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Flash Drive Page 35

by Jacqueline DeGroot

  The next day was dreary with rain and the carriage was gloomy with little light seeping in through the streaming rain pelting the windows. Both the Duke and his soon-to-be-duchess felt the depression of the day deep in their bodies, and so slept for a good portion of the long ride. They were almost mired in mud when they finally pulled off the main road and into the yard of a shabby inn.

  “I’m sorry for the accommodations,” the Duke said to her as he handed her down to his footman, “it was either this or the coach all night and I for one, am in dire need of a change of scenery, be it good or bad.”

  She tended to agree with him. Her back hurt, her legs were cramped and she desperately needed to find a garderobe. She’d had a sneezing fit a few moments ago and that hadn’t helped matters at all.

  She followed the innkeeper’s wife into the inn while her husband gave his instructions to the coachman. When he joined her a few minutes later, she could tell that he was in no mood for simpering pleasantries.

  “We will not be dining in the common room,” he barked, looking down into the faces of the short couple who owned the inn, “instead we would like a meal brought to our room, some meat, cheeses, bread and the best wine you have. Also, I should like a hot bath brought to our room immediately, I am afraid my dear lady may be in danger of catching the ague, and that will not do. Bring her plenty of hot tea and I would like you to provide a maid to attend to her needs.” He dropped a heavy bag filled with coins into the man’s hand and suddenly the pair became frantically agitated in their haste to serve the Duke and to carry out his wishes. Julia thought the desperate woman was going to expire as she made her way toward the kitchen, bumping off of the sturdy oaken timbers that were barely wide enough to accommodate her more than ample frame.

  “Well, at least your money buys good service,” Julia said snidely as she moved past him to follow the young maid that had been summoned for her.

  He leaned down close to her ear and huskily whispered, “My money buys lots of things: grand carriages, ducal mansions . . . winsome brides,” he reminded her as he patted her rump as she turned to go up the stairs.

  Her mood was somewhat restored after she had been allowed to soak in a hot copper tub set behind the screen in the garderobe area. She noticed that the well-endowed chambermaid, turned temporary lady’s maid, was eyeing the Duke with keen regard each time she chanced to look over the screen. She could hear him moving around the room and giving orders to his valet who was out in the hall. Then she heard the door close and a few minutes later as the maid knelt while washing her hair, he sauntered into the small alcove. He eyed her as she sat in the tub, the tops of her breasts barely under the level of the water, the rest of her clearly in view, as the water was clear and still.

  She sat helpless as his eyes roved over her. Then she watched as he followed the trail of her soapy hair to the hands of the young maiden kneeling by the tub. She watched as he brazenly assessed the young woman, from the dark brown curls wispy and wet around her face, to her bountiful cleavage displayed almost to the tips as she bent low to dip the small pitcher she was using to rinse the soap. She stood to get Julia’s comb and hiked her skirt to her thigh when she lifted one knee from the floor before the other. Her long flounced skirts trailed on the floor covering her dirty bare feet as she crossed the room, swaying her ample hips. She came back and began combing out Julia’s hair. Julia saw the Duke’s eyes looking up, past her shoulders and knew that they were silently communicating something to each other over her bent head. Then his eyes returned to her face and he asked her if she was feeling any better.

  “Yes, thank you, I am. The hot water has taken away the chill that had seeped into my bones.”

  He continued to look into the depths of the water, and she was unnerved as she felt his probing gaze. The maid poured a final pitcher of water over her head and then held a towel out for her, indicating that she should now stand and step from the tub.

  He wasn’t taking the hint though. He was standing steadfast waiting for her to exit the tub. She didn’t know if she could do it. He’d already seen her naked a few times, but she was by no means used to it—to be naked in front of him with a strange woman also in the room viewing her at the same time—it was somehow unnatural. Not to be done. But what did she know of gentlemen and ladies and their servants? Maybe this was done all the time.

