black leather, lined for comfort, and Desi had been shocked at how sexy the garments had made her look. I don’t even look like myself!

  The girlfriend, who was introduced to her as Tasha, had painted her nails a shiny black, then produced thigh-high leather boots with four-inch heels. Desi had promptly twisted her ankle and fallen sideways when she first attempted to walk in the high boots, but after being made to walk back and forth across the hotel room fifty times, she was starting to feel confident that she wouldn’t embarrass herself too badly this evening.

  Grigori and Stefan had disappeared shortly after Tasha had apologized and been gone for the entire four hours it took to make her over. When they had returned, both men had stopped and just stared.

  “Tasha, my love, you’ve outdone yourself,” Stefan told his girlfriend, grabbing her around the waist and kissing her as if they didn’t have an audience.

  Desi had turned away, blushing at the intense look on Grigori’s face. He had ignored Stefan and his girl, walking up behind Desi and turning her so that she faced the large mirror as he stood behind her.

  He lifted a hand and let it trail down her neck and over the smooth skin of her shoulders. “Such perfect skin. You should let me ink you sometime.”

  Desi lifted her eyes to his in the mirror. “Like a tattoo? You—”

  “Yes, a tattoo. Something feminine and intricate.” His fingertips encircled her upper arm. “Maybe here. A band of swirling ink that never ends or begins.”

  Desi reached up and grabbed his arm, pushing the sleeve of his T-shirt up to reveal his forearm and the myriad of tattoos that adorned his skin. “Does it hurt?”

  “Afraid of a little pain?” he countered, amused with her fascination with his tattoos.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Have you ever wanted a tattoo?”

  Desi slowly nodded. “Yes, but I was too afraid to go to a tattoo shop by myself. None of my friends would have understood before Dad and Joe died, and then afterwards, well, let’s just say I wasn’t a very good friend. After a few months, they all gave up on me and moved on with their lives.”

  “They don’t sound like they were very good friends.”

  “No, I guess not. It’s okay, though. I don’t usually have time for much outside of work and this, so it’s probably for the best.”

  “No boyfriends?” Grigori asked, wondering what was wrong with the men in Florida. Were they all blind?

  “Not recently.” Desi looked up and blushed at the look in his eyes. There was a fire in his eyes like she’d never seen before. It was almost scary in its intensity, especially since it was all directed at her.

  Grigori didn’t say anything more; he simply let his eyes travel the length of her body reflected in the mirror. When he brought his gaze back up, he saw her watching him, waiting on his reaction. Unable to stop himself, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “You, dorogaya, are ravishing. A walking fantasy. Be very careful tonight.”

  Desi frowned at the warning. “Why?”

  “Because if anyone touches you, I will have to kill him.”

  Desi was stunned at the possessiveness of his words. They’d only known each other a day and a half, not nearly long enough for him to be speaking to and about her that way.

  “We should probably head out if you want a chance to get your bearings before your meeting,” Stefan said from the doorway, Tasha still wrapped in his arms.

  “He’s right. We need to go.” When Desi reached for her gun on the dresser, Grigori stayed her hand. “You don’t have any room for that tonight. Besides, you will not need it.”

  “But…” She looked between the two men and realized that they were probably right. Besides, in the clothes she was currently wearing, there was simply no place to hide a gun. She couldn’t even hide her body in such clothing.

  Grigori drove them to the Grotto, dropping them off in front of the main entrance. He stopped Desi’s exodus from the vehicle by grabbing her hand and making her meet his eyes. “Be very careful. Keep Stefan by your side at all times. Don’t even go to the bathroom without his escort. Understand?”

  Desi nodded. “Are you really afraid something might happen?”

“You would tempt a saint, angel moy. Be careful.”

  Desi blushed at the Russian endearment. She didn’t understand the actual words, but the emotion behind it was very clear. “I will. See you in a little while?”

  When Grigori nodded, she leaned back inside the car and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “Don’t worry!”

  Grigori wanted to pull her back and show her how to properly kiss him, but now was not the time or the place. There would be plenty of time when this meeting was over.

