Bad Rep (Southern Ink Book 1)

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Bad Rep (Southern Ink Book 1) Page 3

by S. N. Garza

  My words caught off. I didn’t want to remember what he did. What he could have done—would have done if Deke hadn't shown up. I felt a warm hand on my cheek and he lifted my face tenderly.

  “I know. We’ll work on it.”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “So? I know this sounds probably ridiculous, but I feel connected to you. Like I was at the right place at the right time. It had actually been another artist’s break but he got held up. So I took mine. Penelope, I don’t believe in coincidence.”

  “Neither do I.”

  He nodded and reached over to the couch to grab my backpack.

  “Will your parents be mad if you’re not home for dinner?”

  “Oh, no. They might worry, but…” I couldn’t help but falter in my explanation that this wasn’t the first time I missed the bus because I ran late from my last class.

  “You can tell me. I’m not exactly a gossip monger.”

  That made me smile. He was just as alone as I was. “This isn’t the first time—

  “They’ve fucking messed with you before?”

  Deke’s rage was palpable. He turned and he slammed his fist into a locker. “I knew I should’ve done worse to those sorry motherfuckers. Fucking—

  “No! Not that. What happened earlier was the first time that’s ever happened. I meant the whole walking thing. I usually take the bus, but I ran late. It’s happened a few times already since school began. Both my parents work six to six.”

  “So you’re home alone? At night? By yourself? You’re only fifteen.”

  “Yeah. That’s what home alone means. My dad was laid off a while back. He took a serious cut in pay and my mom well, she couldn’t find a day job so they took shifts that were similar.”

  “I don’t like that. That’s dangerous.”

  “Can’t be helped. I haven’t had any trouble. I normally play my flute. Or I watch Netflix.” And I couldn't help but mutter under my breath, “I have etix iction.”

  “You have what?”

  “Netflix addiction. I love watching Netflix.”

  His chuckle was warm and gentle as his breath cascaded over my face. His cinnamon smell wafted over me and my sigh was one of contentment.

  “I really should get going. I do have homework and I’m trying to get the flute solo for the Christmas play.”

  “Sounds serious.”

  “It is. Music is my passion. I love playing my flute. The sound of it just brings me peace. It’s therapeutic. Even when everything else feels wrong, that feels so right.”

  “You make it sound like nothing compares.”

  “Nothing does. At least, nothing yet. I have yet to find something that takes my entire focus like that does.”

  “I like that. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, I’d like to take you home. Just to keep an eye on things. Make sure nothing or no one is waiting around.”

  A blush of excitement crept up my face at his offer to escort me home.

  “I don’t want to take you from your work. I’ve done that enough already but that would be really nice. Thanks.”

  I stuffed my ruined clothes in my bag and I was about to slip it on my shoulders when he took it from me and slipped it on one of his. His knuckles caressed the flesh at my jaw making my eyesight hazy. He really was terribly good looking.

  “It’s okay, Penelope.”

  “Penny. How many times do I have to tell you to call me Penny?”

  “I like Penelope. Penny sounds like a little girl’s name.”

  I burst out laughing at the comparison. Deke had a funny side. His smile was warm and I felt it all the way to the bottom of my stomach.

  “Everyone calls me that.”

  “Well, babygirl. I’m not everyone.”

  On that I wholeheartedly agreed. He was unlike anyone I have ever met before.

  I shrugged because being this close to him made my skin prickle with awareness. I felt flustered when I shouldn't feel anything. This boy was way out of my league. Not only that, he was a bad boy. He had tattoos all over him. He had a reputation. My parents would not approve of him. Or anyone. I’m pretty sure they believe I’ll be a nun one day.

  His finger tipped my nose and he walked around me, making me fall in line behind him.

  And the view from back here? How can a boy of eighteen look so…so…not like a boy but a man? His jeans were threadbare thin and fit him really well. Like really well—as in, he had a really nice butt.

  Gutter brain!

