Guard My Heart

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Guard My Heart Page 14

by AJ Summer

  “Good morning, Mew,” he says with a soft kiss to the top of my head. I hum and snuggle my face into the crook of his neck.

  “Don’t mind the company, Mia; we don’t mind having our own personal porn show right here in the kitchen,” Lewis says being a real twat.

  I lift my middle finger up lazily and swing it in his direction. He laughs and pushes a cup of coffee in my direction. I don’t take my head out of Jase’s neck as I mumble a thank you. My breath makes little goosebumps jump up over his arms.

  “Welcome home party for Jase tonight,” Lewis declares in his loud boom box voice, and that makes me lift my head and look at him.

  “Really, Lewis?” I ask rudely. I’m not happy. I haven’t seen Jase in two months. I want my alone time.

  “Really,” he answers on a huge smile. I look at the others sitting at the table hoping for anyone to protest, but they all just smile at me. True, we haven’t had any kind of celebration in the house since Jase left. Everyone seemed to share my mood of melancholy. Aiden smiles and nudges Jenna to get up, and they leave for their room.

  “Come on, Mew, you need to shower,” Jase says while smacking my bum.

  James laughs and walks off to the direction of his room. Yes, I share a house with all my friends. Aiden, Jenna, James, Lewis, me, and Jase. It’s a weird mix, but we do it well. I finish my coffee and place my cup in the sink. I glance up at the clock and do a double take. It’s almost noon. Not only did I sleep the whole night away but half the day as well. I look back at Jase and Lewis, yes they are dressed. I can’t even have a shower with Jase.

  I stomp up the stairs and don’t even spare them a second glance. I don’t know why I’m upset with Jase; it’s not his fault I slept late. But it is his fault that he didn’t wake me up. If I had to work today, I’d be very late. But I’m off and so is Jase and everybody else it seems.


  There’s a guy staring at us from across the street. He is just standing there, tapping his DVD case in his hand. Damn weirdo. He is looking at me like I'm his next fix. All junkie-like with his eyes glazed over. I try to catch his eye to flip him off, but his eyes never meet mine before he spins around and heads the other way.

  A tingle runs down my spine as Jase’s teeth graze my skin. My knees go weak. My eyes flutter close. I'm sure I drool a little. All thoughts of a staring stranger forgotten. Jase crushes my semi-limp body harder to his. I brush my fingers through the black strands covering his eye, bracing myself as the green depths sear my soul. I love this man so much it physically hurts my heart. Every time I look into those eyes, the love I see in their depths makes it feel like a hand is reaching into my chest and squeezing the beating organ to a standstill.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Jase whispers close to my ear.

  I shake my head. “I just can’t believe how lucky I am to have you.”

  “Ah Mew, you say the cutest things,” he replies on a sexy smirk. Gracing my lips with a soft kiss and totally redeeming himself for his shitty reply.

  “Hey, are you two ready to go?” Aiden’s voice pulls me from heaven.

  I watch him chuck a piece of paper into the trash can on the sidewalk.

  “Oh no, not again?” I ask on a giggle.

  “Yeah, again,” Aiden says, running his hand through his copper locks exasperated. “Jase, you need to sort those girls out.”

  I follow Jase to the back of Aiden’s pick up.

  “Why do you think I don’t go into that liquor store anymore? It’s not that I’ve given up on alcohol. I'm just not in the mood to explain to them that I'm not interested in their telephone numbers. They won’t listen, and I’m not explaining panties in my work locker to Mia again.”

  I see the amusement twinkling in his eye as he talks. It’s funny now, but a few months ago the green-eyed monster was my worst enemy. Finding a pair of unknown panties with phone numbers on it will do that to you.

  “Come on, Mew.” Jase laughs, shaking his head and pulling me forward to the pickup.

  Aiden climbs into the front and slides the bag between him and Jenna. Jase pulls me up and into the back of the pickup. Jenna smiles back at me. Shit, I know that smile. Tequila. My stomach tumbles over itself. Tequila gives the worst hangovers.

  Jase draws lazy circles on my thigh, making my skin tingle and stirring a need elsewhere. Weighing up my options of tequila and a hangover verses Jase and bed. I choose the latter. A small smile plays on his lips, and I wonder if he’s thinking the same thing.

  I watch James and Lewis stroll lazily towards us. Aiden inches the truck forward, no doubt watching them in his rearview mirror, making them increase their pace. They manage to jump in just before he pulls away again. James stumbles, knocking his head against one of Jase’s boots. Both Jase and Lewis laugh at him.