  Finally, she crossed her breasts and stood, turning to face the towel that was open and waiting for her. She thought the maid would wrap it around her but she did not, she simply took the towel and gently dried her. She took her time doing first one limb and then another before wiping at her neck, her chest, her abdomen and lower. She had never had anyone dry her off before. Unaccustomed to having servants like this, she didn’t know if the maiden was lingering or just being thorough, but she did know that the Duke was enjoying the show.

  Finally a robe was brought to her and she slipped her arms into the long silk sleeves and wrapped the long garment around her, cinching it with a belt.

  “There is some dinner for you on the table by the fire. I think I will take a bath now to see if I can get as toasty as you.”

  The maid moved to leave, but he grabbed her wrist. “You may stay, I have need of your services.” The woman blushed a deep red, but she stayed where she was as the Duke began disrobing. Julia, taking that as her dismissal, left the bathing area and sat in a chair by the fire. Idly munching on small chunks of cheese, she wondered at the feelings she was having. She did not like the fact that there was a woman assisting her betrothed with his bath, and from the sounds of things, she wasn’t all that sure that getting him clean was the object. She should be feeling relief that there was someone holding his interest instead of her for the time being, but the feelings she was experiencing were more akin to anger and some form of dissatisfaction and unsettlement.

  She heard a low groan from him and several high-pitched giggles and squeals from the servant before there was a long, weighty silence. Minutes later, he appeared in front of her in a deep crimson gown of fine satin with his ducal crest embroidered on the pocket. She watched as the chambermaid slipped out of the room behind him, her bodice drenching wet, her dark nipples easily seen through the thin cotton.

  “Sounds like you two had fun,” she murmured.

  “Jealous?” he asked with a crooked smile.

  “No, not hardly. You can have her if you like, I really won’t care.” She wasn’t exactly sure she meant it when she said it, but it conveyed the attitude that she wanted to have.

  “No. Not tonight. I have plans for you. It is your job to please me now, not hers, although she did make a valiant attempt at it.” His hand went to the opening of his robe and he pulled the long cord that held it shut. When it parted she saw his manhood jutting out, proud and long, poking out of a thatch of curling black hair so thick it covered the entire juncture where his thighs met. Hanging slightly below the fleshy pole, was a bulbous sack, covered with its own downy hairs.

  So, this was it. This was the male incarnate, the temple of man that women worshipped at, the part of their bodies that ruled their thoughts and determined their futures. As impressive as his was, and she really had no comparison to base it on, it did not seem like such a forceful weapon, capable of overpowering centuries of women, bending them to the will of the man who wielded it. And then she saw it grow larger and redder. It danced up his belly, straightening and jerking—jutting out as if to lead the charge. She could see pulsing blues lines feeding to the tip. The tip that was almost purple now in what seemed like rage. Dear God, this was supposed to fit inside her?

  When it finally stopped growing, it was substantial enough to keep his heavy robe from closing.

  “Like it?” he asked simply.

  She stuttered a reply, “I . . . I suppose it’s acceptable.”

  He sputtered. “Madam, it is f
ar better than acceptable. Some women have called it magnificent.”


  “Kiss it.”


  “Kiss it.”

  “You’re not serious.”

  “Oh, indeed I am. I have just bathed so it is very clean. I assure you that the little maid was very thorough with her task. Lean forward and put your lips on it. Now!” he commanded.

  She jumped from the suddenness of his loud voice, she watched as he thumbed it down to the level of her lips. She sat forward on the chair and he inched it toward her.

  “Just take your lips and kiss the very tip,” he urged, his voice softer now as she was in the act of complying.

  She pursed her lips tightly and leaned forward barely grazing him.

  “Again, more sensuously this time, not just a peck.”

  She did as he asked, careful to kiss it above the little hole she had noticed that was oozing something glistening. She heard his guttural moan at just about the same time she felt his hand on the back of her head, pushing the stiff rod into her face.