  I followed him to the front where he was in deep conversation with his boss, Johnny. That guy looked scary. Tall, broad, bald and menacing. He had ink all over him. He looked as if he was in a motorcycle gang or something.

  The man flickered a look at me, sympathy, pity and a slight anger waged behind his eyes. It made me wrap my arms around myself, doing the best I could to make myself appear small. I put my head down, not wanting any of the other workers to notice my state of bumped and bruised.

  “Ready, Penelope?”

  I nodded without looking up at him. It felt weird being in here. I've never stepped foot in a tattoo parlor before. My parents would probably flip out if they knew I've been in here. They’d kill me.

  Deke’s hand went to the small of my back as he gently pushed me forward, walking me to the front door.

  “Johnny told me to make sure you got home and stayed safe. Which I already planned doing, so the question is Penelope, how do you feel about bikes?”

  “I've never ridden a bicycle before.”

  His laughter rang loud and clear and the sound captured me; heart, body and soul.

  “I like your laugh.”

  He got real quiet just then, and lifted my chin up so I could once again get lost in those grey eyes.

  “Thank you. And I meant motorcycle. It’ll be okay. I don't drive recklessly, I don't have a record. Well, for bikes any ways. I am a safe driver. You will be safe with me.”

  Shrugging, I tried not to look in his eyes.

  “Penelope,” his hand cupped my jaw firmly, squeezing just enough that I looked up immediately and he said, “I promise.”


  I was crazy. Certifiably, incredibly insane. A small smile tilted up his lips, he threaded his fingers through mine before leading me outside. It was probably going on six o'clock; time for dinner so not too many people milled around.

  There was a small parking lot to the side and the motorcycle he led me to was massive.

  “I don't know, Deke. That looks a little scary.”

  “If you want I’ll walk you, but I'll have to come back for my bike and I don't want to leave you alone for too long. Especially knowing those creeps might be waiting for you.”

  “You think they would wait?!” My voice squeaked as I began to panic again.

  Deke placed both of his hands in my shoulders and said, “No one, and I promise you, no one, is going to get to you without going through me, Penelope. I promise. Breathe, babygirl.”

  “You barely know me.”

  “I know. This just feels right.”

  I breathed in and out, trying to calm down. “Okay. Okay. And I'm riding on a bike. Okay. This is okay. Right?”

  “Don't worry, Penelope. I got you”

  He grabbed a bulky helmet and slid it over my head. He clicked the strap and tightened it. He slid on and held out a hand for me.

  “I don't think I can widen my legs enough to straddle this thing. It's huge.”

  His eyes widened and then he shook off whatever he was thinking. “Here.” He stepped off and lifted me once again, easily placing me on his motorcycle. “Now put your other leg on the other side and then I'll get on.”

  I did as he said and he praised my following directions. “Good girl. That's good. Now, you're going to have to hold on. It won't take but a few minutes to get to your house. Where do you live?”

  “On Fairmont Avenue.”

  “It's close then.”

  He was careful as he straddled
the bike, making sure not to hit me. He looked back and said, “Hold on.”

  “To what?”

  He straightened and his hands reached back to grab a hold of mine. He pulled me in close and whispered, “Me of course, Penelope.”

  Then he turned his head and cranked the throttle. The bike jumped and vibrated against my legs and butt and it felt funny. I laughed and he looked at me with curious eyes.

  “Everything okay?”

  I nodded and he pulled me in closer, making me twine my hands together against his abdomen. I laid my head against the soft heather of his SoIn shirt and he backed up, and like he said, it was a smooth ride to my house. It took no time at all. His rock hard abs contracted with every curve we took and it made my stomach bottom out and I couldn’t help but hold on tighter. But it was amazing. Thrilling.

  I looked in the drive and both my parents’ cars were gone already.

  He turned off the ignition and helped me off. I was still feeling the shake from the bike and standing proved difficult. If Deke hadn't reached out to grab me, I'd have face planted.

  And naturally when he reached out to me, one arm went around my waist and his other hand jostled and landed on my braless boobs.

