Bad Rep (Southern Ink Book 1)

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Bad Rep (Southern Ink Book 1) Page 15

by S. N. Garza

  Could he tell? Oh, God.

  And crap, naturally my face blazed with heat at knowing he could guess what’s already happened. If he didn’t, he definitely knew now. Why did he always make me feel like I just got caught with my hand in the cookie jar?

  He cursed under his breath and I turned to see Deke’s face marring a wicked smile of satisfaction. Of course.


  I elbowed him in the ribs and he let go. Thank God.

  Johnny raised his hands in a helpless gesture before saying, “Not my business. But! I heard you got inked. Now, Penny, honey. You know if you ever get ink, the only place you should get it done is here. Loyalty, girl.”

  “He said he knew you and it was only my sorority house letters. He did a good job.”

  I unzipped my jacket and Deke helped me slide it off and Johnny’s eyes hardened as his suspicions were now confirmed, but he didn’t look at me with that hard look. No, it was pointed right at Deke. I heard an intake of breath from the others, but I didn’t want to look to see if they knew by just seeing his shirt on me or not. When Johnny looked back to me, his face relaxed and a smile lifted from his face. I pulled the shirt down and let him see the ink job.

  “Nice work. Who was it?”

  “Mark Fluner.”

  “Ah.” Recognition lilt his face and he said, “Good man. Great artist. Works in Vegas. We were in the marines together.”


  Johnny winked and said, “I’ll let it go then. Just remember—

  “If I get another one, I’ll get it here.”

  “Good girl. So! What brings you in?”

  That diffused any tension I had.

  “I was going to run to the next town and hit up the mall. I need to do some Christmas shopping.”

  “Last minute shopper, huh?” Johnny said as he sat down at his station.

  I laughed and shrugged. “I already had my sorority Christmas party and I exchanged gifts with my brother through the mail. I’ve been really busy with school and work to really get out and look, but I have a mind of what I want. So hopefully it’s not going to be a day-long thing.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “I was actually hoping that Trixie could come with me.”

  Trixie stopped from the client she was handling to look up at me in bewilderment.

  “Me? Shopping?”

  “Yeah, you. If it’s no problem.”

  “I don’t do shopping. Why don’t you find Vera? She still lives around here.”

  I jerked at the sound of my ex-best friend’s name. I looked to the side to see Deke stop attending to his client and look up at me. His jaw was tight and his hands were white knuckled around his tattoo machine. Naturally, that meant everyone in the shop could feel the tension radiating off both off us. Great.

  “Just go with her, Trix.” Deke said between tight lips.

  Before she could say anything I turned on him saying, “Stop being such a bully. If she doesn’t want to go, it’s okay. I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself, Deke Leslie Morgan.”

  His eyes narrowed on mine at the use of his middle name. That’s right. I used it. Asshat.

  "Uh, it's okay, Pen. I'm done here anyway. I’ll go with you.”

  I turned back to see her wrapping her client up.

  “Really, Trixie. It’s okay. It’s not a big deal. I just thought maybe you’d want to get out of here for a bit.”

  “Sounds great!” Johnny chimed in. “It’s been a while since you actually got out of here hasn’t it, Trixie?”

  “Yeah, Uncle Johnny.” She looked to me and said, “And while I’m not fond of shopping, I’d rather be out with you then here with these asshats.”

  Bunko laughed loudly, scaring his client half out of his wits. “Sorry, bud.”

  She finished up with her client and walked her up to the front register. I had enough of this. I waved bye to Johnny and walked down the steps when a finger hooked itself to my belt loop, reeling me backwards once again.

  Deke’s voice was a warm whisper as he turned me and leaned in close. “Thanks, Penelope.”

  “For what?” My own voice raspy and low.

  “Wearing me on you. You look good. So damn good.” His tongue darted out and licked up the cartilage before moving backward, his grey eyes now dark and stormy. I could see the hot spark of need in them and I swear it was all I could do not to clinch my legs together as searing heat burned low in my core. Making me wet. Then he kissed my cheek, which got everyone’s attention. “Be good for me.” Then he patted my behind, which pissed me off.