  “Watch it, asshole,” James actually growls at Aiden. It’s so unlike him that all three of us burst out laughing again. James hardly ever raises his voice.

  I watch the guys sitting in front of me. From the moment they climbed out of that truck back in college, I knew my life would never be the same. The first time I laid eyes on Jase I knew he meant trouble for my heart. The damn thing never beat the same after that. The three of them turned heads wherever they went. They still do and cause the same amount of trouble they did back then. I guess boys never really grow up. James, the skinny, blond, blue-eyed teenager, making the girls drool with his shy, swoon-worthy smile. Lewis, the ultimate bad boy, dirty blond hair, smoldering blue eyes, and covered in tattoos. Always getting into fights for flirting with the wrong, not-so-innocent girl. It didn’t take long for him to rub off on James. Where Lewis works the bad boy charm to his advantage, James downright dazzles everything in a skirt. The familiar bump in our driveway brings me back to the present. Jase jumps over the side of the truck. My attention catches on the rippling muscles of his tattooed-covered forearm. I don’t see the hand he holds out to me until he clears his throat, pulling me from my trance. Before I can take his hand, James lifts me up and gently hands me over to Lewis. I swear sometimes James does things that baffle my brain. He hangs out with Lewis, yet he can be the total opposite of his loud and obnoxious cousin.

  “Hey Mew-Mew,” Lewis breathes huskily into my ear, but his eyes are trained on Jase. A sneaky grin plays on his face, revealing two adorable dimples. I can’t help but laugh at him. Jase glares at Lewis and James. They like to tease him endlessly.

  “Hey dickwad, get your hands off my girl!” Jase shouts over the truck.

  Lewis pauses in his movement of sliding me down just before my feet touch the ground. He swings me over his shoulder so fast my head spins and a squeak escapes me. I grab onto his hips for support. I'm sure I hear him moan as my nails sink into him. Realizing I'm wearing a skirt, I scramble to retain some of my dignity.

  “Damn it, Lewis, you are giving the neighbors a show!” I shout at him.

  “Lucky neighbors,” he says just loud enough for me and James to hear. I huff, trying to smooth my skirt into submission. I catch movement out of the corner of my eye, and I lift my head just in time to see Aiden grab James in a headlock. Wow, the testosterone is cracking in the air tonight.

  “Drop the broad or the boy gets it,” Aiden drawls in some mock mafia accent.

  Jenna is laughing so hard she almost drops the tequila, and I can’t help but join her.

  “Game’s up, Lewis. No tequila if you don’t behave,” she says, taking a seat on the front step.

  I agree with her, nodding my head up and down. My head is starting to feel weird hanging upside down like this. I can’t believe Lewis hasn’t dropped me yet. His muscles are drawn taut beneath my hands on his back. I smack at his ass.

  “Does the Neanderthal move always work for you? Whatever happened to dinner and movies? Hell, I’d settle for flowers,” I tease while digging my fingers into his sides. He jerks to the side and lowers me to my feet.

  “I know it works for you. Why else are you with caveman Jase?” he says on a wink.

  I snort to myself; the only caveman around here is him. If I didn’t know Lewis was an endless but harmless tease, I would’ve kicked him in the nuts long ago.

  Lewis turns away from me and speaks to Aiden. “Trade—send my boy over and Jase can have Mia back.”

  I laugh at him and saunter over to Jase, tired of their game. I’ve been out of his arms for way too long. Aiden releases James as I reach Jase.

  “You guys are such kids. Are we getting drunk or what? I don’t want to stand here all night,” James snorts, hiding his chuckle. I link my fingers through the belt loops of Jase’s jeans and pull him to me.

  “Body shots?” I tease.

  “Hell yeah, body shots on Mia!” Lewis booms.

  “Sure, right after Aiden lets you snort some rows off Jenna,” Jase replies.

  “Leave my angel out of your filth-induced minds,” Aiden replies irritably. Aiden can be such a grandpa when it comes to Jenna. I wonder if Kyle would’ve been the same. He was always so serious when we were growing up. I miss my twin, and sometimes when I try to remember his voice, I can’t seem to get it right anymore. Would Kyle be proud of how my life turned out? I’m happier than I’ve ever been. There’s only one thing I would change…him. He should still be alive. I drop my head to hide the sudden moisture in my eyes and take a deep breath. The pain doesn’t get less, but it gets easier.