  “Shit. Sorry, Penelope.” I knew it was an accident because as soon as he set me straight, he removed his hands.

  “It's okay.” Although embarrassment flamed over my face, I looked around to see if anyone was out and around but luckily no one saw my clumsiness. “I'm just clumsy.”

  “Penelope, being your first ride on a bike, I'd blame it on the bike. It could be scary and disorienting. You okay now?”

  Nodding, I led him up to my door. I opened it wide, thinking he’d follow me in. When I didn’t hear the door shut, I turned around to see him standing in the doorway. His arms on the door jamb made the shirt he wore stretch tight across his chest. His face curious as he looked around the living room. Hesitant to step in.

  “You coming?”

  Chapter 4


  “Will you get in trouble if I come in? I can park my bike around the block if I have to.”

  Would my parents find out? Maybe. But this boy saved me from bullies. I wasn’t going to be ashamed to have him in my house.

  “I don’t know. I’m not ashamed to have you in my house, Deke. So it’s up to you. Whatever you want to do.”

  He gave me a once over and nodded. “For safety’s sake, I’ll go ahead and drive it home. It’s only a five minute walk from here anyway.”

  I shrugged. It was his choice. If my parents said anything, I’d have to deal with it when it came. I went to the kitchen and took out my ruined blouse. I wrapped it in a plastic bag and tossed it in the trash. I needed to take a shower, but I had to wait for Deke to come back. I was about to walk to the front door to wait for him when a knock on the back door in the pantry room startled me.

  I turned around and walked up to the door, shifting the curtain aside. Deke’s startling grey eyes looked back at me. I smiled and let him in.

  “Why didn’t you go to the front door?”

  “It’s better this way, Penelope.”


  “I don’t want you to get in trouble. And your house is one of the last houses in this neighborhood before you get to mine. So—short cut.”

  “Uh. Okay.” Was he embarrassed to be seen with me or something? Whatever. Today was just a day I was going to be appreciative. Tomorrow was a brand new day. “I need to take a shower. You need to tell me the price of the shirt so I can pay for it.”

  “Keep it. It’s not a big deal.”

  “Okay. What can I get you to drink? We have water, sweet tea or soda.”

  “Water’s fine, Penelope.”

  I passed him a Great Value brand bottled water and I said, “Feel free to look around. Back there is the laundry and pantry room. Next to that is my parents. Kitchen. Ha. Obviously. Uh. Bathroom as you can see is right there. My bedroom is through that door and living room. Uh. I just need to grab some clothes for my shower. Won’t take me but a few minutes.”

  He nodded and took a long swallow of water. His Adams apple bobbed and I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He was so good looking. His eyes flashed open and caught me staring. An awkward laugh stumbled out of me and I hurried to my room. Which, thank God, I cleaned last night. I don’t know if he’d care if I wore my pajamas. I would have worn what I was wearing but the shirt was dirty now from my wet, muddy hair and dirty hands.

  O’well. He was going to have to deal with it. I grabbed a black dorm tee, my green mermaid leggings and under clothes.

  He was still in the kitchen, looking like he was out of place.

  “Deke?” His eyes centered on me and his brows raised high. “Everything okay?”

  He smiled and nodded, then he walked to the kitchen table and sat down.

  I made sure not to keep him waiting long. Scrubbing the dirt and grime from my body and hair took longer than I thought. My hair had been a fright and I didn’t bother looking in the mirror. I was afraid to. How bad was it going to be? What would my parents say when they saw my face? My face hurt to wash it in some places and my stomach still hurt from where Geoffrey punched it.

  I reached out for a towel and shut off the water.

  Stepping out and onto the worn rug I took a deep breath before bracing myself to look in the mirror. When I did, I gasped. My lip was a little busted. My left eye was a little bruised and I had a small cut above it where I landed on the ground. Cleaned up, it didn’t look too bad. I opened the towel to see my stomach and yup. A hand size bruise had formed on my stomach. It didn’t hurt to breathe though and nothing really hurt too badly. Luckily it wasn’t worse than what it could have been.