  Chapter 15

  Stefan showed the bouncer a red-and-black card, which gave them immediate access and preferential treatment, from what Desi could surmise.

  “Are you a member here?” she whispered to him as they traversed the dark hallway. Red walls, dark ceilings, and very medieval-looking wall sconces lit their way down the hallway. The music was loud, not something she would have ever chosen to listen to, and it was just loud enough to prevent long conversations from taking place.

  As they entered the main room, Stefan gave her a look and stepped out into the mass of people. Desi clung to his hand, wishing that it was Grigori leading her into this mess rather than his friend.

  Stefan led her across the crowded room and showed his membership card to another doorman, who promptly opened a solid metal door with a passcode. As Stefan led her into the new area, she breathed a sigh of relief. There was no thumping bass to the music in this area, but a more sophisticated, softer sound filled the space with an almost calming effect.

  Stefan led her towards the bar area, where he ordered for them both—mineral water for her and a scotch for himself. Glancing at the clock above the bar, Desi felt her breath catch as the hands declared it was one minute until nine o’clock. She glanced around the bar tables and booths, seeing a variety of men and women gathered in small groups. Many of them looked as if they had just arrived from their business offices, while others had definitely dressed for a night out.

  “How are we to find him?” she whispered nervously to Stefan.

  “He’ll find you. In fact, that man over there has been staring at us since we entered. Wait here for a moment,” Stefan told her as he slid off the bar stool and approached the man. After exchanging a few words, Stefan returned and grabbed both of their drinks. “Come on.”

  Desi followed along, letting her eyes memorize everything they could about the man. He was older, maybe in his late forties, with black hair and greying temples. His brown eyes were framed by dark lashes, and he looked to be in excellent health.

  The man stood up as they reached his booth, and he gestured with his hand for Desi to scoot into the booth. She looked at Stefan for guidance, and he nodded. “Mr. Pa—”

  “Please, call me David. Mr. Patrosky was my father,” the man informed her with a blank look in his eyes.

  Mr. Patrosky? Desi caught on easily and nodded. “David. Thank you for meeting with us.”

  “My pleasure. I understand you are seeking information on your long lost cousin?”

  “Yes.” Desi wasn’t quite sure how to play this game, but she recognized it as a game. Looking to Stefan, he nodded at her and took over the conversation, but in Russian this time.

  “Who do you work for?” he asked David.

  “I have been working with Karl Ryker for the last three years. Who are you to her?” David asked, seeing the frustration on Desi’s face at being left out of the conversation. David didn’t care; this was for her protection as well as his own.

  “I was asked to ensure her safety tonight. How did you meet Karl Ryker?”

  “A mutual acquaintance introduced us years ago. It has become very convenient for me to be part of the inner circle.”

  “You’re not Russian?” Stefan asked.

  “No,” David answered with a grin. “I believe I am a mixture of British and Native American Indian. Patrosky was a convenient surname that gained me credibility when I first came to work with the Ryndins.”

  “So you do understand who you work for?” Stefan asked.

  “Yes. I have been in deep cover for the last three years, and it is growing very old. I wondered how long it would take her to come looking for her loved ones’ killers.”

  “You know who they are? You work for the agency?”

  “Yes, I know who they are. And no. I work for myself. My daughter went missing three and a half years ago and I followed the trail up here. She was only nineteen at the time.”

  “You think she was taken by the organization?”

  “Yes. I’ve done what I could to dissuade the Ryndin brothers from becoming involved in this work, but they are desperate to align themselves with Leonid and his Colombian contacts. They’re not willing to listen.”

  “They will pay the price for that as well. What else do you know?”

  “I also know that she believes her presence has gone unnoticed. It has not. Ivan was made aware of her surveillance at last night’s meeting. He has been instructed to get rid of her.”

  “How?” Stefan asked.

  “There is a shipment leaving St. Petersburg in three nights. She is to be on that ship or in the city morgue.”

  Stefan took a breath, then asked, “Are the Ryndins working with Leonid yet?”