  “Take it between your lips,” he hissed.


  “Yes! Do as I say!”


  He forcefully held her mouth open and shoved a good portion of himself into her.

  She gagged and tried to push away.

  “You can make this easy and we’ll be done in a matter of minutes or I’ll call the serving wench back, have her do it with you watching, and then require you to do it after her, and I guarantee, instead of minutes, I’ll be up to an hour of thrusting into your lovely mouth. Now let me feel those soft puffy lips I bought, treating me properly.”

  He placed his penis at the edge of her lips and waited for her to kiss it. Tentatively, she did, lingering slightly longer this time.

  “Better. Now alternate between kissing it, licking it, and taking it into your mouth and sucking on it. If you want this to be done fast, you could also reach down and gently cup my balls. Gently, mind, they are soft and the most fragile part of a man. Squeeze too hard and what might be ecstasy turns into agony.”

  She did as he asked, moving her hand slowly down to cup his swaying sacs. If this would make things go faster, she would do this, more of this and less of her mouth would suit her just fine.

  But soon, she was surprised to find herself challenged by this strange appendage, trying to coax it into submission to her desires. She found she could make it do things, and she could make him do things by simple touches, wanton licks here, there, and then lower. She could hear him gasp and groan above her and felt his knees jerk as he fought to stay on his feet.

  Mesmerized by the power she seemed to hold over him, she ruthlessly sucked on him as she silkily caressed his scrotum. She suddenly felt him lurch inside her mouth and at about the same time, she felt the warm spurt of something vile fill her mouth. Quickly, she moved to back away but his hard hand was gripping the back of her head, holding her fast to him, not allowing her to disengage herself from his pulsing, throbbing member as it continued to jettison its load against the back of her throat. When he finally released his hold on her head and allowed her to ease off of him, she found she had a mouthful of the most repulsive-tasting stuff she’d ever tasted. She ran for the garderobe and spit into the wastewater still standing in the tub.

  “Lesson two, quite solidly learned. You’re turning out to be a pretty good student,” he called out to her from the other room.

  She wiped her mouth the best she could and came out to stare at him. “This is something you expect me to do as your wife?”

  “Oh most definitely, my dear. I will insist on it.”

  “I can’t believe it. Women actually do this?”

  “You just did.”

  “You made me.”

  “Usually that’s the way it comes about. But some women actually come to enjoy it and even ask to do it. I’ve had prominent ladies of the ton kneel between my legs and suck me off with abandon.”

  “You’re joking!”

  “No, I’m not. In fact, even some of the whores prefer that to being poked.”

  She shook her head in disbelief. “It never even occurred to me that this was done, that a man would stick his penis into a woman’s mouth!”

  “Men do it whenever they can. As far as I know, they’ve always done it. On the campaigns, when there are no women around, they even do it to each other.”

  “Stop!” she said, her hands up, palms out. “I don’t want to hear anymore. This is too much. Isn’t that the same thing you use to eliminate with?”

  He gave her a cocky wide grin. “Well, yes, but not at the same time.”

  “It must be filthy!” she spat against the back of her hand as she remembered what she’d just done.

  “I just had a bath! You saw me!”

  “Ohhh! This is just so disgusting!” She turned her back and walked over to the window to look out at the rain. “What pray tell do you have in mind for lesson three?”

  “Would you like to see?” he asked excitedly.

  “No! No!” she said as she backed away from him. “I’m sure I’ll need at least a day to recover from lesson two.”

  He chuckled and went over to her. His hand breached the opening of her gown and he found a warm mound of flesh. “You’ll like lesson three, I promise you,” he said as he slowly turned her to face him. Then he bent low to take her nipple into his mouth. “I promise.”

