Flash Drive

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Flash Drive Page 24

by Jacqueline DeGroot

  It was time for the rest and they both knew it.

  “You’ll need to stand up now so I can check the rest of you.”

  He smiled crookedly and gave a small snort of compliance as he recognized the inevitability of what was coming next.

  Not one to be bashful, and not wanting to stand there holding that stupid, insignificant wad of paper to his groin, he got to his feet and left it on the table. And there he stood in all his naked glory. And the splendor of the man did not escape her notice. How could it?

  That he was well hung would have been an understatement, he was bordering on massive in his semi-flaccid state and she hoped to God that she didn’t do anything to make him expand anymore than he already had.

  Quickly, she went around to his backside and admired, uh, examined his smooth, firm cheeks. She’d seen marble statues in museums that didn’t look this good, this firm. His cheeks were white compared to the tan he had elsewhere and there were no moles or marks for her to investigate, but her fingers were itching nonetheless to press against the springy flesh that met her eyes. No, that would not be professional; there was absolutely no medical reason to touch him there. She bent to examine the backs of his hard thighs and touched a tiny mole she found there. He jumped forward slightly and she apologized for shocking him. Walking back around to his front, she picked up the chart.

  “Sorry, hernia test,” she said matter of factly as she pulled on a glove.

  He started coughing immediately, well before she reached her hand down and cupped his large sacs.

  “Cough once or twice,” she instructed and he easily complied, since he’d already been coughing from the very moment he’d seen her put on the glove.

  As she gently pushed up and into his scrotum, she watched his penis jump. Now he was fully engorged and it was all she could do to force herself to avert her eyes. He was magnificent.

  Oh, how embarrassing for both of them, she thought, but even so, she was having a hard time keeping her eyes off of him. She cringed when she heard him say, “Okay, I’ve shown you mine, how about showing me yours?”

  She quickly looked up into his face and saw the intense heat in his eyes. Stammering, she replied,

  “I . . . I think everything looks just fine. If all the tests come back negative, you’ll get a clean bill of health. The only thing left is the digital exam and the colonoscopy. They can be done at the same time. I can set that up for two days from now.”

  He moved to the chair to get his pants, and slipping them on without his underwear, he quickly zipped them up. “I believe I’ve changed my mind, if it’s all the same to you, I’d just as soon have somebody else do those tests.”

  “Sure. Sure. No problem. I completely understand.”

  “No, I don’t think you do,” he said as he walked over to where she stood. There was appreciation in his eyes and something else as he removed the clipboard from her hand and placed it on the counter. He wrapped his large hand around her jaw, extending his fingers so that he cupped her head behind her ear. Ever so slowly, he bent his head and took her parted lips with his. As he savored the feel of her soft, pliant lips against his, his other arm snaked out, encircled her waist and pulled her tightly into his chest. The plundering began in earnest as his lips molded themselves to hers and his tongue continued to delve into her soft, moist velvety mouth, tasting and taking her essence with a fevered passion.

  She wasn’t going to allow this! This was highly unprofessional. She pushed against his chest, but he wouldn’t allow any separation. He held her even tighter and she realized that she had no choice. He was going to take this kiss to the limit whether she wanted him to or not. And now, the soft, warm press of his lips against hers was making her unsure of what it was she truly wanted. His tongue, possessive and sure, traced every nuance of her mouth as his warm, hard chest pressed against her soft, yielding breasts. His manhood fought against the pressure of his zipper to pulse and probe her belly. He didn’t bother to rein in the hard ridge that was throbbing and earnestly seeking a place for relief. Her low moan attested to the fact that she had absolutely no control of this situation. He could have lifted her up, placed her on the table and climbed on top of her and she would have been unable to stop him, he had so affected her senses. It occurred to her that this was the type of dream that often woke her at night.

  Fortunately, he had more decorum than she did at the moment and he pulled away to stare at her wet, pink lips. “I don’t know if you know it or not, but you’ve been teasing me with your oh-so-light touches and oh-so-gentle probing since the moment we met. I just thought you needed some retribution.”

  “Well, if I deserved that, then I guess, I can’t fault you,” she stammered.

  “You deserve that and much, much more,” he said as he deftly peeled open the collar of her white doctor’s coat and revealed her throat and the tops of ample breasts as they strained against the simple, low-cut tank top she always wore underneath. He ran his fingertips across the tops of her breasts and she felt goose bumps break out all over her arms as she shivered. He gave a low chuckle and swooped to kiss a swollen mound of the plumped flesh.

  “You’ve seen all of me, I’d like to see a little more of you. How about dinner tonight?”

  “I’m sorry, I can’t.”

  “Are you married?” he asked with sudden apprehension.

  “No, involved.”

  “Yes, you are involved. Tell whomever it was you were going to see, that now you’re involved with me,” he said as he possessively grabbed her by her buttocks and pressed her up against his hardness. “I’m not going to let you get away with this without some payback,” he whispered against her neck.