  David frowned. “Yes. Things are beginning to get out of hand, and they need to be stopped.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The stakes have risen dramatically. Leonid is involved in things even the Ryndin brothers won’t endorse.”

  “Why would you tell me this?” Stefan asked.

  “I know who you are. No offense, but I wasn’t cut out for this lifestyle. I hoped to find my daughter alive when I first started this, but that was not to be. Her body turned up in a shallow grave eight months afterwards. I should have gotten out then, but I saw the potential to help other young women, so I stuck around.

  “But now it’s time to get out. This is a dangerous business, and I find I’m ready to retire some place different. Maybe Colorado or Wyoming. I’ve never lived in the mountains and would like to do so before I die.”

  “You want out of the organization?” Stefan asked, shocked that the man would endanger his life in such a way. People don’t just up and leave the Ogall organization or her close allies.

  “Yes, and I want you to help me succeed.”

  Chapter 16

  Stefan sat back, then turned to Desi. “I know you are frustrated with not being able to understand what is being discussed, and I promise to explain everything to you and Grigori once we’re out of here. Now, smile and pretend you are having fun. We are being watched.”

  Stefan had seen both Ryndin brothers enter only seconds earlier, as had David. One of the men headed towards a hidden staircase and the other man approached their booth, and Stefan rose along with David to welcome him.

  “Stefan, what an unpleasant surprise,” Michael Ryker, also known as Misha Ryndin, said.

  “I was in the neighborhood and remembered you owned this place and was hoping to catch one of you.”

  “Oh yes? Well, caught us you have. What did you have on your mind?”

  “I’m having problems with my distribution system up north. I was going to suggest a small partnership.”

  Michael smiled. “I believe we could probably come up with some sort of agreement.” He withdrew a business card, listing an address in St. Petersburg belonging to a very exclusive residential neighborhood.

  “Come see me tomorrow afternoon at that address. Karl will be there, and we can discuss what your needs are.”

  Stefan inclined his head and pocketed the card. “Very well.” Turning to David, he said, “As you can see, there is no need for you to carry a message to your boss for me. Providence has seen fit to put us together.”

  David nodded his head. “Very well.”

  Stefan nodded to the two men and pulled Desi from the booth, pleased to see her keeping her eyes downcast the entire time. Tasha had a done an excellent job of making her look presentable for the Goth club; how
ever, anyone who had ever met Desi would immediately recognize her by her eyes. They were a warm brown framed by a ring of gold that made them shine brightly. They were just unusual enough to be memorable.

  As they re-entered the louder part of the club, Desi finally raised her eyes and asked, “Do you trust that man?”

  Stefan shook his head. “Not at all. But I will go talk to him and see what kinds of information I can obtain. Come on, Grigori’s probably wondering what’s taking us so long.”

  They made their way back to the red hallway, and Desi was ready to breathe a sigh of relief as the approached the bouncer’s check-in desk when in walked the four people she least wanted to see right now—the detectives that had purchased drugs from Ivan.

  She tried to duck her head, but Ramirez and Baker had already seen her. She watched as they prodded their coworkers to gain their attention and then hurriedly explained what they were seeing. Stefan saw the commotion and made to pull Desi from the club as quickly as possible. He wasn’t quick enough.

  “Desiree?” Detective Baker asked, approaching her and giving Stefan a very calculated look. “What are you doing here?”

  “Uhm, hi, detective. I was just enjoying a night out.”

  “Dressed like a two-cent whore?”

  “What would your father or brother say?”

  “Do you know what goes on inside this place?”

  The questions flew at her and she couldn’t stop the blush that rose in her cheeks. “It was nice to see you. I need to go—”

  “Not so fast,” Detective Murphy said, grabbing her above the elbow when Stefan attempted to pull her towards the exit. “Introduce us to your boyfriend.”

  Desi looked from Stefan to Murphy and cringed. This could get ugly sooo fast! Stefan looked ready to kill, and she really didn’t want to see anyone get hurt. At least not tonight. “This is a friend of mine…”

  “Since when do you hang out with mafia bosses?” Johnson asked in a very surly voice.


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