  I walk pass Lewis to unlock the front door; I don’t miss the look he gives Jase. I hear him say something about him not doing that shit anymore. I unlock the door leaving them outside.

  I grab the shot glasses and light a quick smoke before Jase catches me sneaking a drag. He will probably smell me anyway. I hear them entering the house, and at the same time music filters from the TV room. Soon they will all storm the kitchen for a drink. I flick my cigarette out the window and wash my hands to get rid of the smell. I grab a beer for Jase from the fridge, popping the cap on my way over to them. I take a quick sip, swirling it in my mouth before handing it to him. Using beer as mouthwash is definitely not a good idea, but the first sip of a freshly opened beer is always the best.


  Tired of beating Lewis in Guitar Hero, I go in search of my boyfriend in our crowded house. It’s not lost on me that most of the people milling around are women. Barely dressed women. I swear Lewis knows more strippers than is accepted normal behavior. I follow the sound of blaring music to a car parked outside. From where I stand on the porch, I don’t recognize half the people crowded on our lawn. Two girls stand out from the mass. It looks like they’re putting on lipstick, and they’re using the mirror on Jase’s truck to do it. I watch the blonde steady her friend as she wobbles on her heels. Both of the women giggle and start to walk my way. I cross my arms over my chest and step to the side to allow them to sway pass me. I take one last look around and move to the kitchen. I find my whole clan at the table. Each of them has a tequila shooter in front of them.

  “Hey, there you are. I thought I’d have to sic the bloodhounds on you,” Jase says from the table.

  “I was looking for you. Should’ve known I’d find you at the booze,” I tell him.

  I lean against the counter, looking at him. Lewis and James cheer to my remark, the alcohol already coursing through their veins. Jase smirks back at me and downs his shot.

  I watch as Jase does the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. He licks his hand and pours some salt onto it. The way his tongue glides over his sun-browned skin makes my own skin tingle. He grabs a shot off the table and walks towards me with a sneaky glint in his eye. He places the shot down on the counter near where I’m leaning. I’m suddenly very glad for the support. I don’t take my eyes off him as he turns and walks back to the table to get the lime. When he walks back to me, I know I’m in trouble. Who needs alcohol? My head is already swimming in Jase. Jase licks his finger and drags it through the salt on his hand. He brings his finger up to my mouth, and my lips part. Slowly he spreads the salt over my bottom lip before lifting the tequila to my mouth. The liquid touches my tongue and fuels the fire growing in my belly, but I don’t have time to think about it before his lips meet mine. His tongue swirls and mixes with the sweet poison in my mouth. And then he pulls away. My hungry lips want more. Jase holds up the lime wedge to my mouth but pulls it away before I can wrap my lips around it. He teases me with it again, but this time he lets me sink my teeth into it.

  “Now that was fucking hot!” Lewis hollers from the other side of the table.

  Jase places both hands over mine on the counter and leans in to me. At first I think he is going to kiss me, but he moves his head and whispers against my ear. His warm breath races along my neck and shoots little currents of light across my skin.

  “That’s because he’s never heard how hard I make you scream,” he says, as cocky as they come. I scoff and push him away from me. There’s no way Jase will ever let Lewis or anyone else hear how loud he can make me scream. Jase chuckles and leads me back to the table by my hand. I grab the half-full bottle of tequila and pour six shots, and Jase passes them to our friends. I lift my shot to each of my friends, and when my eyes fall back on Jase, I pause. I hold his gaze and run my tongue over my bottom lip remembering the coarse feel of the salt.

  “To screaming,” I say to him on a sultry smile. I down my shot clean and slam it down onto the table. Lewis downs his shot and squirts lime juice all over James, who tries to bat him away with a dish cloth.

  Jase flops down on his chair and pulls me onto his lap. His arms lock around my waist, and he grinds into me, making me feel just how loud I might scream later.

  We spend the next couple of minutes watching Lewis try to convince James to sniff the salt, down the tequila, and squirt the lime juice into his eye. James laughs him off and dares him to do it. I think Lewis is half tempted to try. He is crazy enough. Jenna gives a loud yawn and everybody boos her. Everybody except me. I was ready for bed an hour ago. Jenna looks half asleep where she is comfortably tucked onto Aiden’s lap, her face resting in his neck.

  “Isn’t it past your bedtime?” I say to them as I slide my hands under Jase’s shirt. I can feel the muscles ripping under my fingers. I close my eyes and rest my cheek against his chest.

