by Arlene James
The aunties believe that there are no real coincidences for Christian people, that God always has a purpose and a plan for His children. Do you agree? Why or why not?
If God does have plans for each of us, why do we get off track? Why doesn’t He force us to follow His paths?
Is it possible that both Bethany and Chandler were actually living in God’s will when He turned their lives upside down? Why or why not? Does the story of Joseph in the Old Testament have anything to say to this subject?
The Bible is replete with admonitions against lying and deception. Although Chandler and Bethany took pains not to lie or ask anyone to lie for them, they did plan to deceive others by letting them think that they had married far earlier then they actually did. Is this acceptable on any level? Why or why not?
Assuming that Bethany would be unwilling to enter into a real marriage with him, Chandler proposed a marriage “in name only.” Do you believe God honors such marriages? Why or why not?
Chandler believed that he was “called” to rodeo competition by God. What does it mean to be “called” to a purpose by God? Is it possible to be “called” to any profession other than church professions? If so, why would God call His children to a particular profession?
Chandler came to believe that being a good example was not enough, that he should have told his friend Kreger about Jesus. Do you agree or disagree?
ISBN: 978-1-4268-6642-5
Copyright © 2010 by Deborah Rather
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* Everyday Miracles
** Eden, OK
†Chatam House
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Letter to Reader
Questions for Discussion