  “Don’t count on it, dick.”

  Then I turned and walked away. I needed fresh air like a drought needed rain. His hot looks might make me hot with arousal, but him treating me like his property only pissed me off.

  My phone rang as I got to the register and I answered it without even looking at the caller.

  “Hello?” A snap was in my voice and I hated it. Ugh. Deke and his possessive-alpha attitude was getting on my nerves right now.

  “Penny? You okay?”



  “Hey, Alan. How are you doing?”

  Once again tension filled the air and became thick. I didn’t even bother looking to see if Deke was burning holes in my back. I already felt them.

  “Fine. Just calling to see how everything is going.”

  “Good. About to go Christmas shopping.”

  “I won’t keep you then. Just have fun and be safe.”

  A small giggle flew out and I rolled my eyes as I replied. “Always, Alan. I’ll talk to you later okay?”

  “Bye, Penny-girl.”

  “Bye, Alan.”

  I passed the register and told Trixie I needed some air.

  “I’ll be there in a sec.”

  I knew if I looked back, all four men would be looking at me in either shock, anger, bewilderment or amazement. So, I ignored them all and left the parlor.

  I got outside and walked to my car. There needed to be a cure for Deke. Because even though he was being a complete prick in front of the guys, it made me wet and hot with the need to have him take me again.

  I was in so much deep shit.

  Chapter 20


  Trixie had been a big help shopping. Then she told me there was no way I was going to get out of going to SoIn’s Christmas party. I figured I better one—make sure I got gifts for the guys, and two—Trixie told me I needed to wear something sexy as sin to knock the socks right off of Deke.

  She did not know my style at all. The only sexy as sin piece I got was another balconette bra and panty set. She fell in love with it and as I got a green set, she scoped out a red one and I paid for both of them, telling her it was my Christmas present to her. She yeeped and yay’d as we walked out of the store. We had walked around the Woodlands Mall and got the guys a few gift cards and Deke? Well, Trixie told me his little secret. I knew he drew but I didn’t know he not only did that but painted. On canvas, paper. So I got him pencils, markers, painted and assorted drawing accessories.

  Now it was Christmas Eve and the party. Deke hadn’t come by last night as I thought he would. I was disappointed and disgruntled. I shouldn’t be waiting for him like one of his bitches in heat.

  And that’s what those girls were. The mention of Vera was a sore point between us and I didn’t know how much or at all if anyone at SoIn knew about Deke and Vera. I could take a guess Johnny figured it out. Possibly Trixie, even though she didn’t out right ask about it when we were alone. To think he might even be with one of his go-to bitches now made me want to blow something up. It’s not like we agreed to be exclusive while I was here. Hell, I was leaving the day after Christmas. The fifteen-sixteen hour drive back to Arizona was going to rough if it snowed. My car would be fine since I had a mechanic check everything and made it as snow-proof as possible.

  With my presents wrapped and ready for SoIn’s Christmas party, I got ready. I didn’t need
to get shoes, because I slipped on the prom shoes that fit perfectly. I knew how to walk in them now. I had plenty of heels at Kappa. I had gotten a red chiffon belted dress that matched the shoes and slid on the leather jacket before walking to gather up the gifts. They weren’t super extravagant. I spent a little bit more than I thought to, but I knew it would fit the guys perfectly.

  I gathered them up when there was a knock on the door.

  “Who’s there?”

  “Open up, Penelope.”

  Deke. I should’ve known.

  I opened the door and holy shit balls. Never have I ever seen him look so…put together. His pompadour hair cut refreshed, slicked back, and freshly shaved face made my heart beat just a bit faster and the panties I was wearing dampened with arousal. Geez-o-Pete he looked amazing.

  He was wearing a green, long sleeve, button up shirt, his black leather jacket and blank Dickies over his Converse black shoes. His one rebellion was the untucked shirt. He looked so deliciously good looking.