  “I don’t understand what you mean, I was just doing my job,” she breathed, her eyes focused on his bare chest and then on his neck. The flow of blood advancing into his jugular told her how hard his heart was pumping and she was sure that hers was outpacing his.

  “I don’t think so. I think you were enjoying your job too much, you took way too many liberties.”

  “I didn’t really.”

  “Tell it to your attorney, honey.”

  “What!” she said as she pushed against his chest and jumped back, “I didn’t do anything wrong!”

  “That’s not the way I see it or the way your patients will see it when this becomes public.”

  “This is blackmail!”

  “This is how I do business. Only leverage is what I call it. All I’m asking is a simple dinner and I’ll consider letting bygones be bygones. No smirches on your reputation, no digs at your professionalism.”

  “Fine. I’ll go to dinner with you! Once, just once.”

  “Fair enough. I’ll send my limo for you at seven. I’ll need your address.”

  She spun around and wrote it on a prescription pad. She was sorely tempted to give him a bogus one, but somehow she knew that it wouldn’t be a good idea to make him angry.

  As she handed the paper to him, she retorted, “I’ll set up your colonoscopy with Dr. Farrell for two days from now. Here’s the prescription for the medicine you’ll need to drink the day before and a pamphlet telling you all about the procedure, I suggest you read the entire thing before tomorrow.”

  “Somehow I can’t help sensing you’re getting some kind of perverse pleasure out of this.”

  “Believe it, I am,” she hissed.

  “Tonight at seven,” he crooned softly as he bent to taste her lips once more. She turned her head and pushed away before she stormed out of the examining room, leaving him to finish dressing.

  Later that evening as she was getting ready, she was torn between wanting to look her best and wanting to look her worst. What he’d done to coerce her into this a date wasn’t very nice, but still, there was an attraction she couldn’t deny, and t
hose kisses . . . she had never been kissed like that before. She had never felt a man kiss the tops of her breasts. When he was kissing her, she felt his kisses all the way down to her toes. They went to the very core of her body where her musky wetness was manufactured and sent out in huge tidal waves.

  She decided to be big about this and accept this man’s attentions with the clinical detachment of the medical professional she was, one who marveled at the body and its many wonderful components. It was curious that she’d never had these feelings before. She was practically engaged to Dr. Sorbing, yet she’d never had an awareness of her body’s carnal needs like this before.

  Well, she’d have a nice dinner, maybe another lovely kiss or two and then she’d be off, begging an early night due to the surgeries she was scheduled to perform tomorrow. He didn’t need to know that they weren’t until late in the afternoon.

  She slipped into a soft cashmere dress with a stretchy shawl collar that could be worn tight to her throat or off the shoulder, as she preferred. She pulled it up primly to cover her collarbones. The dress had been a gift from her parents on her graduation day from medical school, and even though that had been over three years ago, it was still her favorite. She loved the way it felt against her bare skin. She knew the way it clung to her was revealing, yet she didn’t dare spoil the effect with lines from a bra; her panties, the thong type, would cover the essentials, or they would as soon as they came out of the dryer.

  The dress was a beautiful vivid blue that set off her complexion and light blonde hair making her feel ultra feminine. She put on a light application of mascara, some pink blush, and slicked her lips with gloss. Then she brushed her hair until it climbed into the air from its own with static electricity, framing her face and giving her an angelic look. There were advantages to being a natural blonde with fair skin, she had that soft, ethereal look.

  She was beautiful and she knew it, but she was tired of being singled out for her looks. She wanted people to see the whole package, a woman with a brain and an independent attitude, a woman to be reckoned with, not just someone to stare at over a dinner table. Unfortunately, most of the men she had dated had been so enthralled by her beauty that that’s all they ever did—drool over her and parade her around. When they refused to talk, to really talk to her as if she was a grown up with complex and deep thoughts, she refused to see them again.

  Even though she looked the part of a sexy, kittenish plaything, she was not, and she wouldn’t be treated that way by anybody. One would have thought that by adding “Dr.” in front of her name that things would have been different, but apparently as long as she had long blonde hair and soft blue eyes, they wouldn’t be. Men still saw her as something they wanted to play with and they never meant chess. All except for one.

  Dr. Jonathan Sorbing didn’t treat her like a brainless ball of fluff. He treated her with respect, discussing everything with her so clinically that often it was a detriment to their relationship. He ignored her romantic overtures and didn’t press the advantages he might have been entitled to. By seeing her more as a colleague than as a woman, he’d earned her respect though. It was better this way, she thought. At least she knew that he liked her for her mind and not her body. Bodies changed, you couldn’t count on them forever.

  At seven o’clock her doorbell rang, and still looking in the mirror, she frowned and tugged the shawl collar of her dress down to her shoulders. She’d make him suffer.

  Stewart Ravencross, dressed in a designer suit, loomed in her doorway when she opened the door. Too late, she remembered that her panties were still tumbling in the dryer.