  “You promised!” she cried as she scooted off the bed the next evening at their last roadhouse stop. “You said I would like lesson three! Well, you’re wrong! I hate it! Hate it! Hate it! You hurt me! My aunt said you wouldn’t hurt me if I did as you asked! I have tried hard to do as you’ve asked! Can I not trust anyone anymore!” She ran crying from the bedroom to the garderobe and sat in the cold bath water that she had used an hour earlier. It helped with the immediate problem but left her shivering and covered with goose flesh.

  Fresh from her bath, when her body had been warm from the heated water, he had taken her to the bed, stripped her of her robe and placed her on her hands and knees at the end of the bed. He had gently massaged her bottom with warm oil and indeed, it had felt wonderful . . . until his hand had strayed and developed a particular fondness with her crevice. She had noticed when she had looked over her shoulder at him that he was naked and that his male member was glistening as if it too was coated with the very same oil. But she hadn’t made the connection. He was giving her pleasure by using his slick hands on her and she thought she’d come to like Lesson three.

  Until without any warning he had plunged himself inside her tight bum, causing her to emit a loud scream. He knew, that because of his rank, despite her echoing screams throughout the roadhouse, that no one would disturb them. Such were the ways between men and women. Women had no rights. No one would dare to interfere with a man taking his pleasure in a woman, no matter how he achieved it.

  As she had continued to scream at him and sob, he had grabbed her swaying breasts and roughly squeezed them. He had pulled hard on her nipples, callously pinching the tender tips with his thumb and fingers. All the while he had brutally withdrawn and reentered her, taking great pleasure in her tight puckering hole. When he had finally collapsed on top of her after spending his seed inside her, she’d given one great shattering sob and fainted.

  She was conscious now; soaking in a tub of cold water and so sore she was afraid what would happen on the morrow when the food she had eaten tonight had to leave her body. The man was vile! How dare he!

  He walked into the small, enclosed room and stared down at her. “I said you’d like it, and I promise you, that you will. It may take several more times for you to get used to my size, but then you will achieve pleasure from this. Lo
ts of women do. Did you not know that this is the place men take their pleasure in when their wives are heavy with child? Or too loose from the births of many?”

  “No! Why would I know such things! I know nothing of the ways between a man and a woman. But what I have learned from you, I would gladly forget if I could!”

  “It will take time. But I assure you, that men and women have been doing this for many, many years, long before you or I were ever born, and this is the way it is. These are the things they do.”

  “I do not believe you! I think you are evil, that you practice a strange sort of concupiscence! You desire women in unlawful ways!”

  He laughed heartily at her words, “Unlawful you say? Nothing a man requires of his wife, or his betrothed is unlawful. You should be happy that I don’t take my pleasure with a woman as others do, with the whip.”

  She blanched and stared wide-eyed into his smirking face. Good Lord, what kind of monster had her aunt sold her to?

  The next afternoon they arrived at Thornhill Manor and Julia was relieved to be settled, but also fearful of the lessons the Duke might have in store for her.

  They went through the impressive wrought iron gates of the large estate, and then traveled down a long lane flanked with massive cedars on each size. It was not until they cleared the lane that she was able to see the enormous house that was Thornhill Manor. Surely this could not be her new home. It was a castle, four of the largest houses she’d ever seen combined into one. No wonder this man who was her husband in one faith, and soon to be doubly hers in another, walked as if he owned the universe. It seemed he did.

  A scout had ridden ahead so now household servants were lined up on the large curving drive in front of the palatial steps that led to the regal front entrance. There must have been forty of them, all in different uniforms signifying their duties. She turned and looked behind them through the coach window when she heard the sounds of dogs coming to greet their master. The velvet green lawns that surrounded the manor led to ornamental gardens with rows upon rows of trimmed hedges, a fountain in the center of each. The bushes around the foundation were artfully pruned and beautiful flowers bloomed in profusion. Everywhere the eye focused, there was something beautiful growing. She sighed at the magnificence of the setting before her. The landscaping chores alone would keep twenty men busy.


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