  “Please, take your time, sweetheart.”

  My eyes flew up to meet his amused one. I rolled mine and laughed. “Sorry. Just never saw you so put together. You look amazing.”

  “It’s nothing compared to you, babygirl. Damn, you sure know how to pull an outfit together. And those shoes, I must say, I missed those shoes.” His eyes traveled over my body slowly, and when they reached mine once again, he held out his hand. “Ready?

  “I can’t ride your bike.” I gestured to my dress and he looked back over my dress again.

  “You’re right. Well, if you don’t mind my bike in the drive, we’ll take your car.”

  “Of course. Why would I mind?”

  “Never mind. I’ll drive.” He put his hand out to take my keys and since I didn’t have a problem with him driving me, I gave them up willingly.

  When we got to the shop the Christmas lights were on, garland surrounded the door and a Christmas tree shined bright in the window.

  Hell, you name it, the decoration was up there.

  “Bunko outdid himself this time.”

  “It’s not usually this Christmas-y. I think it’s because you’re here. They haven’t seen you for so long. They miss you. He went all out. Trixie ordered some finger foods. It’s just the six of us, but we usually have a Christmas party where we exchange gifts and stuff.”

  “Trixie said. I made sure I got a few things. They’re wrapped and in the trunk.”

  Nodding, he parked and just as I was about to exit the car, he was already there, opening the car door and holding his hand out for me.

  “Thanks. By the way, Deke, you look so cute driving this car.”

  “Hot. I look hot driving this girly car.”

  I burst out laughing and shook my head as we walked into the shop.

  “Wow.” A lot of equipment was pushed back, and a buffet table was up with the finger foods Deke said Trixie and a punch bowl.

  “Yeah. This is a first actually.” He turned to the group and asked, “What’s going on here?”

  Bunko jumped in saying, “Well, we can’t have a Christmas party without dancing, and then we’ll unwrap presents. I want a dance with Penny.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Gee, thanks, assholes.” Trixie chimed in after Castor spoke. When everyone went quiet she laughed and rolled her eyes. “That’s okay. I want a dance with her, too.”

  She looked at me and winked and I knew there was no problem. The guys were like brothers to her so I knew there was no jealousy of any sort.

  “Uh, I don’t think so.” Deke said as he pulled me closer to his side.

  “Uh, I can if I want to, Deke. You’re not my keeper.” I said it as gently as I could because I did not want to cause a scene.

  Even though Deke stiffened, he kept his mouth shut and only took a deep breath. Good. I didn’t want him causing one either.

  I settled my gifts near the others while Deke went to talk with Johnny. Castor came up to me, and wrapped his arms around me.

  “Merry Christmas, Penny. It’s so good to have you home, girl.”

  I hugged him back because even though I didn’t think of them often, I really did miss them. They were such a big part of my life as a teenager after I met Deke that this weight of guilt began building on my shoulders. I abandoned them.

  “I’m sorry.” The cloud of tears I was fighting back didn’t hold much because they spilled anyway.

  “Hey hon, what you tearing up for?”

  “I missed you guys, too. I’m sorry I never called or wrote. I just—

  “We get it. We know and we don’t hold it against you, honey. You became our family as you became his and fall outs happen sometimes. Don’t worry about the past, girl. It’s for the vultures.”

  “Don’t you mean birds?”

  “Nope. Vultures since they eat dead things and the past is dead. Leave it there.”

  He had no idea how wrong he was. Deke and I could be all nice to each other in public but we both knew the things he did and said can’t be erased so easily. I smiled to let him know I was okay and Bunko dived into his pocket and pulled out a remote. He pointed it to something in the corner and then music came on.

  A Chris Young song came on and Bunko held out his hand. “Dance with me?”

  I pulled off my jacket and said, “It would be my pleasure.

  He pulled me out into the make shift dance floor and began twirling me around.

  “You dance awfully good, Bunko.”

  “You know it.”