  I inhale deeply, breathing in the smell of home. It’s a smell I’d be able to pick out of a lineup blindfolded.

  “We’re on our way to bed now,” Aiden says, stretching his legs and lifting Jenna effortlessly, cradling her to his chest.

  “I’m off to cherish my goddess. You kids be good now,” Aiden says.

  He thumps Jase on the shoulder and winks at me. I catch a glimpse of Jenna’s smile and waving fingers before he takes them up the stairs two at a time.


  I watch Aiden carry Jenna up the stairs. I’m half tempted to haul Mia over my shoulder myself. I grab her face in my palms and place a soft kiss on her lips.

  “Are you ready for bed?” She nods her head and rests her forehead against mine. It’s just us in the small kitchen now. James and Lewis moved off into the lounge when the music got louder. I place another kiss on her lips. Her soft lips part effortlessly against mine. Her taste ignites every fucking nerve in my body. The way her breath mingles with mine before becoming my own fuels every muscle in my body with need. A need to lay her down and have my way with her right here in this kitchen. I lift her up and place her on her feet. I grab her hand and lead her from the kitchen to the lounge in search of Lewis. We find him on the couch where he is getting it on with a flaming redhead. He catches me looking but doesn’t turn away from the girl chewing on his ear.

  “You cool, man?” I ask.

  “Yeah, man,” he answers a bit slurry. Too much tequila for him.

  “We’re going to bed, make sure no one carries our shit away,” I say.

  His head falls back onto the couch, and I hope to fuck it’s supposed to be a nod and not the alcohol kicking his ass. I do not want to wake up to an empty house tomorrow morning.

  “Let’s go to bed, Mew
,” I say, leading her up the stairs to our room.

  Pushing open our door, I flick on the light. Mia is already getting undressed on her way to the bathroom.

  “I wanted to do that,” I growl at her when I find her naked and adjusting the water for the shower.

  “I'm sorry, I just couldn’t wait to get you in here,” she says, shoving me into the shower, clothes and all.

  I grab hold of her waist and pull her in with me.

  “God, I love you, Mew,” I say before trailing my lips down her neck. Just the smell of her makes me throb in anticipation. I want out of these wet clothes. As if she can read my mind, she looks up at me with those big, beautiful, brown eyes of hers and pulls my soaked shirt over my head. She pushes me against the wall, and I reward her with smile for her boldness. The same smile she once told me I only smile at her. She traces the tattoo running down my neck and my entire left side with her black fingernails. Little goosebumps dance over my skin. Fuck, that feels good. She burns me inside out. And I will gladly burn alive. I can already feel those nails digging into my back, clawing her way through her release. Still tracing my tat, her hand makes contact with my jeans. The cutest sound escapes the back of her throat. I cock my head to the side and smile at her scrunched up nose. I know that cute sound was meant as a sound of irritation. I chuckle at her while looking down at the tribal disappearing beneath the waist band of my jeans.

  “Do my pants offend you, Mew?” I ask her.

  “Urgh.” She makes a move for the button, but I grab her hands before she reaches it.

  “My turn.” Her chest rises sharply. Like she’s sucking in a big breath. The move brings those perfect breasts dangerously close to my chest. I won’t be able to hold out long with those taunting me. I turn her around to face the wall. A weak protest escapes her lips. Fuck, I'm glad I still have this effect on her. I twist her hair around my wrist. The strands form a band of white, pink and black around my arm. I pull her flush against me. I make sure she feels the bulge straining against my zipper. She grinds her hot little ass against me, tempting me into submission. But I'm not giving in so quickly. I’ve been waiting for this for two months. I tighten my grip on her hair and guide her to rest her head on my shoulder. Lowering my lips to her neck, I graze my teeth over that sweet spot—the one where I can feel her pulse speed up with each nip of my teeth. She sighs and relaxes into me. I glide my hand over her wet smooth skin, up her side, and over the “J” tattooed over her ribs. It’s sexy as fuck. A permanent part of me on her. I let go of her hair and turn her slightly. I lift her arm with mine. I run my tongue over the tattoo and a tremble courses through her body. Sneaky as she is, she twists slightly and my nose brushes the soft flesh of her breast. My cock fights painfully against its wet confines. Mia braces herself against the wall with her forearms, drops her head and teases me with that sexy ass again. Damn woman. This time I grind harder against her, letting her know just how much I want her. She moans loudly, moving both hands up her side. I can’t think of anything else but sinking into her. I want to climb inside her and stay there forever. My fingers brush lightly over her nipples.


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