  I dressed and took out my contacts, replacing them with my glasses. I didn’t like wearing them unless I was at home. Bullies, you see. As if I was the only kid at school who wore glasses. Since Deke’s already seen me without a bra…well he’s seen my naked boobs so I forgone a bra. The shirt was black anyway.

  Barefoot, I opened the door, and there he was. So handsome and tall, but he still didn’t look comfortable.

  “Deke, what’s wrong?”

  He seemed agitated. “I haven’t had a smoke since earlier.”

  “I’m sorry! You really don’t have to stay if you don’t want, Deke.”

  “I said I’m staying, Penelope. I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay then. I’m going to make a ham and cheese hoagie. You want one?”

  “Sure, Penelope.”

  I asked if he wanted anything on it and he said just the ham and cheese. In quick order, I pulled out two Styrofoam plates and had our sandwiches ready. While holding the plates in one hand and arm, I brought a bag of chips to the table, while under my arm I had two more water bottles.

  I set them down and watched him scarf down the sandwich and chips like he hadn’t eaten in a while.

  “Another one?”

  His eyes flickered over to mine and he shook his head.

  “Deke? It’s no trouble.”

  Before he got a word in or another shake of his head, I was up and making him another one. I set it down on his plate and this time he ate slower.

  “It’s good, yeah? I love hoagies. I don’t know why. I never really liked just regular old bread. Too soft. But hoagies?” I dramatically rolled my eyes to the back of my head and said, “YUUM!”

  He chuckled and I just loved that sound. I didn’t know what to say to him so I finished my dinner in silence. Afterwards, I got up and disposed of our trash and washed my hands. He came up next to me, still quiet and cleaned his own hands.

  “If you’re going to stay, then you’re going to have to deal with me playing my flute. Then we can watch some Netflix.”

  “Do you always practice your flute?”

  “Yes. Everyday.”

  “Sounds great. And I don’t mind, Penelope. I actually look forward to it since you say nothing compares.”

  I knew a blush
crept into my face as I led him to my bedroom. I had a small desk in one corner, my dresser with my TV and Blu-ray I got from ‘Santa’ last year straight across my bed that had a grey comforter and pink sheets. I had my music stand by my desk and I went to it, flipping to the song I was auditioning for the Christmas play.

  “Please. Sit down.” I pointed over to my bed and he scuffed off his boots before sitting back on the bed frame.

  I put together my flute and began to warm up. When I finished tuning my instrument, I set it in my lap and looked up at Deke.

  “You ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be, Penelope.”

  Then without looking at him, I concentrated on the music sheet in front on me, began tapping my foot and let the music roll. I didn’t need to look at the sheet since I practiced this so much I knew it by heart. It was pure magic. My eyes closed on their own and the music felt so right. I could do this forever. The song was only three minutes long but it still felt like a lifetime in one little song. The first time I heard it sung was by Elvis Presley. Somehow ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ was just that song that made me feel so calm and at ease. A piano accompaniment would be awesome for this because it was a slow, love song. Beautiful and majestic.

  I took a deep breath, held my flute in my lap and opened my eyes to see Deke staring at me like I blew his mind or something.


  “That was beautiful, Penelope. You are so beautiful. Please, play more for me?”

  One? Oh. Em. Gee. He thought I was beautiful. Two? He wanted to hear more? This time I couldn’t contain my smile and nodded. Happy he didn’t grow bored in the few minutes I played the song.

  I turned back to the sheet and of course I didn’t need to look but it was always good to get a good start. I flicked my eyes over to see him staring right at me like I was the only thing in the universe. Here in my room? This was my universe. I nodded and began playing once more.

  When it felt just right I couldn’t help but close my eyes and let the music take over once again. It was like I was born to do this. The streaming of music notes was flawless. I continued to play, repeating the song over and over. I was one of the first chairs in band class and as a freshman, that didn’t happen too often. I didn’t like being the center of attention, but when it came to playing, I excelled. I wanted to be the best. I proved it to my teachers and I earned that spot at the top.


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