  After the song was up, we danced another one, faster paced and it was all I could do to stand straight when it ended. My feet hurt something fierce.

  “I should not have worn these shoes, or else I’d dance more.”

  He looked down to see my shoes and whistled low. “Gotta love a woman in high heels.”

  I laughed as he walked me to the food table. I looked up to see Deke’s eyes focused on me. It was like I was caught in a whirlwind tornado. Caught in the funnel with no escape. His steel grey eyes could always do that to me. He flashed me a wink before talking back to Johnny and Castor who just walked into the group.

  Bunko entertained me as we ate, talking about his family back in Indiana.

  “I had no idea you were from that far North. How did you get down here?”

  “Inking is in my blood. My father worked in a tattoo parlor shop. My grandfather. I was in the Marine’s for a few tours and then when I got out, I had a fallout with them. I ended up driving all over the country and when I stopped and got a tat here,” he pulled his shirt back and showed me a photo of a few dog tags with names. “Johnny did them and we got to talking and the rest is history. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. It might be a small town, but small-town life is in my blood. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “I’m happy for you. Now, to get you a girlfriend.”

  That made him reel back, his eyes widening.

  “Girlfriend? Ha. I’m still sowing my oats, girl.”

  We both laughed and I had set my plate down, when Castor cupped my elbow.

  “My turn?”

  “Of course.”

  “How are your feet?”

  “I’m good. I just had to rest them for a bit. But I’ve caught my second wind now.”

  He walked me out to the empty floor and Kenny Chesney came on and surprisingly, Castor danced like he knew exactly what he was doing too.

  “How did you learn how to dance?”

  “My mother.”

  That made me laugh. “Your mom, huh?”

  “My brothers and I all had to learn. It was a serious lesson that we had to learn growing up.”

  “How many brother’s you got?”


  “Holy moly.”

  “And I’m the baby.”

  “That is not surprising. Spoiled, I bet?”

  “Maybe just a bit.” Then he leaned in and whispered, “I am my momma’s favorite.”

  I smacked his arm when
I felt a presence overshadowing us from behind Cas. I looked up to see Deke place his hand on Castor’s shoulders.

  Please don’t cause a scene. I prayed to myself.

  “Castor? Sorry buddy, but this is our song.”

  Our song? I tilted my ear up to hear Lee Brice’s I Don’t Dance begin.

  “Sure, bro.”

  Then Castor twirled me into Deke’s arms flawlessly.

  “While I love those shoes, babygirl, lose them.”

  His eyes sparkled with some unknown emotion that I couldn’t describe, but I did as he said. The cool floor felt good on my cramped feet.

  “Better, Penelope?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  His chuckle sent wicked chills over my skin, igniting my synapses. “Ready, Penelope?”

  I nodded and he brought me in close and as soon as Lee Brice’s voice came over the speaker that was it. It was beautiful and flawless. My eyes closed as he spun me around.

  “Love seeing that look on your face.”

  I opened my eyes to see his full of need and want.

  “What look?”

  “Euphoria. There’s only two other times I’ve seen it.”

  “Oh, yeah. When’s that?”

  “One.” He leaned in and whispered, “When you come for me.” My eyes widened and I feel my body heat at his words, my face flushed with desire. But he quickly continued. “Two. When you’re lost in your music. Playing your flute. It’s like there’s nothing else there. You’re so in tune with it like it’s an extension of yourself. It’s so fucking beautiful. Just like you, Penelope.”

  He got me like no one else did. It made me wonder why he had been such a dick to me so long ago. He understood what my music was to me, and he treated it like it was nothing.

  “You mean my stupid, little flute?”

  Instead of answering, he dipped me backward and I saw a bright white light as he pulled me back up. We both turned to see Trixie taking pictures.

  “Don’t mind me!”

  I chuckled as Deke pulled me into a spin, then my body closed in with his, my back to his chest.

  “I’m sorry will never be enough. But I am. I know you might not forgive me, and I know it doesn’t change some things, but I want you to know I missed you like the sun misses the moon.”


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