  “Well hello, princess. My, don’t you look divine. I wasn’t sure you’d go to the trouble.”

  “I almost didn’t,” she said as she grabbed her small beaded purse and the light cape from the back of the sofa.

  He quickly looked around her living room, taking in the tasteful furnishings and the tidiness of the moderately priced apartment. “Nice place,” he commented.

  “It’s home, for now.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “I probably won’t be living here a year from now.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m practically engaged. Remember, I told you that I was involved? Well, I wasn’t kidding, I am.”

  “And how’s he handling all this?” With his hand he motioned to the air between them.

  “I haven’t told him. And I don’t intend to. He wouldn’t understand. And I’m not sure you do,” she snapped. “I’m only accompanying you because I value my medical practice!”

  He smiled at her and nodded, not at all convinced, as he ushered her out and closed the door behind her. Engaged, huh? Hmmm. Shame.

  He followed her to the elevator, tilting his head slightly as he admired her firm derriere so enticingly encased in her shoulder-to-calf sheath. Very nice hips, very nicely rounded bottom—definitely must be a thong, he thought with a smile, though he couldn’t see any lines at her hips at all.

  As soon as she’d opened the door he’d noted her generous breasts that were not only outlined by the clingy material, but the delineation was defined, as the tips of her nipples prominently pointed themselves as high, hard buds on her chest. He felt himself harden as he watched the sweet sway of her hips while he walked a few feet behind her. He’d had no idea what her shape was this afternoon under that starchy and oversized doctor’s coat. But now, now he could clearly see that she would have been any man’s dream fulfilled as a stripper, on a stage, with a pole sliding between her legs instead of the prim, intellectual woman who had chosen to become a doctor.

  He pushed the elevator button and they waited for the car in silence, each appraising the other out of the corner of their eyes.

  Damn! He looked incredible in that black suit with the crisp, stark-white shirt and the crimson and black paisley tie. His dark hair had been combed back from his forehead and she could see his sinister-looking widow’s peak. It seemed to enhance his appearance, and she wondered if he might have a penchant toward the dark side. His strong profile with the lips quirked in humor did nothing to tone down his virility. He was definitely a man who was comfortable in his surroundings, she realized as he stood there, his hands in his front pockets as he unnervingly appraised her with his sideways looks.

  She smiled at that thought. He had even seemed pretty much at ease this afternoon as he stood naked in front of her, daring her to drink him in. From the hype of the media, she knew of his appeal and how he wielded that sensual power over women, and even if she hadn’t, she found out when they reached the lobby of her apartment building. As usual there were several groups of people in the lobby waiting to join their parties.

  Almost as one, female heads turned to openly admire the tall, impossibly handsome man escorting the very lovely doctor who was their prim and proper neighbor. Great. This gave them yet another reason to be jealous. Not only was she blessed with terrific looks and enough money to follow her career dreams, now look at her, stepping out on the town with the most attractive man they’d ever set eyes on. They watched, burning with envy, as their neighbor was ushered into the waiting limousine.

  “Well, this certainly is traveling in style,” she said as she seated herself in the middle of the back seat, forcing him to take the one facing her.

  “I never drive in the city anymore. I have a few cars in my garage at my farm in Connecticut, but when I’m in New York, I’m never very far from my chauffeur, too much traffic and too many distractions. It certainly would have been impossible for me to drive tonight with you sitting beside me.”

  She blushed and gave him a small smile, “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Do you think it might be possible for me to sit beside you, I really don’t like riding backward.” He put his hand to his stomach. It didn’t occur to her that this could be
a ploy.

  “Oh, sure,” she said, immediately accommodating him by sliding over on the leather seat. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think about that.”

  “That’s okay,” he said as he moved to sit beside her. She didn’t see the self-satisfied smirk lifting the corners of his lips.

  She noticed that he sat very close, so close that their knees were touching.

  “So, anything dramatic happen after I left? Any code blues or emergency appendectomies?” he asked with a grin.

  She smiled back at him, “No, just the run of the mill things. I assisted on an in-vitro surgery. We removed a tumor from a five-month old fetus, resected a bowel for a middle-aged man, and set the arm of a battered spouse. Other than that, my day was fairly normal—life in a city hospital.”

  “Wow, I’m impressed.”

  “What about you? Make any big mergers?”

  “No. But I’m working on one now,” he said with

  a wink.

  “Mr. Ravencross . . .”

  “Stewart. You can call me Stewart. You’ve seen me in the all together, I think we can use our first names, Mallory.”

  “Stewart, then. This is only dinner. I’ve already told you that I’m obligated to someone else, so as soon as I finish my dessert, I expect you to take me right home.”

  He put his hand on her knee and patted it, “Whatever you say, Mallory.”

  He was patronizing her and she knew it. The man had gall, lots of it. They pulled up under the porte cochere of a very large hotel where the driver stopped the car and opened the door for them.


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